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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 400x400, 6V8EWASG_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15142301 No.15142301 [Reply] [Original]

It's up 40 ranks on CMC in a week. You did listen, right Anon? Comfiest hold in 2019.

>> No.15142311

oh god not you again let me guess "big things are coming"

>> No.15142398


No dude. Big things in the pipeline. Can’t you read? Better start buying

>> No.15142428

smelly neet

>> No.15142448

are you talking about the massive black dick in your asshole by any chance?

>> No.15142465

reminder that link can do what req does in one simple adapter

>> No.15142573

req, if the fuckers that call themselves devs had bothered to develop it, would have done a lot more than being a payment processor.
Sadly those french shitstains are pivoting so hard they have been basically spinning around in one place for 2 years.
It's basically the reason why I am not buying rlc even if it looks promising, i am never ever going to invest in a french project again.

>> No.15142598

its literally a stable coin at this point lol

>> No.15142613

pass the cheese please

>> No.15142618

audible cec

>> No.15142643
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No REQ, no invoices; no invoices, no tax; no tax, no War on Cash (c)

= REQ gud

>> No.15142801

Top 10 coin EOY

>> No.15142818
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smelly feet!

>> No.15142832

the token is still burned lol

>> No.15142956

Why's this fag shit pumping?

>> No.15142972


REQlets literally buried alive. Tou can still hear their screams.

>> No.15143009


>> No.15143426
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>> No.15144136


>> No.15145262

lol the larp is back. did you see that Christophe the cofounder is doing private AMA videos to find new shills? one last exit scam before all token vesting ends in Sept. you fucking larp, req is a scam

>> No.15145278

>rank 247
>no news
>muh biggest news in crypto within 2 weeks. you got 6 days to be right you fucking larp.

>> No.15145287

Don't forget ark. Baguettes are not to be trusted.

>> No.15146005


No larp fren. You need to buy.

>> No.15146068

this coin is dead. if you have a legit announcement, say your shit now. muh govt going to use req muh. go fuck off req larp

>> No.15146121

oh, and i already have 500k req you fuck face larp. can’t wait to dump on you

>> No.15146138

token useless
just used to raise $50 million

>> No.15146144

Stay away from 2017 shitcoins, anon. Buy UND.

>> No.15146219
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I REQuest my money back.

>> No.15146252

one of those devs already left and cashed out btw

>> No.15146661

i really should have sold it all here
>field trips for mods
>no experience on the team they're all fucking 19 years old
>monkey photoshoots
>absolutely nothing came of this gigantic trip, why'd they need to send 20 people to singapore?

>> No.15147131

Y’all niggers delusoional. Req will be in the top 20 CMC by end of year (most likely earlier though based on what rmaz told me)

Just buy and wait. It’s literally a 100x at the least.

>> No.15147140
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Comfiest hold 2019 = VIDT

>> No.15147190

rmaz...lol the most incompetent person on the Req team who should be fired. tell us what you know larp. req has no financial future so it makes no difference

>> No.15147251

Req will be a top 10 token EOY. Check my digits.

>> No.15147486

explain why you shill

>> No.15148251

I still can't believe I bought 20k of this literal dog shit back in 2017, watched it climb to 1.20, and watched it fall basically to fucking 0. Worst part is I spent months before buying trying to decide between REQ and Link. Fuck my pathetic existence

>> No.15148256

>the community manager gave me secret inside information
You stupid lying fuck, enjoy holding these bags when the team starts dumping on you in two months. Why do you think they are trying to pump the price one last time? Do you think it is a coincidence they announced that v2 will be ready just before their tokens get unlocked? Dumb fuck, you deserve to lose your money if you can't see this.
Your digits are just as shitty as REQ's chances of recovering above $0.02.
Don't waste your time. He has no info, just a heavy bag of REQ which is like 99% down from ATH, and is about to drop about 99% when the team dumps their unlocked tokens.

>> No.15148268

buy shitcoin at 1c, set sell order for 2c
shill a little
just doubled your money

>> No.15148269

The rest just need to hold on for two more months and all of their tokens will be unlocked. There will be a mass exodus of devs/co-founders as soon as the lockup finishes. They aren't 100% retarded (only 95%)... they know their product sucks and they will never deliver anything the market wants, so they will dump and move onto the next thing.

>> No.15148453

Tbh fuck the team but I doubt they are doing all this just to dump post a mini pump. They are sitting on $12M roughly in ether at current prices, which is nearly equivalent to their whole entire market cap atm for REQ. Idk desu just seems like they were too fucking stupid to notice how their product was flawed, not that they genuinely tried to exit scam. I think they are trying to prove us all wrong by succeeding (this would be their own best scenario financially), but I think ultimately they will just fail just because they aren’t good enough.

>> No.15148502

I don't think they planned this from the beginning. But they must have realized by now they are incompetent and the community hates them. If you could dump a few million dollars worth of tokens and leave a shitty job behind, wouldn't you do it?
We have seen them pivot away from failed ideas before (Moneyitis), so this would not be out of character for the team.

>> No.15148511

where is AdmREQ these days? he must’ve realized Req was a scam and bounced.

>> No.15148541

He doesn't seem to comment publicly anymore. He was a great dev but apparently he got sucked in to the talentless wormhole that is the Request team. Remember last year he was announcing progress on his mobile wallet, teasing screenshots, etc.? Nobody has heard anything about the wallet since then.

>> No.15148548

You can't compare Req and rlc.

Req team has sort of delirium with no management, zen-like style, no deadlines and all this shit.

Rlc has a roadmap with deadlines (Ahead on schedule, V4 6 month in advance). Dev team working hard on different stuff (side chain / Bridge poa), GPU integration, bag of tasks...

>> No.15148549
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>tfw still holding my ico bags


>> No.15148556

How sad. The Req team killed AdmREQ

>> No.15148559
File: 2.10 MB, 4032x3024, 1BFC6CDD-9608-4AD7-A6E4-4644F80BDDAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y’all are stupid as fuck. Anyone with half a brain can see the usage for Req. Just look at what you can right now, Gilded Finance. It’s literally the front runner for accounting on the blockchain. Now factor in the NDAs surrounding Request network.

You have PWC France and a multitude of others. If you don’t have at least 300k tokens (about $3k at today’s prices). You’ll be shitting the bed. And I’m not going out on a limb here by assuming all the fags in this thread missed out on link. Otherwise you wouldn’t be circle jerking with all the fud.

Just stfu and buy some req. y’all know this is a sleeping giant. The amount of fud alone on this project that’s been non stop for the last two years is all I would need to know this token is going back to ath at the very least.

Stay dry pussies.

P.S. you niggers aren’t even in the bohemian club. Take it from someone who knows a thing or two.

>> No.15148589

>he thinks Req has NDAs a la Ambrosus
>he thinks PwC France is still working with Req

not gonna make it

>> No.15148597

>You can't compare Req and rlc.
This. If you don't buy RLC because the team is French you are being stupid.
RLC is the complete opposite of REQ - they have a clear vision, a solid roadmap, and they actually deliver what they promise.
RLC is one of holds and I have a high level of confidence in it over the long term.
Don't let the REQtarded team hold you back from buying good projects.

>> No.15148612

>Just look at what you can right now, Gilded Finance. It’s literally the front runner for accounting on the blockchain.
Source for it being the frontrunner? It's just another invoicing app, and it does not even need to be built on Request.
Did you know that Request V2 will not support ETH/ERC20, which is most of Gilded's volume? So Gilded won't be able to use V2 when it launches, they will have to wait for V3.
>Now factor in the NDAs surrounding Request network.
There are none. And if you believe the people who say "there are NDAs but the team can't talk about them" you are an idiot.
>You have PWC France
No you don't. Nothing has happened with this "partnership" for over a year. PWC US have released their own auditing tool which has nothing to do with Request. Prove me wrong by showing one thing of value produced by this "partnership". It might as well not exist.
>And I’m not going out on a limb here by assuming all the fags in this thread missed out on link
Hah you dumb fuck. This is the worst possible argument you could have made. REQ and LINK came out at the same time and were similarly priced. Anyone who bought REQ instead of LINK is kicking themselves, because a $10k investment in LINK turned into $200k, and a $10k investment in REQ turned into $100.
I bought LINK and REQ at ICO. Obviously I wish I had gone all in on LINK instead. But I'm not totally retarded, I sold my REQ on the way down and swapped for LINK. I'm about 800% up on that trade, considering how far REQ has fallen and LINK has climbed.
>The amount of fud alone on this project that’s been non stop for the last two years
Or perhaps people are shitting on this project because the team is incompetent and incapable of delivering on their plans?
Everyone tells me that eating dog food is a bad idea... does that mean they are fudding dog food and I should start stockpiling it? No, it means that eating dog food is a terrible idea... but it's still a better idea than buying REQ.

>> No.15148625


Tisk Tisk. You so salty. No patience? The French are going to teach you how to take your time. What’s the rush?

>> No.15148664

They seem to be moving in a realistic, actual use case oriented user friendly direction.

The new focus of Request is invoicing and accounting on the blockchain. The version 2 of mainnet introduces some degree of centralization, but gets rid of all of the following obstacles that keep normal people from interacting with blockchains: private keys, “gas” and network fees, entering “wallet addresses”. They are also focused on integrating their product into existing products rather than taking the retarded approach which is believing businesses will switch to some shitty accounting application built by Request. They are building a plug-in for Xero, a fairly widely used piece of accounting software. To my knowledge this will be the first triple entry accounting tool anywhere.

Again, we all knew the how revolutionary triple entry accounting was when we first heard about Request, and their first version of the network was absolute shit in every way imaginable towards making it a reality. It’s good to see they actually learned something from that and are moving in the right direction.

>> No.15148686

This anon knows what's up. I don't even get why all these fags are crying, getting an anti-necc bag costs next to nothing. Are y'all fucking poorfags or what?

> muh 1500 dollaridoos

If you have to whine over these small amounts of money, get the fuck out of crypto.

>> No.15148693

too little, too late. also v2 won’t have eth/erc20 for awhile, so it’ll be useless. everything Req is doing, other companies have already out in place and moved past Req. don’t believe me? Google EY nightfall

>> No.15148717

It’s not useless to not have ETH/ERC20, it’s actually perfectly fine. It’s preferable to have BTC and fiat detection over ETH/ERC20, nobody invoices for or pays in ETH/ERC20, when is the last time any crypto but BTC or Monero was used to buy something? Nobody accepts shitty ERC20 tokens, and no business is going to line up for an accounting tool for OmiseGO tokens.

I don’t know anything about that Nightfall thing, I’ll look into it. I’m still keeping an eye on REQ though because of its triple entry accounting power.

>> No.15148723

Educating retards is not salt.
You must be trolling because surely nobody is this stupid. Well done, you got me.
>They are also focused on integrating their product into existing products rather than taking the retarded approach which is believing businesses will switch to some shitty accounting application built by Request.
The fact that were stupid enough to believe this would work proves that they will not make it.
>It’s good to see they actually learned something from that and are moving in the right direction.
But they aren't though. It is too little, too late. The big boys are working on crypto/accounting integration and REQ is not capable of competing against them.
You do know that Xero is already partnered with Square right? As soon as Square launches their crypto apps (which Jack is pushing hard on), Xero will have crypto payments via Square. Do you genuinely believe Request can compete with Square?
If they had done this from the beginning they might have had first-mover advantage, but they fucked it up.
>Are y'all fucking poorfags or what?
No I'm rich and I'm going to stay that way by not buying REQ.
Think about your logical argument here...
>it only costs $1500 to buy a stack, therefore I should buy a stack
You could say this about every single shitcoin on CMC, and if that is your investment thesis you will die poor.
Nobody has any valid reason to invest in REQ. Just delusion about secret NDAs, and a misguided belief that this incompetent team is capable of competing with teams who actually deliver.
>If you have to whine over these small amounts of money, get the fuck out of crypto.
We are not "whining over small amounts of money", we are explaining why REQ is a poor investment. You must be literally retarded if you can't see the difference.
If you are so smart, tell us how much REQ you hold, your average buy price, and give three reasons this team can succeed in a crowded marketplace.

>> No.15148765

>It’s not useless to not have ETH/ERC20, it’s actually perfectly fine
No it is not. If it was... why did they release V1 with only ETH/ERC20? If it is fine now, why wasn't it fine then?
>nobody invoices for or pays in ETH/ERC20
>what are stablecoins?
People are crying out for the ability to use stablecoins in merchant payments. If you don't know this you have not been following the Ethereum dev community very closely.
Nobody wants to use BTC because it is slow and expensive to transfer. People want ERC20 stablecoins.
>I don’t know anything about that Nightfall thing, I’ll look into it.
Good idea. Then you will see why people are so negative about REQ. Compare REQ's encryption system to Nightfall's - it is like comparing a child's tricycle to a GSXR. The team is simply not very good at developing, everyone who competes with them comes with a better solution.
>I’m still keeping an eye on REQ though because of its triple entry accounting power.
Triple-entry booking is inherent to the blockchain, not to Request. Do not fall into the trap of thinking they are the only people who can deliver this. Any blockchain-based accounting gets triple-entry out of the box simply by virtue of being built on a publicly verifiable chain. When Square Crypto launches with Xero integration you will get triple-entry accounting via Xero with no need for Request.

>> No.15149052

The funny thing is that req's team probably pays the retards who write these posts. I cannot see any other reason for someone to shill this piece of shit

>> No.15149088

literally no pulse on this bitch

>> No.15149165

muh ycombinator. muh force down everyones throats. lmao get REQ't ya retarded BITCH.

>> No.15149308

i got my 100K REQ suicides bags today. lets go!

>> No.15150286

I wish it did something, lost all hope

>> No.15150394

Worth a shot now mate.

>> No.15150951

give us some concrete dates, products, etc. You can’t. The project’s dead you fucking mate.

>> No.15151072
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This scam literally ruined me in 2018.

Still haven't recovered. LINK is the only hope now.

I hope the creepy "private AMA" they are doing will result in someone shoving a fucking .45 caliber into that French faggots face.

>> No.15151098

>The rest just need to hold on for two more months and all of their tokens will be unlocked.

They were never locked you moron. They dumped millions in 2018.

>> No.15151129


>Anyone with half a brain can see the usage for Req.

Actually, not even the retarded, communist developers who hate their own investors have any clear vision for REQ, they even admitted that the token was useless and serves no purpose in their new specs for V2.

Maybe in 2035 when they announce V3 in closed alpha, will they propose a value case for the REQ token.

>> No.15151422

>The new focus of Request is invoicing and accounting on the blockchain.

Something nobody ever asked for, and a hasty change in their "pivot" when they realized they don't have the technical capacity to actually create a blockchain based PayPal with fiat currency conversions.

Literally everyone bought this in 2017 based on that alone.

Only desperate bagholders left behind with their bags proclaim that they bought for "invoicing", Lmao who the fuck cares about that?

There is not a single dollar to be made off that.

>> No.15151488

But do you have any link now?

>> No.15152024

Get your facts straight before you call someone a moron, moron.
They dumped a lot already but 60 million tokens are still locked for another couple of months.

>> No.15152049


>> No.15152051

>The funny thing is that req's team probably pays the retards who write these posts.
I don't think so. There are a lot of people who bought REQ at over $1 and have held all the way down. Those poor fucks are desperately clinging to the hope that it will somehow go 100x out of nowhere.
Or like another anon said, someone buying at 1c and selling at 2. Volume is low enough to make it work.

>> No.15152100

Volume at green candles is immense. Something is accumulating millions as we speak but /biz/ is retarded and will miss the biggest gainer of 2019 AGAIN

>> No.15152256

The volume only looks immense because it is usually approaching zero.
The volume was also relatively high on that spike up to 0.00012 ETH and whoever bought then is nearly 50% down.
Maybe the one accumulating is the retard. We shall see.

>> No.15152303

t. smelly neet

>> No.15152321

>11 posts by this ID
>still has no idea how this game works

>> No.15152527

What game are we playing? I thought it was "explain to retards why their investment is shit". That's my favorite.

>> No.15152562

>They dumped a lot already but 60 million tokens are still locked for another couple of months.

Lmao, locked by who? Enforced by which authority?

God you're stupid.

>> No.15152578


Your instincts led you to financial ruin and an abyss.

Listen to us and sell this trash before it goes to 80 SATs.

>> No.15152623

Smarter than you, obviously. It doesn't matter if the tokens are locked by smart contract or just the word of the team. The point is that they still have a fuckton of tokens to dump, and that dump is coming very soon.

>> No.15152704

>Smarter than you

Lmao, no, you admit to holding REQ, which puts you in the Bitconnect, Youtube nigger tier IQ range.

>> No.15152708

We need flags on /biz/.

>> No.15152711

Can't wait till this hits $1 again

>> No.15152761

>that spacing

>> No.15152763

>Can't wait till this hits $1 again

REQ has as much chance doing that as Peercoin, Vertcoin, Auroracoin, Quark, and all the other obsolete trash back into the top 20.

>> No.15152833
File: 142 KB, 1000x992, REQmarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i am a req marine and i never lost faith

>> No.15152834

>but gets rid of all of the following obstacles that keep normal people from interacting with blockchains: private keys, “gas” and network fees, entering “wallet addresses”
so why wasn't this in V1? every fucking idiot could see that that was not going to work

>> No.15152843

>we need every thread to turn into flag bashing like /sp/

>> No.15152898

Are you so new you don't get how IDs work here? Read through the thread again you dumb fuck. I have been shitting on REQ in every post. Now your stupid comments make sense... you can't actually read properly.
I held REQ when it had potential and dropped it when it became clear that it didn't.

>> No.15152925

>this whole thread

I swear the fud is almost as delusional as the bagholders

>> No.15152945

This is just false.

>> No.15153549

>Bought at .10 sold at $1
>Bought a suicide bag at 0.015 cent
>Moonshot or zero

>> No.15154651


>> No.15154657


>> No.15154715

Remember when mainnet for req was first released and people were disappointed with price action?
They deluded themselves into believing that “whales are purposefully suppressing price so that token burn will be MASSIVE”


>> No.15155531

I thought this shit is long dead

>> No.15155716

no real rumors. no hard dates. no potential partners. and yet you claim something big is happening. lol pathetic. rmaz is completely incompetent

>> No.15156135

whats the rumors?

>> No.15156195

Holy fuck discord trannies doesn't let this thread die. Jannies do your fucking unpaid job

>> No.15156941


>> No.15157081

Will be $3 eoy

>> No.15157562

kek this shit is my hardest hold

>> No.15157606

Why has a thread of a failed project this much replies? What the fuck is going on? I dont want to waste my time to read the entire thread, someone give a tldr pls

>> No.15157627

i bought and sold.
fuck this shitcoin.

>> No.15157715

too many bag holders

>> No.15157821

Cant wait to dump 100k+ req on you bois

>> No.15157855


>> No.15157919

Req is dog shit. French people are lazy.

>> No.15157947


Two shills keep antagonizing anons who use to hold this garbage in better days.

>> No.15157951

>this thread in 2019
this shithole of website named /biz/ should be nuked from the internet