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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15074383 No.15074383 [Reply] [Original]

We're going to make every other bullrun in history look like a fucking joke. I hope your ducks are in a row

>> No.15074403

only 1k sadly, but Im game

>> No.15074422

Yes we are, $100k is sad fud

>> No.15074426

I appreciate the positive vibes and I hope we all make it

>> No.15074460

I am growing weak my friend

>> No.15074561

You are a Link Marine. Relax, it'll be ok. Pour yourself a stiff drink. Get one of your molls to come around or hit up a bar for some snatch. Weekend is on its way. We're another week closer to the singularity.
I dunno if you were ever in the army etc. But, it is at the point closest to victory when the fighting gets the hardest. Fire and movement as you get close to the enemy position is fucked. But, the final bit, the 'fight through' when you're on your guts struggling to gain each meter, is the hardest. But, that is what wins it. There is no option for withdrawal. Keep fighting marine.

>> No.15074593

fucking cringe, unironically sold.

>> No.15074599


Your perceived weakness is actually strength, only link tards call coming to your senses a weakness, the Devs are literally dumping (exit scamming) you when the token hit ATH, Sergey announced that tokens aren’t a necessity to incentivize. Times running out fren, don’t let FOMO keep you from realizing some gains and getting out ahead. Lots of people who were all in on Link sold their stack for a very good reason. The token is finished. Smart contracts however are not. Do yourself a favor anon and turn a profit

>> No.15074612


quack quack

>> No.15074897

Pls stop your gay ass weak fud. Either put some effort into it or don't even bother. We all know you hold link or ypu wouldn't constantly fud it.

>> No.15074960


I don’t have to put effort into when the team is literally showboating their scam at this point
Cope harder
Next comes rope
Have sex fren

>> No.15074984

Clingiest thing I’ve ever seen

>> No.15075053
File: 34 KB, 452x679, images - 2019-08-02T085424.372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Next comes rope
For you

>> No.15075177

You never owned any, Aktesh.

>> No.15076321

yep that was it for me. sold

>> No.15076439

Bash it up your arse you worthless cunt

>> No.15076833
File: 2.69 MB, 3000x4500, D05FE59B-9293-4BBA-89F8-117A83D1C1BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled. Sleeping comfy tonight fellow marine, fuck the other posters who called this cringe.

>> No.15076844

/Global adoption of LINK as a universal standard for contract settlement and creation is already priced in. Do you guys really think you're that ahead of business magistrates and tried-and-tested geniuses?
Yes, your product will work, but everybody already knows this. At most we'll reach $3 in over the next decade to account for inflation and the remaining few unexpected events.

>> No.15076875

im pretty sure most of us have an extensive financial education and background, go back to /fit, /pol, and /ck youre on the right track but you havent reached /biz level yet

>> No.15076877
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1538418888036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically cool man. i like it alot lmao

>> No.15076901

That's pasta dude

>> No.15076929
File: 231 KB, 422x646, 1564635075424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Link Marine Captain leading the grunts fearlessly into the fray

>> No.15076933

This is pasta from another thread. Extremely bullish to see pasta fud.