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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15165912 No.15165912 [Reply] [Original]

Enrichen other anons knowledge posting something you think they don't know.

>> No.15165993

Nanotech look into it

>> No.15166019

enriching other people in the market would enpoor myself playing this zero sum game together with you idiots

>> No.15166022

Everyone is a sheep, even if they are not. Your brain can’t be creative when it is too empathetic.

>> No.15166025

A timetraveler from 2010 walks amongst us

>> No.15166037

Gluttonous pig, you will have your day

>> No.15166052

mimblewimble blockchain

>> No.15166066

My dad works for bitcoin and I know who Satoshi really is
Not gonna tell you brainlets though

>> No.15166095

you know those assassination drones you see in movies? you can make those cheaply yourself, only 2k usd a piece. which can easily kill a person with 100g of explosive

>> No.15166101

Try kite

>> No.15166102
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>> No.15166103

quantum mechanics allow physical laws to be broken for a moment

>> No.15166113

health > wealth. money cant buy you health. stop being a fucking idiot and start THINKING what youre eating instead of shoving shit down your throat.

>> No.15166128

time is not linear, it can only be experienced by us, that is why some of your dreams that you experience, happen later in life.

J.W. Dunne, "experiment with time", read it if you want to harness this power and make you able to change your future via dream manipulation

>> No.15166152

except in a decade or two, money definitely can buy health, especially with the implementation of fusing tech/mech with human bodies, no need for inner organs if they can be replaced with easily repairable parts, same with muscles and body parts, all of which perform at 10x the rate as a normal human body.

You either become one with the machine, or you die as a weak little human.

>> No.15166166

You both idiots, time is money.

>> No.15166168

while life is not deterministic, most of your actions are purely need based when everything else is stripped away from them.

>> No.15166184
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educate yourself fool

>> No.15166190

money is power and time is money, meaning time is power, how good is your reaction speed? well with machines integrated to yourself that will be grinded to the point of perfection, you could easily run at 200mph on your mechanic legs, and more than easily dodge a bullet, and see it. Technology has more advantages than you know

>> No.15166191

Starting tobacco young was the worst decision of my life.

>> No.15166198

Catholic Church = CC = 33 = Satan
Credit Card = CC = 33 = Satan
Cosmological Constant = CC = 33 = Satan (space is fake and gay)
Community College = CC = 33 = Satan
Creative Commons = CC = 33 = Satan
Corpo Carabinieri = CC = 33 = Satan
Climate Change = CC = 33 = Satan
Call Center = CC = 33 = Satan
Coco Chanel = CC = 33 = Satan
Combustion Chamber = CC = 33 = Satan
Orange in gematria = 33 = Satan
Cubic Centimetre = CC = 33 = Satan
Civil Court = CC = 33 = Satan
Code of Conduct = CC = 33 = Satan
Crowd Control = CC = 33 = Satan
Cerebral Cortex = CC = 33 = Satan
Corpus Callosus = CC = 33 = Satan's dessert
Comunist Central Committee = CC = 33 = Satan = Jews
Carbon copy = CC = 33 = Satan

>> No.15166206

Death sin(e)
Death by time
Time is money

Unfortunately I’m on my phone don’t have the meme pic

>> No.15166242

minimalism isn't a meme and it can make your life 100x better and also casually save you thousands of dollars in your lifetime

>> No.15166249

when you become truly one with machines, time doesnt matter any more, it comes more of a waiting game for you at that point, because you dont age, all the parts that become worn down, can be easily replaced.

That is the second way immortality can make us free.

Aging is a disease, there are 2 ways of defeating it,
either you become a machine/ atleast non-biological,

or you find out the way to counter all 7 types of aging damage at once, because they have already been discovered and how to treat each one of them separately, but not together.

>> No.15166265

Orthodoxy is the only way to God. Catholicism has been taken over look that the resulting decline since Vatican 2

>> No.15166278

all abrahamic religions are a lie and a way to control the masses, nothing else, the way to the real gods is through paganism

>> No.15166294

/biz/ doesn't have your best interests at heart. Until we get country flags here, tread very carefully

>> No.15166301

the 3 goals in life: 1. eternal life 2. ultimate power 3. geneitically engineer the perfect females to fuck

>> No.15166313
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Poo is stored in the dick.

>> No.15166315

3rd is wrong, its expanding/progression
aka conquering the universe

>> No.15166346

Skycoin is a scam

>> No.15166375
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there are no real gods. This "gods" are the remnants of a lost civilization wiped out by a rapid melting of the icebergs caused by an asteroid impact(great flood in all religions that is scientifically proven to have happened 11,000 years ago). Humans had to start again from scratch and the survivors of this cataclysm were considered gods. Magic is just misunderstood technology


>> No.15166379

>its expanding/progression
you do this between sex

>> No.15166390

yes that too

>> No.15166410

>finno-ugric paganism is the only true religion
fuck off kiddo

>> No.15166415

Op is gay

>> No.15166435

>control the masses
>paganism sets you free
Enjoy your nihilistic butt sex with your make believe gods that all stem from Egypt
It was the biblical flood and evidence is shown around the globe of it. Your and others attempts to rebrand it is a joke and poor one at that.

>> No.15166450

okay then. i cant argue with you since you have already made up your mind. i wish you good fortunes in your journey anon

>> No.15166484
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well my joke proves your biblical flood actually happened, except I have a logical reason why it did.

Christians think some angry jew biased skygod actually sent massive volumes of water in order to punish degenerates
>actually being this Christian

>> No.15166516

>finno-ugric paganism existed before egypt or mesopotamia but okay

>> No.15166659

Okay mech poster, say in the future organs and such are replaceable and repairable for the average rich person. What about the brain? Seems to me that basic organ functions can be easily mimicked by machines but surely the brain cannot be replicated in the same way. It would be impossible to repair a part of a normal brain with part machine and a fully machine brain isn't really 'human'. At the current pace our brain seems to deteriorate at roughly the same rate as the body and other organs. I wonder if a lifetime of more efficient artificial organs could increase the lifetime of a natural brain? What do you think?

>> No.15166687

>well my joke proves your biblical flood actually happened, except I have a logical reason why it did.
It there was already evidence of the flood, cooping the evidence and having to removing all that relates to the Christian God doesn’t make you clever, it makes you pathetic.

Paganism goes by many names and characters but its all the same and leads to the same outcome. Nihilistic anal sex. There is no truth in paganism.

>> No.15166694


>> No.15166711

ah, you are a shitposter, that explains everything you spit out