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15078633 No.15078633 [Reply] [Original]

Another Day another 0.02 BTC from shorting GER30. As a german the only way to profit from this shithole is by shorting it. Please send us more african niggers!

>> No.15079381

wew seems liek you guys will stay poor.

>> No.15079399

don't you ever talk shit about germany again or i will fuck you up little bitch faggot

>> No.15079427

Germany is totally fucked
White males will be replaced by niggers

>> No.15079452


where 2 trade boomer ponzi’s with btc?

>> No.15079464

Someone, assassinate Angela Merkelllll FFS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15079476

this !! where to trade options with btc?

>> No.15079493


>> No.15079496

Where do you short boomer papers using btc?

>> No.15079557

Where can you trade these futures with crypto?

>> No.15079571

lets short those boomers down to the bottom of the recession that just started

>> No.15079577

That's fucking didlos... To travel to Germany from my country (just as a tourist), you actually have to provide proof of income and property, and they may not let you in if you're a poorfag.. Niggers apparently have a privileged position because I doubt they have either income or property

>> No.15079594

You must ne new to germany a.k.a a shitskin. I totally understand your reaction, though! But still please kys or even better, dont work, breed more useless trash children and beat up some more germs or even better europeans. Help to accelerate the downfall of the west so that "for no real reason" we will vote for hitler again. Thanks.

>> No.15079625


OP here. I am using PrimeXBT. It has some pretty cool options. Like HongKong(Pretty volatile with the current situation), Crude Oil(Also amazing with Iran crisis), Nat.Gas, Nasdaq and SP500. It also does not require KYC.

But its pretty noob unfriendly. Because it only allows 100x lol.Or maybe I am just to stupid or something. I was kinda lucky and went from 200$ up to 1200$ in 2 weeks which I can now use as margin to avoid being liquidated. Feel free to use my ref link though.


>> No.15079658

Thanks anon. Can't believe this isn't shilled more. Will use the link when/if I sign up.

>> No.15079663

OP here again. My plan is to newer go long while there is a yield curve inversion and while we are in front of a recession. But after i took some profits I will wait 1-2 days for recovery to go short again. I assume there will be a minimum 1-3y recession.


Also double tops are a nice indicator that markets are cooling down. We hat this in the last 3 Bitcoin bubles as well. Even though I do not believe in TA meme lines. I believe the yield curve is the best indicator we got. On top of the overall market situation. Trump, china, sandnigger crisis in europe, Iran. All points towards rough times. That we now can profit hugely from.

Shorting the markets was always the things that made buffet, soros etc rich btw.

>> No.15079689

lol Deutschland ist ein Meme geworden. warum bist du noch patriotisch?

>> No.15079707

This is actually pretty cool and I'm surprised I never see anyone posting this between all the BitMEX and Deribit link spamming. I live in a country neighboring Germany and I still look up to you guys. All the best and good luck OP.

>> No.15079723

Yeah i specifically looked for this. And even asked in here. But it seems like not many people knew they can call BTC vs ger30 and other options. Which is kinda bonkers because bitcoin price is bullish and boomer stocks are at the end of bullish cycle.

I wished I knew about BitMEX in 2018 as well. Because I did some pretty good price calls on bitcoin back then. Im in crypto since 2012 and I said the bottom will be at 3500$ in 2019. But back in early 2018 i was saged for my threads because people did not like to hear that bitcoin recovery usually takes a year or two.

>> No.15079749

fuck you i'm 100 % german/bavarian not like you amerimutts with zero culture fucking trash

>> No.15079781
File: 91 KB, 703x815, gains3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This are some of the trades of the last two weeks.

>> No.15079812
File: 10 KB, 188x267, Talmud_set2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am german too. But I am not going to believe that the west can be saved in the long run. I only see a way to save us by acceleration mass migration to a point where whole europe turns facist / national capitalist. We already got a right wing austria, poland, hungary, italy. So it seems like this is indeed working.

If the german Michell is this stupid. He probably should get exactly what he wants..... more niggers.

And the best part.... we are going to profit from it.

>> No.15079860

Könnt ihr bitte endlich ein eigenes Land werden und die CSU/CDU Versager mtinehmen? danke :)

>> No.15079883

I want to learn. Could you teach me? Do you have discord or telegram?

>> No.15079974


There are couple of books you should read.
1. Read the babylonian Talmud. Or better. Listen to rhabbis talking about the talmud.

2. Read books about crashes, strange chaotic patterns that screw investors up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Swan:_The_Impact_of_the_Highly_Improbable

3. Read a lot of biographies of rich people. Start with Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs etc.

4. Set yourself goals. Like for example an own house.

5. Fucking tame yourself. Dont be to greedy. Dont gamble with everything. Take your gains and put them in your cold wallet. Never touch those cold wallet unless you reach your goal in 4).

>> No.15080203

I meant about shorts. I have no idea

>> No.15080215

I'm probably whiter then you. I'm English and german

>> No.15080239

where do you short GER30 with bitcoin collateral?

>> No.15080289

There is my Link. Exchange is called primexbt.

>> No.15080336

>Read the babylonian Talmud. Or better. Listen to rhabbis talking about the talmud.


>> No.15080350

they are not allowed to do that, see what happened to 1broker. that illegal scam site will be shutdown soon enough

>> No.15080359

If yo uare new to that you should do the tutorial on BitMEX. There are tons of those:

I literally started with margin trading 5m ago. The biggest rule though: Fucking tame yourself. If you are to greedy you might get liquidated and lose a lot.

Another cool thing about bitmex margin trading is that you get fee interest 0.025% on shorts every 8 hours. But on the other hand it might be stupid to short bitcoin at this point since it could jump to 15k every second. But you probably should consider shorting bitcoin after it pumps to 15k the next time.

>> No.15080367

it's a scam brainlet

>> No.15080413

It's just a matter of time before it's shut down by the FBI

>> No.15080482





There are some average, some good and some bad reviews. Honestly I would not put more then 10k into those accounts but also 100x trading on 10k is pretty stupid. They are hosted in panama so no KYC is required. I want to note here as well, that burgers might not be allowed to trade there. Since of MUH FREEDOM.

>> No.15080525

Thanks for that link. I took some of my gains out already. No problem here. But it only was 500$ so far.

>> No.15080534

Primexbt daily fees fucks me so hard.

>> No.15080539

rofl at your fake exchange reviews.
>not put more then 10k into those accounts
nice try scammer, they should put exactly 0$
>no KYC is required
and they sell traditional finance stuff. totally illegal they will be shut down.

>> No.15080596

Also if it could shut down by the FBI at any time. Why is this thread from february and the site is still up. Can the FBI take down companies from panama?

>> No.15080617

Wait a minute. There is also no KYC on Bitmex. No problems with Bitmex so far.

Are you an angry jew? Are you angry I am reading the talmud, jew?

>> No.15080629

of course they can, especially since you can trade US securities
bitmex is very different it doesn't offer indexes and financial products

>> No.15080646

last site that tried that was 1broker

>> No.15080788

also they are coming for bitmex

>> No.15081101
File: 10 KB, 406x124, witdhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You scared the shit out of me with your FUD so I tried withdrawing. It went trough instantly. This was my initial investment so I don´t care if this site goes down.

>> No.15081692

The first based German I see in a loong time. Stay strong

>> No.15081715

Haha based

>> No.15081824

good, you never know when the fbi will shut down that shit. for 1brokers it took years

>> No.15081869

Thanks for the advice. I will simply keep on doing and cash out half of my gains every week.

>> No.15081977

not only they can be shut down but the owners can steal your money. good luck reclaiming it when they are based offshore

>> No.15081979
File: 130 KB, 724x1100, 42342545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And he was trying to scam anons with a scam exchange.

>> No.15082124

pay debts you anglogreek debtorfuck