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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 211 KB, 829x622, 20190806_204901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15144776 No.15144776[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shill me your coins with all white teams based in the US. No shitskins, trannies, or women.

>> No.15144805

Sirs pls buy curry coin. It is very tasty

>> No.15144811


>> No.15144834

Substratum, Elix, Lamden, Blockarray

>> No.15144868

Substratum is a confirmed scam. Buy Skycoin

>> No.15144882

Look into Lion coin. I dont own any but ive seen it being shilled as an all American coin.

>> No.15144883
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Thanks anon, I'll look into them.

>> No.15144887
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>> No.15144889

Where can i buy that outfit with my cryptographic gains?

>> No.15144899

I've got a healthy stack

>> No.15144905

May I ask why you explicitly state " shitskins, trannies, or women."?

>> No.15144930
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probably because hes a /pol/ack who cares more about his values than his money.

>> No.15144940

Because I don't trust pajeets or gooks, women don't belong in the workplace, and trannies are mentally ill.

>> No.15144955


>> No.15145032

Skycoin is a chink scam with a drug-addled expat as the frontman

>> No.15145159

>exposed asshole through slut garments
that's a keeper.

>> No.15145178

Wow that is the most pristine butthole I have ever seen. I would love to wiggle my tongue around in there for hours.

>> No.15145210


>> No.15145281


>> No.15145379

She probably hasn't pooped a day in her life.

>> No.15145393
File: 3.18 MB, 3249x2615, 20190806_214347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done any serious research on this yet, but Thiel being an investor looks promising. Sell me on it. I've got some extra money to spend.

>> No.15145406
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There's a dick behind that hand isn't there?

>> No.15145464
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>> No.15145509

Just stick to Bitcoin and trading on margin. Fuck shitcoins.

>> No.15145514

God I hope so

>> No.15145574
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>> No.15145590 [DELETED] 


>> No.15145632

didnt the elix dev send a notice that he was just stopping altogether

>> No.15145687

I normally wouldn't be such a beta fag orbiter, but SSS was LITERALLY PERFECT.

I love her bros. Hopefully one day LINK will actually be worth something so I can buy her as my property. Before she gets too old/hits the wall.

>> No.15145786

Don't know shit about it. Just should meet your criteria in op

>> No.15145788
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>> No.15145803

It really is this simple.

>> No.15145847

That's because girls don't poop.

>> No.15145866
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>> No.15145868

the girl from that dog webm?

>> No.15145890

NOIA, the airdrop alone will pay for a nice night with that chicky

>> No.15145997
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>> No.15146182


Just stick with Bitcorn. The "but we have superior technology" of all of the others will just get incorporated into it, or into side projects that work with it, eventually.

I was inclined to think Ethereum had a chance until Vitalik started fucking it in every orifice after the DAO hack. Now he's planning on scrapping the current code and becoming a POS coin -- an appropriate acronym for two different reasons. Now there's Rootstock to do smart contracts on Bitcorn so there's no need for Ethereum, and there's a setup to run Ethereum smart contracts triggered by Bitcorn Lightning Network payments if you don't want to deal with RSK's fees.

BCash, BSV, and all the other scams are dying slow horrible deaths. Litecorn started out as just Bitcorn with a different work algorithm, and it never achieved critical mass to be self-sustaining. Ripple is centrally controlled.

The only non-Bitcorn crypto that I see having a future is Tether, ironically enough. It's shrugged off all the fake FUD (I'm convinced it's all a U.S. government plot to try to wreck it because they can't just arrest the non-American management like they did with Liberty Dollars) and is actually used for real-world transactions.

Also, OP, that is one gorgeous specimen. Came for the panties, stayed for the more panties and lack thereof.

>> No.15146194

>white teams based in the US

>> No.15146231
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>> No.15146283

>The only non-Bitcorn crypto that I see having a future is Tether
You really know every corecuck talking point don't you. Are you Adam Back?

The US gubment could royally fuck Tether if they wanted to.

>> No.15146303

Or he wants to reduce his chances of getting scammed

>> No.15146334

Rootstock is shit

>> No.15146348
File: 193 KB, 1280x1801, Gemma-Atkinson-sexy-cleavage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which shitcoin are you shilling for?

In the last two months Bitcorn has gone from 56% of the "market cap" to 68%. Bitcorn is actually used in the real world. Bitcorn is being discussed by major governments.

No one cares about your shitcoin. No one accepts it for payment, unless they are using a payment processor that "accepts over 950 different cryptocurrencies!" I went looking for sites accepting one particular "top 20" shitcoin and all I found related to it were sites selling tee-shirts with its logo -- and accepting payment in Bitcoin and Ethereum.

>Are you Adam Back?
Never heard of him. Does he live in your head? Do you pay him rent in Bitcorn?

>> No.15146370

Probably. There's still the LN-ETH gateway, though.

>> No.15146374

Fucking kek. When do you see ethereum dying?

>> No.15146637

I'm sure some people will keep using it for years, just like ETC still has "value" -- FFS, coinmarketcap says ETC is still the 21st largest crypto despite formally being supplanted by ETH because of the DAO hack. But some diehards want their immutability. I think they were right, but the public doesn't seem to care, so. . . .

ETH is at about 20% of its all-time high, whereas Bitcorn is nearly 60% of its. This is despite all the major attacks on Bitcorn -- BCash, BSV, every shitcoin shill ever, all the "it's only going up because Tetherprinting!" FUD. The market clearly favors Bitcorn, and I think this will only continue to grow.

Put another way: around a year ago I first heard of the Augur prediction market. I started to install it, got distracted (I'm very oh look a squirrel) and never went back to it. Bitcoin was at $7700 then. Ethereum was at $300. Today Bitcoin has gone up by 1.5X while Ethereum has been multiplied by (1/1.5)X.

>> No.15146704
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>> No.15146877


>> No.15146936

Holy fuck if you buy either you are sub 60 IQ that can't use google

>> No.15146974

ADA is your best bet.

>> No.15146999


>> No.15147019

VID is based in LA and now they are seeing a 130x return in 2 months. Their presale is ending next week so dont miss out!

>> No.15147134
File: 774 KB, 3600x2700, LGXqqt9 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appreciate the insight anon. I'm still somewhat of a newfag so I'm just learning all that I can right now.

>> No.15147151

god i want to violate this girl. she looks like she enjoys that kind of play.

>> No.15147173
File: 392 KB, 1079x957, 1554188664662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the sniffy sniff

>> No.15147186

Linkn us up you prawn

>> No.15147866


>> No.15147918

what does it feel like?
what does it smell it?

>> No.15148289

Hey no prob. But it's JMHO. Others can point to whatever as "Bitcoin is old and dying" if they want. You just have to keep in mind what everyone's agendas are.

The shitcoin shills who show up here and promote >>15147173 >>15145997 or >>15145890 are obvious. "OMG airdrop! Tip strippers with our coin!" So what? Why would a camslut care about a shitcoin that no one ever heard about two weeks ago?

But Ethereum -- it has the potential for real-world use, maybe, and it might be useful if the guy who runs it quits constantly changing it every time he sees a squirrel run by. Are applications that can get kicked off automatically and run on the internet useful? Probably, sure, ok. Are they useful if at any moment there's a central authority that can shut off their network and reorganize it all to do something completely different? Maybe, but quite possibly not, depends on whether he breaks what you put in place years earlier as a contingency plan to, say, notify your heirs of your keys after you croak.

And that's the philosophical difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin. Bitcoin is doing everything it can to remain backwards-compatible. Ethereum is "hey let's FuK sHiT uPpPpPp ToNiT3!!!!"

I wish I'd made my planned Ethereum investment after all, but when the DAO hack hit and the first response was, "shit, ok, let's undo it!" that killed it for me. Pity, since i would've easily made at least 10:1 return, probably would have bailed by the time it hit 50:1 though.

All these "superior" shitcoins? Forget it, they're just trying to scam people into handing over REAL internet money. But that's just my opinion. Maybe one of them will come up with something real. But I doubt it.

>> No.15148472

>Sell me on it.
See the last post here: >>15140703

>> No.15148716

Autist trannies are obsessive fucks who can dedicate themselves to bullshit and become insanely proficient though.

Have you seen the speedrunning gaming community? It’s disgusting, but goddamn if it isn’t impressive how good those crazies are at it.