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15061364 No.15061364 [Reply] [Original]

Don't say you weren't warned

>> No.15061396

Gossip gossip
Niggas just stop it
Everybody know I'm a motherfucking monster

>> No.15061430
File: 65 KB, 750x750, EBBD5860-1F92-433E-BBD0-20F99FC1D9C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15061758

Where do I buy? I’ll throw some at it

>> No.15061800

What could they possibly announce that would revive this dead coin.

>> No.15061821

Just dropped a hard cock on this. Thanks op

>> No.15061822
File: 309 KB, 1080x2280, 1562941426987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Xander posts link to his thread in telegram
>desperate bagholders post in the thread and pretend to be interested buyers to try and scam gullible anons

>> No.15061841
File: 284 KB, 508x672, 1562925933714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely nothing. Xander is fuming that airdrop anons were the ones to dump his shitcoin and not him. He's just getting desperate because he's a homeless drug addict who's sleeping in a motel.

>> No.15061907

Monster energy drink????????? BRAPPPPPPPPP to the moooon

>> No.15061922

Brip brap don't hold back

>> No.15061927


>> No.15061938
File: 232 KB, 1280x720, Xander the Brapper developer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Xander orders a case of monster energy drinks from Amazon
>BRAP partnership confirmed!!!

>> No.15061974

>Ari Jewels

>> No.15062089
File: 791 KB, 1156x1084, 1564075308285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen fren, the reason nobody wants to play with you is because you're a backstabbing, lying, out of context posting, narcissistic, talent less asshole who lacks courage, patience and the ability cooperate with other humans on an intellectual and emotional level, Brapper and any other project you obsessively latch on to in your desperate feminine thirst for validation and attention will continue to work towards their goals and achieve them. you will likely be forgotten entirely or at 'best' ignored. Have a nice day.

>> No.15062104

Damn....that salty fudder just got owned lol.

>> No.15062121
File: 355 KB, 1080x2280, 1562941361913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Xander
>reason nobody wants to play with you
What are you, 12? Stop projecting.
My favorite cope. Here's some more context.
>calling for backup in the telegram channel
Not salty at all, I made nearly $1000 for free. How am I owned? Xander is a legitimate homeless drug addict. Cope.

>> No.15062139

> will likely be forgotten entirely or at 'best' ignored.
Man the projection is too funny.
>obsessively latch on to
I just shit up your threads when you try to be witty and get around my filters. Stay in your containment threads and I won't even notice you. You can even have your own general. /BBG/ - Brap Bagholder General

>> No.15062158

Xander is Satoshi

>> No.15062161


>he's still posting these overused and out of context telegram screenshots

You're legitimately obsessed to an unhealthy degree. I can still look back in the archive and see those massive essays either you or another fudster typed up, or you copy/pasting an entire template and posting that ass pic of StPeach. You asked for Brapper to be "banned from biz". That's how bitter you are.

Only reply you're getting.

>> No.15062208
File: 310 KB, 522x856, 1562919656251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>notice bagholders got around my filter again
>take 2 minutes out of my day to shit up your thread
>good deed for the day done, gullible anons need protecting
Kek, get over yourself. Nobody cares about your shitcoin besides a borderline cult of desperate bagholders. Go back to telegram rajeesh, Brap 10,000 rupees EOY!
>out of context
This is my favorite cope of all. Please, give some context for the lead developer being addicted to Etizolam (research chemical similar to Xanax for those unfamiliar) and being kicked out of his apartment for having a psychotic break.
>his roommate was raping someone!
Yep, that's why the police showed up to help his landlord toss his ass to the curb instead of arresting the guy. Also he's a chronic liar.

>> No.15062228

Google "coca cola lawsuit monster beverages"

Click news and tell me

How long will Monster last ?

>> No.15062249

Get a life dude. This roomate dev story got old a long time ago. Take your cooy pasta fud elsewhere. You remind me of the physcho DAG fudder.

>> No.15062262

>made nearly $1000 for free
kek what an achievement
just because others wont silently put up with your bullshit doesn't mean they have psychological issues
>I just shit up your threads when you try to be witty and get around my filters
the op was not thinking about you or how to 'get around your filters' seems like they were just doing a little shitposting for fun.

>> No.15062285

I read a total of three articles and I don't get what the worry is. It seems like Monster is going to be around, it's not getting shut down or anything close anytime soon.

>> No.15062301

No, what I'm doing is shitposting for fun. See OP trying to create urgency? This is called shilling. You reek like curry Rajeesh. $1000 is more than you'll ever make from this project, stuck at 1 gwei forever.
>the story is old
Wow, FUD debunked! Thanks just bought 100m.

>> No.15062310

Did the telegrams get deleted or was I banned for some reason?

>> No.15062316
File: 27 KB, 471x392, 19bb61dfe381c8f3434355a2c80fc0f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the drugs and mental illness is making Xander paranoid, they migrated to a super secret channel to organize their shilling.

>> No.15062328

Literally NO BUY ORDERS. Haha.

If you want a meme-coin moonshot, buy Zuckbucks.

>> No.15062393

>shilling zuckbucks of all things

christ, anon.

>> No.15062403
File: 216 KB, 986x346, 1562914758584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling BRAP of all things
christ, anon.

>> No.15062684

I want brapper flavored monster

>> No.15062757
File: 219 KB, 750x710, ABE93F13-C36E-4147-9CCC-55DFFC92EB02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15062767

i swear this shit is going to a meme, and it isnt bad either.