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15112201 No.15112201 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the easiest way to get EU citizenship while spending the least amount of money?
Anons who have done so, please share your stories

>> No.15112216

>be nigger
>claim asylum

>> No.15112218

Forgot to add, I’m a white American

>> No.15112228

well that's too bad, we only take shit tier immigrants atm

>> No.15112255

for germany: come over on a six month visa, marry the first older, desperate gay man you can find. stay married three years don't even have to live together just fuck, boom citizen.

>> No.15112264

Open up a company, while this is not a 100% citizenship, you'll readily get most of the benefits of being a citizen, such as access to healthcare etc.

>> No.15112275

I mostly just want to be able to live there for the rest of my life and have children there. So some kind of permanent residence might work also

>> No.15112278

Bump, white American here who wants to do this. I’m also willing to shred my American passport and dump millions into property for this

>> No.15112296

but on a serious note, probably easiest if you get employed by a company which is also stationed in eu.

>> No.15112323

Fuck off we dont want you uncultured materialistic gullible brainwashed idiots here. We're full.

Hate every time I see these idiot expats in my city, even worse than french people.

>> No.15112335

>I’m a white American
paint your face and lower your iq, that's the only way to enter europe right now
why do you want to get cucked an become an europoor?

>> No.15112344

Are you a woman? I'm finalizing my Italian citizenship this month. Bella bella

>> No.15112350

buy a house in malta with 200k€ and wait a year, you get a commendatory EU passport that allow you free access in EU basically just jew version of the EU passport

>> No.15112381

I’m leaving because I hate US culture and its materialism friend

>> No.15112391

The US is becoming a degenerate Latin American shithole and there’s no hope. I want to raise my kids somewhere white

>> No.15112402

Will any kids I have there get some form of citizenship or permanent residency?

>> No.15112405

This doesn't count the non-Muslim Africans and whatnot.

>> No.15112413
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>> No.15112419

What country would you want to settle in? If you're aiming for something like Czech Republic or Poland, you could unironically probably start a real business with your savings, you're likely richer than 99% of the people here even if you're on a verge of poverty in USA, make a living off hiring other people, find a girl, settle down.

>> No.15112421

The US is literally 56% white at best. Even places like the UK are still 87%. Stop believing everything you read on /pol/ about Europe

>> No.15112423

>I want to raise my kids somewhere white
so unless you move to hungary or poland you will find niggers and shitskins everywhere

>> No.15112434

>UK is 87% white
Yeah and they'll be 56% white by the time your kids are 18. Stop glorifying Europe because you have no idea about their demographic trends.

>> No.15112436

Yes and your type is by far the most annoying of all types of american expats.

>> No.15112440

>projected in 2050
Yeah there will be major change before then, these trends will not continue
Meanwhile in the US already 52% of births are to non whites. The US is already over

>> No.15112447

For white americans:

>>Marry a EU citizen.
>>I think some EU countries offer investment based permanent residency. Like if you start a business.
>>If you have a skill set that is valuable to a EU country, you can have a a country sponsor you.
>>Enter as a student at a European University.

>> No.15112451

Cry more you can’t stop me from finding a way to escape this hellhole

>> No.15112477

Why not stay and fight to save your nation like the ancestors of great nations did?Coward, you will probably never fit in with people here anyway

>> No.15112486

>These trends will not continue
Keep being delusional.

>> No.15112490

Yeah I can totally fight and expel the majority of my country’s population against the wishes of the most powerful government in the world. Really good plan guy

>> No.15112498

>I think some EU countries offer investment based permanent residency. Like if you start a business.
When you register a company in UK, rent a flat and say that you're operating your company from this flat (set it as your company address) it's basically residency, not sure how it is in other countries.

>> No.15112499

>Enter as a student at a European University.
years as student will not be counted for obtaining citizenship
i have frens living in italy since 10 years and they will not get it unless they start working, only from that moment they will start counting

>> No.15112502

Euros are already getting way more pissed off about it than Americans are. And according to your chart even in 2050 Europe will be whiter than America is *today*

>> No.15112509

this will not last long, in october they will be out

>> No.15112521

You can buy a Romanian passport cheaply

>> No.15112522

>Euros are already getting way more pissed off about it than Americans are
of course, eu countries are socialists, so nigger get free school and healtcare while white working middle class get tax at 50%

>> No.15112525

not sure, buy them some houses too just to be safe

>> No.15112527

Good call.
I think it's universal among most if not all the countries here, that if you have a registered company and hire yourself, pay taxes for yourself etc, you can give yourself a residency basically. Just make sure that everything is legitimate.

>> No.15112528

How can I tell you have never spent any significant amount of time in Europe?

>> No.15112534

You can redpill people around you and help your nation out. Anything is better than being a coward.

>> No.15112538

email scotland yard with a copy of your passport and tell them that you are an EX (reformed) terrorist that is trying to escape from your country to evade a terror group that you LEFT (important) make sure you make it CLEAR you have recently left them.

they will provide you with support to people leaving terror groups and a process to gain a ticket to the Uk, and an application for permanent residence and you can live here in the meantime, most applicants gain permanent citizenship it's an anti terror initiative.

>> No.15112541

Ive been to Europe literally a dozen times queer
I’m not a poorfag

>> No.15112545

>implying you had
See no one believes you

>> No.15112559

Except I graduated from MIT and speak 3 languages so suck my fucking cock

>> No.15112562

Sure... That is why you think all these European countries are 101% white and are going to stay that way. Never mind that all the white people are boomers and the birth rates are like 1.7. Europeans are nihilistic and a dying society.

>> No.15112582

>Sure... That is why you think all these European countries are 101% white and are going to stay that way.
Yeah that’s totally what I said fucking retard
>Never mind that all the white people are boomers and the birth rates are like 1.7. Europeans are nihilistic and a dying society.
The US is the same exact way except whites only make up 56% of the population

>> No.15112592

He's not exactly wrong.
Immigration mostly concerns big "international" cities.
I've been doing business all over Europe and besides capitol cities and tourist cities people are mostly white.

>> No.15112596

>Whites only make up 56% of the population
And look at Europe's demographics 20 years ago and think what they will look like in 20 years.

>> No.15112602

Go to norway het hired as an "expert" in some kind of field, think it requires min pay of 500.000 NOK (aprox 45k USD) work couple of years, then apply for citizenship. Not EU, but moatly same rules.

>> No.15112605

>International city
Like he is going to get a job anywhere else. Euros are all moving to the cities.

>> No.15112607

There are countries that sell EU passports, e.g. Greece for €250,000 or Cyprus for €300,000.

>> No.15112615

Yes I am aware Europe has an immigration problem. Everyone knows
The difference is you guys are still 80+,90+ % White depending on the country and already have burgeoning nationalism. The US is already over

>> No.15112627

Not... really. Europe is not as centralized as USA when it comes to business, you can get a good job basically everywhere, except maybe tiny hamlets.

>> No.15112629

There are some major cities in Europe that are still really white. In Helsinki I only saw like 4-5 blacks during my time there

>> No.15112630

As much as you eurofags think Europe is bad...USA is far worse in literally every regard

>> No.15112642

Everybody speaks 3 languages here and your entire education system is trash.
People will talk shit behind your back so badly you don't realize yet how much your personality will stand out and even with your ivy league degree you will appear as a trashy person.

And you have no chance with girls, every american expat i met was the biggest sperg around girls, you guys dress like idiots.

We're full fuck off faggot

>> No.15112644

This. The US is the source of the cancer. Nihilism, consumerism, diversity... you mention it, we’ve got it

>> No.15112653

Wow! You're just delaying the demographics by 20 years. Enjoy making 30k a year in a similar col to an American city and watching it get flooded with migrants.

>> No.15112656

Lol you’re so mad
Btw last time I was in Europe a drunk girl literally came over and hit on me IN FRONT of her Swedish boyfriend
Cope harder fucking faggot

>> No.15112665

And you went to a few touristic sites and eyeballed the demographics. k

>> No.15112675

You are pretty immature. I'm wasting my time desu.

>> No.15112677

Hey retard, the major touristic sites are where the most diversity is lmao
Btw, I also went out into the countryside while I was in Finland and it was 100% white

>> No.15112680

You're generalizing.
Americans are good people, but it's true that they sort of stick out in most places. The biggest cultural difference is probably the fact that Americans are very superficial when it comes to socializing, while Europe is mostly super honest, when you ask someone how they day went, if it was shit, they're going to tell you it was shit, if you did something dumb, they'll tell you what they think, no constant smiley faces, no pretending that everything is always great and everyone loves each other. I know English, French and Polish and honestly I think this might come from how "diplomatic" English is in comparison with other languages, if you'd translate them 1:1 to English, normal communication would come off as pushing someone around in English.

>> No.15112700

Of course i am mad, your people are so brainwashed by your countries people in power you make such a degenerate pathetic lost society and now your country is so fucked and your scum culture is slowly taking over europe and ruining it here as well.

>> No.15112704

that’s just normal for drunk swedish girls, all my swedish frens are already divorced or they choose an asian qt

>> No.15112715

Lmao you are lower iq than me and shittier than me in every regard. MIT is a shitty education system? Good luck graduating in physics from their buddy. And I’m also richer than you. I’ve met plenty of Europeans and surprisingly few of them are as fluent as me in as many languages, most only know one or two extra in a half assed manner

If your Swiss to some other reasonable country I will literally fight in your army and die for your country.

So shut the fuck up and get on your knees and suck my cock. I’m not some dindu trying to rape your women or fuck up your society

>> No.15112729

Exactly, there are some very based americans, but every single one of the one's i've met that came to europe to get away from america were huge faggots.

>> No.15112737

I hate it too but you’re such a stubborn retard that you decided to make an enemy out of me rather than an ally
You’d probably rather have a nigger move to your country than me because you’re so fucking stubborn

>> No.15112748

I think both Portugal and Spain have programs where you can get citizenship through investing, probably in property IIRC correctly

>> No.15112759

I'm at ETHZ and speak 6 languages fluently, I would never use that to try and act superior to somebody. Just the fact that you do shows what kind of a typical american you are. And your accomplishments are shit by the way faggot.

Almost every single one of the kids I grew up with speaks 3 languages or more, and i grew up in a working area part of the city.

>> No.15112779

I am very happy to have you as an ally, as long as you stay in your own country faggot wannabe.

>> No.15112794

>stay in latin america
It would be cruel to damn my children to that fate

>> No.15112812

Maybe somewhere like the channel islands or the isle of man? They're not in the eu, but if you can get a foot in, then you can hop to ireland or the uk.

>> No.15112832


>> No.15112857
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I never would IRL either. But What the fuck are you talking about asshole? YOU started right off the bat with your superiority complex. I did nothing to earn your fucking ire other than say I want to move away from this shithole called “America”

I am coming to Europe whether you like it or not, but you faggots should be glad for the Americans who want to come and actually fucking contribute.

I did nothing to deserve all the shitty aspects of American male existence other than try to follow the rules and be an upstanding citizen. I’m good looking white charismatic, but that’s not enough to get a stable gf in this shithole anymore. No to have any success with a nonwhale here you have to have multiple tattoos and felonies, drive a motorcycle, run multiple test cycles, etc...

Literally 30 min ago I just talked to some sluts briefly who graduated from college a year ago. They were both obese and ignored me when I tried to talk because they were too busy swiping on tinder and texting chad and Tyrone

America is done. Stick a fork in it. I was just in Europe 2 months ago and Europeans complaining about Europe have no fucking clue what a truly fucked up society is. Sure London and Paris and maybe Berlin are shit, but even those aren’t as bad as middle America. No culture, no soul, just a bunch of brain dead obese zombies who believe their free

Get me the fuck out of here

>> No.15112890

Or... They'd probably take this as a confession and forward it to the cia, so they can get an "attaboy" from their masta for ratting you out.

>> No.15112896

Just stay in your own country faggot and you will not have people telling you to fuck off.

Not my problem and not my fault you let the jewish mafia ruin your country.

I am against refugees of all kinds, you must fight your own problems in your own countries like us europeans have been doing since forever.

Read: We're full faggot.

>> No.15112908

You are the most insecure sounding fag on this entire board. Mad and bitter af. Why?

>> No.15112918
File: 84 KB, 560x448, 9DAF4F92-B764-43A5-B743-680A35099A61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you in Zurich soon bae ;). Literally moving by eoy

>> No.15112932

Its a bit different here in Germany as far as I know. They actually want students from abroad to stay + your education is mostly free.
And all decent Unis here offer classes in english.
But big cities are full with shitskins on the other hand. Sure, not as bad as the US, but its getting worse.

>> No.15112937


I already explained


I am a nationalist people should stay in their own countries and be loyal to them, for good or for bad, and that is how great nations were made.

I hate this new world order idea you can just hop on the plane and move to the next country until shit hits the fan 6 months later. Have some honor.

>> No.15112950

So you’re a cringe petty nationalist that will be left behind in the Pan Evropean Imperium

>> No.15112953

How does it feel knowing I am going to buy a million dollars worth of property in Swiss and move to Zurich before eoy.

Go ahead and discuss. Vent. Use this opportunity to express your feelings and release your triggering in a healthy manner. Yes I want to FEEL your anger

>> No.15112957

Enjoy bro ;) you will looooooove zurich and i am sure the people will really make great friends with you. Have fun !

>> No.15112958


Let me know what poor city you live in so I can move there and pick up a eurothot right in front of you. I want to see you pop a blood vessel like that crippled guy from Clockwork Orange. Salty faggot.

>> No.15112964


>> No.15112976




You guys are going to get BTFO by zurich so bad, you have no idea.

>> No.15113007

Was just in Vienna and people loved me. Got a great gf for a month or so and had a blast

Don’t even know why I’m bothering replying to an undoubtedly incel subhuman polcuck but I guess I am at such a low point thanks to this shitty hell hole than even meaningless bullshit triggers me

I don’t get it. I really don’t want to stoop to the level of discussing banging the women of a particular region or country, I find it tasteless, but god fucking dammit faggots like this guy trigger me so hard

>> No.15113008

He didn't point it out to be superior. He pointed it out to show he is prepared to live in non English dominated countries fren.

>> No.15113014

>lower your iq
He already said he was American anon

>> No.15113017

Western Europe is so backwards. OP only move if your considering eastern Europe. Western europoors have a toxic culture: Obesity, militant feminism, breakdown of the family unit, loss of their national identity, etc. Declining far faster than anything I've seen in the States.

Eastern Europe has some identity intact, and culture preserved. It even has raw land if you want to expand.

>> No.15113033

ETHZ is based, what are you studying?
t. power electronics engineer

>> No.15113048

Reread his posts, he says "im am infinately better than you, i speak 3 languages and went to mit". That is only impressive other american retards.

>> No.15113051
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>he fell for Le based Eastern Europe meme

>> No.15113066

I will only move to Central Europe/Med/EE.

I think I’ll get at least one place in Zurich, one place in Malta, maybe one place in Tel Aviv/barcelona for partying and just flip between them

Inb4 “Hurr durr Tel Aviv is full of kikes gtfo jew ” yeah and if you’ve ever been there you’d know it’s one of the best party cities on the planet. And no I’m not Jewish

>> No.15113068

Don’t mind the sperg, everyone is welcome to come here as long as you’re an upstanding citizen that contributes to society.

>> No.15113079

Fucking LMAO eurocucks btfo, I think they’re finally starting to appreciate what we ameribrahs realized many moons ago

>> No.15113104

Yes and some girls in usa think you should have open borders for all the world no? Does that mean it is the right thing to do?

Same here mate. Even if you managed to get some 5/10 girl no european wanted, does not mean europeans want or appreciate you here. Dumb ass logic and argument you defeatist traitor faggot.

>> No.15113112

I've been to Moscow last year and most middle class younger adults fantasize about living someplace else. Russian govt doesnt put up with a lot of stupid cultural bullshit going on in the west, but let's not kid ourselves - they have a lot of their own retarded cultural baggage such as ass backward suffocating bureaucracy, petty everyday corruption, and of course the constant threat that you can lose your business, freedom, or even life if you step on the wrong toes. And good luck making money if you don't know the right people.

>> No.15113113

Ask me how I know you’re an incel

>> No.15113131

Fuck off and stay where you are.
ESPECIALLY if you're white and American. You already live somewhere and it's not war torn. Don't edge us out.

>> No.15113138

R*ssia is pretty shit. When he says Eastern Europe he probably means places like Poland or the Czech Republic

>> No.15113146

I have more sex than all of you combined i am pretty confident, but that is way besides the point.

You don't have any arguments to come up with so you try to shame me about my sexuality? Like that has anything to do with americans coming to europe.

Do you guys see this faggot ?

Fucking typical roastie behaviour, not even surprised of this coming from an americuck

>> No.15113155

I just want to contribute more white stock to your continent anon. After 2 generations my kids will be fully assimilated so idk why you’d be worried

>> No.15113180

Don't fucking show him that. He'll end up in Ireland and we legit have no fucking room. Morons like him think it's better that they're well educated Americans - no it's absolutely not. That means you're competing directly with ME. So fuck off and stay in your own country that you already fucked up yourselves.
If you want to come here poor and stay poor and clean toilets and shit FINE. You want to come here and bring the rent price even further up? Fuck. Off.

>> No.15113193

Because fuck you and your new world globalist zionist world you want where everywhere is the same and countries have no identities anymore due to everyone changing countries every 2 years.

Cant believe the amount of newfag NPC's on today

>> No.15113199

100% this.

>> No.15113211

Thank you. Finally another reasonable person. Fuck off americunt faggots, or go to canada I hear it is nicer over there.

>> No.15113223

Canada is barely whiter than the US. I’m moving to the ancestral homeland of the white race and there’s nothing you can do about it anon

>> No.15113228

Thank you letting me know I am not the only one who's sees what huge faggots these guys are being.

>> No.15113231

Lmao holy shit it’s so fucking over.

Europe = Lebanon 2.0 in terms of Muslim migration. There’s no going back now just enjoy the downward spiral

>> No.15113253

Lmao give it a rest lads, we’re coming regardless of how much you post here. Blows my mind you’re even wasting effort trying kek

>> No.15113257

Your ancestral home land isn't the home of your ancestors any more.

>> No.15113275

Nope, but is very likely people will not like you and will talk shit about you behind your back and you will never make good friendships here. Probably doesn't matter to you since most americans I've met are only concerned about money and staying alone or in their shitty "expat" cliques, never met a well integrated american everybody liked.

>> No.15113286

I'm just bored I don't really care that much. But i do firmly believe you won't like it here and will probably only make friends with other expats.Kudos to you if you are different though.

>> No.15113289

I wouldn’t want to be liked by a faggot like you. You probably have no friends yourself

>> No.15113307

Literally read all of us Europeans literally telling you we don't want you. That sentiment isn't going to go away when you arrive.

>> No.15113318

Nobody likes you either

>> No.15113334

You are unironically projecting 4chan posts on real life. Go outside neckbeard

>> No.15113343

You’re a minority of butthurt incels. No one in Europe has ever expressed animus to my face, and I’ve been all over. Even in Russia I didn’t face any overt animus over my nationality

>> No.15113348

I have great childhood friends, but nice cope.

>Burgers on suicide watch.

>> No.15113355

Men don't "talk shit" behind each other's backs. You're projecting your own insecurity and social retardation on the general population. If your friends are gossipping, I can almost assure you that you are abnormally nasty people.

>> No.15113359

>reddit spacing
>doesn't know incel meme

>> No.15113362

You guys have no idea,a lot of normie europeans hate americans even more than we do. We are not exaggerating this.

>> No.15113377
File: 63 KB, 750x474, EED07EF3-5272-43C7-9DB4-6590525D3C60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I’m a eurofag and while most America cucks are pretty cringe, some of the more cultured and easy going brahs were some great fucking guys.

Don’t listen to these projecting incels, if you already want to take the step of coming over here for good reasons you’re probably gonna be quite welcome

>> No.15113383

Well if you can’t man up enough to say it to my face you’re little bitches. No wonder your women like my big American cock

>> No.15113405

Because you are direct competition for me. You come from a huge country with millions upon millions of people. Many of them are having thoughts like you.
I come from a small country. If you come here you make it harder for me to get a job. You make it harder for me to buy a house. You make it difficult for me to stay in my own country. You basically gentrify the entire nation.
On top of that honestly I don't have a problem with Americans generally speaking, but you guys who hate America and think Europe is amazing and perfect are annoying. In fact you've literally said you're a white supremacist in so many words and I don't know why I'm pretending I'm ok with that - I'm Irish. We are white in skin tone sure but have basically been treated the same as "niggers" our entire history. Just because we're the same colour doesn't mean we're the same "privilege" and all the bollox you Californian fucking namby pamby faggots are always talking about.
We have fought HARD to have a country at all (seperate from Britain) and only recently is it starting to be good after literally hundreds of years of tyranny and even a famine/genocide. So no, I don't fucking want you. Go build something for yourself.

>> No.15113427

I have no interest in living in Ireland so calm down Paddy

>> No.15113431

I agree is a very shitty thing to do, but I've seen it happen a lot.


Such a tough guy on 4chan.

>> No.15113450

You’re the one that’s been antagonistic from the beginning so don’t come to me crying

>> No.15113451

based irishman

>> No.15113466

The sentiment is the same across Europe. French/German/whatever nationalism does not include you

>> No.15113475

Getting good in what way? Your country has a quota for a million migrants from Africa and the middle East and you're concerned about Americans that are probably closer genetically, linguistically and culturally to you than the vast majority of immigrants going into your larger cities at this very moment. Lmao

>> No.15113479

Crying about what? I'm telling you to stay in your fucking country and not come shit ours up. You're on fucking 4chan mate, we are a nationalist board.

Go to reddit faggot with your brainwashed npc open borders bullshit.

>> No.15113490

Yeah well just know that wherever you go they'll be thinking exactly the same thing.
And there we go - straight in with paddy haha. See this is why white supremacy is a joke. Even within your supposed superior genetic pool you still discriminate.
I'd stand up for a black man coming here who actually does live somewhere crap a lot faster than you you racist fucking scum.

>> No.15113493

Dude who the fuck gives a fuck about Ireland? Absolute trash country with trash women who are perpetually wasted and miserable, who are almost as obese sometimes morezo than Ameriwhores

Women everywhere are whores, get the fuck off your ducking high horse you drunk degenerate piece of shit

>t. Geneva cuck

>> No.15113502

Petty nationalism is cringe. The problems of the modern world can only be defeated by a united white front. Your little nation, wherever you live, cannot defeat ZOG on its own

>> No.15113507

We are against them as well, but this thread is about an american wanting to move to europe.

And after slowly seeing more and more americuck expats shitting our city up with their ideals, we won't to make it clear that we are full and you will not be a "welcomed aryan brother" here or i don't know what you burgers were expecting.

>> No.15113511

Okay cringelord keep focusing your animus on white Americans while niggers invade your countries
I prefer liberals to small brained petty nationalists like you

>> No.15113514

"Larger cities".
I already know you know absolutely nothing about Ireland.
Also we let in TWO people the other day from the hundreds/thousands moving out of Italy. Think we're grand.
A million. That would be about a fifth of the entire population. We don't even have enough houses for the people here already. Ridiculous.

>> No.15113527

Please continue to dissuade people from arriving . Just don't come here xo

>> No.15113529

>And there we go - straight in with paddy haha. See this is why white supremacy is a joke. Even within your supposed superior genetic pool you still discriminate.
It’s a joke you fucking cringelord. My girlfriend is of Irish descent

>> No.15113534

This thread is about some American “white nationalist” wanting to move to Europe to “live with his people.” Apparently Americans don’t realize that European nationalism is not like Jim Crow racism.

>> No.15113536

This is a thread about an american moving to europe brainlet

>> No.15113549

Maith an fucking buachaill haha

>> No.15113568

20th century fascists like Oswald Mosley envisioned a united white Europe
Modern European nationalism is cringe Jew controlled bullshit focused on petty concerns and inter ethnic squabbles. It’s a devolution from the grander vision of the fascists
I’m the former

>> No.15113610

This is the case for basically all of Europe. /pol/tards focus on the big cities because that's where the majority of people are, but the culture is still booming if you bother to take a drive out of the tourist areas a bit.

>> No.15113762

It’s kinda ironic how these American “white nationalists” are doing the exact same thing they ridicule Hispanics for, leaving their country instead of bettering it.

>> No.15113791

>conflating fascists with braindead MAGAtards

>> No.15113795

People in chan like to talk shit about countries and situations they have never been in. I can hook you up with details/translations about Poland, even create some throwaway mail so we can chat. No strings/payment needed, but you owe me a beer if you visit. I'm from Warsaw, capitol.

>> No.15113834
File: 43 KB, 480x360, D35CDF51-0D63-47A4-A49D-B9E415A1ABE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the French Foreign Legion and serve Israel...er I mean France goyim...er I mean OP

>> No.15113841

As long as you're )))huwhite((( you're welcome in Southern Germany.

>> No.15113895
File: 94 KB, 624x434, 0117 - QXCfE0k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>power electronics
good music

>No to have any success with a nonwhale here you have to have multiple tattoos and felonies, drive a motorcycle, run multiple test cycles, etc...
cringe & have sex, incel
Supply and demand, faggot, and you're not supplying what's demanded so no one's choosing your pale skinny ass, pussy
>middle America
kek, move out of your mom's basement

I am not opposed to you moving anon, hell I'm going to Berlin for further studies before EOY, but goddamn nigga stop being a pussy and admit your shortcomings, then work to improve upon those

kys, sincerely. Literally modern European progress was brought upon by the forming of the UN and, most importantly, the EU. It allowed for trade to increase with minimum fees and delays, and skilled labour to go where it's needed. It stopped all the infighting that has kept Europe in the dark for millennia, and allowed for an age of peace and economical and social growth and enlightenment to occur.
Read some history and go back to before WWI, and you will realise the sad state of military tension, paranoia and backstabbing Europe was in.

>> No.15113960

European Union, not european-american union. You contradicted yourself in your own post you nimwit and there were thriving civilizations in europe loooooong before the e.u.

How fucking brainwashed by rothschild the economist magazine can you get?

>> No.15113987

Based EU poster. Embrace unity, European man. Only an EU army can challenge the US-Zionist axis

>> No.15114192
File: 29 KB, 633x758, 1564276397393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there were thriving civilizations in europe loooooong before the e.u.
Doesn't mean quality of life was good, as there was a major war literally every generation, sometimes multiple, that would destroy the economy and landscape and kill millions and ruin many more's lives. The treasury would run dry every 100 years and famine and political instability would thrive following that.

>European Union, not european-american union
So are you for immigration and unity between Europeans only, or did you only believe in your own nation? Because the former doesn't adhere to your ideological philosophy, and you've just contradiction yourself if you were talking about the latter. I really wanna know what political ideology you believe in anon.

And if we're talking about Europeans as a single people, where do we draw the line? Are Slavs and EEs included? How about Mediterraneans (Culture and history much closely resembles and relates to that of North Africa than central Europe) and the Turks (Byzantine, the heart of the Christian religion for the longest time before HRE)?

If you only wanna take the modern EU as boundary for the European man, then you'd have to have some methodology and reasoning behind that, otherwise you really are just some cringey, brainlet fascist that would've claimed ignorance and "just following the orders" during the Nuremberg trials


>> No.15114311

It hasn't even been a full generation since there's been a war and you are already dick sucking the european union. You think the quality of life of average europeans is good now? It is worse than ever.

I think people should just stay loyal to the countries/cultures they were born into, with some small migration from countries with similar values. Like all humans have been doing since forever.

This "I don't like where i am from the last 2 years so I will leave forever" shit is beyond retarded and is unfortunately an extreme example of how pussy some whites have become these days.

If somebody comes to work in my country, me and practically any other sane european would prefer it to be another european than some americuck faggot.

American immigrants are frowned upon and discouraged heavily and will continue to be so, as their materialistic cuck culture will not integrate well here.

>> No.15114371


Oi m8 ave u got a loicence for that application is real.

>Being this desperate to move to a rainy shithole infested with half the 3rd world

>> No.15114402

What about legion etrangere?

>> No.15114436

If you buy property in Cyprus you get a passport. I am selling mine if you are interested

>> No.15114474

Oh we are most definitely full

>> No.15114500

Like anybody asking 4chan for immigration advice has two million Euros liquid

>> No.15114512

If you think a good chance of dying in Africa and a decade or whatever is worth a French passport, go ahead.

>> No.15114538

>You think the quality of life of average europeans is good now? It is worse than ever
Holy fucking kek

>I think people should just stay loyal to the countries/cultures they were born into, with some small migration from countries with similar values. Like all humans have been doing since forever
But that hasn't been the case since forever. People have always travelled to far off land for better life opportunities and for education and apprenticeship, and that will continue to be the case. It's only more apparent and accelerated now because travel is much cheaper and easier, and globalisation has lead to cultural differences being negligible.
And we, again, run into a problem where we have to define what countries' cultures' are similar enough for intermigration. This whole ill-defined fascism thing is just so severely flawed. Then you'd have to consider the economic impact, the trade laws, and the increased military spending and all. It also wouldn't be fun when your country is lacking in very specific medical specialists and they only come from in far-off lands

>the whole last 3 sentences
Now, are you against American immigrants and their culture only, or all immigrants? How about Brits and Russians? North Africans and Middle Easterners? Is it on a case by case basis, wherein I like these guys and their culture so they're cool and I hate these guys or nah?

>> No.15114616

Fucking nerd

>> No.15114706

Nobody takes them seriously

>> No.15114779


>> No.15114838

I have an idea: why don't you try and show your neo-liberal bourgeois capitalist kiked head and discover how deep a nazi boot can smash your onions throat?

>> No.15114972
File: 328 KB, 748x1194, 1420213375225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think I would be on /biz faggot?
So what economic doctrine do you believe in anon? Socialism?
>kiked head
On the contrary m8, fuck Zionism

>discover how deep a nazi boot can smash your onions throat?
Now you know how I know you're a betacuck incel?

Really hurts when your whole political ideology and cultural philosophy gets deconstructed and questioned, and have all it's flaws exposed right in front of you doesn't it anon? Pic related is you right now