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15133963 No.15133963 [Reply] [Original]

If your life was LITERALLY on the line, you made basically 1k a month after tax, have 2k in the bank, and are going to school and will graduate with about 15k in debt, how would you amass 40k in 10 months?

I am open to anything legal (I'd be okay with commiting fraud for this).

Basically, I need surgeries on my legs to fix my deformity (I am 5'5" and need the surgeries to turn me 5'9"). I swore I would kill myself if I didn't get the surgeries by the time I turn 25 (only reason I didn't finish.. well basically it was all caused by my mental problems that came from my short height i.e. confined in the mental hospital, too depressed certain semesters to even leave my room, etc. Fuck you, god).

No exceptions. I have wanted to kill myself for nearly 7.5 years. Enough is enough.

Is it even possible or will I die?

How can I get the money? Can I just make a bunch of private loans and pretend it's for school and then just do the surgeries?
I'm open to it. If it results in jail time and/or debt for life, it is a better alternative to suicide anyways, right? Or mayne either way is shit and I should just kms now. I lose no matter what I do.

Things are looking extremely bleak and I see no light at the end of this tunnel.

Man... this faggot god really had it out for me. What a down syndrome bitch..
I see no hope of any kind. Damn, I probably have the worst life on this planet minus those that were physically tortured.

Is there hope? No shitcoin memes. I need to know what I can do right now. I would do almost anything. I just don't know how to go about it..

>> No.15133972

Fucking manlets

>> No.15133993
File: 723 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190804-183612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get these + padded shoes.
Wear two pair of socks in winter

>> No.15133996

Credit card bins on dark web

>> No.15134010

I said no memes. I am dead serious. The whole point of the surgery is to be average height and not look like a midget without my shoes on.

It gets so bad, I never take off my shoes even when I'm at home. Just when I'm showering or going to sleep.

>> No.15134011

>Killing yourself cause you're 5'5"
Move to an Asian country you stupid faggot. That's average height there.

>> No.15134031

Learn to read

Even if I were "average height", I would still feel like a 12 year old boy in this body. Moving places won't change jack shit.

>> No.15134041

when will they learn

>> No.15134058

unironically this. You can easily fuck 7/10 asians in some poor asian countries. As long as you make 4kUSD+ per month you are way higher value than 90% of other males around you, even if you're 5'5.

>> No.15134070

Jesus fuck learn to read >>15134031

I hate it when idiots always bring up "pussy" as if that makes having a 12 year old body "okay". Beta fucking logic.

>> No.15134085

why do you care about being 5'5? The only disadvantage is getting laid and making money.

You can get laid in asia. You can make money on the internet (where no one knows you're a manlet)

>> No.15134091

Thread concludes that you're automatically fucked if you're under 5'8

>> No.15134092

Buy Link

>> No.15134108
File: 140 KB, 379x440, 1544653871842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending forty thousand dollars and fucking up your legs forever to go from manlet to slightly taller manlet
Anon, you have body dysphoria. Surgery will not cure that,. If anything it will make it worse because you'll still be a manlet but your proportions will be all fucked up. Not to mention the chronic physical pain
Go see a therapist or something about your mental illness

>> No.15134114


Dude if I make it I want to pay for your surgery. This post is kind of heart breaking to be honest.

>> No.15134118

nah dude I know 2 rich manlets who get laid like crazy in colombia and vietnam. These poor countries are full of cuties who only care about money. They're not hookers, they're gold diggers and that's perfectly fine.

>> No.15134137

You should move to Japan, Chine or South Korea. They are all manlets in there so you don't have to be ashamed of it anymore.

>> No.15134139

If you need help from a manlet living a good life send me your contact details.

>> No.15134143

lmao height is only relevant relative to other people, what the fuck are you even saying

>"beta logic"
opinion instantly discarded, stop using meme terms like an actual fucking 12 year old

op is in a pit of self pity, he could easily be a based manlet, but he has to stop being a faggot first

get the fuck off 4chan unless you can see past the defeatism and degenerates; this place is a flytrap for bottom tier losers - don't let these people and their retarded perspetives rub off on you

go be based; if you do cardio, eat well, read and lift you'll have an aura most people don't have - that can compensate for a lot of height, you'll never fuck 10/10s, but whatever

>> No.15134152


PS: The surgery won't help you cause you'll forever be a manlet at heart.

>> No.15134160

Body building?????

It was LITERALLY the ONLY thing that I cared about.
>inb4 "b-but it's easier to build muscle when you're short!"
Ya and what the fuck is the point when at the end of the day, it will still look pathetic as shit? People who say being a short male is fine are either delusional or are short themselves and are just COPING.

Na, even 5'9" is barely okay. 5'10" is the magic number in my eyes.

That would be nice... I have 4190 notes on my phone. Like 95% of it is me just talkimg about wanting to kms. I have spammed this online too (like on suicide forums). I could have had a normal life.. instead, I am broken. All because god targeted me specifically. Only bad things happen to me.

>> No.15134162
File: 239 KB, 1044x770, 1475537003778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ, what a pathetic excuse for a human bean.

>> No.15134185



It won't help me. My issues has less to do with women and money (well, money to an extent. I was never obsessed with money until I desired the surgeries) and more to do with pride+dominance.

It has to do with my old self. The one that trained like a madman. I strongly believe I would have broken world records had I never been emasculated.

>go be based; if you do cardio, eat well, read and lift you'll have an aura most people don't have - that can compensate for a lot of height, you'll never fuck 10/10s, but whatever

Hilarious you should say this.

At age 12, I would do 100 pushups in 1 minute and 20 seconds without stopping. At age 16.5, I used to do 17k pushups with 45lb in a month, 51k situps in a month, curl a 20lb dumbbell 1,800 times per arm in one single set, almost maxed the machines I used for 2 yrs (ages 15-16), curl 50lb dumbbells, hand stand pushups, Etc. That's just a brief summary. I basically did one of everything. Trained 2-3 hrs everyday for 4.5 yrs from age 12-16.5.

As for the weights in the machines that I used, I couldn't tell you. I put pins randomly. I tried to put it in the heaviest I could handle, but never looked at the amount. The fitness room in my highschool also had pins for bench presses. I had my own bench press too with not much weights (maybe about 200lb. Nothing really).

That's a SUMMARY. Long story short: 4.5 years I trained (age 12-16.5). Trained 2-3 hrs a day. My goal was to push my ultimate limit. It made me feel good.. but when I realized 5'5" was my final height, it shattered my brain. I went from being a man (mentally) to being a boy. I was mind raped by this. TRUE PTSD

>> No.15134187

>Na, even 5'9" is barely okay. 5'10" is the magic number in my eyes.
to who? you? I'm 5'8 and my life is based as fuck

> I could have had a normal life.. instead, I am broken. All because god targeted me specifically. Only bad things happen to me.
you are a fucking 12 year old girl
look at how pathetic you sound; you can have a great life even if you never see a pussy once - but you will automatically, if you end this retarded selfpity persona and work on yourself

>> No.15134199

I remember your thread from a while ago. Dude I feel bad for you. If you need the surgery just take out loans at this point. Better alternative to killing yourself.

>> No.15134223

Nog, just keep going, your height means nothing when you can bench 500, or deadlift 450.

When you break world records in athletics, bitches will come. And that's a guarantee.

>> No.15134226

>and more to do with pride+dominance
and why would you place so much value on this in 2k19? 4chan brainwash you?

>weights blabla
? literally who cares, you sound like a boomer who thought he would be a pro football player if it wasnt for xyz

just keep lifting if you enjoy it, no one else gives a fuck - why do you have to "shatter records" to have self respect? work with the hand you're dealt and ditch your "im broken" persona, its pathetic, and is much more the reason you aren't a "man" than your height

>> No.15134238

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.15134256

>and why would you place so much value on this in 2k19? 4chan brainwash you?
Read the workouts I did. I was different from others. All I cared about was physical power. Ever since I was a kid. It was all that mattered to me. To have a perfect sculpted body. To reach the pinnacle of my potential.

It was INSTINCT. As if I could ever be influenced by another person. Idolizing someone is for the weak.

Literally nothing else is capable of giving me meaning. It's LITERALLY impossible for me to accept this degeneracy. It is against my very nature. This is how my brain is wired. To be king. To have the ultimate body.

>> No.15134286


You sound like a tranny who thinks he'll feel complete when he cuts his dick off. When the reality dawns at him after the surgery he goes and kills himself.

It's the hope that's keeping you alive. After the surgery, when you understand that you have made yourself a freak (while still being a manlet at heart), is when you'll kill yourself for real.

>> No.15134300

god is irony

>> No.15134304

Lazy piece of shit. Had back problems and did some specific stretches daily (still do) to fix my posture. Bonus was that it did "add" some height. Go for that and stop coping

>> No.15134305


PS: You do understand that your intense training is what made you a manlet? If you train so intensely while being so young it hampers your growth.

>> No.15134309


>> No.15134323


And it's this "instinct" that you have that made you a manlet. You literally used the nutrients that were supposed to go to your height to your muscles. You made your bed and should now lie in it. Holy shit you are one fucking retarded ape.

>> No.15134329

Unironically this. You stunted your growth faggit

>> No.15134330

>"my brain is wired"
no, that's just a narrative you tell yourself - it's widely understood that some people believe they have a fixed mindset, and others believe they can change their mindset

understand and convince yourself that you *can* change the way you think, or you never will - it's a selffulfilling prophecy

>> No.15134340

>After the surgery, when you understand that you have made yourself a freak (while still being a manlet at heart), is when you'll kill yourself for real.
I know this already. You are wrong about one thing though. This is NOT a mistake.

The reason I'll kill myself is because if get the surgeries, I will get them when it's too late. I will never be "me" again. I was emasculated and will always be a 12 year old bot in my head now. This was PTSD only worse as it isn't a one time event. It's a continuous event that will never end until I get the surgeries.

The surgeries won't turn me into the superior dominant me anymore. My pride was hardcore. My self esteem was probably the highest of all humans.

It's all gone now. I know the surgeries can't give back what this mother fucker god stole from me.

The thing is, I don't want god to have the last laugh. I don't want to die a midget. I need at least one victory before I die.

>> No.15134342

Brah wait a couple of years at least. I just read on /fit/ that the chinks are working on reactivating growth plates. Basically you'd inject some shit, your growth plates would become active again, then you'd start taking a shitton of HGH and your bones would resume growing just like when you were young. I don't know what kind of growth you can expect with it yet, but it will be infinitely better than getting your shins lengthened in some shithole like mexico, your proportions would be fucked and you'd likely start having serious problems with them in your 40s.

>> No.15134358

>Lazy piece of shit. Had back problems and did some specific stretches daily (still do) to fix my posture. Bonus was that it did "add" some height. Go for that and stop coping

This fucking retard actually thinks you can grow taller by fucking stretching. The ultimate brainlet.

Look, stupid.

1. Lazy? You can't even compare yourself to my old self >>15134185

2. Stretching can't make bones longer, fucking idiot. Also, the most you can get from stretching your back is MAYBE 1 inch. 5'6" is still fucking pathetic as hell, brainlet.

>> No.15134362

well that's retarded. what matters in life is survival and reproduction. Money + Women. Those are the only universal drivers. Anything else can be coped with. You'll never be a strong man cause you're a manlet, who cares? Do something else.

The only fundamental drivers are survival and reproduction. Money and women. Everything else is your own choice. Choose something you can be good at.

>> No.15134380


You sound like that nigger, who made threads here some time ago, who blamed god for being unable to leave the shithole he lived in even though he was committing crimes and then got arrested by the cops.

It's the same for you. You pushed yourself too hard for whatever power fantasies you had while being a young boy and made yourself a midget. Why are you blaming god? Did god force you to do all of those pushups and sit ups while you had your growth period? Was it god who forced yourself to train so hard you stunted your growth and turned out a midget?

>> No.15134391

>Lazy? You can't even compare yourself to my old self
jesus fucking christ you're just a dude like the rest of us, stop pretending you were some demi god because you lifted some weights when you were a teenager

>> No.15134395

Wrong, idiot. My parents are short. Height is LARGELY genetic. I wouldn't have became 20ft tall with "proper nutrition". That's complete bullshit.

Nope. That's bs. Same bs I hear when i tried therapy. Load of crap. I don't even WANT to change to some pussified excuse of a man.
>inb4 "but you are one!"
No. I would become one IF I simply ACCEPTED my little boy body as my own. THAT is only something a pussy would do.

I want to do the surgeries in germany. It will take a yr to actually grow my tibia 4 inches. I also plan on dying before 30 anyways so any long term problems are irrelevant.

>> No.15134415

this is the truth but nobody here will ever admit it

>> No.15134422

>I also plan on dying before 30 anyways
kek you are mentally ill. your destiny is either jail, homelessness or death

>> No.15134427


You’re putting the blame of a mental disorder onto your body. The answer to your problems is less expensive, you need therapy. Everyone can find something “wrong” with their bodies it’s just that normal functioning brains do obsess over things they cannot easily change. There are billions of people without legs, baby dicks, facial mutations... so many things you have that others don’t. Don’t be a little bitch, go get mental help and stick to it.

>> No.15134432

I basically was a demi god. Go do what I used to and you'll see how fucking hard it really is. Words do it no justice. Fyi, you know how I said that was a summary?

Let me just give you a specific example of another thing I did. 300 pusbups in 4 min and 20 sec (100 pushups non stop for 1 min and 20 sec then a 10 sec. Breathing break. Repeated. Then another 100). That was with 45lb on my back.

300 pushups with 45lb on my back in 4 min and 20 sec. Fucking think about that. And that was as a 16 yr old. Imagine if I never stopped training????

You could never understand of course. You remind me of my therapist I had. "Oh, anon. I used to run a mile. I get you". Fucking bullcrap.

Let me put it this way. 1 pushup =/= 1000.

Okay? Do what I did. If you did less, it's crap.

>> No.15134434

> I don't even WANT to change to some pussified excuse of a man.
?????? you *are* a pussified excuse of a man

>inb4 "but you are one!"
exactly right

there are based manlets and there are selfpitying loser manlets, and you've chosen to build a persona around the latter

>> No.15134438

>Wrong, idiot. My parents are short. Height is LARGELY genetic. I wouldn't have became 20ft tall with "proper nutrition". That's complete bullshit.

You sure as hell wouldn't have become 5,5 midget if you didn't use the nutrients intended for your height to your muscles. You can check any entry level research done on the subject that genes have only a little relation to the height of the offspring. Short people have long offspring and long people have short offspring. The studies also agree, that doing heavy lifting exercises can stunt your growth.

You literally made yourself a midget and now you cry how God is responsible.

>> No.15134444

>retard thinks I had control over my height
>retard fails to understand the word "genetics"

Like what... I stunted MAYBE an inch at most IF anything at all???

I have shitty genetics. god planned that out from the beginning to get under my skin so yes, It's that mother fucker's fault this happened to me.

>> No.15134447

>I basically was a demi god.

Okay, now you sound exactly like a nigger. You deserve being a midget.

>> No.15134463

trust me when I say 99.999% of the population place zero value on any of the things you are bragging about

you don't sound badass, you sound retarded

>> No.15134465

who cares? People only care about women and money. Your athletic feats impress nobody. You might as well have practiced jerking off 300 times a day, it's just as unimpressive.

>> No.15134470


I bet you're a troll. You're the same guy who made those nigger threads and now you are making midget threads. You write exactly like that nigger and you're spouting just as retarded stupid shit as that nigger.

It's entirely possible you'd been 6,0 inches, but you blew it by stunting yourself to a midget. You should remember in your next life that you don't have any power fantasies before you have grown to be a mental AND physical man, height included.

>> No.15134494

>You’re putting the blame of a mental disorder onto your body.
Oh not this horseshit.

False. Short height is a negative stimuli. Saying this is a "mental disorder" is lile saying someone who kills themselves for being bullied as being "mentally ill".

It's made up bullshit. Obviously with enough negative stimuli, it makes it so people see life as more bad than good whoch in turn makes suicide enticing. That's simply common sense. I hate how ANYTHING RELATED TO SUICIDE = "oh, mentally ill".

The mental health industry is a joke.

>> No.15134496

Loans or UND. If go with UND

>> No.15134507

>trust me when I say 99.999% of the population place zero value on any of the things you are bragging about
Seems you are illiterate because I literally stated I don't give a shit what others think about me (hence why moving to fucking china won't fix this problem).

>> No.15134520

>People only care about women and money. Your athletic feats impress nobody.
Aaaaaaaaaand I care about impressing stupid human beings why??

This was about how *I* saw myself, NOT how others see me.

>> No.15134528
File: 63 KB, 703x576, lollipopguild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a demi god in a world of hobbits. Stop obsessing join a circus see the world. bill yourself as the the mighty atom demi god. Failing that join a tribe of pygmys and be the big man, work in a mine hi ho or simply get tv work theres plenty of options for little folk.

>> No.15134534

yeah you do give a fuck about what other people think about you

its painfully obvious you have a fragile ego

stop making yourself a super villain story; you are not special, you're just another dude who happens to be short

>> No.15134538

>I correct the retard by stating that genetics is the predetermined factor for height
>says I sound like a nigger for stating facts

>> No.15134541


Then see yourself as the king of all midgets? The Demi God of midgets?

Nobody really gives a shit.

>> No.15134553


>> No.15134554

>WITH surgery
I'm 6'0 and second shortest among my friends. It's over

>> No.15134557

>doesn't care what others think
>obsess over trivial fitness challenges to the point of suicide
mental health industry is BS, but you are still mentally ill, a non mentally ill person would just make money and try to get laid, not obsess about being able to do 100 push ups per minute.

You're basically one of these homeless people walking around all day mumbling to themselves.

>> No.15134566

>yeah you do give a fuck about what other people think about you

Oh look at this projection. Absolutely pathetic.

>its painfully obvious you have a fragile ego
ONLY accurate thing you've states. I do have a super fragile ego. Even before when I felt like a king, I had a fragile ego, BUT it wasn't based on how others saw me. It was based on the expectations I had for myself. I was always concious of my limitations.

>stop making yourself a super villain story; you are not special, you're just another dude who happens to be short
Yet I trained harder than 99.99999% of humans. Topkek.

Stop equalizing effort. Again, 1 pushup =/= 1000. That's fucking retarded logic.

>> No.15134570


>Any study says that parents of any height can have children of any height
>The manlet started to do heavy lifting exercises at 12

Which do you think made you a midget? Your genetics that according to any study could produce offspring of any height or your heavy exercises that used the nutrients that were supposed to go to your height to your muscles.

Well, at least you have big muscles now. At least they'll make you a great miner for Snow White.

>> No.15134575

I mean, in truth, I NEVER wanted to be tall. 5'10" was always my dream height. Perfect height for a body builder in MY eyes. Oh well.
Life is based on luck. Effort means jack shit without the right resources.

>> No.15134576

OP you reading this?
You can make a fresh start. You can rewire your brain into striving for other things that don't have to do with height, everyone can, especially people like you who really pursue the thing they're after.
I'll give you two pieces of advice and you better make use of them:
A)Use your money and go to a shrink instead of getting leg surgery. Search until you find a good, expensive one. Good psychologists work wonders.
B) Read. Read fucking books. Like literature. No fucking movies. Read about other people. You're so obsessed with yourself right now it's clouding your vision.

If you're asking "WHAT can I do to get a better impression of myself?", a fucking leg surgery is as good as strapping a horsecock on your forehead and parading around, christening yourself Cockman.
Hope that helps, I'm not optimal height either.

>> No.15134582

>mental health industry is BS, but you are still mentally ill, a non mentally ill person would just make money and try to get laid, not obsess about being able to do 100 push ups per minute.

That's retarded logic. Your logic is "if people don't like the same things I like, they are mentally ill". Do you hear yourself? Get btfod.

>> No.15134594

>any study could produce offspring of any height
ANY height??
So I could have been 10 feet tall if only I ate all my veggies????

MOST retarded post here.

It was in FACT genetics, you idiot. Articles aside, I have even been told this by doctors straight to my fucking FACE.

Hmm.. who knows more. A random anon that has no idea what they are saying or a doctor? Hmmmmmm what a toughy.

>> No.15134601

it's not retarded logic, you're just too low IQ to understand it.

People who obsess over irrelevant shit like yourself to the point of suicide, are mentally ill and end up homeless, walking around mumbling to themselves.

A non mentally ill person might like trivial shit, but they don't obsess over trivial shit to the point of suicide.

You are no different than the mumbling homeless. Admit it, it's your destiny.

>> No.15134604

what projection? I care about what other people think of me, but not as much as you - the way you "overplay" your past like you are one of a kind simply because you had a hobby you took seriously is retarded

I've been 100th percentile in my hobbies too; I was an esports player for years - that happened because I played a lot when I was a teenager, and I was probably objectively better than you percentile wise, yet I don't even remotely identify with it or think I'm special because of it - I just had a hobby and got good, like you

>> No.15134607

>You can rewire your brain into striving for other things that don't have to do with height, everyone can, especially people like you who really pursue the thing they're after.
I don't WANT to change. I already addressed this above

>A)Use your money and go to a shrink instead of getting leg surgery. Search until you find a good, expensive one. >Good psychologists work wonders.

I don't believe in the mental health industry. I have a long history with it. Literally 0 progress. Mostly because they can't offer real solutions other than "pills and talking it out".

>B) Read. Read fucking books. Like literature. No fucking movies. Read about other people. You're so obsessed with yourself right now it's clouding your vision.
I have 0 interest in other people.

>> No.15134623

You are stating your opinions of life as a fact. That is the epitome of retarded. You are basically saying "there's only one way to be successful in life and that is by being a sheep and doing what everyone else does".

Fucking dumb as shit.

>> No.15134630

>You are stating your opinions of life as a fact
literally the opposite, I am stating facts, you are stating opinions. But again, you are too low IQ to understand that.

>> No.15134638

>I don't WANT to change. I already addressed this above
>my life sucks, but I don't want to change
welp, you seem smart

>> No.15134641
File: 38 KB, 634x408, blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga just cut off your feet and have them install these bad boys. you'll be 6'2", and being a cyborg will distract women from your terrible personality, possibly suckering them in for some curiosity sex. You could wear a fedora and change your name to Blade, that would be badass

>> No.15134647

>what projection?
You answered it yourself
>I care about what other people think of me, but not as much as you
You assume I care what others think just because you do.

>the way you "overplay" your past like you are one of a kind simply because you had a hobby you took seriously is retarded
The level of obsession I had was indeed uncommon as shit so yes, it was "special". My obsession was indeed as uncommon as it could get.
Unfortunately, it can't be put into words.

>I've been 100th percentile in my hobbies too; I was an esports player for years - that happened because I played a lot when I was a teenager, and I was probably objectively better than you percentile wise, yet I don't even remotely identify with it or think I'm special because of it - I just had a hobby and got good, like you

You ASSUME your obsession was just as strong as mine. Again, ASSUME

>> No.15134652


I'd say any height between a hobbit and 6,4 inches. I have seen people who are normal height who had midgets for parents. I have also seen midgets who had long parents. Then there are the midgets who did hard lifting exercises and stunted their growth.

How does it feel to finally understand that it wasn't God who made you a midget. It was you yourself.

Here is a study that shows you that hard training can make you a midget.


>> No.15134665

What kinda bullshit is this? You're crying because you're short? You will kill yourself unless you get fake legs? What happens after you get the surgery and end up with nasty scars all over your legs? Then you will start another thread about how shitty it is to have scars and it makes you wear pants all the time. Fix your head, /b/ruh.

Whatever, if you want robo legs either do the surgery in the 3rd world country for cheap, or take out a bunch of loans in your country, do the surgery, and then leave to go live in a 3rd world country. Or.. just wait until your brain grows up and you accept yourself as is.

>> No.15134667

Retard. You basically said "anyone who isn't a sheep is mentally ill".

And again, you state that OPINION as a fact when it is subjective, you absolute fucking brainlet. Literally the opposite my ass.

I on the other hand am stating an OBJECTIVE FACT.

That fact being that what makes life worth it is 100% SUBJECTIVE. There IS no ONE true way of "succeeding".

>> No.15134676

You know out of desperation, I was even considering that.

The thing is, I just don't think those legs look good.

>> No.15134685

I know you care about what other people think, literally everyone does to some extent

I can easily demonstrate that you care about other people on some level by the fact that you post in this thread; what makes me think you care way too much about our opinions is the way you try to portray yourself

>I am soooooooo special
again, no, sorry - just a dude with a hobby he liked and committed to who post rationalizes his entire life as a coping mechanism

get over yourself, really

>> No.15134704

1. My doctor btfod you. Checkmate. Just face it.
2. That article only states that excessive training can potentially stunt growth but it NEVER actually states "how much". Again, it is LARGELY based on genetics. Again, this is straight of of my doctor's mouth.
So much for that "unlimited height" bs you were spouting.
>I have seen
Stop right there. I don't care. Anecdotal data doesn't mean jack shit.

>> No.15134710

All in Zuckbucks and wait a few months.

>> No.15134729

go into acting, tons of actors are short as fuck.

>> No.15134732

>I know you care about what other people think, literally everyone does to some extent
Oh brother.. here we go with the projection again.

>I can easily demonstrate that you care about other people on some level by the fact that you post in this thread; what makes me think you care way too much about our opinions is the way you try to portray yourself
I don't care how others see my fucking body is the point.
I CARE about CORRECTING shit logic. I DON'T care how you see me as.

>again, no, sorry - just a dude with a hobby he liked and committed to who post rationalizes his entire life as a coping mechanism
Here we go with the equalizing bullshit again lmao.

So let's just pretend I did 1 trillion pushups with a billion lb on my back. Let's just pretend. Are you really just going to say "well I liked playing video games so I understand your obsession"?

LOOOL. This is where your logic falls apart.

You equate things that aren't equal. What you are doing is like equating 1 pushup to 1000.

>> No.15134801


Your doctor lied to you because he tried to comfort you and make you fork him more money. End of story.

You made yourself a midget, now you get to enjoy being a midget. Just remember to not be retarded in your next life and you just might make it.

>> No.15134813
File: 7 KB, 257x196, 1554870659678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we projecting love now?

>> No.15134828

>Your doctor lied to you because he tried to comfort you and make you fork him more money. End of story.

No, more like you're a fucking idiot that can't accept when they get btfod. Doctors are blunt because lying can get them into legal trouble, idiot.

>> No.15134835
File: 198 KB, 523x720, they-dont-think-it-be-like-it-is-but-it-do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 6'1
> all men in family over 6'0
> even women usually 5'10

> gf 5'0
> all men in her family 5'6 or below
> she has 30F chest

Lol sorry kids.

>> No.15134838


>> No.15134847

you ever tried cuck bro, think people like might enjoy it.

>> No.15134856


He lied to you. And apparently he was successful and managed to make more money out of your midget ass.

Seriously, how do you think he could get into legal trouble for lying that you didn't ruin your own life? It's pathetic how you're in denial about you ruining your own life and making yourself a hobbit.

Don't worry, at least Gandalf thinks you hobbits are jolly folk.

>> No.15134887

>normies with meme depression are back
is this the beginning of the bull market?

>> No.15134900
File: 58 KB, 378x357, 66949627178253821130.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Height is predetermined by your genetics you absolute fucking dipshit.

You are in so much denial. It's hilarious because you probably know you are a retard that is full of shit, BUT you can't swallow your pride and admit defeat so you repeat the same horseshit of "dur hur the doctor lied lolol"

Fucking retard. That is literally your argument. That the doctor lied to me.

Just... lol...

I bet even the faggots here that are against me are face palming over your shitty argument.

>> No.15134918

Also, by your logic, a god damn ant can become 20 feet tall with enough "nutrition" LMAO.

>> No.15134926

Just move to Asia, most men their are short height

>> No.15134927


>> No.15134932

>Height is predetermined by your genetics you absolute fucking dipshit.

And you can still make yourself a midget. Additionally, you don't know what height you'll get when your genetic sequence is formed.

Apparently your doctor is a genius who has cracked the human genome and the mysteries of the DNA and can read it like an open book to determine the height your genes allow you to be.

It's obvious he knows jack shit about the subject and thus he lied to you when he claimed that "no mr midget, it wasn't you who ruined your life even though the studies say thats objectively what you did. No, it was God and genetics, even though I know jack shit about them, just trust me".

You must feel like killing yourself now that you finally understand it's your stupid ass "Demigod" self that made you a hobbit. It must really hurt.

>> No.15134944

Ah sadly, I have to go to sleep now to start waging in this shit job that pays pebbles.

And sadly, no one gave me a solution.

If the losers that want to have the last word in order to not feel totally obliterated feel like commenting, go ahead.
I won't stay for much longer. I mean anyone with half a brain can I see I basically btfod people here (2 mostly. The one stating his opinions of life as a fact anf the retard that thinks an ant can become 20ft tall if it eats all his vegies lol).
They will probably still comment to TRY to save face tho. Just how it goes.

>> No.15134959

Dunning Kruger effect in action everyone.

Also, here's the ultimate btfo, retard >>15134918

>> No.15135018

Suck 40,000 cocks for $1 each

>> No.15135072


>Thinks somebody cares about his ridiculous straw-man
>Muh Dunning Kruger

Looks like you're still in denial. The faster you accept that you made yourself a midget the faster you can do the right thing.

>> No.15135096

>dur hur I am smarter than doctors
Again, everyone here can see you lost. Even the people against me are probably laughing at your retarded logic of "you stunted your growth and genetics was a very tiny part of your height".

Again, you fucking retard. With your TRASH logic, an ant can become 20 ft tall.

Ypu are so stupid. Earlier you were even saying people had unlimited potential for growth too (i.e. someone with midget parents that are 4ft tall can become 7ft tall if they are "optimal" with their life style) like what the god damn hell are you even smoking?

You are by far one of the stupidest people I have EVER met.

>> No.15135142
File: 59 KB, 424x693, 1564775044314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye, you fucking tard. Your pride won't let you accept the fact that you lost.

You DESPERATELY want to believe I stunted my growth just so you can say it was "my fault". Lol

You are SO desperate, that you even call doctors liars just so you can keep believing the bullshit you spew. You even go as far as to say you know more than them here >>15134932

Again, I know your types. You can't accept looking like a retard so you just respond with the same bullshit to try to save face and not look lile a total idiot in front of everyone.

I don't care anymore. You're a waste of time and I have to go to sleep to continue wagecucking and enduring the shitty life faggot god gave me.

>> No.15135158


>Hurr durr I think doctors are omniscient

In this case I can confidently say that your doctor was full of shit. He has absolutely no qualification to make that statement, which means he did it to only make you fork out more money. Especially when there are studies that clearly prove excessive training can stunt your growth.

>you stunted your growth and genetics was a very tiny part of your height

In this case it's obvious. Normal people don't do such ridiculous amounts of exercise while having their growth period. Thats why your genetics don't matter, you never gave your body the time it needed to grow, you used that to make yourself "muh demi god".

>Again, you fucking retard. With your TRASH logic, an ant can become 20 ft tall.

This is only your straw man created from the simple fact that you lack the basic cognitive abilities to have an intelligent conversation. Do I seriously have to separately specify that I was talking about the confines of the confirmed limits of a human? Apparently it wasn't just your height that was stunted to the level of a midget, it was your brains and cognitive ability as well. Holy shit.

What you don't seem to understand is that no matter if your genetics allowed you to become 6,1 you would still have become 5,5 midget due to your excessive training. You made yourself a midget and now you get to enjoy being a midget.

>> No.15135180

You'll still be a manlet at 5'9. I'm 5'8 and i've accepted my fate. Just don't give a shit. It made my insecurities go away without pumping myself in a gym like most manlets do

>> No.15135198

>In this case I can confidently say that your doctor was full of shit
Again, this is called a dunning kruger effect. You're the very definition of a brainlet. Are you a teen by any chance? You sound like one based on how you try to discredit actual experts with years of experience and claiming you know more than them.

Biz, point at him and laugh for this sentence alone.

Long story short, this retard is in denial about genetics predetermining your height.

This absolute retard actually believes my final height must have been something like 6ft and that I stunted 8 inches or whatever without any sort of evidence while I at least stated how my doctor stated how height is the predetermining factor.

Another thing, this absolute dumbass thinks genetics are fucking irrelevant as shit Lol.

Again, that's like saying ants can become 20ft tall "since genetics doesn't matter. Just living optimally matters".

This utter deranged retard just doesn't want to accept I fucking destroyed him. I loathe retards like that. Retards that can't accept when they've lost.

>> No.15135210
File: 237 KB, 1080x563, Screenshot_20190806-040249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw you dumbass, pic related. Fucking idiot. Holy shit, you are so damn stupid.

>> No.15135229

Are you into Asian girls? You can still tower over them with 5'5

>> No.15135240

how do I short OP?!

>> No.15135241

Also, let me ask you something, you fucking retard.

Why is any football player in highschool 6ft or more?

Why aren't those tall ones 5'5" too despite doing heavy weight training?

You know why, you fucking idiot? Because of genetics.

By your shitastic logic, even they shouldn't have EVER reached 6ft... yet... they fucking did.. they exercise a lot.

Hmmmmmmmm I fucking wonder why. Learn to think, retard.

Not everyone has the same genetics, dumbass. THAT is why height varies so much.



>> No.15135250

>Again, this is called a dunning kruger effect. You're the very definition of a brainlet. Are you a teen by any chance? You sound like one based on how you try to discredit actual experts with years of experience and claiming you know more than them.

You don't seem to understand. The doctor claimed that this midgets hard training (yours) had nothing to do with the fact he ended up a midget. That's an objective lie from which I know he was full of shit. It's a lie because there are studies proving that excessive training can stunt physical growth, but somehow this witch doctor was able to know that regardless it had nothing to do with his height.

It's also obvious that you're a troll. You don't seem to know, but I noticed your IP has changed once already before this. You're OP and you're making yourself look ridiculous.

Even if you're not a troll you're a midget, which is even worse.

>> No.15135255

This loser faggot again. Fuck off retard.

>> No.15135258

No, retard. It is you who fails to understand the most BASIC of things.

Get btfod to oblivion.

>> No.15135265

Also, dumbass, I am using 3g on and off. Of course I'm fucking op. It couldn't be any more obvious, idiot.

>> No.15135273

Also, surprise surprise... you didn't address this
>This absolute retard actually believes my final height must have been something like 6ft and that I stunted 8 inches or whatever without any sort of evidence while I at least stated how my doctor stated how height is the predetermining factor.

Nor this
>Again, that's like saying ants can become 20ft tall "since genetics doesn't matter. Just living optimally matters".

Probably because you know that destroyed you and you have 0 argument.

Truly the village idiot of biz.

>> No.15135274


>partially understood
>remains unknown

You're trying so hard to cope. So there is at least 20% chance you could have become 6,1 Chad if you just kept your power fantasies about being a "demi god" in check and started your excessive training after your body and your brains had time to develop.

Know you have brains of a 12 years old trapped inside the body of a 12 years old and it's all because you were too horny about your power fantasies.

>> No.15135285

>It's a lie because there are studies proving that excessive training can stunt physical growth

AGAIN YOU RETARDED CLOWN, the data you cited never stated by HOW MUCH.

For all you fucking know, I stunted one fucking inch. Not only that, but explain this shit, retard >>15135241

You are in so much FUCKING DENIAL it's not even funny. It's just pathetic as god damn shit that you are either too stubborn or too god damn stupid to comprehend basic shit.

>> No.15135292

>ignores the 80%
Jesus fucking christ. And you think I'm the troll?


>> No.15135307

>So there is at least 20% chance you could have become 6,1
That's not how it works. Lmao

Where in the fuck are you getting these numbers from? Might as well say there was a 20% chance I could have been 1000ft tall. See how retarded it looks to throw out random as shit numbers??
Probably not. You are too damn stupid to see your shit logic.

>> No.15135316

Own your height you dumb fuck. Become a pitbull, dalmations May be big but they’re fags. You’re only lacking character, not leg inches.
>t. manlet until large growth spurt in 20s

>> No.15135326
File: 80 KB, 478x523, 1525357293527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. I've seriously wasted enough time arguing with a special eds kid and I really should have gone to sleep an hour ago.

I can't fix stupid.

>> No.15135337


Just look at how this midget tries to cope!

It's too easy to destroy your doctor:
1. There are studies that prove excessive amount of training can stunt your growth
2. You trained excessively stunting your growth
3.Your "doctor" says "no it wasn't this midget training excessively, it was genes of which I know jack shit

You're 12 years old due to having stunted your growth so let me spell this to you. If you excessively train yourself it doesn't matter about what kinds of genetics you have because your body can't grow at the same time it's being constantly pushed to the edge.

About your straw man concerning ants, I already answered to it in >>15135158 and thus won't humor your midget brains anymore.

Even worse than having stunted the growth of your height you even stunted the growth of your brains.

>> No.15135343

>You’re only lacking character, not leg inches.
this, thread over

>> No.15135345

i dont know if this board is cruel or are we too sympathetic?

>> No.15135347
File: 50 KB, 719x638, EA_9zdkW4AImFrI.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15135412

>you stunted your height by 20 inches even though I am just talking out of my ass
>also, the 80% genetic stat and your doctor don't know shit, but I'm an expert tho!
Village idiot, the post

>> No.15135427

Is the fact that I btfod you driving you crazy?
Of course it is.

>> No.15135429

Yeah OP, you're never going to be whole, reading your pained diatribes makes that abundantly clear. Don't waste your money, just do the world a favor and kys

>> No.15135433


To answer to your retarded whining in >>15135241

They didn't start excessive training and "demi god" experiments while they were 12. Thats why they didn't become midgets. Didn't you say yourself that you trained harder than anybody? Well you also made yourself manleter then anybody.


Nobody knows what height you'll become when your genetic sequence is formed and thus it's completely irrelevant in this case. You can flush your genetic research down the toilet when talking about yourself, not when talking about people who don't especially want to make themselves a manlet.

In your case the genes don't matter because you never gave your body the time to reach it's potential due to your "demi god" experiments. No matter your genes you were destined to become a manlet due to your own stupidity.

>> No.15135442


>More retarded straw mans

Did your genes make you a perpetual child as well? I'd bet it was your excessive training that stunted your brain development

>> No.15135444

working out so much at an early age is most of the reason why you stopped at 5'5

>> No.15135453
File: 95 KB, 750x562, jb group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born with a deformed chest, not too bad but enough to ruin my life, t-shirts don't properly fit since the chest is not symmetrical. I am also 5'8'' and now im balding, and im about to turn 30, and still live with my mom because moving out is impossible in spain unless you already a gf that works.

So yeah, that's it, it's over. Im sorry but life is for the good looking, or at least rich so you can cope with not being good looking.

At least I have no debt and im making a wage from online revenue, I cope with 150€ an hour escorts.

By the time 1 BTC is worth 1,000,000$+ in 5 years I will be too old and damaged from missing on teen pussy anyway.

>> No.15135460

You’re a dumbass
> 5’4 checking in
> you don’t need to be such a simp that you base your entire existence on something as trivial as height

I’ve dated women who are 5’7-8ish and no problems none mentioned

100k salary after college
Married and happy

>> No.15135461

started reading the thread

this guys is a piece of shit

theres probably a reason why youre a spiteful manlet

Ive met short people, short as you, no one fucking had this bitchmade mindset

Fuck you seriously little man.

youre big bitch but youll forever be a little man with this attitude..

booohooo iw as perfection booohoooo

kill yourself ill make sure to piss on your grave if you do

>> No.15135464

>1. There are studies that prove excessive amount of training can stunt your growth
Ya. Even I fucking knew that, brianlet.

What you are FAILING to understand is that you aren't showing any proof of HOW MANY GOD MOTHER FUCKING DAMN INCHES I STUNTED

For ALL you fucking know, I only stunted 1 inch at MOST. You seem to believe I fucking stunted 9 fucking inches. You make uo the most random as shit assumption and pull random fucking numbers out of your ass.

Only retards do that.

The BIGGEST factor is in FACT genetics. Genetics is what places limits. That's why you don't see 20 ft tall ants, YOU MOTHER FUCKING IDIOT.

>> No.15135472

I can confirm. My cousin has 2 manlet parents, and he was 5'9'' at 13, and now at 17 he is like 6'1'' or something. He is slaying since high school, meanwhile im a 30 yo civ virgin .

>> No.15135473

Suck your mother's tranny dick, shitstain. >>15135460
And you're illiterate as shit. >>15134185

>> No.15135480

you niggers need jesus, just remember do go mass shooting.

>> No.15135481



>> No.15135490

I'm rich as fuck and english is my 4th language

you are a little spiteful man that will amount to nothing in life

get wickr so I can send you some pics of me right now, it will make you wanna kill yourself much sooner

>> No.15135498

Whats the point? id rather spend the money on escorts

gym is ok for light work and swimming pool

>> No.15135501

>dur hur anecdotes btfo statistics
Absolute stupidity.

This is for you
And some more, but this shoudl suffice (if biz wasn't surrounded by idiots with 30IQ points).

>> No.15135506

are you coming to piss on his grave too? I'm chartering flights seriously

>> No.15135510

Lmao just post selfies here, pussy. Cmon alpha male. Let's see you're body builder 300lb 7ft body.

>> No.15135516

I hope youre a troll, I seriously do. Get wickr tho I wanna show off my life to you if I can make you end it today It will have been a good day

>> No.15135524

I don't know what your dumbass wickr is.

Post a fucking imgur link, dumbass. It's not rocket science. >>15135510

>> No.15135529

come on get wickr faggot or get instagram I dont mind either way youll kill yourself today

>> No.15135533

omg this is fucking quality thread

>> No.15135543

I swear to god, you better not say "b-but get wickr tho" one more time.

Are you really so fucking retarded that you can't post an imgur link?

How old are you anyways? If you're in your 30s or older and are rich as fuck, that's pretty funny that you'd compare your financial life with mine when we aren't even the same god damn age. And if you're rich, are you even self made or are you just a pussy that inherited their wealth from mommy and papi?

>> No.15135546

listen faggot not everyone is a tiny little man like you that can post their private pictures on 4chan because they have nothing to lose in their shit miserable life

get instagram, or wickr, post your id here, and Ill make you cry within minutes

>> No.15135551

>What you are FAILING to understand is that you aren't showing any proof of HOW MANY GOD MOTHER FUCKING DAMN INCHES I STUNTED

Nobody can answer this because we don't understand enough about the human DNA. Why does it even matter? The point is that your growth was stunted.

>You make uo the most random as shit assumption and pull random fucking numbers out of your ass.

My point was just that your parents height doesn't set in stone how long the offspring can be. In any case it's impossible to say how long you could have been if you didn't do such excessive training, might have been 1 inches, might have been 6 inches.

The point of my argument was that no matter how much your growth was stunted the fact that you're 5,5 was caused by your excessive training. Sheesh.

>> No.15135558

Jesus christ >>15135543

KILL YOURSELF. Post a fucking imgur link, retard.

It's also funny that you think I could get jealous of a guy that can't even do the training I did at age 16. Fucking loser.

>> No.15135562

Stay little, friend.

>> No.15135570

the nigga worked out like a motherfucker before puberty and HES FUCKIGN SURPRISED HES A MANLET YOU CANT MAKE THIS SHIT UP HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.15135588

I would recommend you to try medical procedures outside of your country. Look at this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavriil_Ilizarov

>> No.15135594

This is for you >>15135558
Not everyone is into social media, faggot. Post it here or kill yourself.

>The point of my argument was that no matter how much your growth was stunted the fact that you're 5,5 was caused by your excessive training. Sheesh.

.... why did god create retards? Again, prove to me I stunted 9 inches with my training. Or 8. Or 7. Or whatever.

Let's PRETEND I DID stunt my growth.
How the fuck MUCH do you think I stunted and with WHAT DATA?

Guess what? You have none. You just make baseless as shit assumptuons lile a dumbass. AGAIN, for all you know, I only stunted 1 inch.

The fact of the god damn matter is this was largely due to my fucking genetics.

>> No.15135604

Another idiot. All I will say is you have been btfod here >>15135501

>> No.15135617

imagine being 5'5 and wasting time arguing with strangers on FUCKING FOUR CHAN



>> No.15135621

From what I've read so far, you're just disappointed. And all you have to do is get over it and find something else, just like everyone else in this life.

I know what you are gonna say "I put a lot of effort, and as such my disappointment is bigger than what anyone has ever felt", and yeah, that's true, that's totally true, but what are you gone do?

You say that you gave it all, you say that you tried harder that everyone else, if at least some part of that is true, then that means you have the strength to overcome this situation.
Yes, you are in the bottom, but if you really have the determination you said you had when you were exercising, them I'm pretty damn sure you have what it takes to totally overcome this shitty situation.

>> No.15135626


>> No.15135635

Also, you basically just admitted here you're full of shit.

YA, it's fucking POSSIBLE I stunted my growth but for all you fucking know, it wasn't even an inch.

Earlier you even said "you had a 20% chance of being 6'1".."

You actually said thay shit. Like what the fuck? You think I stunted 9 inches? And noe you're saying "there's no way for me to know"?

Exactly. You don't know. I do know that even if I DID stunt my growth, it was largely irrelevant as the main factor is genetics (obviously).

>> No.15135637

>why did god create retards? Again, prove to me I stunted 9 inches with my training. Or 8. Or 7. Or whatever.

Mysterious are the ways of God, so I'm sorry I have no idea why he created you. Your growth got stunted because you worked out excessively from before puberty to when you were over 16. The reason you are a 5,5 midget is because of your own stupidity. Even if you were 5,6 you'd still be the bigger manlet.

>> No.15135647


this is why its funny as fuck

this guy is the sole architect of his own demise

tragic, brutally tragic. but funny as fuck

>> No.15135652

Retard, this is for you >>15135635

>> No.15135659

Nope. Get btfod. >>15135652

"It's your fault you're 5'5". You could have been 5'6".."

Dumbass. That is still shit. At the end of the day, I would have had the same exact problems I do now as that height isn't good enough.

What absolute retards. Biz truly is filled woth dumbasses that can't think.

>> No.15135673

Also, it took a while, but it seems you've finally (at least partly) have accepted your logic as being dogshit.

So much for me stunting 9 fucking inches, huh? Fool.

>> No.15135682

you're saying 25% of your goal would have been insignificant?

youre a little spiteful man that will remain 5'5. I guarantee you wont even make it to the surgery (which would be useless btw)

wanna bet?

>> No.15135684
File: 413 KB, 1280x1183, 1560105853461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these newfags responding to an old /biz/ copypasta
This is how I know it's time for me to leave

>> No.15135696

Sure. Give me your junk email. If I get the surgeries, you owe me a million dollars (I mean coming from a supposedly rich guy, thay should be nothing to you, huh?).

>> No.15135701

its not pasta its the same mentally ill midge

>> No.15135702

>YA, it's fucking POSSIBLE I stunted my growth

No, it's almost certain you stunted your growth due to the exact reasons that were stated in the study.

>Earlier you even said "you had a 20% chance of being 6'1".."

Due to having stunted brains it seems I'll have to spell out the meaning behind those words as well. It looks like I'm too accustomed to converse with people who have cognitive abilities. The point was to show you how little we know about genetics and because of this your genetic research is useless concerning you being a midget.

>I do know that even if I DID stunt my growth, it was largely irrelevant as the main factor is genetics (obviously).

You have absolutely no idea what your height would have been due to the exact fact that we know so little about the mechanisms that set your height. The stunting caused by your excess exercise, however, is real. You can cope by saying that it's irrelevant if you want.

>> No.15135711

Go see a therapist you fucking bitch.

>> No.15135717

really? I mean bravo to op because he was making it very realistic.

>> No.15135725

get wickr if you want the money. if you dont get wickr ill assume you already know youll be losing this bet

>> No.15135734


>> No.15135741
File: 62 KB, 828x435, inside-828x435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You could have just as well been 5,7 or 5,8. However, the end result is that you're an angry 5,5 manlet who's bitching about his horrible life to strangers on the internet.

Pic is you.

>> No.15135756

holy fucking kek, this thread made my night. Thank guys.

>> No.15135766
File: 56 KB, 393x418, 1543198833289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You could have just as well been 5,7 or 5,8
Or not at all. Again, you are making random as fuck numbers up. Only dumbasses do that.

Pic is you

>> No.15135769

You won't change. No matter what you do, you're still yourself. You know this because you already tried to improve your body and no matter how it changed, muscles shredding up, etc, it was still yourself. Becoming a better you isn't the same as changing your self for another self.

>I have 0 interest in other people
Yes, you do for two reasons. A) You want to take as much from other people's experiences as you can, if you want to improve yourself. B) You want to get accepted by other people.

You're right, maybe what you need right now isn't a shrink. You need the good old "symbolic castration", the realization that you'll never be the god you thought you are and that everyone who has ever lived has had this experience and that you have to do better in your life than just lift.

What's the thing you dislike your father the most for?
What are the people you associate with like?

>> No.15135779

Or, post an imgur link. Why do you get a hard on on wickr? You can't even post one single screenshot. You don't post your age. Job. How you acquired your wealth (assuming not a larp).

Etc. What kind of absolute dumbass can't post a screenshot?

>> No.15135787

Retard. By HOW much?
>dur hur idk
Then you fucking lost. For all you fucking know (as I've repeated for your dumbass many times) I could have stunted an inch. Maybe even less. You don't fucking know. Genetics is the main factor that determines height. Grow a fucking damn brain.

>> No.15135802

You should like such a fucking faggot. Waahhhh I used to do so many pushups when I was a baby dick teenager. Man the fuck up.

>> No.15135807

>You won't change. No matter what you do, you're still yourself. You know this because you already tried to improve your body and no matter how it changed, muscles shredding up, etc, it was still yourself.
You are failing to understand before I found out 5'5" was my final height, I actually WAS optimistic and happy. So no, I'm NOT "myself" and I never will be ever again.

The REAL me was happy. You aren't getting that

>> No.15135809


The truth is it doesn't matter. You know you stunted your growth and thats why you're an angry 5,5 midget. Keeping the lost inches low is just your way of coping and trying to shift the blame. The fact is if you didn't do your excessive "demi god" training you would at least be the bigger midget.

>> No.15135822

And you sound like a pussified male with no pride.
Maybe YOU should try manning up. Try it some time.

>> No.15135824


And still you would have been the bigger manlet. Now you're 5,5 and it's all your fault.

>> No.15135834

deal with it. Ive made my offer, you accept or not, your problem.

>> No.15135837

You are much better off moving to the non western world where superficialities and the material dont matter as much and you can live a life of traditional peace.

>> No.15135845

Lol fail. Wrong. AGAIN, let's pretend I stunted an inch. At 5'6", it wouldn't be good enough, idiot.

I am pissed over my genetics. *I* didn't cause this height, retard. My genetics did.

So "it doesn't matter"?? It matters a LOT, dipshit.

>> No.15135847

been in and out of this thread for hours now; how are you still getting baited by that broscience retard? obviously height is primarily genetic

>> No.15135856

Read >>15135845

"Bigger manlet"? You actually are stupid enough to think I am mad at myself for costing myself MAYBE one inch if even that??

How dumb can a person be to actually think that?

I DON'T blame myself for this. If anything, I'm pissed that it WASN'T my fault as I had virtually no control, moron.

>> No.15135859

Get a personal loan, cash advance on your credit cards, whatever they will give you. Buy a handgun and then take the rest of that money down to the casino. Then decide whether you want to put your life on red or on black. If it hits pay the loans off with the winnings, return the gun to the store, and you’ll be sitting on a ton of free cash. If it doesn’t hit then walk out into the parking lot and blow those brains out.

>> No.15135872

The you whose final height is 5'5" IS your real self. It's genetics, don't argue in favor of them one moment and pussyfoot right after. Point is, you were yourself then and you are still yourself now and you can be a better you in the future.

>I never will be ever again.
Now you're being a dumbass and mentally babby you, for example.

I insist, answer specifically my last two questions, father and associates.

>> No.15135874


The truth is you have no idea how much you lost and because of that it could have easily been 2-3 inches, even more. The fact that you're so hung on that "maybe 5,6 inches" is just a coping mechanism.

you'll never know how long you could have been and thats what is hurting you the most. And the fact that you know it's you yourself who caused it.

>> No.15135879

This thread is way too long to bother reading through, but from what I have seen of OP's replies the world will be a better place without him.

>> No.15135880

Well, we may have our differences, but at least you acknowledge it's primarily genetic and that the logic that dumbass is using is utter dogshit.

Also, I assume you've been on 4chan for a while. You should know that some people really ARE genuine dumbasses. That faggot I'm arguing with doesn't come across as some "troll". I actually think he's that retarded.

>> No.15135891

No, it's YOUR problem. You're the one obsessed with getting me to download some bullshit app. I don't care about your life in the first place. YOU are the one seeking MY attention so this is YOUR loss.

>> No.15135908

No point trying to explain shit to the stupid.

Have you NEVER heard of the expression "shadow of my former self"? If you can't even understand that expression, you have a 0% chance of understanding me.

>> No.15135928

The truth is it is largely genetic therefore I had virtually 0 control over it.

Face the truth, pussy. You keep trying to make the argument "I'm mad at myself for making myself 5'5".."

When I actually am NOT mad at myself.

You fucking retard. Just making baseless assumptions lmao. Keep beliving I'm mad at myself tho. I mean, it's a retarded baseless assumption, but whatever.

>> No.15135931

Just take LSD and you'll find no one gives a shit about you.

>> No.15135932

yeah cant disagree but why bother, at this point you know he's either trolling or retarded

>> No.15135938

Speaking as op, I agree. Same could be said about this retard tho >>15135874

>> No.15135980

You're right. That moron is now saying I'm actually mad at myself. That I caused this height even though it was determined by genetics Lol. Like what the fuck? Why would I even be mad at myself over this height when it wasn't even my fault to begin with? That fucking dumbass can't even make sense.

He's just making shit up as a sad attempt of one upping me.

I really should have been asleep by now..

Fuck that retard. I'm off to bed.

>> No.15135992

your loss bye little man

>> No.15136003

>The truth is it is largely genetic therefore I had virtually 0 control over it.

How does this exclude heights such as 5,8 or 5,9? Can you show the sequence in your DNA that says you'll be 5'6? The truth is you're merely coping.

You had control over your "demi god" experiments though, which are the reason why you are 5,5.

>When I actually am NOT mad at myself.

You should be. You really should be mad at yourself for stunting your true potential due to your ridiculous "demi god" experiments.

>> No.15136004

stop talking to yourself with two devices you fucking geeeeeek lmfaoooooo

>> No.15136006

Yes, I know your emotional and mental condition. I'm just trying to reconnect you to the simple truth of the continuity of your own body and mind across time. Yes, a realization as hard as this fucking hurts. It fucking hurts, doesn't it? Yet, here you are, before any decisions to off yourself take place, you're here. You're here and it hurts, but at least you know two things: you didn't choose it (fuck the other guy, you didn't stunt anything, there are 5'9" guys who are just as ripped) and you know what yourself is like better now.
Now answer me and don't be a chicken. Are your associates competitive? Do they call you a manlet? What about your father?

>> No.15136034

he did choose some of it albeit perhaps due to ignorance

he 100% closed his platelets before his time

>> No.15136041
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Who knew that excessive "demi god" training would stunt your growth AND make you a schizo? He really is an angry manlet.

>> No.15136062

cant stop laughing srs and at first I actually felt really bad for him

>> No.15136077

I have a feeling we know each others

>> No.15136117

When you grow up you will laugh at how you are now and shake you head at disbelief.
The things you truly believe when you are a kid are insignificant once you become a man.
Don't worry Kiddo, you'll be fine.

>> No.15136121
File: 207 KB, 584x292, ABCLink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fuckwit has been posting this since before the LINK pump. Even then people told this child to buy LINK. He would have made it, if he listened. Kek. Now he is a perma-dwarf - holy shit My Sides!

>> No.15136146

You know, I really think he didn't choose any of this. I'm 99.9% sure and I'm just trying to get him to admit it that his social environment (family, friends, close associates) is a fucking burning garbage heap that's harmful for his self-esteem and his well-being in general, just to advise him to get away from it as fast as possible. But he's tenacious as fuck, thinking choices at fucking 12 years old were entirely his own, I'll give him that.

>> No.15136163

not this thread again, kek

>> No.15136182

>You know, I really think he didn't choose any of this.

I admit that I was a bit too hard on this front. The ones to blame are his parents for allowing/causing this kind of unhealthy style of training, not to mention all the other mental problems.

>> No.15136438

No matter whether OP caused his own manletism or not, after reading through this entire thread and having a good fucking laugh along they way, the only clear thing is that OP is an deranged cunt with some serious metal issues and body dismorphia and will never ever be happy the blame for which he shifts on to God. Please do kys OP.

>> No.15136505

Does a thread about some angry little twat annoyed at everything because he’s short really have this many replies? Am I on /fit/? Shill me ManletCoin or fuck off.

>> No.15136525

Youre doing good work. Im not as strong as you I choose to talk shit instead. Godspeed friend

>> No.15136543

I feel bad too, hope he changes mindset. so will I

>> No.15136734

OP, even if you could get this surgery for free and become 6'3, you will still be no better off.
This is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen, some of the most powerful men in human history who have ruled over continents and commanded armies have been shorter. Some of the richest dudes alive today are shorter. Some of the most intelligent people who completely changed our society via their discoveries have been shorter.
I'm not saying being short is magic, but your shortness wouldnt have this kind of effect on you if you had anything going for you in any other area. It is not a real barrier at all. Your game, aka the strength of your attitude and personality, matters way more.

My fiance is 5'6

>> No.15136869

No, just giving advice.

Get some lift kits to be 5'7'' and thats about it, save the money from a crippling surgery.

>> No.15136897

my point is that he will still be too short to slay after surgery, he will remain incel, to slay you need to be at least 5'10'' WITH A GOOD FACE AND HAIR.

>> No.15136926

Post a pic of your hand.

>> No.15137003

You don’t need surgery on your legs bud, you need to fix your outlook on life. If you are so depressed about your height that you won’t even take your shoes off in private.... the height isn’t the problem bud.

You get that surgery, then what? Your not perfect jaw line causes you to wear a scarf in the summer and stops you from leaving your room? Or maybe your teeth are slightly off white so you’re too afraid to leave your room because of that? You need professional help bud

>> No.15137053
File: 83 KB, 800x538, chadvssubhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the solution is to fix it all. However that takes too much money and pain. By the time you have fixed it all, considering recovering went good, it's too late. You'll be too old for it to matter.

So cope with escorts and accept you failed the winning lottery.

>> No.15137090

>caring your 5'5
You're not a man in the first place if you give a single fuck how others perceive you.

>> No.15137161



It’s easy... start a gofundme and write a sob story about how you were born with a deformity and need surgery to have it done by next year or you will permanently be scarred

>> No.15137319

1) charm a woman into doing anonymous porn with you, or
2) convince a woman into doing anonymous porn with a stranger (maybe someone taller than you, more hung, stronger built, whatever i don't know how you look), or
3) convince a woman into doing anonymous solo porn and you produce the movies (and upload to pornhub, etc), or
4) start doing solo porn acts on fetish sites. there are many wealthy, usually closeted boomers willing to pay a pretty penny for this, or
5) become a giggolo, or
6) get on your knees for money

everything involves sex and degrading your very soul, but your life is on the line so

>> No.15137345

of course you let the other people do the fucking and you produce and pocket something like 25% (it is the standard usually, 37.5/37.5/25 for a duo act and their producer). i may have not made this clear enough

>> No.15137444

Um. You are retarded. Keep swallowing those swj pills. Keep taking the bait. You know we have all been small when growing up? Just be patient or you will find even more people resent you for getting an "emotionally/ ego driven" surgury.

>> No.15138474


>> No.15138487
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x2448, 20190806_120825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tips of my fingers have always been small compared to the base, it's because I'm also a short midget along with my fiance, we will have short kids like ourselves and be a happy dwarf family
I find him the most attractive man I've ever seen

>> No.15138557

Why does /biz/ believe every single LARP?

>> No.15138599

I'd rather trust people and be disappointed every once in a while than be alone by never trusting anyone.

>> No.15138664

stop caring about it, just stop caring. acquiring wealth is a noble purpose but really think twice about the surgery on your legs. there can be something extremely powerful about guy under 5'7". look up the heights of current heads of state. yes people will treat you unfairly right now but if you make money and are in control of your own life they won't, and to begin with I bet most of that is in your own mind anyway. anyone giving you shit about it that's genuinely disrespectful, just stop dealing with them they're below you. make money so they can know this more readily.

>> No.15138679

>15k in debt
try 500k. I'm suprised that I have not commited suicide yet.

>> No.15138707
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>> No.15138815

what fucking board do you think you clicked on?