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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 86 KB, 692x1000, MV5BYTdhYWU3OGEtZWZlMS00ZWM2LTliNTEtMDcyNzg0MWU0NDhkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDUzOTQ5MjY@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,692,1000_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15149387 No.15149387 [Reply] [Original]

When Money is being handled it only makes sense, please share your opinions so mods can see it.

As the thread from yesterday showed that the majority of people agreed we should have flags. Make it so.

>> No.15149449

I agree

>> No.15149458

She’s a Jew whose elastic in her sphincter stopped working from too much BBC in her ass, so she gets an Israeli flag.

>> No.15149461

There are no pajeets on this board. Your 'pajeet' enemy are in fact disgusting european zoomers.

>> No.15149464

but it would force pajeets to use a vpn

>> No.15149480

This, I am "Pajeet" in OP's eyes too

>> No.15149481

No memeflags, only geo

>> No.15149514

Flags would make the discussion on this board even more cancerous, it will always be something for retards to fall back on instead of using legitimate arguments for their point.

>> No.15149528

think of all the shilling it would prevent. It'd also help people work out if a project is legit or just a p&d. Yes, I know you should dyor but fuck it

>> No.15149534


>> No.15149541

Try it.

>> No.15149552

It doesn't work like that. VPN's are blacklisted unless you have a 4chan pass.

>> No.15149564

This, and of all the boards this is the most mature as money is being handled and if they do bring up race its only in humour

>> No.15149583
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Let’s be real - the main people against this are leafs afraid of getting btfo constantly like on /pol/

>> No.15149614

I am a leaf and 100% for it. The bants are worth the ability to spot pajeet spamming

>> No.15149632
File: 2.44 MB, 530x742, vicky2 posters.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here on 4chan we argue the content of the message and flags pollute that, making the likes of /int/ and /pol/ into reddit-lite.
If you think that we have a problem with Pajeets on this board then your answer is critical deduction and reading skills, not flags. Flags are only a crutch to your simple mind. Fortunately for you, your mind can be improved.

>> No.15149639

Leafs bros getting btfo’d? Never seen it happens. Everyone knows leaf bros are the chillest, raddest, coolest motherfuckers alive.

>> No.15149643

also /biz would call me a nazi all the time.

>> No.15149663

I disagree and feel flags can only improve the quality of posts and threads and money is being handled so there should be some sort of identifying features which flags would provide.

>> No.15150015

Jews deserve to get niggerdicked until they need a diaper, Im okay with this.

>> No.15150024

Of course we do, but there are no mods on biz

>> No.15150425

flags are gay and people that want them are gay and also from reddit and also poor

>> No.15150448


>> No.15150656

Flags are long overdue. It will increase the quality of the discussions and limit shilling/spamming.

>> No.15150657

Redit don't have flags.....

>> No.15150675
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Flags, but only Indian flags are visible

>> No.15150684


>> No.15150689

I need flags to spot poos

>> No.15150725

Geoflags are essential to this board, but I can guarantee you the “pajeets“ will end up being 80% UK flags and Aussie flags. Those countries are infested.

>> No.15150785

>t. gay reddit man who is also poor

>> No.15150893


Only if the argument was bad. If it's an Indian flag but the logic is sound you'll get morgan freeman hesrightyouknow

Biz needs flags more than any other board

>> No.15150922
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>> No.15150955

no fucking vpn fag flags ffffffffffff

>> No.15151985

>t. 12 year old