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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15117968 No.15117968 [Reply] [Original]

>live in a rural town with parents (I'm 30 years old btw)
>wake up at 6 and drive with my car 20 minutes to nearest train station
>take a train heading north
>eat breakfast during the ride, maybe even take a piss
>change to a train heading south
>it is dense as hell with 160% of capacity
>try to listen to a joe rogan podcast
>he goes on again about people who commute to work in a cubicle job
>after more than 2 hours total of commute, walk for 15 minutes in the boiling humid heat
>reach my workplace soaked with sweat
>clean myself with a wet towel in the bathroom and change shirt
>work from 9 to 17 as a shitty pajeet tier coder
>repeat the commute back home
>usually arrive home before 20:00
>do a shitty bodyweight work out
>masturbate and cum under a minute IF I can get it up

>> No.15117981

This is why people are going on spree shootings

>> No.15117987

>drive with my car 20 minutes to nearest train station

why don't you just drive to your job

>> No.15117989

what do you masturbate to

>> No.15118002

Damn, I'm in the exact same situation except 27 years old. My only option I can think of is move to a country with a cheaper cost of living that still has coding jobs available.

>> No.15118042
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Because I live in a shithole where driving to my workplace would take up to 3 hours during rush hour. Even if I miraculously manage to make it in 2 hours, FUCK dealing with traffic 4 hours a day. I prefer to be squished by smelly soldiers in the train while watching stuff on my tablet. Pic related is my train route.
Insta whores, many of which I found in /biz/. Sometimes I put porn in the background to hear moaning sounds.

>> No.15118064


>> No.15118081

also doxxed
also kike
also move house

>> No.15118089

Shalom! Move closer to your workplace.

>> No.15118111

this, and I thought all jews were rich.

I met some israeli girls before btw, not sure if it was just because of privilege but they were absolute fucking cunts, not nice people.

I just chalked it up to being jews, theres a reason you lot have been persecuted for some 6000 years right

>> No.15118112

I didn't expose my home town dumbass
I also don't want to waste a third of my income on a shitty prison-cell-tier apartment in Tel Aviv, or waste the same amount on commute+rent near Tel Aviv.

>> No.15118129

>kikemogged by boss

>> No.15118151
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You went to college and endured all the bullshit of a stem degree only to end up with THIS sorry excuse of a life?

>> No.15118172

>>masturbate and cum
Well step one stop doing that.

>> No.15118183
File: 74 KB, 750x725, E7ECFB5D-D305-4C2E-BEFD-CA55AB9BB61E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw wagecucks wake up every day early in the morning to support niggas and lazy shitskins with government bux
>mfw niggas and shitskins rape, kill and fuck your women while wagecuck is working
>mfw your cuck government can not kick them out of your country
>mfw your country will transform slowly into an absolute shit hole
>mfw you can not do anything about it
>mfw i am living a comfy life in a based country without niggas and shitskins
>mfw my 8/10 gf sucks my cock everyday

>> No.15118221

nice LARP faggot.

>> No.15118222

College hasn't been for smart people for a long time now.

>> No.15118238


>> No.15118258


stop shooting kids that throw rocks and fuck off out of palestine you parasite

>> No.15118262

Fuck kikes lmao

>> No.15118288

To be fair, it's either that or some shitty ass job like what I'm doing. Did a 2 yr degree in the stupid ass electrical trade and hated it and now I'm doing an embarassing security guard job.

I mean op life's sucks, but I'm sure he has options with a cs degree. Maybe he's too defeated to try to job hop. Personally, I'd just move back in with my parents and try to transition to a part time job (easier to get imo) and then transition to something better (some fulltime bullshit closer to home). Or maybe he can work from home as a free lancer. His current life is shit, but not having a degree would be worse.

I mean at the end of the day, being an employee for a for-profit is simply ass, but not having a 4 yr degree at a minimum leaves you even more fucked.

>> No.15118322

it amazes me how many people I encounter in real life and on this board that either

1#. still live with mommy and daddy past aged 23 and
2#. think this is a viable option for them to 'move back in'.

No wonder your so defeated you've basically accepted as an adult you cant make it in this world and go running back to your parents. Not one species in nature accepts this, once you come to age thats the parents job done, your on your own thereafter.

Im 29, moved out when I was 18, yea life has been an uphill battle and really fucking testing at points and a perpetual financial struggle but at least I know I forged this life and I've gone through the hardships.

If you arent prepared to fight for a place in this life then your better off trying to climb back up inside your mama where its safe and just wait until the day she dies because your so fucking dependant like a parasite you will die when the host does.

>> No.15118325

>listen to /biz/ and tr nofap for a few weeks
>start playing minecraft again because of the popularity at the moment
>stop being attracted to girls as much, just dont really care anymore
>have a wet dream about minecraft cows
>theres only one girl cow and like 30 guy cows
>they gang rape her and every time a guy finishes she drops wheat


>start masturbating again
>feel better
>find girls attractive again
>can concentrate more

i guess nofaps not for everyone

>> No.15118330

If you are a coder why not work from home?
Or do it like my friend, save 10k travel cheap sea countries for years
Use tinder to sleep with local thots and life basically for free is doing this for three years now
Doesn’t sound bad compared to what you have now

>> No.15118375

Fuck off schlomo. Im 29 too and living with my parents. I work for one of better paying companies in my city and can easily afford rent and whatever, while still keeping good portion of my salary. But for what? So I can let some fag siphon money out of me? I will get my own place when I can afford one worry free. I help my parents out and they never wanted me out because we actually have functioning family unlike you. Also my commute from my parents place is about 40m but I work remotely most of the time anyways.

Have fun paying rent/mortgage for most of your life while I will be living my life worry free.

>> No.15118377

>No wonder your so defeated you've basically accepted as an adult you cant make it in this world and go running back to your parents. Not one species in nature accepts this, once you come to age thats the parents job done, your on your own thereafter.

Except it's
1. Accepted by many (most?) Cultures in the world. Just not in America, you pleb
2. About 1/4 millenials live with their parents

Not surprising at all lookimg at statistics (which I can just copy and paste here from my notes, but you'd probably just ignore it since you are probably one of those delusional people that think "the economy is booming!". Even the ones that don't live with their parents are struggling hardcore. Also, it's smarter to just live at home to save up money to then use that money to invest in a business instead of working just to pay expenses [which is retarded as fuck])

You keep living paycheck to paycheck.. and at 29? That is a sad and pathetic life. YOU are a rat in a cage. Me on the other hand? I'm starting to legitimately throw money (have already and not on some shitcoins) to actually have a business going instead of living just to be someone's bitch.

You have such a pathetic life if you seriously live paycheck to paycheck. Not everyone strives to be a loser like you.

>> No.15118457

you are living at the expense of your parents, so yea, you are a fucking parasite because you are forcing them to pay for your rent/mortgage and expenses instead of standing on your own 2 feet. Also, cope harder.
at what point did I say that Im living paycheck to paycheck, what I said is ive worked through the inevitable difficulties of being an adult, something you wont get exposure to until your actually really old. your the equivalent of the 30 year old virgin who has to lose their virginity to a hooker because the missed the boat at aged 15 when most get this life experience.

Your perspective bro, I think its loserish behavior to be still succling at the teet of your parents past the age of 21, living with your parents past 25 is what parjeets do, just fyi.

I have a nice house with everything I need and no, I dont actually work, but it wasnt always like this and I had to start somewhere and ive had atleast a decade head start on you little pussies too afraid to make it themselves.

How pathetic it must be for you's to bring a chick back to your parents house at age 25, thats gotta be a mood killer, like that is what a fucking loser looks like.

Saving all their money under a mattress or in shitcoins whilst having your parents actually pay your way for you.


>> No.15118485

tbqh this is my first job so I intend to put up with the commute for like a year and then maybe find a decent job up in Haifa.
I also am starting to fall for the "just werk frm home lol" meme but most of those jobs are for like experts.
I was stationed up north during my service so we mostly just chilled in the barracks. I agree the west bank situation is fucked up...
Redpilled. Paying for rent is the ultimate cuckoldry. I prefer to pay for train tickets and feed some union bastard train driver rather than a literal schlomo who earns money by sitting on his ass and renting roach infested Ottoman-era apartments.

>> No.15118500

Congrats on being the first Jew I feel bad for, you're getting turbokiked by your own people.

>> No.15118504

>you are living at the expense of your parents, so yea, you are a fucking parasite because you are forcing them to pay for your rent/mortgage and expenses instead of standing on your own 2 feet. Also, cope harder.

No, I cost them virtually nothing you 50iq retard.I pay for my own expenses and the room Im living in would be otherwise empty. I actually wanted to pay them rent but they refused to take it.

Cope harder loser, I hope you enjoy your life of poorfaggotry and being kicked out by parents who hate you.

>> No.15118558

making sweeping generalizations of shit you know nothing about.

Moved out 18, because I wanted to. Aged 19, moved from UK->Spain, literally slept rough for the first month.

Slowly build myself up in the poor rural area I lived in till I was sat on a 5k stack. Move again, close to a tax haven, work shitty online gaming co job , whilst putting myself through an acc's qualification. Each time I moved it was getting a better house, with a better pool and garden etc.

Do this some years, decide its not for me, move back to uk aged 24 to do an engineering degree, move to a city 7 hours away from where my family were, where I knew no-one.

Then move city some years after again, transferring to a university that aligned with my end goal's more appropriately.

>No, I cost them virtually nothing

oh so now living costs nothing, why dont you live on your own then? Last I checked, water, heating and electricity cos something, you likely have a local area municipal tax (concil tax) too, plus food expense, which im sure you help yourself to. Laundry also costs some decent amount of money over time, espcially if the climate isnt great.

Your so full of shit you deluded little bitch, shows how much of a beta you are that you allowed them to continue to pay your way.

Its like when you take a chick out for dinner and count to the penny their share of the bill, such a beta fag, you will never know what its like to have a woman actually be attracted to you.

>> No.15118560

>I dont actually work
Okay. What do you even do? Don't go larping now.

>Saving all their money under a mattress or in shitcoins whilst having your parents actually pay your way for you
Pathetic is still being an employee at your age. You are enslaved. By your age, I would have escaped the rat race by running this sole proprietorship. You lived life INEFFICIENTLY. A loser. WASTING your money on expenses instead of actually getting AHEAD in life. Instead of getting ahead, you're probably not even living a life differently then when you loved out. Not by much anyways. Just repeating the motions. Suicide material right there. Keep coping though. Your life is probably dogshit, but you are painting it as something nice to cope woth the reality of it all.

>> No.15118570
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I'm 35 and still live with mommy, you have a problem with that m8? As long as mommy doesn't force me out i'm staying and saving my money. You go ahead and live your "tough" life while you stay poor forever faggot.

>> No.15118583

>move back to uk aged 24 to do an engineering degree
So.. you didn't graduate until age 28? It's funny that you are basically boasting about living as a total fuck up. Your life is nothibg to be proud of.
There is no pride in "struggling financially". It doesn't "build character". It's called living life inefficiently and being gamed by the system.

I would kill myself with your life.

>> No.15118620

triggered, you clearly just cant cope with the reality of things.

The truth is people pity you, you think money will get you respect.

We are judged by our actions, by our decisions in life.

The amount of decent jobs with a promising future I have been offered when people see my CV/resume or hear the life I have lead to now.

My greatest strength is how adaptable I am. Future employers will give me the big responsibilities and the big paychecks.

You gois, will be expected to have their hands held and not give anything 'too difficult for little Jimmy, he might get scared and cry an mummy will have to come fetch him and rub his tum tum better'.

Keep telling yourself this rhetoric of 'hurr durr wageslave cuck hurr durr'. The only reason you guys are getting anywhere is by exploiting your parents, making your parents wageslave so you dont have to be an adult for yourself.

I can live knowing I dont have that on my conscience, you keep telling yourself these wagie meme lies.

>> No.15118664

there is no pride in living off your parents back when your an adult. All the people I know doing so are fucking pathetic and ya'll in this thread defending it only proving my point.

>the state of /biz/

>> No.15118668

What if you pay them monthly and don’t want to go around being a degenerate rat?

“Oh Vey, you goys don’t know shit.”

>> No.15118723

>reality of things.
You're basically just copying me here lmao

>The truth is people pity you
1. I care why?
2. Most people that have moved out are struggling and living the wagecuck life. Living most of their life at work. Being pitied by them is like getting pitied by robots.
It's utterly pathetic that YOU actually care what a bunch of enslaved rats think about you. I have HIGHER expectations for life than them.
>you think money will get you respect
No. That's not why I want money, dipshit. I want money to escape the rat race.

>The amount of decent jobs with a promising future I have been offered when people see my CV/resume or hear the life I have lead to now.
By like what.. age 28 when you graduated? Not impressive by that point.

>My greatest strength is how adaptable I am. Future employers will give me the big responsibilities and the big paychecks.
Again, by your age, I will already be able to live independently without relying on some sociopath for my survival. Being an employee by your age is just shit. You have just been to indoctrinated to see that. Good job. You fell for the propaganda. You fell for the "prestige" meme. Have fun retiring when you're old as shit and when life has no meaning anymore.

>You gois, will be expected to have their hands held and not give anything 'too difficult for little Jimmy, he might get scared and cry an mummy will have to come fetch him and rub his tum tum better'.

Umm... didn't YOU say in a previous post "I dont actually work" and are NOW boasting that you work a lot? Fucking retarded much?

>Keep telling yourself this rhetoric of 'hurr durr wageslave cuck hurr durr'. The only reason you guys are getting anywhere is by exploiting your parents, making your parents wageslave so you dont have to be an adult for yourself.
We split the rent so I'm more of an asset than a leech. I actually give them more breathing room. Nice try though.

>I can live knowing I dont have that on my conscience
Read above, Wagie

>> No.15118735

And you are still a wage slave at age 29 and didn't even get your shit together until age 28. Before hand,you were living completely broke too.

You're life is hardly the symbol of "success". More like mediocre. Keep coping though.

>> No.15118766

>why dont you live on your own then?
Because rent you fucking retard. Everything else costs close to nothing, but rent doesnt.
>water, heating and electricity cos something
Its so cheap its not even worth mentioning.
>Laundry also costs some decent amount of money over time, espcially if the climate isnt great.
All our laundry is done at the same time, doesnt make a difference.

>Its like when you take a chick out for dinner and count to the penny their share of the bill
Im not a cuck normalfag loser like you, so I dont take women out for a diner.

Again, cope harder loser.

>> No.15118802
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aww , its adorable how you resemble children who cant get their own way.

Dont throw all your toys out the pram now.

>> No.15118835
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Aww, it's sad how you resort to shitposting since you just got btfod and have no counter-argument.

>> No.15118847

Wasn't this the parents responsibility to think about if they are able to sustain a family?

>> No.15118862

Its also adorable how a loser like you can think he can act superior while setting up for a life of failure.

>> No.15118889

>own car
>still take the train
Truly cucked

>> No.15118902

I'm 31 and have a house fully paid off. You're the poor one actually.

>> No.15118962

>setting up for a life of failure

Err, im qualified in accountancy with the experience of running companies and setting up offshore vehicles competently whilst having a degree in engineering.

Sorry, but even if your shitcoins 'makeit' I doubt most of you would know how to cash them in without getting completely owned.

The sad reality is is we will all have to work for our own money one way or another, you all come on /biz/ daily shilling your shitcoins but if they never take off, all this will be for nothing, your parents will eventually die and you will eventually have to wagecuck, but instead of preparing for the future, and having options, your employment options will be the worst.

Mine however, are very versatile, I get more power in the decision of whom I work for, how much for, the benefits I can reap.

If I wanted to be a consultant that only works contracts I chose to, for fixed periods of time whilst chosing to live anywhere I please, not tied to one location.

All you have is shitposting on /biz/ , if you setup your own company you will lack credibility from lack of experience in running a business and in general life from living with mom and pops.

If you cash in your savings from shitcoins you will likely get fucked by whatever tax institution you will need to answer to in your country, and likely make a poor decision losing all of it with no means of making more.

I have a unique skill set which will see me comfy whether I choose to work for someone else, or for myself.

>> No.15119005

>The sad reality is is we will all have to work for our own money one way or another
Self employment >>>>>>>>>>>>> being employed. HUGE fucking difference.

>The sad reality is is we will all have to work for our own money one way or another, you all come on /biz/ daily shilling your shitcoins but if they never take off, all this will be for nothing
Are you incapable of reading? I'm not investing on shitcoins.

>but instead of preparing for the future, and having options, your employment options will be the worst.
1. I am investing on an actual lomg term business (bough licensing so far and am waiting as it finishes processing)
2. Need a yr to finish a bachelors as a back up anyways

>Mine however, are very versatile, I get more power in the decision of whom I work for, how much for, the benefits I can reap.
At the end of the day, you're still an employee doing the 8 hr grind (more than that with transportation and getting ready for work).

>if you setup your own company you will lack credibility from lack of experience in running a business and in general life from living with mom and pops
>lack credibility from living with parents
It's an online business, retard. No one will know my face or history in the first place

>If you cash in your savings from shitcoins you will likely get fucked by whatever tax institution you will need to answer to in your country,
Again, I am not throwing money on crypto. At least not for now.

>and likely make a poor decision losing all of it with no means of making more.
Poor decisions being? Well whatever, pointless to answer this as I'm not throwing money at crypto.

>I have a unique skill set which will see me comfy whether I choose to work for someone else, or for myself.

If you actually have the skill to be self employed with your skill set, you are fucking retarded for not going for it right now.

>> No.15119027

Cope. Keep paying rent for the rest of your life, loser.

>> No.15119083

>8hr grind

not really anon, I've worked doing accounts for various engineers over the years, most tend to need to be mobile for their work, so really its alot of travel involved, all paid for and expenses on top of that.

If you worked offshore windfarms for example you may be expected to work a month offshore, but if the weather is bad and you cant operate on site, you still get paid. So your being paid just to kick around on a work ship.

Lots of meetings and dinners and a fat company credit card desu.

>not throwing money on crypto.

Im glad to see this, rare on /biz/ desu.

>Poor decisions being?
being that most people starting their own company make a series of schoolboy errors that see them having to shut down within 3 years. Having actually seen the inside workings of medium to big companies (as well as being responsible for said working) has actually served me pretty damn well.

>you are fucking retarded for not going for it right now.
Why would I do this when I can collect £100k+ bonus for baisically working 25% of the time, travelling and meetings the other 25% whilst living in a cheap beautiful country like slovenia/croatia. in the meantime I can build a reserve of capital to see me setup a few going concerns I can retire on early.

>> No.15119143

not for the rest of my life, but yea, I will because whilst I pay rent im not responsible for any repairs or upkeep, the landlord is. Whilst im paying rent im not responsible for paying a mortgage on a market thats going to tank leaving me severely in the shit.

The alternative is that I have a mortgage and im tied to one location for x amount of year, or I move away and have to rent out leaving me the responsibility if anything breaks whilst paying estate agent fee's and tax on the income making it virtually fucking pointless use of my finances.

When you eventually move out from under mummy and daddys feet you will get realitypilled hard.

When that day comes remember me, remember this thread, enjoy the trauma fuckin manbabies.

>> No.15119144

>not really
HIGHLY doubt it. They don't just pay you guys to just sit on your asses. Sounds more like sugar coating and hiding the truth. No for-profit job WANTS to pay an employee in the first place so they want to squeeze every second they can.
>So your being paid just to kick around on a work ship.
You're still there for 8 hours and also, just how often does this even happen?
With my shit job, I don't do much either. I still hate it JUST for the fact that I have to show up.

>Lots of meetings and dinners
Sounds hellish being forced to those pointless things
>and a fat company credit
I have no idea how those work. I assume you can't actually use it to buy shit you want and instead has to be related to the job.
>schoolboy errors
Still being very generic but whatever
>baisically working 25% of the time
Yet were saying earlier how you work a lot with high responsibility duties... hmm

Well, I am planning long term on just relying on myself for survival instead of relying on an employer. Being someone's slave is not worth it in my eyes. So what if I live with my parents as I finish school and try to build some capital for this business?
Better than living 100% broke and going nowhere fast until I luck out with a shit job and even then, barely have enough to save.

Living on your own when you have a shit job (which are most jobs) is nothing short of stupid.

>> No.15119167

>the landlord is.
Which is pretty irrelevant. They get a net gain regardless. Keep seething over their success though. The way you cope with their success is just by saying "one day, they'll fuck up". Landlords > people woth professional jobs. All they have to do is collect money (leech), and use some of that money to pay for the property itself (since they probably did a down payment instead lf buying in full) and for repairs.

They basically live life on passive income.

>> No.15119179

>When that day comes remember me, remember this thread, enjoy the trauma fuckin manbabies.
You are acting concieted when you were broke until age 29. You didn't even graduate until age 28. You have to be fucking kidding me.

>> No.15119209

Its amazing to read that even jews are getting jew'd

>> No.15119242

>When that day comes remember me, remember this thread, enjoy the trauma
There will be no trauma you retard, because at 29 I saved enough money for 50% of property. Do you understand you loser retard? This is the difference between us.
I am not living with my parents out of necessity, I do it because I dont want to dump 30-40% of my income on a fucking RENT you imbecil clown. Exactly like you are doing. And like you will be doing your entire life.

Im planning to save up for maybe 2 more years, then buy a flat and rent it to a npc like you, so they can pay it off for me. After that I will consider moving in to MY property that I dont have to pay rent for. All because I was able to avoid having my brain programmed like you did, and going off to a life of poverty, failure and misery of being a """respectable adult""" just because you blow good portion of your income on something that nets you no return.

>> No.15119288
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You've got them SEETHING

>> No.15119729

Its never too late to join the crypto scene....look for a crypto project with good use case and see if it grows the past few months...take a look at VID for example, they are having a 13x return in less than 2 months...


>> No.15120315 [DELETED] 

They go on shooting spree’s because they are dickless faggot white Nazi incels who can’t handle the browning of the modern world and Tyrone fucking all his kinds girl with his bbc.

>> No.15120357
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It’s because you are white. Jews absolutely hate white people, there is a reason why they push non stop immigration/race mixing into our countries.

>> No.15120386

Even the Jews are getting fed up with Mr. Shekelstein

>> No.15120396

what do you expect from such weak specimens of humanity.

An easy life makes you soft, never have any character defining moments.

Any human that ever accomplished anything great never had such a beta bitch life.

>calls me a loser, still lives at home, worse yet, defends it...

Good thing these fuckers will never procreate.

>> No.15120414

>Move closer to work you're 30 why live with parents
>talk to your boss about working from home a few days a week, if you're coding you can do that anywhere

>> No.15120420

No! It's because of Trump and white supremacy!

>> No.15121022
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this right here, why dont i see more "rich" people under 40 bragging about the fact they have a paid off house? also why do people buy new houses every 5 years, how the fuck did that boomer propaganda actually work? im really bad at math and im 22 so ive only ever rented but wouldnt you save more by not having to pay a mortgage and just live in your paid off house for 15-20 years? i understand most people are trying to move frequently so theyre buying low and selling high as often as possible but you can literally sit down and do that math on how much you can save in 15-20 years without a mortgage with 0% risk like neighborhoods being devalued. plus you can still sell high later in that time frame anyways unless your neighborhood was absolutely trashed but i dont think that happens often.

plus if comfy is your goal you can literally pay off your house and only be responsible for utilities and food and live off savings for that on top of it. if youre young you can even have a roommate and end up only paying 1/2 or 1/3 if youre in a relationship of your entire mortgage

>> No.15121092
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>> No.15121145

>I also don't want to waste a third of my income on a shitty prison-cell-tier apartment in Tel Aviv, or waste the same amount on commute+rent near Tel Aviv.
And there it is. Shekelstein needs maximum shekels. How would moving close to Tel Aviv & just driving to work take the same amount of time? It wouldn't, but paying for own place & being independent like a normal person would cost you more shekles

>> No.15121196

You could have been much better off. You should have conspired with your family to build multi-generational wealth. You've wasted the most industrious years and money you will ever see in your life on rent.
But hey at least you're a strong independent adult, right?

>> No.15121216

>you can literally sit down and do that math on how much you can save in 15-20 years without a mortgage with 0% risk
>0% risk
Ain't no such thing. You may not account for the risk, but to assume 0% risk on anything is the sure-fire sign of a fool.

>> No.15121229

different anon here but youre leeching off your parents because you GET TO. everyone else is salty because they dont get to, and they had to move out out of necessity. you're priviliged with a functional family tree, not just your own family but your grandparents as well because parents who get kicked out almost always kick out their kids, because coping with it led them to telling themselves their struggle made them stronger somehow and they think their kids should have to go through that. 90% of this board could manage to do everything youre bragging about if mommy and daddy essentially paid their rent by letting them live rent free for 11 extra years. if your parents kicked you out, rent is often 40-60% of your income 18-25, which means you have half as hard of a life as everyone else. not because youre working for it, not even because your parents worked for it, because you are privileged. keep bragging about your poor mans trust fund though, im sure youve brought plenty of women back to mommies rite

t. 7 years younger than you and actually living like an adult that didnt get any handouts

>> No.15121242
File: 94 KB, 1024x832, 1514814945285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, and I thought my life was shit. How do you not get bombed or jihad'd on your daily commute? Two trains and a car commute... If I lived in shekel-land I wouldn't dare to move around this much every day for a job.

That said... why don't you move closer or go freelance? It's not like there isn't tons of jobs for developers and code monkeys at upwork and other such places.

I agree with everything. I moved out in my 20's and I wish I had done it sooner. If you don't want to pay a lot of money to do so and you want to save up money then rent a room to someone and share the house or flat, but you have to move out, it is an indisputable step towards growing up.

>> No.15121269
File: 491 KB, 768x1024, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have to go so far up the coast?
Can't you take this route and still catch something along the way?

>> No.15121336

Fucking Chinks sperg like none other

>> No.15121370

That drive to & from Hadera would consume gas and cost him more shekels than his train ticket. We're supposed to feel sorry for him for CHOOSING the cheapest way

>> No.15121406
File: 41 KB, 717x959, 1551621376912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its 0% risk because you get 15-20 years of watching the real estate market fluctuate and can easily capitalize at the lowest loss or highest high point youve seen. also like i said you would save during that 15-20 years of having a paid off house which should mean enough money that a small loss is negligible because your net gain would still be higher than youd make risking loads playing the new-house-every-5-years game. its 0% risk by proxy ill admit, ofcourse every time you spend money theres risk involved. my point is is that it should be obvious you would gain more and risk less living in a paid off house for a long period of time rather than trying to buy low sell high every few years, having a mortgage payment the entire time and being very susceptible to losing it all and more in the process.

>> No.15121416

he also said on top of that its a much longer commute and hours of bumper to bumper traffic which is pretty fucking awful if youve ever experienced that. hes is indeed bitchin' though

>> No.15121455

oy vey

>> No.15121534

Why would you chose to work so far away? And at such a shitty job?
I work in the city, and I live 50 minutes away.
Hop on the interstate and enjoy the ride. I wouldn’t want to drive much further for work, otherwise I’d just find a closer job.

>> No.15121623
File: 209 KB, 1000x1000, 1428782008929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 10 minute commute on my motorcycle
>tfw shitposting at work while other wagies slave around
>tfw free meals

>> No.15121638

So you're better because you have less money and "struggle"? Nice cope, never seen that one before

>> No.15121653

Oh shit hi fellow israfag

>> No.15121701

Upwork is dominated by Indians who get paid like a dollar. Also Upwork are full of scum.
That route you highlighted is jammed as hell and would take me more time and effort. Keep in mind I prefer a long commute while watching youtube/netflix than a shorter commute while driving and dealing with twats raging on the road.
I had mediocre grades and the vast majority of tech jobs are in the Tel Aviv area (the San Francisco of Israel). I sat on my ass for a year until I found a job there so this is better than nothing.
Please vote Adom-Lavan in September elections :^)

>> No.15121714

Saving rent is nice and all, but all this commute time is time you could spend on making more money or learning. Just rent a small flat in Kfar Shalem or some shit

>> No.15121735

I still dont get where the concept of being kicked out or dysfunctional family is recurring.

My parents empowered me to move out, it was my decision, I didnt want to live under their feet and I wanted to start to build my own life, defining myself and not living in their shadow.

When your a teenager this should be on your list of priorities, drinking, partying, getting your own job and independence, and of course, getting booty.

My accomplishments as an adult gave my father pride in me knowing a job was well done, I went out into the world and instead of folding I stood tall and took on all the shit life wanted to throw at me.

Had I stayed living at either parents house ,
(inb4 dysfunctional family, my parents were good friends, if not much better, after divorce)
I think my dad would have viewed me as a disappointment, a weak little creature scrouging off of others whilst hoarding my wealth to myself. Its like habits and these decisions that define us, if you get comfy with something that to your core shouldnt sit right, then the tendancy is to push those limits.

True of any negative trait in people, whether its dishonesty, hitting women, stealing from friends.

Out of all these little ingrates defending living off momma and daddys back, did you ever stop and think family life takes entirely over theirs. That maybe, after 18 odd years of wageslaving for your kids, that you could get the house back to you and the missus, have old person sex wherever you please in the house you paid for.

No, why? because your a self centred,privaledged selfish miser who cannot make the necessary step thats programmed in your evolution to go out in the world and make something of yourself.

I wasnt kicked out but I would sure as shit instill more independence in my children to WANT to leave home and make something of themselves. People are more than capable of buying houses and becoming successes without living under their parents roof, its whether you work for it.

>> No.15121739

>Please vote Adom-Lavan in September elections

Top plebian

>> No.15121783

ive had adversity and overcome it, bitch you cant even fend for yourself, in the natural world you'd be someone else's meal.

>> No.15121787
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Moved out at 18 for uni and lived away from home until 21. Now iv'e just finished my degree and get to work a comfy job living at home with zero expenses, until iv'e saved enough to buy a house (already have 40k family stashed away for a deposit for me) sorry you don't have a caring family anon, I'd much rather do this and have a house paid off by the time i'm 30 than be paying extortionate interest rates on a measly 15% deposit.

>> No.15121863
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britbong detected,

>being smug over someone elses achievements.

>being smug about being a manbaby.

This thread has farrr too much cringe in it.

I'm out.

>> No.15121985

>haha i get to be a man child why dont you just be a 30 year old virgin too haha loser your family sucks because they dont care enough to have a 30 year old child why dont you just choose to leach off your family and live rent free its so much better haha

oh and your family is giving you 40 thousand dollars? you are a very accomplished person! im sure everyone who will get to know you will have respect for you! damn i wish I was smart and chose to get a $40k loan from my family and be their parasite for several years. definitely shouldnt have kicked myself out with 0$ in my pocket that was a bad move huh

>> No.15122016

My parents have actively encouraged me to stay home and maximise my earnings whilst there whilst i can. Enjoy paying rent until you're 35 and manage to save up enough a pathetic deposit. Faggots like you are exactly who the system love, you just feed them money. I hope it was worth the life experiences i already gained living away from home kek.

>> No.15122094

>different anon here but youre leeching off your parents
What leeching you illiterate fuck? They just let me STAY in a room they would otherwise not use. I pay for my shit, Im functional, I have well paying job and good career. Aby costs I generate are basically insignificant and for that matter I offered them to pay rent and it was refused.
I am privileged by having functioning family, that I agree with, but I never said otherwise. In fact first thing I said to coping loser anon was that having shit family is nothing to be proud about.
This entire discussion started with loser acting almighty because he got kicked at 18 and went to scrub toilets like its some kind of achivment.

>> No.15122103

because in all honesty anon, why wouldnt you rather help your kids start life off successful? im 22 and wagecucking and giving 50% of my income away since 19 is pretty painful. now granted, this dude thats 29 and still at home is definitely a man baby and needs to move the fuck out, but i personally will probably give my kids shelter until theyre 25 or so, on the stipulation that they are working and saving money, regardless of if they choose to go to school. i think its a boomer meme to kick your kids out at 18, i dont know a single soul that should have been thrown out into civilized society at 18, literally everyone is a complete moron at that age. i honestly think its a meme designed to force people in wage cucking young and get so used to it they never stop or consider alternative means of income.

im not going to praise or respect anyone who lives on a trust fund or lived with their parents past 21, but i also dont think kicking your children out before theyre ready is the move of a functional family. if you truly care about your kid you should be able to take the time to teach them how to live life and support them until theyre ready, theres no real reason to throw them out to the wolves unless theyre a drug addict.

>> No.15122138

Which programming languages are you using?

>> No.15122172

also on that note, why dont more people live like italian families? start buying up neighboring properties in a single neighborhood and build a sort of "compound", or build multiple properties on a single piece of land and allow your children and family to stay or live there as long as theyd like? its an investment and if you dont completely fuck up your kids theyre probably going to love you enough to respect your wishes and keep it in the family for several more generations, you could potentially benefit your entire bloodline for several generations to come and not even have to be a billionaire to do it

>> No.15122228


>> No.15122262

I fucking hate when Joe Rogan and/or Bill Burr go on about people in offices or on a commute. I realise they're trying to suggest you go so something better but it really just comes off as them lording it over us for no reason. They're the 0.000001%.

>> No.15122269

bottom line is they will never be ready, them flying the coop is what makes them. You say they are complete morons, well absolutely they are!

Just look at this faggot >>15122016
who thinks he got all the life experiences in some years at university as I did in over a decade, having moved countries, living in completely foreign cities, being forced to learn another language to get by, going from sleeping rough to preparing financial accounts for multi millionaires, and doing blow with them after.

The most guaranteed thing in life is change, change encourages growth, you either adapt with the changes and grow, or you resist them and stall and stagnate.

Like breaking up with a girl, or death of a family member , its traumatic at first and hurts to your core, but such drastic change gives you perspective, you learn and you grow from it, and you become better for it.

Moving out when 18 isnt a meme, its as intrinsic to our development as our first steps and riding a bike without training wheels.

Otherwise you just get these sad fucking excuses of human beings who become the 0 yo virgin, who cant stand on their own two feet and know how to manage their finances and bills and what the real world is like. Just sheltered little bitches who refused to grow up.

And this thread is testament to this, all those replying defending it such whiny little privileged bitches.

Now, I really must go, gym tiems before coming back and banging my missus wherever the fuck I please because this 4 bed house is all mine lol.

>> No.15122290


these posts brightened up my day

>> No.15122311

PHP, Javascript (and related shit), sometimes C#
Yeah time is money after all. I see this job as a temporary one to get some experience. Maybe I will look up stuff in yad2, but I will have to start cooking for myself that way. I don't know maybe I am a manchild.
Yeah they would be nothing without the millions of wagecucks that watch their specials on netflix and listen to their podcasts, nevermind the people who fill arenas to hear their rants.

>> No.15122329

Stop being a loser.. Get a gf.. Find another job and move from your parents bc wtf, I hate how people from the other side of the world are just mommy and daddy kids and stay with them until 30, grow up

>> No.15122345

The amount of larping and coping is off charts here. Only 30 more years of paying rent to Mr Shekelberg and you will be able to maybe start thinking of your own place! Thank you for decades of rent and dedication to enrich strangers goyim.

>> No.15122371

as soon as i make something of myself ill probably be redpilled on your beliefs. as of currently im still a 22 y.o broke loser with 0 savings so i dont have much to show for that teaching method

>> No.15122593

Get the experience and then freelance. If you get a better pay consider moving close to work in a 3 room appartment as this lifestyle isn't sustainable, you will burn yourself out.

>> No.15122743

humans are a different kind of animal you absolute coping brainwashed by the jews retard
support the degenerate inhuman system created to exploit retarded cunts like you, that will make you so mature

>> No.15122916

Based, any good php and Javascript courses?

>> No.15122923

based jew

>> No.15122931

>Upwork is dominated by Indians who get paid like a dollar. Also Upwork are full of scum.
Nice meme. You're saying your job is so easy an indian can do it? A good way to call yourself retarded.

There's a fuckton of westerners making lots of cash with webdev and coding jobs, and they don't do it by bidding lower than everyone else. But yeah keep making excuses.

>> No.15122952

Buy a motorcycle or moped?

>> No.15123028

Do you ever actually say 'Oy vey' while on your cuckmmute to work?

>> No.15123065

>unloving parents cope

>> No.15123137

Literally whatever is in udemy. I don't even bother with youtube tutorials anymore because of how unprofessional they are.
Yep. I am a talentless hack that could theoretically be replaced by a pajeet. I happen to speak Hebrew though while the pajeets can't so they can't take my current job from me.
I don't want to die and I don't want to even imagine wearing a biker coat in the Israeli summer.
Kek, actual Israelis never say "oy vey", they might say "oy va avoy". "Oy vey" is more of an Yiddish thing so you might hear it among Orthodox Jews in New Jersey or something.

>> No.15123176

sympathy dropped

>> No.15123453

I didn't ask to be born. I feel exactly 0% guilt for the "shameful" things you mention.
Also, my parents love me, and yours obviously do not love you.

>> No.15123796

Youre doing degree in engineering. What kind of engineering is worth studying while you have acc’s degree? I would change with you
Also u mention engineers you have worked for- what kind of industry were they in?

>> No.15124075

>but you have to move out, it is an indisputable step towards growing up.
doubt it
I know several persons who moved out quite early on in their lives but they never turned into responsible adults. Total failures and lost at life. They remained children even into their thirties. They always needed other people to help them out. Always depending on their parents and "friends"(just people they have so they always have someone to exploit selfishly). Else they would be homeless or dead already. They have always had monetary issues, a very irresponsible spending habit. A hedonistic lifestyle. No children.
And then there's some guys who are very mature but still live with their parents. Serious, get shit done on their own, aware of consequences thus behave responsibly.
Sounds anecdotal but I've experienced this kind of thing quite often. Maybe I'm just too old.
Being adult is a many faceted quality, not black and white. Everyone has some adult traits in their personality and some that are child-like and it varies from person to person.

>> No.15124343

Kikes have jobs?
What the fuck are they doing with all those billions of USA aid?

>> No.15124435


No ones girlfriend sucks their cock every day. Shitty Larp.

>> No.15124490


>> No.15124574

If you're a code monkey, can't you strike a deal with your boss to telecommute? Like, one hour of additional unpaid work per day if you can skip the commute?

>> No.15124621


Jews do not generally like other jews. they are ripe for civil war.

>> No.15124690


The first post is almost always the best post. And once again FPBP

>> No.15124702

>than a literal schlomo
Hahahah kek. Have you ever called someone that irl? Would be top tier irony.

>> No.15124852
File: 171 KB, 821x615, Screenshot_20190805-220158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in the process of being taught stuff so I need to stay in the office and get instructions from my superior, sometimes I ask a team member for help. Technically we can do this online in a skype group or a hangout but people won't put up with that for a junior. I work 5 days a week and I hope that eventually it will be 4 days at the offices and one day at home. The ultimate goal is to quit after a year and find a closer job.
lul the altright-slang is seeping into Israel as well. Just today I saw a commenter in an article about Batwoman using the triple parentheses thing (see pic). We also have the prime minister's son literally tweeting alt right comics rofl.

>> No.15124938
File: 226 KB, 750x750, Info7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is Yair (son of Benjamin Netanyahu) tweeting a comic mocking some political rival using the George Soros meme (which is considered antisemitic)

>> No.15125339

how about moving out fuckign brainlet

>> No.15125499

Circumcision videos

>> No.15125720

Why not just get one of those sweat arranged marriages then move out and live with the wife closer to work?

>> No.15126420


I'm not really emotionally invested either way in this argument, but you sound like a paid shill or something with these really ad-hom and weak arguments. There is literally no reason to discourage people from living a life which will allow for them generational wealth, unless you're a kike who sells houses or mortgages. Why the fuck would living with your parents be a bad thing if they don't mind? Obviously in an ideal world everyone would move out at 18 and get a six-figure job, but also in an ideal world my girlfriend has G-cup tits and my cock is 10 inches long, corvette in the driveway etc.

Keep accumulating your Good Goy points though, I am sure god will let you into a higher-tier of heaven for your miraculous achievement of "Not Having as Close a Relationship to your Nuclear Family As Other People" and "WageCucking Extra Hard For Shekelstein".

Richest guy in my family, broke high school records for lifting, great kids beautiful wife - the one everyone looks up to - did not live a meager existence as a miser, he just went to school and chilled at my grandmother's house.

I have a deep resentment for shabbos goyim like you who come to my image board and post this bullshit. As a young man I actually fell for this sort of thing, now as an adult I can see only a predator would encourage me to strain the ties between myself and my family for a fucking MEME of people living the bachelor lifestyle they grew up watching on TV.

Fuck off.

>> No.15126798


>> No.15126832

I'm sorry for your hardship. run to christ for your hope. there is none here

>> No.15126867

The devil has won, we are here for his entertainment as he skins our souls slowly each day

>> No.15126923

How is this thread still alive.

I think you miss the point, I dont like the idea of entitlement, I myself am not entitled and as such unless I have earned something I perceive it as generally spoilt children, as is often the case.

When there is a 30 yo man living at home courtesy of his parents I think this is an indicator of something not right.

In my various jobs over the years I always meet colleagues who have kids at home past 25, and they cannot do a damned thing for themselves: car insurance, phone contract, actually buying their own car.

Its this im talking about and dont think this attitude is congruent to a healthy society, people should have purpose and contribute, not simply be like 30yo babies waiting for mommy to wipe their ass.

Im all for family, im very close to mine even when far apart, but I also believe in independence, I make my way in this life, I EARN it, not just in the monetary sense.

I guess if I saw more people in my life like your uncle or whoever you mention maybe I wouldnt have a strong view. But instead I see these 30yo's behave in such a childish entitled manner, my fathers generation would see you beaten unto an inch of your life to realise the privilege you actually have.

For me however, I would prefer to know I've had a life forged in the fire, not wrapped in cotton wool, its whats driven me to succeed to now.

But hey, keep resenting, I dont hold it against you.

>a fucking MEME of people living the bachelor lifestyle

Half the people posting in favour of your argument are all on a MEME bandwagon of 'wagie' this and 'cuck sheklestein' that whilst boasting the money they have accumulated due to privelage, not earned directly, but earned at the expense of parents who care for them past a pretty universal date globally of adulthood.

Dont you see the irony in that?

>> No.15127031

one last point to add, the uncle sounds like a very isolated case, for the MAJORITY of the instances I see people living at home past 23ish, are just brats.

And whats even more amazing when you meet these people and they arent misers with their money, scraping every penny, and payday comes round at the end of the month and they have no money.

They have no rent, no bills, no food bill, car is paid for by ma and pa, insurance is paid for the same, and somehow still have no money the end of the month and have the audacity to stay how they struggle to payday.

ya feckin wat!?

>> No.15127118

>How is this thread still alive
Good question, how are you still alive? Any plans to change that? World would be better off without pretentious fucks like you who judge other people like they have any right to do that. Reroll your life and try having real family next time, instead coping on anonymous imageboard. What are you even doing here?

>> No.15127221

Triggering neckbeards, I mean, you cant see that?

>> No.15127269

Is that what mature, succesfull people who got kicked out at 18, such as you, do in their free time?
Because that sounds fucking shit, you closed minded faggot loser.

>> No.15127323

>Any human that ever accomplished anything great never had such a beta bitch life.

And yet you were broke until age 29 and barely graduated at age 28. You are HARDLY an example of "success". You're a total fuck up.

Again, retard. Your life of hardship = you were gamed by the system. That is not something to be proud of. You are so pathetic, you cope instead of accepting that you were a huge fuck up all your 20s and are BARELY starting to live a middle class life.

You haven't accomplished shit. Your life is the typical wagie life. Get ofd your high horse.

>> No.15127338

That retard doesn't understand the opportunity cost from renting. What a dumbass.

>> No.15127353


have a hard time reading do we? Theres a fair few posts where I detail how I left home with the support of my family, my family supported my decision to move to a country younger than most these /biz/tards could even leave home.

And I am intermittently checking whatsapp web, this thread among a few others whilst doing some problems on steady state error in non-unity feedback systems.

Its 11pm local time and im still working.

>> No.15127377

You're a loser and others have it better than you because they were actually being smart unlike you.

Continue being a retard and wasting your money instead of being smart and investing in it though. Keep you shitty "pride". At the end of the day, you are your employers bitch. And you are prideful over that? Lmao
Who's the beta cuck again?

>> No.15127394

One day I plan on buying an apartment and having normies like that faggot be "a man" by giving me their hard earned money while I leech kek.

>> No.15127398

what are you doing on arab land?

>> No.15127401

>I left home with the support of my family
I'm sure of it, I would like you out too.

>> No.15127407


>> No.15127418

Checkmate I guess? Are you admitting defeat? Yes, you are which is why you are shitposting. Sad.

>> No.15127483

>just please get the fuck out, anon
His family probably hates him for being so insufferable and unjustifiably haughty lol.

That faggot is 29 and didn't graduate until 28. He was basically broke all his 20s and is PROUD over living paycheck to paycheck for all his youth.
>b-but I was a man the whole time!
Lol. He had a HUGE opportunity cost by wasting all that money on rent. Just imagine how ahead in life he could have been had he just stayed home and invested that money instead.

That guy doesn't understand what an opportunity cost is.

>> No.15127552

on the contrary, had I stayed at home money making opportunity would have been finite.

By moving away was I able to obtain exposure to earning dummy, but your probably too scared of moving away from familiarity to understand this.

Just so you know Jimmy, people move away for work alot of the time, and some people actually travel for work.

Throw the one financial terminology around like you have a modicum of an understanding, hows daddy's little entrepreneur doing today?

What ? still living with the umbilical cord attached *sigh* theres always next year...

>> No.15127741

>Just so you know Jimmy, people move away for work alot of the time
Where do you get contracts for scrubbing toilets? Was relocation package included?
Just stop. If you are trolling, it stopped being amusing. If not, end yourself, unironically.

>> No.15127765

I wish I could still live at home because of the money saved but it's kind of nice being able to drink beer in the middle of the afternoon on a weekend without your parents judging you or without having to be mindful of them sleeping. Fucking divorces and step families suck, it's a toxic enviroment nine times out of ten.

>> No.15127816

>By moving away was I able to obtain exposure to earning dummy
That literally makes no sense. How does "moving out" = "I gained exposure on how to earn money"

What the flying fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.15127830

Fuck yourself. 31 y/o Boomer here living with ma cause I lost a job of 4 years after the owners sold and couldn't break back in to the chemical industry that got outsourced to chinks, pajeets, and Russians. I switched careers thanks to her giving me a home base to start from and don't have the cash flows to live on my own with the debt I've got.

Not gonna struggle through life on food stamps because you want me to pay rent money on schlomo and the boomers overvalued assets. I hope your train gets suicide bombed by a Palestinian child.

>> No.15127852

So there is a way out then

>> No.15128320

When you're forced to pay your own way, you start getting much more creative than when you're comfortably complacent.

>> No.15128347

You mean budgeting?? If you're not a retard, you could figure it out with common sense. People don't need 10 years of "moving out on your own" to know how to budget. Again, you make no sense.

You suffered a HUGE opportunity cost and you cope by saying "no, because I learned how to budget". Really? Again, you don't know what an opportunity cost is. You lost a LOT of potential with all that money that went to rent.

>> No.15128367
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>> No.15128395

My fucking god you absolute brainlet.

Have you never met someone from the country with limited job opportunities because localised areas of anywhere have localised economies (I.fucking-e. a farmer town).

Why do you think people go to be daytraders on wall st and not Calgary??

>The absolte state of biz literally spelling this shit out for kids

>> No.15128575

So you mean to tell me there were no jobs at all near your parent's home for all your 20s, you retard?

It makes sense to move out to different locations AFTER you graduate (and even then, ONLY if you live in a shit location with poor opportunities) which you didn't do until age 28.

My point still stands. Before you graduated, you would have been better off doing the same type of shit tier job and living at home instead of doing a shit tier job and moving out.

All you did was waste money on rent. Congratulations on being a retard.

>> No.15128594

I never singled budgeting out as the silver bullet, but yes it is a part of the process. You'll probably work harder to find opportunity than you would without the fire of independence under your ass.

>> No.15128625

you sound extremely jealous of more successful people and functioning relationships who made better decisions in life
nothing grown up about your way of thinking and behaving
why do you even care so much about the others, stop being a judgemental little person, try to improve yourself first

>> No.15128638

>You'll probably work harder to find opportunity than you would without the fire of independence under your ass.

So by being "creative", you really just meant "you are more likely to apply to more places out of desperation than if you lived at home" and you are saying THAT makes up for the huge opportunity cost that comes from moving out???

Get real. This is just cope and you are just trying to trick yourself into believing you had no opportunity cost.

>> No.15128710

You are really trying hard to put words in my mouth. If anything, moving will make you more money. The opportunity cost is not getting out sooner.

>> No.15128740

Wrong. I had a girlfriend who used to beg to suck my cock. I used to get home from work all sweaty and she would want to suck it. Some chicks are just into that. She swallowed too. I had to train her a little bit to do it just right, but damn. Pretty nice.

>> No.15128750

why bother? you're dealing with truly advanced cope strategies here, bear in mind this guy literally threw away an entire decade of his youth and be a little more understanding

>> No.15128756

>Im 29, moved out when I was 18, yea life has been an uphill battle and really fucking testing at points and a perpetual financial struggle but at least I know I forged this life and I've gone through the hardships.
"I've paid tens of thousands in rent to Mr. Shekelstein but I can say I'm a man because some tinder whore slept on my broken ass couch" : the post

>> No.15128826

>You are really trying hard to put words in my mouth.
Except I'm LITERALLY fucking restating your own words. What the fuck..
>If anything, moving will make you more money. The opportunity cost is not getting out sooner.
So renting instead of saving money = not an opportunity cost?

At least TRY to make sense.

>inb4 you repeat "b-but I got more opportunities by moving!"
BULLSHIT. Without a degree, you job prospects are basically shit everywhere so you might as well do the shit job and live at home than move out and instead of saving capital, you spend all your money on expenses.

You're a literal retard.

>> No.15128859

>I'm LITERALLY [redacted] restating your own words
>you really just meant [ . . . ]

I'm telling you how to live, but I think most people in the USA would benefit from striking out on their own.

>> No.15128871

I'm not telling you how to live**

>> No.15128888

Also, why does your ID keep changing, you lil' proxy boi?

>> No.15128960

I'm not the same as every guy responding to you, but I am still banned so I am doing this to avoid the ban

>> No.15129115

everyone in this thread should stfu. check em

>> No.15129338

>Driving, ever

The ultimate cuck

>> No.15129389

Cope harder. You wouldn't last two days out in the woods lmao. I'm sure the banks and financial sector appreciate your "grind".

>> No.15130048

Delightful times we live in, kike-anon