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File: 164 KB, 494x332, comfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15119553 No.15119553 [Reply] [Original]

Who woke up and didn't have to go to work today? Feels comfy desu

>> No.15119628
File: 189 KB, 485x365, fresn_only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke up, texted my cute gf, masturbated, eat, now I'm back in bed watching animu while browsing biz. This is the life anaon.

>> No.15119632

No, that's just a dream. Wake up

>> No.15119642

>texted cute girlfriend
>not sleeping in the same bed as your girlfriend because she's away being ribbed by some chad

>> No.15119676

She's at the beach drinking and having a girls week out. All paid by me. At the end of the trip she will come back to me. I mean who doesn't want to sleep all day and still have money? Try again, wagie. I bet you never titty fucked a girl and cum'd on her face.

>> No.15119816
File: 1012 KB, 902x994, 1542402325393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I start next week.

gonna stay comfy til then

>> No.15119843

Kek girls week out means looking for your replacement

>> No.15119849

Feels bad man. Civic holiday today. I would rather be working.

>> No.15119857

Sounds kinda cucky bro

>> No.15119954

I apologize. That wasn't my intention, I got a little mad on because of that wagie.

>> No.15119967

she's getting dicked by chad as we speak anon

>> No.15119978
File: 29 KB, 399x385, 152356236953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls week out
>doesn't include fucking chads
You're hilarious, anon.

>> No.15120001

Never went to sleep, Pretty tired its 7am for me but I'll probably go to sleep in an hour or two after my steam games get down downloading and ill wake up to play them at 5pm.

>> No.15120028
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, 16d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She was conditioned to never work or even like the working class and loves anime / cosplay. The only way to see her pants is to be a NEET or a sub (pay pig). KEK, at y'all wagie's thinking I don't trust my girlfriend. That shit happens only for the working class.

>> No.15120048

I mean what girl would want to lose a NEET? Am I right NEET frens?

>> No.15120063

>at the beach drinking
>girls week out
>All paid by me
>All paid by me.
>All paid by me.
>All paid by me.
Should we tell him?

>> No.15120077

Her words: "I love you NEET Anon! I don't have a boss. If I need you, you will always be there for me, not like my ex who couldn't get 1 hour off when I was in the emergency room. <3".

>> No.15120084

>her word
A woman's word is meaningless. Her actions are what you should be watching and understanding.

>> No.15120086

and after she will fucks ur head kek

>> No.15120087

she's getting impaled by stranger's cocks while you pay for it. have a good one

>> No.15120089

you let her go to the beach for a girl's week out?
you do realize girls only want to go to the beach with their boyfriends right?
why would your girl want to go for an "only girls beach weekened"?


>> No.15120118
File: 33 KB, 511x671, 92804752-AF5A-408C-BFB6-7BF1FC4E4F58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woke up at 11AM
>check my portfolio thank god my money is still there (11.6 million US dollars)
>still tired so I just drink some water and then continue to sleep
>wake up at 3PM
>mommy already home making me wagyu steaks
>still lying in bed I‘m ripping a fat bong
>looking forward to good steaks and many hours of shitposting and videogames

>> No.15120131

He will have to learn the hard way.

>> No.15120207

Anon, we spend 99% of the time together. I have access to her phone, Facebook and everything. Also, the random "screen time" rule (answer and show what you're doing at any give moment, even when she poops). I know that for you burgers it's normal to cheat or think like that, that's probably why you have such divorce rates. BUT, we build it on trust and I trust her.

>> No.15120215

Day off in canada americucks

>> No.15120227

i havnt worked in 19 years
i hardly remember it but i know it sucked

>> No.15120308

u build it on trust and u trust her but have access to her phone, Facebook and everything, and some insecure screen time rule lol... full larp or first girlfriend ever, good luck Hanibal.

>> No.15120476

We were hurt before, so we had to come with something. It works and screen time rule makes us laugh every single time. Try loving anon.

>> No.15120493

trust but verify

>> No.15120555

went to my psychiatrist
had a nice long walk home
now browsing 4chan

>> No.15120573

Something sounds fishy but best of luck anon we all need time away from the ladies

>> No.15120628

>tfw NEETs are so mentally ill that they subconsciously include cuckoldry even in their fantasy LARPs

>> No.15120678

woke up at 7:30, had coffee shower etc morning bullshit, got to the lab at 10, have fucked around since then...

>> No.15121031


>> No.15121125

If it doesn't follow the pattern it's fishy? Oh, I'm sad now. Why I was too dumb to talk about it? FUCK!

>> No.15121134

I quit my job last week Friday. It was a new job but it was a police state and extreme levels of micromanagement. Id literally sit there afraid of going to use the restroom too close to break or lunch and too afraid to use it too much. Even though I had to pee multile times due to the water I drank and cold sewage basement tier office environment. I also had to announce when it was break or lunch or I'd probably go late and the responsibility is on the wagie otherwise they lose out in time and get reprimanded if they complain or go past the scheduled time. This was in a government job btw.

>> No.15121174

larp rating: cringe/10

>> No.15121187

My last day was also last Friday, fren. Comfy isn’t it?

>> No.15121206

Oh yes it is, not even worried that I'm unemployed.

>> No.15121255

Unironically my dream

>> No.15121265

so she already cucked you before. you think this screen time will save you. she just sends you pics she took before fucking chad. sad, really.
not sure what is more hilarious, the fact you're oblivious to her cheating, or how you are feeling superior while defending her, kek.

>> No.15121319

Unfathomably based.

>> No.15121330

>paying for a girls week out
Holy fuck my sides

>> No.15121346
File: 50 KB, 301x257, JyN6iwW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's where you fucked up. You need to get a NEET girlfriend who has no friends. Literally heaven. I never worry about that kind of shit because i was her first everything (even first person she hung out with). She has no interest in making friends because she spends 12 hours a day painting. Should have got a <110 lb no makeup NEET painter gf anon

>> No.15121502

How do you find someone like this?

>> No.15121533

Got two weeks off my comfy care job, currently camping at a lake, feels real good, feel like i deserve this. Unlike if i was a filthy neet.

>> No.15121655

look for the quiet girl who looks like she doesn't want to be bothered. Bother her. She had social phobia but that's what kept people from approaching her. You just have to be the one who does it. In reality she doesn't mind but you have to accept that it's hard to tell. Just be persistent even when you think it isn't going anywhere.

Go places where poeple would be who don't want to be around others. She ate lunch in the art room (i happened to also). Just do your best and be genuine.

In a world so full of superficial basic whores, a girl who wants a simple life and just wants to be loved is the most wonderful gift you could have. You'll realize everything you thought you wanted in women was wrong the whole time.

>> No.15121667

btw we've been together 4 years

>> No.15121688

I'm sitting in the sun, drinking beer. Being a Chad.

>> No.15121731

Good for you if this is true . I just date dumb sluts and waste money I regret nothing

>> No.15121913
File: 977 KB, 2445x3200, 2018_NYR_16387_0023_000(william_adolphe_bouguereau_le_lever).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said this before, but some day you will probably regret spending your valuable time and energy chasing cheap thrills in the form of sex if you never have "true" love (Yes it exists, just super rare now).

I've had sex before my current girlfriend plenty of times and I can tell you, having sex with her is like 10,000x better than sex for fun. It feels like i'm on 50 drugs at once (except no guilt). it's the feeling you get when you are truly committed to someone you trust and love. Just be really careful though, don't fall in love with someone who you can't trust. Develop a strong sense of character judgement. Obviously, you have good social skills if you are able to be with many "sluts" but make sure you are able to judge who truly has strong morals and who doesnt.

I know i'm ranting and it all sounds cheesy but I want nothing more than to spread the joy i feel with you guys you know?

>> No.15122102

Empty life.

>> No.15122214

Based NEET baiter