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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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149690 No.149690[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/biz/y bees,

How do you get the Glengary leads?

>inb4 close

>> No.149988

You don't get them. Why?

Because to give them to you would be throwing them away.

>> No.150035

The ADR in that scene sucks ass. Anyone who has been editing film dialogue for more than a week could hear the shitty edits the dialogue editor(s) did. Great movie, though.

>> No.150200


>> No.151052

back in the day the US was stable and there was a bit of honor involved. It was understood that it was in everyone's best interest if the atmosphere wasn't 100% cut throat. The attitude from that scene is basically what fucked up the USA, and in the end everyone is going to lose because of it.

>> No.151075
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this so hard.

>> No.151071

Life is a cutthroat game. Gotta play to win

>> No.151077

>mfw I just watched this movie last night

>> No.151093

i dont want to agree but its true

>> No.151096

You see this watch? You see this watch? That watch costs more than you car.

>> No.152624

it's really not though, especially in business. you don't want a fuck off hotshot like that under you because he can't be trusted. a smart boss would fire that fuckwad that carries brass balls and give the leads to his old hands. in the short run it will hurt a bit but in the long run he will have a stable company that attracts stable people.

That character is for scam artists and people that are all talk. like i said though, unfortunately for the USA that type of person has become the norm rather than the exception.

>> No.152931
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>mfw someone tries to pull off that speech crap in real life
>mfw gets told to stfu

>> No.152964

Rampant competitiveness is a problem only for those who can't compete. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, which is a problem only if you're powerless. In a society of anarchy, which is where we're heading, the strong survive and the weak fuck themselves to limit the pain of their short(ened) existence.

It is cutthroat, want to change it? I invite you to try, I'll even fall behind you if your idea is good enough.

>> No.152990
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>mfw he did get told to stfu
>mfw the good news is, you're fired.

>> No.153018

You don't really get leads today any differently than you did back then, you just have a lot more technical and legal shit to consider while you're getting them, which is why sales is always hiring. Turnover is ridiculous because it's so draining. Decent money if you need a job, though, and the only prerequisite, as I'm sure you're aware, is confidence, or at least the guise of it.

>> No.153647
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no need to change it, let me tell how to beat the system. the trick is you have to start when you are about 8 years old.

>in elementary school make solid friends
>stay in the same town until you are in highschool
>watch them, see which ones fuck you over for girls, who fucks you over for an extra 5 bucks, who borrows money but doesn't pay you back
>follow the people that didn't fuck you over in highschool to the college they go to (1-3 friends is really all you need)
>make sure whatever major you pick complements your friends major
>play your cards right, and you may pick up a few nobody hangers on while in college
>graduate college
>go into business with friend that relates to your chosen major

That's almost it really. I think if you stayed in the same town the whole time pick something in that town you know well, like real estate. Guess what, you know your hometowns real estate better than most real estate experts that are speculating.

It is the tried and true method because it's all about trust and knowing who you are working with. Know why it's so fucking hard to get hired? Nobody knows you, they don't know if they can trust you.

So go that route, don't hire the d bag with the slicked back hair, hire you buddy from grade school. Customers will feel more comfortable with you too.

Old rich do this, new rich crash and burn if they don't. The catch is you will lead a boring life and never really branch out too much.

Have I done this? fuck no, sounds boring, but that is the old school way of getting shit done. Doesn't make for an exciting movie or a good script though, thus everybody watches a jackass give a speech in this movie and gets a hard on.

The USA broke this model and it's fucked now.

pic related
>that's what real friendship looks like folks, that's good business folks.

>> No.153658

Fuck off chink.