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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15113037 No.15113037 [Reply] [Original]

How you holdin' up, /biz/?

>> No.15113069

fundamentally mentally ill

>> No.15113109

Interesting. Gonna start making my own.
I wonder if it will really help me.
More than anything about drinking it I want to conduct an experiment where I put it on my skin. I have really bad eczema and I have read now that people with eczema usually carry staphylococcus aureus on their body (especially in their nose) at a much higher rate than the general population.
Basically they know there is a link between skin conditions like eczema and the bacterial biome. But they don't know which is the result of which.
I'm hoping the good bacteria in kefir might kill off the bad shit on my skin and then it will return to normal. Really grasping at straws here but that would be fucking great if it worked.

>> No.15113126

Overcoming bulder gate 2's graphics.
Fantasy isn't my thing but dialogue branching choice games are.

>> No.15113144

Ohmy spaz wow. You do you homie

>> No.15113159

I'm feeling better today, the Honeycomb marketplace announcement caught me off guard. The big news with LINK is never expected.

>> No.15113175

Whats it like dude? I fucking love milk.

>> No.15113176

Sunday always sucks because work tomorrow.

>> No.15113179

DERMATITIS applies to various inflammations in the skin. These
inflammations are detoxification of the lymph and the skin.
Eating 2-4 smoothies daily blended with red or yellow fresh raw
unripe fruit (like tomato, or papaya, or pineapple) and getting plenty of
sunshine assist this detoxification. If the taste of tomatoes blended with
eggs is repulsive, the smoothie can be made with another fruit. Then, in
between smoothies, eating plenty of raw tomatoes or a raw tomato drink (2-5 tomatoes blended with 1-4 tablespoons unheated honey and
1-2 tablespoons of raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar) neutralizes
toxins that cause this condition.
Topically, rinsing the skin with a mixture of 2 ounces water and 1
tablespoon raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar provides the skin with
nutrients to detoxify more easily so that large skin eruptions are not as
necessary, if at all.

>> No.15113212


browse pages 4 eczema. you can heal that shit so ez lmao

>> No.15113273

My gf had this weird breakout where she had patches of red all over her skin. I had a hunch to take magnesium chloride and melt it in water and put the water in spray bottles and spray it on her. My aunts a doctor and said that the virus/bacterial infection she had was incurable and that it just goes away after 6 months. I cured it in 3 days with the solution. I had a friend that got the same thing so I gave her a bottle and she sent me a thank you note a week later saying it worked. I know what you gave is different but I would try that out before trying kefir. I just researched it and it turns out the brand I was using came out with a spray bottle of it cause they must have found out that a lot of people were using their product that way anyway. I haven’t used it before cause I mixed it myself but try this https://www.amazon.com/Ancient-Minerals-Magnesium-Zechstein-Chloride/dp/B001AD0HL8

>> No.15113279

It's like if you stirred a few tbps of raw greek yogurt into a glass a whole milk. Not bad desu. pretty satisfying.

>> No.15113301

Sounds good. I miss getting bottles of full fat milk delivered by the milkman and licking the cream off the underside of the cap. Ah those were the days. Nothing in the supermarkets compare.

>> No.15113319
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/fit/ btfo. /biz/ officially the best board for everything.

>> No.15113328

You can find local raw unpastureized grass-fed whole milk at farmers markets and wholefoods-esque supermarkets.

>> No.15113392

Thank you anon. I agree.

>> No.15113756

But detoxification is a myth because that's literally what your kidneys are for. Sorry anon.
Also tomatoes and other nightshades are common irritants for people so be careful there.
I've browsed many and for most of my life. Maybe some people can but I for one cannot. It can be triggered by almost anything and many of the things cannot simply be removed from your environment. For example stress. Fluctuations in temperature.
I'll read the link though, thanks.

Hmm interesting. I'll look into that!

>> No.15113766

If you get the really legit strong shit it's also fizzy.

>> No.15114150

oregano oil and look into soil based probiotics

>> No.15114203
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I concur. Best discussions of dating, women, finance, and redpills

>> No.15114233

You must be in southeast PA..ive had that kefir before, mmm ggoodd

>> No.15114259

Why wouldn't you make your own kefir? It's better for you and cheaper while using less plastic. I bet you shit regular so not using half a roll of TP makes up for your blatant plastic abuse.

>> No.15114811
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Things in caps are for tldr, I’m not knocking kefir, love the stuff also have a kefir mango lassi lol
Alrigt here’s the deal with eczema. You gotta go first principals, ie learn the pathophysiology of your particular situation.
Here’s the one key that all eczema has in common, mast cell activation and HISTAMINE. Eczema is caused when histamine receptors in skin are activated by free histamine traveling in your body. The source is both food (cheese, aged stuff) and mast cells.
Google selfhacked + histamine intolerance. I had a really bad kind of eczema.

HISTAMINE IS IN AGED FOOD, SO DO NOT DRINK LARGE AMOUNTS OF KEFIR IF YOU HAVE ECZEMA. The same goes for yogurt, aged cheese, anything where histadine breaks down j to histamine. I actually can eat yogurt again now that I am addressing mast cell destabilization. Antihistamines don’t eliminate histamine, you have to reduce the free histamine in your body.

Histamine comes from 1) food and 2) mast cells in your body.
Lookup th1 vs th2 on selfhacked, it’s oversimplified but it’s the big idea. Eczema is th2 immune response.

The expensive enzyme Diamine Oxidase ($1 usd a pill sometimes) helps a lot of taken before a big meal. Your body releases histamine for lots of functions, like producing stomach acid.

Reduce the histamine in your diet and look up diamine oxidase, it’s expensive and only reduces histamine in the gut before it goes into the blood, but there is also a small amount in pea sprouts, not joking (dr named jojena or something lookup DAO enzyme pea sprouts)

There is another enzyme that works in your blood but it can’t be added.

>> No.15114953

Ok now this is very interesting.
Yeah taking anti histamines is about the only thing that works for me but I'm aware I'm just hiding the problem rather than solving it.
Have you fixed your problem?