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15078066 No.15078066 [Reply] [Original]

29 years old, never had a women why is life so hard to me with women? I am ugly (circa 4/10) and have big nose, malocclusion and I can't be sexually attractive for women because of this
A surgery costs 30k and I no job that pays this, no white collar like you
Are you in relationship biz bros? How did you get laid? Made her the first move?

>> No.15078071

wtf TA

>> No.15078670


First of, accumulate money and start weightlifting, tone ur body while ur bags fill up.

When u have some cash - travel to Thailand and get a nose surgery (cheap and skilled surgeons)

After that it's only a matter of time before you get laid friend

>> No.15078681

And if ur socially inept, registrer to clubs or something sociable that relates to your interests. I know this sounds lame but it forces you to train your interacting skills, which is vital to getting girls

>> No.15078693

lower your standards
literally thats it. ugly women wants to get laid too.

>> No.15078712

just rape

>> No.15078726
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made me kek here's your (you)

>> No.15078740
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>> No.15078756

zoom out retard

>> No.15078789


>> No.15078803


rofl you think a woman wants a man that even CONSIDERS plastic surgery?

lmfao you have no confidence now, you'll have no confidence after the surgery. Women don't give a fuck what you look like. Confidence, humor and money all help get them wet. They want confidence, success and security - not some faggot who thinks he doesn't look pretty. Just end it now faggot, you're not fit for modern life.

>> No.15078819

gj kicking a man thats already down
u must be really happy anon

>> No.15078833

when i read this i can't help but visualising you pressing out a stinky curry sausage on the designated shitting street. fuck off

>> No.15078840

this nigger literally wrote "never had a women" and " Made her the first move?" why wouldn't you kick him?

>> No.15078856
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you don't need surgery just buy expensive car and watch all retarded thots changing their minds but don't fall in love with them and treat them like trash they will like it even more

>> No.15078882

Women all have different tastes. If you want a 6/10+ to keep/marry you have to bring a 6/10 personality, money, and body to the table. Women don't focus on face as much as men do so stop worrying about your dumb nose. Women pay attention to the most retarded details that we would never even pick up on like cues in your posture. When people say 90% of communication is body language, they're referring to male/female interaction, not men shooting the shit. Odds are, you're telling women you hate yourself before you even open your mouth. I know it's a hard cycle to break when you're stuck thinking you suck cause you can't get laid and you can't get laid because you think you suck, but you just have to find a way. Find an environment or hobby that makes you feel confident and try to talk to women there. Not just hit on them, but legit try to talk to them until you feel comfortable. Once you can talk the talk, walking the walk becomes 10x easier.