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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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150989 No.150989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Tell me about a time you were in a leadership position in a diverse team and you solved a moral problem using communication skills while there was a full moon. I only want an example from outside work or academia."

>> No.150999

>While there was a full moon
I need some clarification on this.

>> No.151024

You ever been to a Wiccan harvest orgy?

>> No.151036

I was leading a band of were-creatures and they all wanted to eat people so I used my "people are over here howl" to lure them all to a bunch of deer they ate instead


>> No.151109

define diverse.
define moral.
define work.

>> No.151117
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>leadership position in a diverse team and you solved a moral problem using communication skills while there was a full moon. I only want an example from outside work or academia
While working on the /v/GA's, someone told me that a Visual Novel and Quake III Arena are both games and therefore have the same sort of value in their gameplay. I then called him a faggot for about an hour straight through various arguments until he blocked me because he couldn't handle the bants. Having purged the amoral casull scum I returned to the dev team triumphantly and we proceeded to include even more maymays in the stream out of celebration.

True story, not shiggying you here. Well except the last part.

>> No.151127

You know what? Fuck it Im going to start my own business. IM LEAVING.

>> No.151137

I was hanging out at a local bar with a jazz musician, a trained opera singer, and a patent lawyer. This guy came in and slapped my favorite philosophy's ass then told me that God was dead, so I hatched a plot to have the jazz musician dose that cunt with psychedelics while the opera singer yodeled outside his window every night and the patent lawyer filled his bathtub with shiny metal machine tools.

Many an existentialist was proven wrong that full moon, I tell you what!

>> No.151154

Once, at a LGBTQOGNFP night rally, we were deciding to lynch some cis scum. I communicated with the group using gutteral grunts and shrieks to called them off the war path. Potentially saving lives.

>> No.151177
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Everyone had an enormous amount of respect towards me when I was leading a project. The people followed me in every step I took resulting that I never had a problem I did not create myself and was unable to solve without the help of other individuals. I'm a born leader.

Keeping everyone happy is a first step to prevent from said problems to occur in the first place. Now fuck off hitler did nothing wrong and the holocaust never happened fucking faggot. Next.

>> No.152352

/biz/ - The Bizarre?

/lit/ doesn't have shit on us.

>> No.152362

A girl complained that her co-workers wouldn't let her chime in on group discussions. I fucked her twice and gave her termination forms for not being assertive. She sued and I went to jail for 2 years but it was a lesson learned for all of us.