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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15078111 No.15078111 [Reply] [Original]

Coinmetro got listed! Lets go now! Go check new fast and easy interface! Margin trading is up too!

>> No.15078133

What is the circulating supply?

>> No.15078151

180m if i remember correctly, 330 is total but something like 150m for liquidity

>> No.15078154

Your grammar sounds like a Pajeet

>> No.15078167

Well i am finnish with avarage english

>> No.15078219

kill yourself, reme

maybe you should focus on not being homeless instead of shitposting on 4chan

>> No.15078225

Reeeets go now! Based Finnish Khanate adopting Coinmetro.

>> No.15078228

how about you finnish making threads and kys

>> No.15078231


>> No.15078300

wrong. its 127m circulating

>> No.15078309

my god the trading interface is pure shite

>> No.15078428

that's what happens when you rope in beer buddies and bagholders to do design work instead of hiring actual professionals

>> No.15078447

Thats old fud, now there is new interface

>> No.15078465

Wow, someone paid some indians $25 to shill COINMETRO. kek.

buy Ethplode instead if you want a low-cap moonshot.

>> No.15078473

Shill yourself back to moms pussy

>> No.15078479

Does is it require KYC?

>> No.15078492

wht interface? simple and margin are good! margin especially strong

total 330mil
circ under 230mil and 100mil of that is liquidity pot (exchange hold) anywayz

>> No.15078494
File: 293 KB, 405x501, 3838203238342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XCM now finally at CMC - although exchange volume still fucked by CMCs coding brainlets
>final release of last vested tokens, like 40% of the total circulating supply, had no impact on the XCM price
>about 30 fiat currys available soon
>ENJ BAT ELF fiat pairings about to go live
>Kevin's autism will catalyse the first global tokenized CSD which translates into volumes unheard of in crypto and trillions and trillions and trillions

if you don't sign up now and buy a suicide bag you are certified retarded because in short term you will see 2x and after that the rise will be beyond imagination -> http://go.coinmetro.me

>> No.15078508

yeh takes a couple mins to submit and the team sort it normally within minutes too, well quick

>> No.15078514

Seems ok, might buy some. BCIO is better moonshot though, only about 7 million circulation and token price 0,05$ atm. Will be also in coinmarketcap soon.

>> No.15078530

How many xcm for a suicide bag?

>> No.15078540

Check some of kevins this week in crypto and youll be amazed

>> No.15078543


>> No.15078550

5k is bare minium of making it, 100k for financial freedom

>> No.15078570

if you spend € 1k now you will get roughly 25k XCM. imagine what this will be @ 10 cents or even 50 cents

>> No.15078589

25k at 1 euro is 25 000, at 10 euro 250 000, imo worth with kevin, he didnt run to jungle when things got difficult

>> No.15078638
File: 184 KB, 513x300, 792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek that bitmex bitch
>token burn and insane tokenomics
>API will bring more volume
>fucking managed funds will bring volume and clients

XCM is so undervalued right now

>> No.15078648

think much much bigger.

If everyone understood the leaps being made over the next 3 months you'll kys if you don't buy more now.

completely under priced.

>> No.15078674

Nigga this shit is impenetrable, you need kyc like 4 times and you got to show where did you get the money. Feels like the border patrol

>> No.15078731

No, just do adress kyc and identification to pass lvl 1 kyc, it allows you withdrawal and sending crypto

>> No.15078739

hi chris you retarded KYC fag, stop asking your girlfriend writing source of wealth handwritten letters for

>> No.15078757

1 time correctly.
and US ICO contributors had different criteria.
it's no rocket science!

>> No.15078783
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>> No.15078977
File: 11 KB, 329x153, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XCM now finally at CMC - although exchange volume still fucked by CMCs coding brainlets
>final release of last vested tokens, like 40% of the total circulating supply, had no impact on the XCM price
>about 30 fiat currys available soon
>ENJ BAT ELF fiat pairings about to go live
>Kevin's autism will catalyse the first global tokenized CSD which translates into volumes unheard of in crypto and trillions and trillions and trillions

if you don't sign up now and buy a suicide bag you are certified retarded because in short term you will see 2x and after that the rise will be beyond imagination -> http://go.coinmetro.me

>> No.15078985

thx bought 100 k

>> No.15079046

How many xcm for insurance against suicide?

>> No.15079056

I can't buy because I'm in the wrong Burger State. Fuck. The other states are fine...

>> No.15079079

everything between 5k to 25k xcm will support a decent exit for you

>> No.15079171

That's cheap, I can do that. What's your price projection in a year or 2?

>> No.15079188

if you ask me I say 3 in one year and above 10 in two years if the CSD sandbox is in place and running and we see volumes unseen in crypto before. the global CSD will bring investors and funding. without the sandbox and 'only' TAM, debit card, margin posting, and shit it just needs finally marketing and I say 1 in one year and 3 in two years.

>> No.15079331

Those numbers are quite low still looking that kevin got couple institutions interested using coinmetros margin

>> No.15079417

this and I forgot the tokenomics that is integrated into everything that happens in the background. but better conservative instead of baseless hype, right?

>> No.15079434

this is the correct thread.
coinmetro is the true ethrum killer!

>> No.15079831

>just watch the CEO eat fries for 1 hour

>> No.15079836

Ama is live guys.

>> No.15079857
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, CN6VOxpUWshd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine you pissy bitch. And to my knowledge it's one of the only exchanges for burgers that had a usable mobile interface.

>> No.15079895


>> No.15079958
File: 137 KB, 871x917, 1463967181347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fat fingered a short instead of a long on kraken once and pretty much lost everything because I didn't notice

>> No.15080052

Enjin, bat and aelf next week, start shilling in their own platforms fags.