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File: 21 KB, 233x200, IMG_4436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1509515 No.1509515 [Reply] [Original]

I'm getting tired of this lifestyle I'm running right now.

I get up, work an 8-hour shift, eat a meal, then start another 8-hour shift at my second job, then go home and sleep 6-8 hours depending on if I need to shower.

All this so that I can work on paying off my 4-year auto loan I started several months ago, after paying down on my credit card.

Pay isn't consistent, so there may be a week or even a month where I won't make enough money to spend freely on shit I want and my credit card balance is up again just from maintaining my car.

I'm only working minimum wage for both my jobs and lack any skill to move myself up the ladder and have no desire in going to school (late 20s btw).

So my only hope is the $10 worth of lottery tickets I get every week, hoping I'll win at least a couple thousand just to help me out.

Anybody else on the same boat?

>> No.1509542


>spending 10 bucks/week on lottery tickets

Take that money and try something else. Literally everything's better than gambling.

Buy crypto currencies or penny stocks.

>inb4 "these things are just memes"

But your probability is much higher with meme shit than gambling.

>> No.1509554

try r9k

>> No.1509556
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silly wagie

>> No.1509576

You bought a car with a credit card?
Are you retarded?
Buy a second hand car if youre poor

>> No.1509578

Do you think this info helps him now you fucking idiot? He already bought the car lol

>> No.1509582

Yes. OP should sell his car and pay back the loan.

>> No.1509584
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You are only semi-fucked at the moment. The first thing you should figure out is how to cut expenses.
Are you able to move in with your parents or a relative? It would be cheaper to help with some of their bills than to live in a flat alone.
Also stop wasting money on the lottery. YOU WILL NOT WIN.
Once you cut the expenses you save every penny. After a few months you should have a comfortable amount of savings to not be stressing out over.
Especially if you are working as much as you have been.
Only pay off the debt with the highest interest first obviously. If it has a 0% interest rate then don't worry about it for now.

>> No.1509614
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>that pic


>> No.1509621


I don't think you can do that.

Well, the car payment and insurance are both close to being $200/month and I finally paid off my phone, so I'm paying $80/month instead of $120.

I still live at parents house. Rent is $500.

>> No.1509636

Where the fuck do you live that taking two jobs to buy a car is better than one job and public transportation?

>> No.1509638

$500 a week rent to live with your fucking parents is a lot of dead money.

>> No.1509666

your perants are fucking massive faggots. leaving your fucking perants and moving out will cut your rent by 50%

>> No.1509672

What kind of idiot works TWO 8 hour jobs? How much are you saving? If its nothing then you should consider suicide asap.

No it won't. Which planet are you living in? We are in another real estate bubble. Though his parents are massive faggots, renting with them is far cheaper.

>> No.1509685


>Buying a car at all

Unless you live in a shitty place with poor public transport, there is no reason to own a car. If absolutely necessary, purchase a second-hand motorcycle.

You don't need a car, that comes later when you're successful.

>> No.1509689


>$500 a week

Get the fuck out of there. I'm paying $310 for a spacious flat with two bedrooms. There's no reason you shouldn't be either my dude.

>> No.1509724


$80/mo for a phone is too much, you should be able to get $20/mo easily.

Better yet, don't have a phone, then it's free, use emails/facebook to organise shit with your friends and your home landline when you need to write down your number.

Just remember, freeing up that 80/month could be your food for the week. You're spending potential food money on your phone. You already own the device so you can still play games and fuck around on it, just not use the internet or call people.

>> No.1509729

>310 for a spacious flat with 2 bedrooms
Where, Syria?

>> No.1509744


Inner Sydney.

>> No.1509747

>But your probability is much higher with meme shit than gambling.
This is true.
You also stand to lose less than 100% nearly every time you pick a bad stock or shitcoin, whereas lottery tickets are all-or-nothing.

>> No.1509782


My nigger. who /n/ here? Cycle commute master race, pay $0 to travel anywhere within 15 miles each way. If more than that it's about $2.6 for a light rail ticket that will get me anywhere within 40 miles, so 55 by combination of rail and bike.

I estimated the costs of even a cheap car would be about $250 a month if you amortize the purchase cost and maintenance over estimated life, plus insurance and gas. That doesn't even include parking, tickets, or stuff like car accessories or cleaning. Plus my bike keeps me /fit/.

>I'm paying $310 for a spacious flat with two bedrooms.

Where, Kansas? Some people live in places people actually want to live, and rent gets expensive. I pay 800. The cheapest I have found was 600, but it was a ghetto shithole pretty far away from everything, in a falling apart house.

>> No.1509801

You simply must get on a written budget. Feed yourself, pay your rent, pay all the minimums on everything. Write out all your expenses and cut as much as possible. Your diet is Raamen, veggies and eggs. Liver and onions once a week. You're not playing the lottery and you're not going to "spend freely on shit". Any extra money you get goes toward paying down debts. Life will feel tough for like the first two weeks or so. Within a month or two, you'll start having real fun despite this lifestyle. And by the end of the year (I don't know your actual numbers here) you should have your debts paid off and you'll never go into debt again because of these emotions you are feeling right now. You feel like you're drowning, don't you? But you're going to make it.

>> No.1509805
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> get up, work an 8-hour shift, eat a meal, then start another 8-hour shift at my second job, then go home and sleep 6-8 hours depending on if I need to shower.

>> No.1510078

Some Nuthead decided to steal my bicycle. I want to go riding, but I don't want to pay another 200 dollars for an additional week of riding before cold weather hits.

>> No.1510141

You shouldn't have bought a cat on a credit card, you should've taken out an actual loan.

If I was in your shoes, Id go to a bank and see if they can buy your loan out so that way you can breathe and not stack up on interest.

Also, that credit card bill is going to take more than 4 years to pay off from what you're telling me.

>> No.1510280

>$10 worth of lottery tickets I get every week
So you're in debt and barely making ends meet but spending $520 on the lottery every year? I bet you have an iPhone 7 and new Jordans as well.

>> No.1510305

Take your 10 dollar lottery ticket money, open a Robinhood account and learn to play the market, 0 fees, perfect for you. You have a way higher chance of winning than losing in stocks than straight up gambling. And as previously said you don't lose everything in one go.

>> No.1510329
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>he fell for the wageslave meme

Keep running on that treadmill, ant

>> No.1510398


so he should just not work, stay home on his computer 24/7 and not own a car or do anything and just be a loser huh

>> No.1510479
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should start a company or trading (suppose he has starting capital over 50k)

>> No.1510484

I didn't use my fucking credit card to get a fucking car.

I don't spend money on lottery tickets all the time; only when the jackpot is over a certain amount, increasing the chance in somebody winning. I've only spent about $100 on tickets in the last 3 months... $200 total, this year.

I have an iPhone 6 I bought two years ago and wear $30 shoes from Walmart.

>> No.1510612

If you don't have money you can't make money
If no one will help you basically your're fucked

>inb4 choose a profitable career
Sure, you can study something to get a high paying job for years, but
1. If you're in the US you will need a lot of money to get a good degree
2. If your first degree is free in your country usually you don't realize this before you have to choose a path

Source: I'm a tired, poor 27 yo NEET, who don't want to work in McDonalds for 15-20years just to save enough money to start my own life.

yeah, yeah, I know I'm a lazy asshole... maybe I am, I don't care anymore

>> No.1510626

quit whichever job makes less money. use extra time to focus on making yourself more employable. get better job. rinse and repeat.

>> No.1510636

>. If you're in the US you will need a lot of money to get a good degree
>No one has his/her priorities straight in high school
Wrong. I'm probably more of a poorfag than you are. My mother was a welfare queen with 5 kids. (One I moved out the house she had another one). She was smart enough to move into a rich white neighborhood with amazing education. I got into a top 50 university and had to pay nothing because of financial aid.

>> No.1510666

Oh, that's cool, I'm not familiar with financial aid in the US
I'm from Eastern Europe where you can study for free after high school for 6 years.
I fucked it up by choosing Geography first (dropped out because of those fucking rocks that I just hate now with passion)
and then fucked it up because of my anxiety while I was studying Technical Management.

>> No.1510675


you will stay poor forever faggot

>> No.1510705
File: 209 KB, 344x390, kysfaget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how bout you use the last bit of your credit allowance on some bullets and a nice sniper, an hero on live tv after going on a rampage. you can go out on the news n everything too bro

>> No.1510716 [DELETED] 

you will go to sleep under a motivational poster on your wall
you will wake up to the alarm clock at 6:30 looking at your poster thinking "no pain no gain"
you will go to work and solve problems for rich people
you will save money by cutting your living costs
you will marry your girlfriend because that's what other people do
you will get a divorce when you realize that you're not happy
she will take half of your money and the kids
you still hope that someday you're gonna make it, but you barely save enough money for child support

inb4 I have my own business, don't give up your dreams (((just got a 'small loan of a million dollars' from daddy)))

>> No.1510718
File: 131 KB, 400x424, 280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will go to sleep under a motivational poster on your wall
you will wake up to the alarm clock at 6:30 looking at your poster thinking "no pain no gain"
you will go to work and solve problems for rich people
you will save money by cutting your living costs
you will marry your girlfriend because that's what other people do
you will get a divorce when you realize that you're not happy
she will take half of your money and the kids
you still hope that someday you're gonna make it, but you barely save enough money for child support

inb4 I have my own business, don't give up your dreams (((just got a 'small loan of a million dollars' from daddy)))

>> No.1510730

Lel OP should ask Trump for a small loan of a million dollars. Trump said it himself, it's small. Also, considering that trump got that money when he had nothing he should be eager to loan 1 million to any high school graduate with nothing. Right guys?

>> No.1510733

i feel for you wagecuck.. I was once like you.. just hang in there and accumulate money till you can live the dream NEET lifestyle

>> No.1510752

you live on someone else's dime, you pathetic fuck. don't give anyone advice.

>> No.1510760

Man, give back the car, the stress can kill you. Not worth it.

>> No.1510761

salty wagecuck.. i let my money work for me

>> No.1510797

>(dropped out because of those fucking rocks that I just hate now with passion)

Lol what rocks? And what EE country are you from, desu senpai?
Last but not least, what is "technical management" where you are from?

>> No.1510824

I had to recognize a few hundred different kind of minerals and their varieties, but they never looked the same

I'm from Hungary.
Technical management: It's a kind of mixed degree (BSc), you learn finance, economic studies, banking & finance law
It's basically general project management with more technical details, for example I learned to draw and read mechanical and design drawings
It's too broad and don't give you specialized skills so it's a useless degree that looks good in your CV when you apply for a bullshit data-entry job.

>> No.1510844

How mad are these normies when they have to work exhausting physical jobs for minimum wage and members of NEET masterrace gets more money, time and fulfillment.

>> No.1510857

post detailed finances and we can help.

if you dont then we're going to assume you're a retard with shit finances.

>> No.1510949

I make $250-$350/wk with my day job and $200-$250/wk with my night job.

My auto insurance is $193/month
My auto loan is $172/month
Rent is $500/month
Phone is $80/month

Fuel is about $600/month
Food is about $400/month

The remaining I'll use for small monthly subscriptions to shit like Pandora as well as music downloads and lottery tickets... that's if I have any money left.

>> No.1510958

Man, to think a couple years ago I was doing well enough because I was still making $400-$500 with my only job and didn't have any debts or shit... just a shitbox that occasionally breaks.

Its no surprise why the newspaper industry has gone to shit with the technology we have these days.

>> No.1510962

this is actually one of the better incentives for getting a gf even though you're a low-test homosexual.

your gf or wife presumably makes some money and cuts your costs in half. Also, spare car on hand assuming she drives.

I used to have roommates for the same reasons, but it's pretty hard to get along with someone in your space if you're not fucking them.

>> No.1510965

>Fuel is about $600/month

>> No.1510967

Two delivery jobs.

I drive about 150 miles every day.

>> No.1510974

Is it even worth it at that point?

>> No.1510975

you pay to download music? shit nigga.
I make 150k/year and still download it for free

>> No.1510994

I wouldn't be making this thread if it is.

Piracy guilt from all the downloading I did in the past.

Actually, I'm just making an attempt in covering my tracks if I'm ever investigated.

>> No.1510999

The thing is, it's what I'm best at, driving around town.

Not to mention how difficult it is for me to find any other job.

>> No.1511000


So you're living in a cardboard box in Kings Cross?

>> No.1511004 [DELETED] 
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you will leave in your childhood bedroom in your moms house
you will never have a girlfriend
you will never have a drivers license
nobody will ever respect you
even your 15 year old guildmates are progressing further in life then you

>> No.1511006

God, every time I apply at Fastenal they wouldn't contact me and they always seemed to avoid me whenever I try contacting them or they'll bullshit by saying they will look at my application.

I always figured I would do quite well in a production job like that.

>> No.1511007
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dude, you are on welfare and have zero dollars, no drivers license, and nothing going for you....your a loser..just face it.

in your 40's you are going to be some screaming crackhead bum in the street or leech some cockroach filled apartment...you have nothing

>> No.1511009


You drive for your job and are not reimbursed?

Are you a pizza delivery guy or something?


>> No.1511029

I deliver pizzas for one job and newspapers for the other.

I do get reimbursed for gas through my pizza job, but it's not much.

>> No.1511065

Well it's your own fault if you don't want to better yourself to get a better job

>> No.1511078

Working minimum wage isn't the problem. You've got too many bills. Right now you're just going to have to accept your struggle. Personally I'd take out some student loans while working still, and get a degree in a job paying no less than 50k

>> No.1511179

You could read "The Millionaire Fastlane"
You will get a picture of you and your bad financial plan.

>> No.1511192

>$500 a week
>with your parents
holy FUCK. what cunts.
move out, get a roomate, find the cheapest place possible and live as cheaply as possible. also, start spending literally 90% of your freetime learning the basics of finance and investing and the various routes of profit from illegal shit to run of the mill start a business crap.

>> No.1511333
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damn dude. where the hell did all that disrespect come from?

>> No.1511346

Modern slavery.
This makes me sad.

>> No.1511349

I thought the same

>> No.1511368


>> No.1511379


yeah u salty bitch sup? I work my ass off for a few months, get a bunch of moneys and then spend a few months doing absolutely 100% what I want until I get another interesting contract and go back to it for a few more months.

No boss, more money, more fun, no welfare. I pay taxes and all that shit. So it's your own business if you want to slave away 365 days a year but I don't and so are my NEET friends here.

Just gotta have a proper "job" (good better at something then most), and keep expenses lower than incomes. Keep it up OP, if I were you I'd try to lower my gas-related expenses, damn these are eating most of your budget!

>> No.1511512
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>> No.1511528


no disrespect, just stating the reality of the situation

being rich or getting neetbux

cant have both

>> No.1511544


>women contribute more money than they want you to spend on them

lol, not often the case boy.

>> No.1511553
File: 194 KB, 660x393, TraitsOfMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is objectively superior money a meme?

>> No.1511557

>being a wagecuck making fun of other wagecucks

>> No.1511594
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>your a loser..just face it
>you are going to be some screaming crackhead bum in the street or leech some cockroach filled apartment...
>no disrespect

>> No.1512045 [DELETED] 

Wtf? Do you commute 100 miles to and fro in a hummer ? And i thought commuting 12 in a car i have paid off was wasteful.

>> No.1512085
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I know your feel OP.

I work two jobs too and have no choice but to pay rent and other bullshit. Don't have the luxury of living with my parents to save money. And recently got fucked over this weekend by a predator towing company after leaving my car in front of a bar and ubering it home.

I have allot of credit card debt and use to have a gambling problem too (texas holdem) but you just have to stick to your guns. Just write up a spread sheet and start cutting unnecessary expense's ( pandora , spotify, etc.)
And I use to spend allot on gas commuting to two jobs too. I recently change my schedule around and live closer to one job so it did save me some money. I use to spend 260 on gas, now i spend 100$.
Just take baby steps and try to stick to your budget. It's fuckin hard and depressing but at least your self aware of your situation.

>> No.1512136

You need to rethink your life bro.

>> No.1512155


You can bike in the winter you massive pussy. I've biked in sub zero temperatures, on refrozen melt, on snow, in falling snow, even in blizzard conditions. Grow a pair of nuts you homosexual fruit basket.

>> No.1512181


KEK! :d

>> No.1512356

Thanks anon

I'm not getting rid of Pandora because I'm still only paying $3.99/month for it.

If I unsubscribe and ever want Pandora One again, I would have to pay the current $4.99 subscription.