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File: 70 KB, 1000x1080, SALT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15115957 No.15115957 [Reply] [Original]

Subreddit r/SaltTrader is dead I have no one to talk to

I tried to hodl and delete my blockfolio for atleast 1 and 1/2 years and i'm still bagholding this shit with 100% of my savings. I'm checking the price now and its absolutely fucked its not even on Binance anymore.

What the actual fuck its rank 298 now before its in the top 30.

What the fuck happened and what should i do.

>> No.15115965

>he fell for the hodl meme

>> No.15115973

why would you put 100% of your savings into 1 crypto coin and if you insist on doing so why the FUCK would that 1 coin not be bitcoin

>> No.15115977
File: 65 KB, 750x750, 1526577294829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell and buy REN while you still have time. As soon as btc calms down we are riding for its past ath and then 10x by eoy

>> No.15115982
File: 13 KB, 233x250, chickentikam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop loss none

>> No.15115992
File: 44 KB, 399x385, 1560142894050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>down 99.9%
i'm an ETH holder and this post is the only thing keeping me going right now

>> No.15115995

> why would you put 100% of your savings into 1 crypto coin

Because of the peg. It was supposedly guaranteed to go to $25. I'm too depressed to explain it thoroughly but SALT's main selling point is that its pegged to $25.

I kept DCAing to this shit in 2017 to early 2018 my average buy price ended up being around $8.50 or something.

>> No.15116010

I bought a bit of this during ICO when it was $1.25 and thought I was pretty smart. Well, I guess the stupid part was not selling at $15.

Not sure what I'm going to do yet. I'll probably hold it for a while longer and eventually sell it to take a loss and write it off on my taxes.

>> No.15116120

Former salt whale here i sold for link before the binance delisting. Feeling smart here anons

>> No.15116135

Lmao the 25$ meme gottem good

>> No.15116139


Now you have all the salt you'll ever need.

>> No.15116205

>100% of my savings.

you deserve this pain
embrace it, become the pain

>> No.15116209

Sell it all now and buy LINK. You'll be much better off 1.5 years from now.

>> No.15116256

this is deader than req

>> No.15116268


You can't actually sell it, because it's delisted from literally everywhere, and no one wants to buy it, regardless. Their reddit suggests that salty whales put it on some random shit exchange that takes it, then trade against one of their own accounts.

>> No.15116334

Not true. CMC shows that it has $100k volume on Huobi Global.

>> No.15116374


Good luck with that.

>> No.15116440

It's still a great hold. You could have done worse and bought Link which is overshilled and never truly mooned. I would keep DCAing down but I am out of funds at the moment. This and JNT will explode later this year.

>> No.15116783

this is why you don't listen to youtube faggots llike bix weir and jsnip4 god those guys are the absolute dumbest mother fuckers.

>> No.15116811

>arab scam coin where the devs don't even try to act like their building a real product


>> No.15116844

>no real argument
Stay poor, worm

>> No.15116882

Can’t believe anons are still falling for the bouncy castle meme in 2019

>> No.15116909
File: 450 KB, 2048x1447, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaha. hilarious.

cut your losses, market dump, and get in on a possible 100x like Zuckbucks. only chance to recoup your losses.

>> No.15116926

I guess you hate money

>> No.15116951

You bought a coin called salt ffs

>> No.15116966

>ATH $16
>current price $0.16
holy fucking shit if I was all in i’d kms

>> No.15117008

are you fucking joking? that shit is near ATL, no products after 1.5 years, full time community manager to handle their telegram which gets one post a day.... it's an exit scam