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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15127734 No.15127734 [Reply] [Original]

are you ready for an eeeeeeeepic drop?

>> No.15127898

who cares its their currency they can do whatever they want
this just in my neighbor is a faggot because of his loud honda
nothing anyone can do about it

>> No.15127971

God I hope so. I want to see boomers killing themselves en masse.

>> No.15128176

this is it. The catalyst. every economic indicator points to the fact that we're overbought and due for a recession.
all we can do is hope it's minor, but I have an uneasy feeling this is 2001 proportions and we've all collectively deluded ourselves that everything is fine.

>> No.15128200

Will this be the straw that breaks the back of Deutsche bank finally? Let the dominoes start to fall!

>> No.15128213
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Why does this matter? International orgs condemn asians all the time and the asians don't care.

>> No.15128220

fpbp actually. Designating them as a currency manipulator means jack shit.

Practically speaking, at least. Symbolically it's a shitshow.

>> No.15128227

>Tfw I'm not in the stock market and have been waiting for a recession to buy the dip

>> No.15128262

Deutsche Bank is a meme. $5000 trillion in derivatives exposure or whatever doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.15128293
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It's the "BLAME IT ON CHINA" stock market crash

>> No.15128297

Orly. What does it mean then 180 IQ economist?

>> No.15128342


>> No.15128606

DB's been failing for years, with no surprise death blow like Lehman.

Or are you asking about https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/notionalvalue.asp ?

>> No.15128655

>implying China cares
shit like this makes me believe when people say its China thats winning and US thats losing

>> No.15128714

net exposure to derivatives is the important thing, and with DB it's minimal. if act as the brokerage and sell 1000 puts and 1000 calls, that's a lot of money but it nets to zero.