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File: 102 KB, 1200x800, 1200px-Flag_of_California.svg (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15085595 No.15085595 [Reply] [Original]

In all seriousness, why is the most democratic state also the richest/most relevant/most important/most advanced? The iPhone alone is more important than anything which has came out of most of them, and then there's Google, Tesla, Intel, amd etc

Coincidence or a result of democratic policies?

>> No.15085776

It's about to collapse and has been stealing gold from the republican states to sell to aliens with the money being used to prop it up

>anyone with a brain
Policies, look at the rest of the democratic ones compared to republican states. Same fucking thing

>> No.15085785

OP is just a bored troll, unfortunately you are the brainlet for feeding him and falling for the bait.

>> No.15085795

um no sweetie california was a conservative state until all the freaks and mexicans moved in. if anything, that set the tone and now it's on its way to collapse.

>> No.15085801

>be closest port to rich continent
>grow wealth
HOW DO THEY DO IT? Same thing goes for NYC/Boston and why Morocco shits on most of Africa, port locations are key

>> No.15085818
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It probably helps that it is the center of the universe for software development and tv/film too

>> No.15085874

umm no sweaty california has always been a place of free thought and left wing ideals

>> No.15085905
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>be rich
>get used to it
>feel empty
>flood the country with illegals to keep things interesting

>> No.15085940
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Location plays a huge part of it along with the resources it sat on. Coastal cities are all pretty wealthy in general. If you know California's history, you would know that there are always going to be waves of people rushing there for a reason. It starts with the gold rush. Then you have hollywood moving there, then the hippie movement, and then the tech boom and silicon valley.

And no, historically California has voted for the MOST POPULAR candidates or ideas. They have voted for Lincoln, Nixon, and Reagan. We even voted for Arnold Schwartzneggar.