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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15110868 No.15110868 [Reply] [Original]

>Fully Licensed and regulated US-based exchange in South Dakota
>ICO’d during worst bear market in crypto history, went into stealth mode
>Binance US ban incoming
>Heavy US regulations incoming
Yes pajeets shill here and scam constantly but this one seems decent, below 1m market cap and 32m supply on IDEX

>> No.15110911


Confirmed, it's Assblasters exchange coin.

>> No.15110936

Jews did 9/11

>> No.15110952



>> No.15110953

Pray to Jesus, it helps.

>> No.15110969

The issue is, the exchange does not look very professional. And the mcap is technically wrong. There are 80 mil circulating supply from their website. So although it is still early, this is not really 1 mil mcap since the cmc numbers are wrong.

>> No.15111028

Checked and AssBlaster was a blessing for this board and made lots of /biz/ folks rich

>> No.15111165

a lot of exchanges don't look professional, but that doesn't mean they don't get used

the main selling point will be for boomers and burgers. many seasoned traders don't give a shit about appearances. the tools this has in the exchange are actually more detailed

>> No.15111366

they did burn 100m

>> No.15111433

More burns likely to come too

>> No.15111466

So how do they make money if everyone trades with their lion pairs?

>> No.15111580


>> No.15111589

Yes, yes, we need more exchanges, there's clearly a shortage of exchanges, we need some more

>> No.15111676

if you're a burger
then yes you do

>> No.15111777

Fellow South Dakotan here. Gib airdrop as proof desu.


>> No.15111800

> you must be tripping

>> No.15111813


>> No.15111843

Apparently it has ties to wall street too. Most of their team has a finance background. Timing couldn't be any more perfect. https://youtu.be/bNpx7gpSqbY

>> No.15112107
File: 628 KB, 466x614, nrd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15112221

is there an unofficial telegram?

>> No.15112304

t.me/coinlionmarketing is one

>> No.15112361

Yes, yes because all exchanges are burger regulated

>> No.15112481

>incorporated in SD
Literally who cares?
>ICO during worst Bear market
Who cares?
>Binance US ban incoming
They will make a US branch just like Huobi. This is the exchange that posts pictures of little African girls and asks for donations. You think they aren't going to do a little regulation and pay some tax lawyers to restructure a new Corp and keep that business? You underestimate companies
>Heavy US incoming
Complete opposite. The feds are opening up to crypto. They know this is new tech and they need to stay competitive. The pressure is coming from Congress people who do not get crypto. That will all be assuaged in the upcoming months and years. Crypto will become a part of life. In the news it's more and more crypto. Walmart, MSFT, Facebook, Amazon, all working on crypto. It will become commonplace.

At the end of the day, shills are dropping this all because of one gay suggestive thread 2 weeks ago about linking this to Assblaster. The platform for Lion is not special. Funds are not FDIC insured, and up until a day or so ago when an anon provided they are NOT INSURED, shills were mindlessly, ceaselessly, saying they were actually insured. Showed who the shills are.

If Lion develops a good exchange itll be worthwhile. But they dont. The product isnt special. So why buy? Because it's a low market cap? That's the tell tale sign of a biz PnD, where it only gets shilled because people have a stake in getting you to buy their bags, at profit to them

Save your money anons. Now I will shill RSR and BTC. Go buy and be rich in the future

>> No.15112600


You're the pajeet that got destroyed in this thread yesterday


>> No.15112606

so thats the elite fud squad here?

>Literally who cares?
Everyone who wants to trade his assets in trustful and transparent hands.

>If Lion develops a good exchange
Try it, everyone. It's smooth and fast even on old computers. No pre-build shit via Chinese exchange building software. LION is a gem.

>> No.15112631

People have been brainwashed because most exchanges are built off three backends and modified slightly per exchange.

Go check portfolio management, options futures and FX platforms. Bespoke, intricate tools. CoinLion is to be compared to these platforms, not chinese malware.

They are still developing the UI etc. so expect improvements but this is MADE IN USA baby.

>> No.15112684


You are both spouting buzzwords:
>made in the USA!
>trustful and transparent
>smooth and fast!
>who wants to trade on Chinese shit?!?! haha fuck China, amirite! Guys???

Lol smooth and fast. It is definitely not smooth, it's clunky UI-wise and has nowhere near the tools of Bitfinex, Kraken. Your "USA! USA!" exchange is literally at a college-level project stage. But ok!

>go check what the big boys are using
the big boys are using Bitfinex, Binance, Kraken, etc. You're going to shift all that traffic over here, because of what.... Incorporated in South Dakota therefore it's good! Smooth! Fast! Safe! Yay!!!!!!

Literally as retarded as buying Apple in order to stay relevant. Coin Lion: Nigger Tier Exchange. Only a matter of time before we see LION hats and shirts. Shoes.

>> No.15112719

This is your best fud? Sad!

>> No.15112771

>Only a matter of time before we see LION hats and shirts. Shoes.
baam bitch

For proper marketing LION should take a look at this company

>> No.15112809

Did you just make that? Take off the text and I'll buy a hoodie

>> No.15112830

That's up since about Dec. 17