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File: 26 KB, 480x360, Chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15165734 No.15165734 [Reply] [Original]

Getting Request Network vibes...

>> No.15165768

sell then, no reason to hold something you don't believe in, it will just stress you out.

>> No.15165776

Sell you pussy lol

>> No.15165777
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>> No.15165801


I lost confidence in the team. They used the Coinbase listing to do nothing but fucking dump millions of tokens.

>> No.15165812

>I lost confidence in the team
If I did that I would sell

>> No.15165819

Checked 25000000 not enough?

>> No.15165874

Kek you probably show up to shareholder meetings and start autisticly screeching when the company wants to reinvest profits and pay new salaries

>> No.15165913
File: 33 KB, 399x388, 1544637485955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When companies do dilution to increase shares outstanding, they compensate the existing share holders with extra tokens. Or they issue debt and pay the holders interest.

Chainstink did none of the above. They're just as seedy and unscrupulous as REQ devs, just because it's not regulated, they opted to shit on holders.


I'll be selling 5,000 for BTC today.

>> No.15165923

I don't think Sergey is selling to reinvest profits or pay new salaries, doubt he needs like $20+ mil for that, he is probably just cashing out some because he got so much

>> No.15165939
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, 1517341035290.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gl to you I hope you make it

>> No.15165960


>> No.15165974
File: 30 KB, 400x374, 1509721680814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think Sergey is selling to reinvest profits or pay new salaries, doubt he needs like $20+ mil for that, he is probably just cashing out some because he got so much

The simplest answer is always true.

What would YOU do if your premined shit-tokens were suddenly worth 4x, 3x and even 2x as much as they were just weeks ago, and you were sitting on nearly 700 fucking million of them?

I'd fucking sell, sell and SELL, until my asshole bled.

What's the worse that can happen? Some NEETs with no legal rights to your company might complain on Rebbit and 4chink.

Big fucking deal. I'd be laughing all my way to the local bank branch in the Caymans. Laughing while driving to the Porsche dealership.

>> No.15165982

>doubt he needs like $20+ mil for that,
You obviously know nothing about how to run a business

>> No.15166045
File: 12 KB, 255x254, 1522269223486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Neither do you, tbph

If my company's pseudo-shares were suddenly worth 4x as much and I could sell them at market rates with no consequences, to raise cash, I absolutely would.

>> No.15166140

So then why aren’t you selling? You obviously made this thread because you are insecure about your purchase and you are just seeking validation like an Instagram faggot.


>> No.15166183
File: 323 KB, 995x713, 1564405026961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong in making a thread to discuss this. It is indeed quite sketchy when the team decides to dump their tokens with zero closure. Quit acting like a triggered bagholder.

>> No.15166218

Yet you reply to this thread with retarded shit like this >>15165777
Very important discussion there.

>> No.15166245

Who had the audacity to use Gosling for a made up profile?

>> No.15166255
File: 102 KB, 410x414, 1565004376706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm shitposting for shits and giggles dumbass this drns spam is unironically gay and annoying as fuck. There was 0 substance in the OP and now at least he's brought something to the table here.

You sound like an assblasted bagholder who didn't sell at $4 lmao, it's really not too late.

>> No.15166279
File: 54 KB, 676x581, 1540259396526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't remember, but it was a 2017-tier ICO, lmao.


Just transferring my LINK from Metamask right now, will post my sale later to prove I'm not LARPing around.

I was 100% LINK since $0.80, but the ruthless dumping has shaken my confidence.

>> No.15166290

>There was 0 substance in the OP and now at least he's brought something to the table here.
>implying discussing “financial management and planning” on a shitcoin will do anything
Kek how are my “wolves of Wall Street” doing?

>> No.15166354

Why is it so good to invest in Telecoin ? What makes it so special ?

>> No.15166490

People holding the shitcoin telling you it's special and going to revolutionize the way we do business

they're lying
this shitcoin is pretty much the exact same tech as P2P
let that soak in

>> No.15166507

Ryan Gosling changed his name and got into the shitcoin business?

>> No.15166598

I'm going to try to explain this to you guys as best as I can, because it seems like a lot of you just don't "get it."

Link already mooned. It's ogre. It might moon again later on down the line but it's unlikely. Any money there was to be made on Link was made when it hit ~5 a coin
Everything else after this point is just cope.
"Your confidence is shaken"? Wow do tell us more!
Here's your sign that ChainLink is done:
-Fell 500% in a matter of HOURS, not days, not weeks ($5 => $2.50)
-The development team is liquidating their shares of the shitcoin, "cashing out" so to speak, long after the "moon" is over

Imagine buying in to any shitcoin when it's at .80 cents. Nigga that's when you consider selling most of these goddamn coins because they are never ever going to break a dollar

>> No.15166626

The deadline for psd2 is this years, and guess what, half of the banks are not using chainlink, and the other half dont even know what to do to comply.

Swift wont use link, wake up brainlets

>> No.15166677


Thank you for the clarity. I mostly agree. One needs to look beyond the memes.

>> No.15166700
File: 69 KB, 670x573, BDC2ED61-8C0F-43A8-948B-EEC048D6155D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude just wage slave for free and never hire anyone or expand the network lmao

>> No.15166721

I bet your asshole bleeds all the time you being such a flaming faggot and all

>> No.15166725

Yes this is another thing to take into account. I really dont think we can see major price action anytime soon. Mostly just pumps for the upcoming conferences etc but no moon yet.

>> No.15166735

Explain to me how something falls “500%” you troglodyte

>> No.15166775

It climbed 1000% (.50 to $5) and then crashed to 2.50
It fell 500% you trog

>> No.15166802

What are numbers.


You aren't even trying to sound like you have a brain.

>> No.15166809
File: 47 KB, 629x504, 1564535800712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao you're a brainlet retard. Typical linkie.

>> No.15166855

You are legitimately retarded. It's no surprise you're still holding your link thinking it's going to "moon."

>> No.15166876

Christ look at this fucking retard

Just look at him

>> No.15166902

Yeah... that’s not how it works kid, do you even basic finance/math? The correct answer would be that it’s down 50% from the highs, but still up 500%+ for the year. Not even holding any link, you’re just dumb desu

>> No.15166929 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 500x323, 1564371737399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of LINK bagholders, everyone. What a bunch of braindead trannies. I can't believe I share the same board with these mongols.

>> No.15166946

>retard alert

if it starts at 50 cents
climbs to 5 dollars
that's a 1000% increase
if it then falls by half of that 1000% it's at 500% of that initial value

I'm sorry your mom didn't love you and smoked when you were in the womb but acting like an insufferable faggot because you don't understand percentages is nobody else's fault sperg.

>> No.15166951
File: 59 KB, 600x1772, 1564241208679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to quote this 20 iq retard*

>> No.15166963


bad news anon: you're retarded

>> No.15166969
File: 30 KB, 960x960, 1563943381514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look another one. Where do you imbeciles even come from? Disgusting.

>> No.15166973
File: 34 KB, 1000x1000, 1_ZBthFUGQOuYxmaie0Lpr0w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replace BTC with this

>> No.15166998

Ready? I’m about to blow your mind.
Half of 1000 is 500, almost like its down 50%? You do realize if an equity/crypto/ etc was down more than 100% you’d literally have to be PAYING money because the price would be negative.
-100% of 100 is 0, how the fuck is any asset suppose to be worth less than zero. C’mon this is basic math dude

>> No.15167044

Wow did you actually think you were going to BTFO him with your shit tier sub pajeet logic? Holy shit go back to 7th grade lmao

>> No.15167073


The only thing presently 'blowing my mind' is this stunning example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect before my very eyes

>> No.15167099
File: 79 KB, 720x670, 26ED4AAB-F93C-40A8-A971-01E3A0755378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s actually just basic math that anyone over the age of 15 should understand. That’s why it’s so funny lmaooo. Show me how chainlink is down “500%” and I’ll admit defeat
Pro tip: you can’t
It’s kind of embarrassing that these are the type of people that browse /biz/ and plan on being wealthy when they can’t compute basic math and understand literally the most basic financial concepts.

>> No.15167107

The absolute state of LINK fudders.... unreal

>> No.15167110
File: 33 KB, 500x323, 1564371737399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude seriously kys holy shit. The absolute state of link bagholders. Even the pajeets shills have higher iq than you braindead trannies lmfao. This is a retards shitcoin no wonder 99% of their holders are actually mentally challenged.

>> No.15167133

Are you sure it’s not 500% of holders?

>> No.15167142


I just explained it to you. You're too stupid to understand.

That's all there is to it.

>> No.15167150

Is someone going to tell him? LMAO this is going to be glorious I screencapped your posts. Its been a while since I've came across a retard this confident LOL.

>> No.15167155

So your saying an equity can drop into the negative numbers because apparently it can drop more than 100%? HAHAHAAHAHAGAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAGAHAHAHSHSHS

>> No.15167191

How would it have dropped into negative numbers though? Dude instead of acting like an insufferable faggot why don't you explain to us what you're having difficulty understanding instead of acting like a mentally retarded sperg?

>> No.15167199

He said chainlink dropped 500%
How can anything “drop 500%”
It literally can’t

>> No.15167207


>> No.15167216

Whats 50% of $5? Just curious? Since apparently I can’t do math?

>> No.15167217

>He said

You know this board has IDs right?

>> No.15167228

> just because it's not regulated
It is regulated, just not enforced yet. There is actually a fat chance that in a few years the team will land in prison for all the shenanigans, because what they are doing is 100% illegal in most countries.
The IRS and SEC are pretty giddy lately.

>> No.15167229

What's 500% of .50?

We're not going by halves of the 1000% number, we're going by halves of the 1x number which was around ~.50 cents before the moon where it jumped up 1000%

>> No.15167236

Didn’t bother looking who posted since there is 2 of you retards, but seriously, what’s 50% of $5?

>> No.15167242

We're not going by halves of the 1000% number, we're going by the multiplier*
so it fell by approximately 500%

>> No.15167244


>> No.15167253


>> No.15167266

It's based on the multiplier you fucking retard
.50 x 500% is 2.50
.50 x 1000% is 5.00 or (.5 x 10), which you

If .50 = 100% then falling 50% would mean it fell down to .25

We're dealing with percentages, not whole numbers. You are retarded.

>> No.15167274

Yeah... that’s not how it works, I highly doubt you work in any finance related job, but if so, tell your MD that an equity is down more than 100% and see what happens. Best of luck

>> No.15167282

Except that is EXACTLY how it works and it pretty obvious that, not only do you NOT work in any sort of mathematics related field yourself, but you probably did not even graduate high school.

gg no re

>> No.15167287

Yeah everyone take investment advice from the guy with the math skills of a sun dried jellyfish!

>> No.15167297

How about you point out exactly what's wrong with the math then?

Oh, you can't? kek

There are a lot of dumb motherfuckers on this board. I think it might be tied with /pol/ and /x/ for the stupidest board on 4chan

>> No.15167327

I could but you wouldn't understand as you have the intellect of a putrid piece of gerbil rectum

>> No.15167334


Cope. Deal with being wrong however you see fit but do understand that you are wrong.

>> No.15167335

Pick which one of these statements is false
1.chainlink is down roughly 50% from the highs
2.chainlink is down roughly 500% from the highs
3.chainlink is up over 500% from the lows

>> No.15167361

And still, you're showing your stupidity.

.5 = 100%

if 2.5 = 500% and 5 = 1000%
and it falls from 1000% to 500%, it fell 500% from its initial 1x multiplier of .5

It is impossible to explain it any more simply to you. If you cannot grasp it, I have some very bad news for you.

>> No.15167368

Dude we both know you mad a dodgy post but it's ok for you to admit it and tell us that "you all knew what I meant" because we did.

>> No.15167381

relative to its 1000% multiplier of 5

Basically you're hung up on this idea that "HUR IT WENT DOWN BY HALF WHICH IS 50%!!!!" Which wouldn't be wrong if we weren't talking about multipliers, which we are.

You are dumb.

>> No.15167386

You ignored my question, interesting. I’m just trying to help you and any other potentially confused individuals.

>> No.15167395

I didn't make a dodgy post though, you're just a moron who can't wrap his mind around percentages.

.5 = 100%
2.5 = 500%
5 = 1000%

if it falls from 5 to 2.5 and the 1x multiplier is .5, it fell 500%

>> No.15167414

Just like you're ignoring my perfectly logical explanation regarding your mental retardation? If you learn to read you'll find I didn't ignore any of your rhetorical question, faggot.

Imagine being you lol. Imagine being so fucking stupid you don't understand multipliers.

>> No.15167448

Yse like I said, we both know what you were trying to say but you sad it is a dumb way.
By your logic did btc just retrace 10000000%? When it dropped $2000?

>> No.15167455

Jesus christ you're fucking retarded projecting your stupidity onto other people

Don't breed

>> No.15167468

Don’t worry, I’ll help you out pal. The false statement is #2. Because it’s not possible for something to be down more than 100%. Have a nice day! :D

Pick which one of these statements is false
1.chainlink is down roughly 50% from the highs
2.chainlink is down roughly 500% from the highs
3.chainlink is up over 500% from the lows

>> No.15167476

>It's not possible for something to be down more than 100%


>> No.15167497
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>> No.15167513

Something doesn't fall from 1000% to 500% that is not how percentages work you absolute retarded piece of afterbirth.

>> No.15167526
File: 47 KB, 564x400, 1487196969487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, what the fuck.

How can we take anything you say seriously when you fail at pre-school arithmetic?

>> No.15167532

It is however how multipliers work
You're coping with being wrong.

>> No.15167549

Who's failing anything? You're the one who doesn't seem to be capable of dealing with multipliers.

if .5 is 100% and 1000% is 5 then 500% is 2.5

if it falls from 5 to 2.5 and the 1x multiplier is 100%, then it fell 500%.

I cannot explain this any more simply.

>> No.15167581

Why $0.50 ? You literally pulled random numbers out of your ass.

Can you imagine if that’s how reading prices worked lmao
“$TSLA down 90000% today from its multiplier price of $648497”

>> No.15167587

I think you should look how outnumbered you are kid and take your own advice... when you get old enough... dont breed.
Should be easy for you as you wont be having sex

>> No.15167592

ChainLink sat at 50 cents for the better part of a year. It's a very good number to start from.
I didn't pull anything from my ass, you're still coping faggot.

>> No.15167613

>Implying a majority is always correct.
Unironically kill yourself.

All it tells me is that a majority of this board do not understand how multipliers work

>> No.15167617

Why not start at 0.51 ? I like that number better

>> No.15167624


>> No.15167632

You're both stupid as fuck. Go watch a 5 minute lesson on multipliers retards jeez.

>> No.15167633
File: 30 KB, 403x381, A79C2EC4-9F01-4770-81D9-00896CCB7F33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or even better! Why not look at the price it’s trading at right now and compare that to the swing high? :D

>> No.15167641

So if it went to 0.25 it would be down -50%?
Come on man just admit it. Even you must know how wrong you were.
You dont get negative percentages and you take a movement percentage from where it started, not from where ever you think gives the most sensationalist sounding statistic.
It's ok kid, we are all wrong from time to time

>> No.15167655

I have 1 dollar and find another I gained 100% but if I lose that one dollar I lose 100% of the dollars I have according to you?

>> No.15167658

You're still coping.
You should say "hey you were right about the multiplier thing, sorry. You just confused me a little bit since I'm not used to people using terminology like that. I should admit that I have never actually worked in business or finance, which is why I did not understand what you were talking about."

>> No.15167678

Admit what? That you don't understand how multipliers work?
Yeah I'll admit that freely.
I've already explained 100% how I am correct, and you may rest assured that I am correct.

>> No.15167691

>Fell 500%
lmao im in debt now because of link
>Imagine buying in to any shitcoin when it's at .80 cents. Nigga that's when you consider selling most of these goddamn coins because they are never ever going to break a dollar
has no idea what market cap is

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.15167707

It's pretty apparent you didn't read the thread and that you're another one of these fucking retards who doesn't understand how multipliers work.

I think you might not understand how market caps work

>> No.15167719

Ok child its past your bed time

>> No.15167731

>Can't handle being made to look like the retard he is
>Doubles down on the stupidity instead of acknowledging that he acted like a petty asshole to somebody because he didn't understand what they were saying

Yikes. What's it like still holding on to link post-moon?

>> No.15167749

What’s it like holding link when it’s down 500% and you directly owe Sergey money

>> No.15167759

I sold my bags at 5 like every other smart person and apparently Sergey and the Link team lmao
You keep telling yourself it's gonna be 1000 eoy though

>> No.15167775

I'm fucked because I bought for 0.17c so I'm down almost 15000%
I owe Sergey $150k noooooooo.

>> No.15167781

I invested $100 in link and now my account balance is -$400 because it’s down 500% apparently

>> No.15167784

jesus christ imagine doubling down on the retard this much instead of just quietly leaving the thread.

You have no shame, it seems.

>> No.15167789

bro just buy xrp, it's only like 30 cents so it's a good buy

>> No.15167792

>changes subject to hide huge, self dug hole

>> No.15167796

Great, please post your transaction so that the deluded linkies can follow your example

>> No.15167802


Every time somebody posts something like this they show they don't understand how multipliers work and are coping with their stupidity.

It brings me such endless joy. It's like those "Can YOU solve it?" math questions that get posted randomly and like 5 people actually understand the order of operations lmao

>> No.15167817

What hole? Where?
There is no hole dumb-dumb, you just don't understand multipliers. It's okay, we can't all be smart.

>> No.15167822

also please teach me about multipliers.
say you invest 1000 dollars, but your stock/shitcoin goes down 500%. how much money do you have now?

>> No.15167833


>> No.15167840

I fuckin hate when I buy a single $1 stock and it drops 99999999999999999999% and I lose my house

>> No.15167856

Ok last post. I'm bored of your stupidity now.
If you use your strange logic then you must clarify what your multiplier is and why you are using it.
If you use the correct standard method you just need to say X is down 5% and instantly everyone knows what you are trying to say.
We all get what your point is and your match was correct but your method was just daft.

>> No.15167869


>> No.15167893

Look at all these faggots taking the bait

>> No.15167904
File: 484 KB, 612x716, 1503975689789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sallie Mae offered to give me another $4k for my student loans this year. Should I take it and put that into more LINK?

>> No.15167917

It was a good bait I`ll admit that

>> No.15167925

Holy shit way to display your own lack of understanding. If 100% is the 1x multiplier and the 1x multiplier is .5, then logically .5 = 100%
If it increases to 5, that is an increase of 10x, or 1000%. Now here's where it gets interesting: you guys are of average intellect and in your mind that 1000% number is now a 100% number. But when we're dealing with multipliers, it doesn't become a 100% number, it stays a 1000% number because we have to keep track of that 1x multi. FOLLOWING?
So since we're keeping track of that 1x multiplier, if that 1000% number DECREASES, it goes down based on the 1x multiplier number and is not treated as a whole number, specifically because WE ARE STILL WORKING WITH MULTIPLIERS which means WE ARE WORKING WITH FRACTIONS AND PERCENTAGES. E.G. NOT A WHOLE NUMBER! The whole number is the 1x multiplier, because it is not a fraction (well it is, but for the purposes of multiplication, it is not).

Armed with that knowledge! We have that 1000% number, which is 5. That five then very quickly falls to a 2.5. AGAIN, WE ARE WORKING WITH MULTIPLIERS, so it did not fall 50%, because falling 50% means falling 50% of our 100% number, which is .5. So if it fell 50%, it only fell .5, not 2.5. No, it fell 2.5. So we have to find out what percentage 2.5 is of our multiplier. Since 2.5 is HIGHER than .5, we KNOW that the percentage HAS TO BE HIGHER THAN 100%! FORTUNATELY FOR US, we're working with fairly simple numbers and it isn't hard to deduce that half of 5 is 2.5, and half of 1000% is 500%.
If you cannot understand this there is no helping you and you are going to lose ALL of your savings gambling with something you don't understand because this is BASIC FUCKING SHIT LMAO

>> No.15167929

>jesus christ imagine doubling down on the retard this much instead of just quietly leaving the thread.

Looks like he quietly left the thread.
Bait or no, I had fun.

>> No.15167952

No, I was taking the time to explain to you dumb motherfuckers how multipliers actually work.

Cope harder lmao

>> No.15167956

You need to shut up retard pajeet you are wrong and you know it you just wanted to use a big number (500%) instead of saying it’s 50% down from all time high for fud purposes. >>15167581
Is absolutely correct here.

You should of phrased it that it’s down 500% gains at it’s $0.50 price point from (1,000%) $5.00 to $2.50. A complete retarded way of phrasing but still correct.

Good fud. I’ll remember to use this kike teir linguistic gymnastics fud for when btc drops $10.00. Can’t wait to say it’s down 100,000% assuming you bought at $0.01 during 2009. Lol, completely btfo am I right. Down 100,000%, can you believe it! Btc faggots complete BTFO! Cope! That’s how retarded you sound.

>> No.15167969


Cope harder

>> No.15167977
File: 798 KB, 1920x1080, SODL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I sold 5938 LINK, as promised. Couldn't even get 20K SATs on this trash thanks to daily 700K dumps hitting Binance. At least I got one whole BTC out of this, which we all literally KNOW will be worth a few million dollars each in less than 5 years.

Fuck Plebbit and fuck the devs.

Will buy back under $2.00.

>> No.15167989

You're objectively wrong and you know it, but I appreciate your tenacity in continuing to pretend to be retarded.

>> No.15168004

No, I'm objectively correct and I know it because I make my living manipulating multipliers.

You are coping.

>> No.15168021

Ranjeesh makes a living FUDing
Mods can we get flags already

>> No.15168023

Yo im new to trading, I was wondering if theres anyway for a US fag to trade on binance, also wanted to ask what % margin you shoot for to avoid losing money from the gay trading fee

>> No.15168024
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>> No.15168038
File: 72 KB, 933x699, 54b0e3fb4ab10_o,size,933x0,q,70,h,fe0226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you two autistic fucks piss off with your petty shit-flinging?

Why don't you go shoot up a Walmart or whatever it is you Yankee cunts do in your free time.

>> No.15168043

nope srry faggot this thing never touched 5 and never will, the amount of cope itt is disturbing

>> No.15168048

Yikes another one


>> No.15168051

You must be broke as fuck

>> No.15168059
File: 27 KB, 456x810, 1565281037550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It did on Coinbase, retard.

>> No.15168063

Oh yeah you're right, it was like 4.50 or something which would put it at 900%, not 1000%
It's still a very minute detail that matters very little to my overall argument, which is that ya'll niggas don't understand multipliers, yo!

>> No.15168074
File: 2.05 MB, 414x382, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not Americunt, but you can easily mask your IP.

>also wanted to ask what % margin you shoot for to avoid losing money from the gay trading fee

Wat? I don't trade on margin, strictly 1:1 here.

>> No.15168082

If you keep quoting yourself to make a point then you are going to make people think you are even more fucking brainless... if poss

>> No.15168083

>This much cope
I'm trying to imagine what it's like being you
I'm trying to imagine what it's like being somebody who doesn't say "oh you were working with multipliers there? my bad bro"
I'm trying to imagine what it's like being so insecure and intellectually and morally vapid that you go on the complete offensive because you misunderstood an argument

Then I remember where I am, have another laugh and continue reading the lulz

>> No.15168092

>look mom im being a retard on the internet again

>> No.15168095

It's very telling that the majority of this board cannot grasp something as simple as a multiplier while simultaneously slinging intellectual diarrhea at the slightest misunderstanding

>> No.15168105

I think the retard might be you if you can't understand it.
Sorry you had to find out this way.

>> No.15168117

>muh multiplier

What is this guitar hero?

>> No.15168126

Holy shit you went back and forth with these mouth breathing retards. Why even bother? This shit is so simple to comprehend.

>> No.15168132
File: 59 KB, 424x693, 1565122026094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please fuck off.

>> No.15168134

It's qute how you think we dont understand your school boy maths.
It's not the maths we have a problem with, it's the complex way you are trying to make a basic point just so you can make a 50% correction sound even bigger.

>> No.15168154

I'm bored, waiting to drive in to town to do some shopping

It's always funny messing with this people on this board, because they're so stupid you can troll them without having to actually spew bullshit.
I can (try) to educate them and troll them at the same time. They're that dumb.

>> No.15168164

It's pretty obvious you don't understand it or you wouldn't still be trying to attack it because
psst it's correct

>> No.15168183
File: 75 KB, 1200x482, 8CF69630-AA77-4FE2-8CD6-E65E6E96F672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder this is who we are up against

>> No.15168190

There you go again... I said the math is correct and also not beyond a toddler but your method is plain fud.

>> No.15168220

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA just look at the charts

you must be retarded

>> No.15168221


It's not possible to be down more than 100%.

>> No.15168222

I mean, how stupid and intellectually bereft can you be to still post this trash as a trophy when I explained multiple times throughout this thread that you are retardedly wrong and you most certainly can decrease by more than 100%.
Anybody with even a modicum of intelligence will know why I am laughing at that statement and will absolutely be every bit as perplexed as I am that you're throwing it around like some kind of badge LMAO


>> No.15168237

>The math is correct

and you and everybody else in this thread is COPING

I don't expect you guys to kiss my ass, but what you just did is more or less enough

>> No.15168260
File: 740 KB, 1920x1080, ZRX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chart is shit m8. Are you mentally deficient?

Looks PRECISELY like the massive, year-long dump that ZRX experienced after being listed on Coinbase.

>> No.15168267

>mfw chainlink is 416,000% down from its eoy price

>> No.15168274

comparing LINK with ZRX

cope harder

>> No.15168287
File: 515 KB, 1920x1080, ZRX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here, just to make it even easier for your process, I used an extra girthy brush too. :3

>> No.15168288

>t. Emotionally attached bagholder

>> No.15168304

416,000% down from eoy is FUD

>> No.15168307
File: 77 KB, 645x729, 1515783767254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not an actual, tenable argument.

>> No.15168322

Excellent we agree!! You can add 2 + 2 but your logic is spaztarded

>> No.15168553

>51 posts by this id

>> No.15168583

>15 post by this user
get a life

>> No.15168750

I have a feeling we'll be seeing this cap in "best of biz" from now onwards

>> No.15168762

rent free

>> No.15168830


Not really.

I sold. I'm fucking free. BTC will be 100K in less than 2 years.

>> No.15168838

You're coping.
relevancy? if you're trying to make fun of me rest assured I don't care what /biz/lodytes think at all. You dumb motherfuckers seriously can't figure out multipliers and the ONLY person who could even admit the math was right STILL BACKPEDALED like a coping butthurt retard lmao


>> No.15168840

It can drop to 500% if it was 1000% before when you look at the yearly chart. But it dropped 50% from the last ATH. It's all about the timeframe. Why is this even a discussion.

>> No.15168871


Have sex.

>> No.15168880

Cope more

>> No.15168901

Screecapped. Sell your handfull of links, linklet

>> No.15168909


Please have sex. For your mental health.

>> No.15168911

I already sold my link at 5 like every other person with a brain who can understand how multipliers work

>> No.15168926

Please stop coping, for your mental health. You're projecting your stupidity onto everybody else with some kind of faux macho-man pesona implying you yourself are not actually a virgin.

Kindly neck yourself, intellectuals are talking.

>> No.15168964


HAVE SEX, I feel you're a week away from shooting up a Home Depot

>> No.15168970

Enjoy being retarded for the rest of your life

>> No.15168992


Please, try to have sex. There's no harm in paying.

>> No.15169006

Yikes, imagine being so stupid and delusional you just repeatedly tell people to have sex thinking it has any effect on them whatsoever and isn't making them laugh at you for being mentally retarded

>> No.15169046

"zero closure" imagine thinking this is over

>> No.15169052

it is over though, you are coping because you didn't sell at 5

>> No.15169085

This. Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.15169097

you had one month (1)....

>> No.15169104


58 posts by this id.... yikes

>> No.15169853

>fell 500%
nothing can fall more than 100% genius

>> No.15170371

This has to be bait. Please tell me this is bait.

>> No.15170488

Ladies and gentlemen! May I please present to you......... the biggest....... the most comete and utter....... thickest, most ignorant, most retarded wanna be investor in the entire universe!!!
This jabronie takes the biscuit!!
Keep it coming fella, we thought it was bait but it turns out you.are that fucking thick!!!!..... knob! Hahahaha

>> No.15170581

Something is worth $1,000 and it loses 100% of its value. It is now worth $0.
Something else is worth $5 and it loses 100% of its value. It is now worth $0. This will be the case with any number. You don't understand percentages. You're dangerously retarded.
You can't arbitrarily pick a number to = 100% that makes zero sense. By this logic I could say $.10 = 100% and therefore LINK went up 5,000% and then pulled back to 2,500%. So did it now drop by 2,500% instead of 500% just because I randomly selected a different starting number? Even though the price change was exactly the same ($2.50) in both cases?

>> No.15170601

Mods need to enforce the trolling outside of /b/, off topic and advertising or begging rule more. Would improve quality of this board if all the twitter and discord narcissists would be ranged banned for 6 months

>> No.15170606


Retards need some remedial math

Completely irrelevant, cope harder faggot lmao

>> No.15170616

I can, I did, you're coping
It sat at ~50 for the better part of a year. It's the only number to draw from.

You need to go brush up on math you dumb faggot you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.15170634


>> No.15170667


>> No.15170684

Are you another dumb faggot who can't get into multipliers or?

>> No.15170692

I bet you are a mormon

>> No.15170712

I bet you don't understand how multipliers work and think that you cannot fall further than 100%

>> No.15170738

In both cases it dropped 50%:
500 = 50% of 1,000
2,500 = 50% of 5,000
Because $2.50 = 50% of $5

>> No.15170743

I bet you think using the word "multipliers" makes you look smart

>> No.15170750

Holy shit this thread is still here and he's still defending his retarded math? Good on ya little fella for not giving up, you fight your braindead fight.

>> No.15170751

Except for the part where we're talking about multipliers so .5 is 100% and 5 is 1000% which means 2.5 has to be somewhere in the middle

If you are at 1000% and you fall down to 500%, you lost 500%.
Thank you for playing, please learn how multipliers work. I have explained it several times.

>> No.15170770

That the best you got? How about you attack my argument instead of me?

Oh, you can't because you're a pseud? Got it.

>> No.15170785

Holy shit this is the most brainlet-tier thread of the year. Just market sold my 15K stack. No way i am bagholding with you faggots another year. Enjoy the agonizingly slow dip back to 1.25. See you there losers

t. bought at 29c

>> No.15170812

To have an argument you need to have knowledge... sorry champ but you are a child who doesn't even have a clue what he is going on about.
I love your bait by the way, keep it coming.
You are keeping me entertained, I know you are a troll btw because nobody is as thick as your pretending to be

>> No.15170823

irony: the post

Okay so if you're at a thousand percent and you lose 50% did you lose 2.5 or did you lose .5?

We're going off of the 1x multiplier here which has been established as 100%.

Let's see if you can figure it out, brainlet.

>> No.15170838

Getting Kurt Astro vibes from this thread

>> No.15170839

did you lose 2.5 or did you lose .25*

correcting myself

>> No.15170842 [DELETED] 

Do you agree:

If you lose 50% of a value, you need 100% increase again to get back to that value.

>> No.15170868

That doesn't apply to multipliers, which you have consistently failed to grasp.
1000% - 50% =/= 500%

>> No.15170885

Do you agree:

If you lose 50% of a value, you need 100% increase again to get back to that value.

>> No.15170892

1000% - 50% = 950%

If 100% = .5
Then 50% = .25
200% = 1

>> No.15170894

No you retard the 5 you keep mentioning becomes the basis of your calculation if you want to know what percentage it dropped from at that point. So its 100% and halve of 5 is fucking 2.50 so it dropped 50% from all time high. You can't go 1000% - 500% is a 500% loss because that is not how it fucking works.

>> No.15170905

Holy shit this is so fucking stupidly painful to read
Why is it so hard for you to understand multipliers anon?

Where is your handler?

>> No.15170912

It’s over like uncle oldfag said

>> No.15170939

Hopeless case.
Don't do anything involving numbers.

>> No.15170981

This board is a hopeless case not being able to wrap their minds around something so fucking basic and simple!
I can understand in your simplistic minds you're thinking BUT 2.5 IS HALF OF 5 SO IT LOST 50%!!!!1 U FUKIN BRAINLET!111


What is a percent of a percent? What is 50% of 1000%

Is it 50%? God damn it no it's fucking 500%!
The only thing you idiots have been correct about is asserting that it is half. That's it. It's half but it's not 50% because we're already working with fucking percentages you dolts!

>> No.15171005

Ok you petulant little child, what point were you making originally?
Was it that link went from 0.50c to $5 and then back to $2.5?
If this is your point then what happened is this; link price increased 1000% and hit an ath of $5 then it corrected 50%.
Is this not true?
Ask your pathetic virgin brain, is this statement true.
If you think it is false then you need to pit your router in the microwave.
I would never say kys but most of biz/ are thinking it by this point.

>> No.15171021

What point was anybody else trying to make again? That I'm stupid only to have it blow up in their faces when I publicly point out the dumb motherfuckers can't work with percentages or multipliers, much like you can't?

Then again this board legit thinks you cannot fall less than 100% lmao
How else would you have a negative bank balance you fucking trogolodytes?
Jesus Christ dumbest fucking board on 4chan no doubt. I've had more intellectual conversations on /x/

>> No.15171024

Sell your stack and but Tezos. It has way more growth potential than that ERC20 shit token.

>> No.15171044


>> No.15171052

fall more* than 100%
fixt for myself

>> No.15171058

Ok so you are saying that if you fall more than 100% you end up with "a negative bank balance"?
Here you prove your argument wrong.
Where in crypto can you have the equivalent of a loan from the company?

Thanks for helping us finally prove you wrong to an extent that even you can understand it. Xx

>> No.15171059

this thread is still going, faggots crying over some spilt percentages lmao

>> No.15171069
File: 11 KB, 119x50, Screen Shot 2019-08-08 at 4.01.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad

>> No.15171072

Retard alert
if your bank balance of 100 dollars is positive, 100% of your holdings
and you lose that 100 and the bank charges you a 100 dollar fee, you just fell 200%

I can tell you were too busy sucking cock in school to pay attention

>> No.15171116

yeah, 73 posts of me absolutely schooling the retards of this board
>you can't fall more than 100%!!!!!11


>> No.15171126

Its become a social experiment by this point, just how long cam someone go before he will admit that a tiny mental hiccup was not, in fact, a mistake.

>> No.15171138

Holy shit the delusion.
My math is correct, you are the one who did not understand and flew into an attack
Kill yourself lmao

>> No.15171152

>the absolute state of biz

>> No.15171159

Ok I have been entertained by this, Well do e sir.
This is the first time that you have shown your hand to be truly bait and for that I salute you.
Good trolling.
And thanks for keeping me entertained on my long walk home

>> No.15171166

Yeah it's bait instead of you being pathetically retarded
Hope that cope works out for you sport

>> No.15171196

I know it is. Well done

>> No.15171204

Still coping, still desperate to get the last word to preserve your fragile little ego.

IS HALF OF 1000% 50% or is it 500%????


>> No.15171208
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1565219904385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually the most retarded thread I've ever seen here. That's saying alot. OP is on coke or meth. I wouldn't entertain him. He should examine his life probably. Doing uppers and posting on biz is immature.

>75 posts by this ID

Kys literally

>> No.15171211

I honestly can’t believe anons are still going back and forth with a larping faggot who can’t admit that going down 500% is impossible without entering negative. It went down 50%. Now get off this board you fucking jannie.

>> No.15171229

>Implying somebody's post count means anything
>Implying you aren't just trying to stroke your own ego because you understood even less about the discussion than the retards I was wrangling just now

Cope linklet, cope
I would be coping too if I didn't sell at 5

>> No.15171245

If you have 1000% it is 1000000% possible to go down 500%
Any time you go down it is a negative so you are betraying your own lack of education here.

>> No.15171258

Ok you loose, thanks for the thrills

>> No.15171279

How did I lose exactly? You're the one who can't answer the question. I told you the fucking answer in the thread! If you weren't such a bullheaded cunt of a retard you could have learned that when you're already dealing with percentages, subtracting 50% from 1000% does not result in 500% it results in 950%. Again, it's been explained countless times.

I'm half expecting you to try to pull the "I was only pretending to be retarded card!" LE EBIN TROLL XDDDD but that wasn't it. You're just a fucking retard.

>> No.15171295

It’s down 50% from ath. It did a 1000% then lost 50% of it. If you want to keep the metric based on the starting price leading up to the 1000%, then it could drop 500%. Both schools of thought are relevant in this argument. I don’t think either is wrong, it depends on your perspective.

>> No.15171336

I rhinkno need you to quote yourself one more time before I get it. It's just soooooo complicated and your ability to do the 5x table Is soooooo impressive >>15171279

>> No.15171352

Yeah that's great and at no point have I ever denied that it lost 50% of its maximum value
But I wasn't going by maximum value, I was going by what it sat at for nearly a year, which was about 50 cents. It went back and forth a bit, but it averaged out to about 40-50 cents. I bumped it up to .5 for simplicity's sake.

For those of you stinkylinkies who didn't know, when they were chanting 1000 EOY all the time, they didn't mean 1000 dollars. Jesus that's outlandish for even the most fanciful daydreamer. No, they meant 1000%. As in 1000% increase END OF YEAR. I think you know that though so I'm not going to prattle off about that in particular. But for everybody else, yeah.
Chainlink already hit that 1000% already. Now it's down to 500% increase from that .5 it sat at for a year.

It's really not hard to understand and I think maybe you can understand it. Everything else is everybody else being fucking STUPID.

>> No.15171405


>> No.15171472

Holy shit imagine being this impervious to logic and reason

>> No.15171583

You dont need to imagine princess

>> No.15171586
File: 38 KB, 358x697, linkvs sent 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sentinel started getting shilled right when LINK started dumping, coincidence ?
i think not

>> No.15171616

Oh I get it you are in fact trying to take the "I was only pretending to be retarded" route.

Whatever you say champ. You should go find your handler, he has ice cream for you

>> No.15171700


>> No.15171704

You weren't trolling, you're just an idiot. Leave the thread.

>> No.15171807

Bitter virgin with 1000% of 3 brain cells

>> No.15171843

Objection! The opposition is clearly suffering from severe delusions and is projecting heavily!

>> No.15171871



>> No.15172135

Holy shit. If this isn't bait - then this is the sell signal. Sometimes it is good to be reminded of the morons that are actually here.

>> No.15172162
File: 456 KB, 1328x2900, 1524167753354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I noticed how Stinkniggers don't have a single argument to defend their bags.

Interesting... HMMMM

>> No.15172166


>> No.15172200


>> No.15172761


I did, here:>>15167977