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15079806 No.15079806 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15079811
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pleasure doing business with you anon

>> No.15079818
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>> No.15079825

why is this pinned?

>> No.15079882
File: 208 KB, 500x500, C1D97F3C-D526-4DC1-A066-2E9627915989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i cope with losing 97% of all my savings?

>> No.15079934

>>Why is this bait?

>> No.15079956

Because you are weak-minded and fell for the shills here. You don't ever buy something because it is mentioned here. You use this as a jumping off point to DYOR, and buy the good projects.
I'll save you some time.
Here are some shitcoins which are shilled every day and will briefly pump, before collapsing as soon as the shilling stops: BRAP, SKY, 0xBTC, Zuckbucks, RFR, TRV, QDAO, ONE
Here are some actually decent projects which anons have shilled here, and will actually have a bright future:
RSR, REN, LINK obviously. CELR and/or MATIC, depends how the L2 scaling landscape looks post ETH 2.0.
If I put your favorite investment on this shitlist, don't waste my time by replying and telling me I've misunderstood. Everything on that list will gradually bleed out due to lack of adoption, and ad hominems or one-liners implying I should stay poor will only serve to prove you have no valid arguments to make.

>> No.15079982

I was considering it, but the memes felt weak.
All in on LINK with 7k tokens I keep on a chink exchange.
92 IQ master race.

>> No.15079990

Skycoin seemed to have solid fundamentals, but nothing promised ever got delivered despite there seemingly being progress. How do I not fall for that when picking another coin?

>> No.15080019

Youtube skycoin

>> No.15080023
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>RSR, REN, LINK obviously
Yes those coins obviously have strong fundamentals. I DMOR

>> No.15080076

replace with UND or you are invalid

>> No.15080096

To be fair Synth killed his own project with all his bullshit. He was in over his head

>> No.15080099

It really did not have solid fundamentals. You ignored several red flags for blockchain investments. Here are a few:
Never buy a crypto that is working on hardware development as well as software, they are all scams doomed to fail, holochain is another example of this.
>diffuse objectives
Never invest in a coin that seeks to solve 10 different problems. Skycoin promised to do at least 40 different things.
>scammy spokespeople
Synth was an arrogant lunatic in the telegram. Never invest in a project where the lead not only talks a big talk about his own project but also badmouths other projects.

>> No.15080285
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If only I realized earlier.
Do you have other red flags I should keep in mind when researching?

>> No.15080618

You seem like a good dude. I should have called you easily-led instead of weak-willed. I've fallen for a few of these before, it's easily done. The advice from >>15080099 is good stuff.
You can also get a sense by the quality of the shilling. If it's just one-liners and memes it is obvious someone paid for the budget discord shill package. If you see more detailed debates that go into some level of technical detail without resorting to ad hominem, that's a good sign.
What you want are the anons who found a good project (perhaps through mindless shills), and have accumulated enough of a stack that they are now waiting for prices to rise. Their posts will tend to be way more detailed because they have done their research, and they have a vested interest in countering fud. You'll find me in most RSR threads BTFOing the people claiming it is a scam for this very reason. Although of course some might be overstating things a little too much because they want their bags to pump.
There's no hard and fast rule, because as soon as something starts becoming a good way to tell the diamonds from the shit, nefarious parties begin using it to their advantage and fuck it all up again.
Seeing through this is all part of the fun.

>> No.15080690

and i hate you because youre probably one of those annoying skycoin shills trying to get newfags to save you from your horrible investment. fuck you

>> No.15080722

Thank you. I’ll look into RSR
I already sold. I just want out at this point

>> No.15080769


>> No.15081038

But anon, I used this as a jumping off point to DYOR on Skycoin and bought it because it's a good project.

I've also looked in to the projects you list as decent. They're subpar except for having the support of pump groups, which I guess is a small prospect, but will be a short lived one, like link.

>> No.15081059

Hardware is a strength actually, it gives permanence to the concepts.

Skycoin is a platform in the way that iOS is a platform.

Skycoin is better in concept than most coins out there. This gentlemen's agreement stuff is noncompetitive fear.

>> No.15081125

You are retarded if you think Skycoin is a good project simple as that.

>> No.15081129

It wasn't a subtle shill, just an example. I hesitated to mention it for that reason.
Perhaps you didn't look hard enough, or have a different measure of quality. I suspect the former because
>but will be a short lived one, like link.
makes no sense. Go to CMC and look at the LINK price on Jan 1. If that is the work of a PND group, it is the most long term and successful PND group that ever existed.
I'm sure PND groups have used LINK at various points when it is easy to hype, but that does not detract from the fact that it is a solid investment.

>> No.15081158

>Hardware is a strength actually, it gives permanence to the concepts.
No it's not. It means you are building a hardware project and a software project at the same time. Congratulations, you now have two QA processes, two product delivery pipelines, you need to hire hardware engineers which are harder to find than software engineers, and so on. You also have to get your hardware design right the first time, otherwise you will have expensive recalls, so no agile dev processes for you.
And btw if someone can only grasp a concept if there is a permanent object associated with it, perhaps virtual internet monopoly money is not for them.

>> No.15081170

you messed up now I'm researching it

>> No.15081364

>strong fundamentals
very nice research you're doing there, thanks for paying for my retirement

>> No.15081484

>strong fundamentals
What's your point? It is the best stablecoin mechanic yet.

>> No.15081533

my point is that they're not going to achieve anything on their roadmap and make 0 progress which is very obvious to anyone that made research on their team and isn't low iQ. my other point is that you're literally paying for my retirement since i made $80k on that quick rsr pump 2 months ago

>> No.15081661

Of course there is a chance they won't deliver. That's why it is a speculative investment. Q3 is the stated launch date in their updated roadmap, so we'll find out if you are right or not soon enough. The model is solid though, so as long as the team delivers it will be a winner.
>2 months ago
I wasn't in RSR then so your thanks belong to someone else.

>> No.15081721

Mint and burn? It's a theory right now that doesn't exist at scale yet. No way to claim that it's "better" than collateralized debt like Dai uses, at least not yet.

Plus there are other projects attempting to do the same thing but building off of monero so that tx are private, which makes so much more sense for a stablecoin that is intended to be used in a public economy. Also these other projects are much lower mk caps. You all had yet opportunity to buy Triton (now Equilibria) at under 500k mk cap a month ago. That shit popped off for 5-6x gains the other day... But no keep buying the massively overtired biz shill coins that have already pumped and dumped, it will be different this time around!

>> No.15081871
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where is that smug, thot posting sky bagholder now?? haaahaahahahha remember me faggot? transatlantic telecommunication cables, your shitcoin will be completely dead next year just like i warned you! STAY POOR

>> No.15081928

sky like qash should have been obvious gems
the market is just too stupid I guess

>> No.15082012

>No way to claim that it's "better" than collateralized debt like Dai uses, at least not yet.
Sure there is. Collateralized debt requires a continuous demand for debt at a variable interest rate. If that demand fails to grow with demand for Dai, the system will struggle to grow.
Reserve requires a demand for profit, which is effectively infinite.
The arb model is just so much simpler when it comes to stabalizing the upside of the peg.
>buy this coin, burn it, keep extra RSV as profit
is much simpler than
>open a CDP to loan Dai, sell Dai for ETH on exchange where peg is broken, use ETH to repay CDP, keep Dai/ETH as profit
It also costs less gas.
>You all had yet opportunity to buy Triton (now Equilibria) at under 500k mk cap a month ago.
I would not buy something that early. They have not published their technical or white papers yet... how can anyone do their due diligence? Just look at their description of how it works, it's a joke:
Maybe it is good but today their site looks like 2017 vaporware.
>But no keep buying the massively overtired biz shill coins that have already pumped and dumped
I'm done buying, just holding now. RSR hasn't pumped properly yet, and hasn't dumped either.

>> No.15082066

because you were unable to differentiate between someone fucking around with Raspberry Pi and and Arduino boards and legitimate hardware development. You honestly deserve to loose your money for being that naive. Let this be a lesson to you in learning about what you're investing in.

>> No.15082323

Others have enumerated the exponential increase in errors that come from hardware development however I want to reiterate what >>15081158
said in that the reason hardware is often a scammy move is that it often appeals to brainlets who can't into abstract reasoning and cling to the idea that a physical object adds credibility. In every case I have researched that had a hardware product it was either impossible to scale production in a cost effective manner or was a last ditch effort by marketing execs to drum up excitement because the knew the fundamentals were weak. People who invest in hardware projects are the same types of people who compulsively buy shit on kickstarter and who thought 3D printing would revolutionise the world. They are 'tech-heads' with no actual expertise in any area of technology. They learn everything they know from reddit and LinusTechTips. I am not saying you need to be smart to make money, but you need to follow the smart money.