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File: 563 KB, 819x716, 1564523919027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15056256 No.15056256 [Reply] [Original]

they lowered interest rates

>> No.15056272

They said they would over a month ago you know...

>> No.15056276

This is GOOD for business!

>> No.15056306

It is necessary to stop the US dollar from being too strong vs all the other major currencies that are near zero interest rates. It would kill our exports if we left rates as they were.

>> No.15056312
File: 956 KB, 950x1050, 1505349539190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i thought the economy was the strongest its ever been? why the need to cut rates?

>> No.15056325

because its not going great?

>> No.15056475


looks like Thanos snapped his finger on this one

>> No.15056510


>> No.15056655

It was over bought in the monthly chart, this is the correction before lift off.

>> No.15056677

i won't sell anyways FIAT is worthless

>> No.15056692
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what does that even mean? plz explain like im a brainlet, because i really am

>> No.15056712

Pretty soon Wal shart will be considered a high end store in USA.

>> No.15056732

I will leave this country before I begin shopping at such a place.

>> No.15056779

Relax, you're going to be priced out of it. Only the coastal elites will be able to shop there.

>> No.15056982
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Where shart in mart now?

>> No.15056987
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and markets LOVE IT !!!

>> No.15057046
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well last 3 times they did that SHTF in a few months
(grey bars=recession)

>> No.15057100


>> No.15057253

sell the news event?
big bankers unloading some around the rate cut announcement so not as many people consider it a hedge / safe haven? idk but shouldn't have fallen for the shit-metal scam.

>> No.15057262


>> No.15057345

Daily reminder that trump wants to print as much money as possible to give it all to Israel so they can bomb the shit out of palestine and you amerifats are paying for it through inflation

>> No.15057546

mama mia! We gonna get salamied right into our calzones!

>> No.15057584

cope mohammad

>> No.15057636

>t. Salty towelhead

>> No.15057656

Good! I was going to refinance, but now I'll wait for the inevitable 0% to refinance.

>> No.15057677

Palestine has no right to exist

>> No.15057704

>burger news

hopefully in a few years we'll stop hearing about those all over the internet, getting really annoying now

>> No.15057716

Incoming recession

>> No.15057730

JIDF pls

>> No.15057736


I'm white and from Europe, I don't give a fuck what happens between kikes and muslims but you are the one coping here, trump licks Israel's ass like a total bitch and funds them out of your own pockets

israel wouldn't exist for a long time if it wasn't for clueless amerifats funding this 1 way 'alliance'

>> No.15057742

make sure you keep that diaper on your head because you have shit for brains

>> No.15057750
File: 404 KB, 1000x808, 1557359086372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a desert. Nothing has a right to exist there. Neither Palestine nor Israel.

>> No.15057751

Holy shit this thread is full of act-il posters. People in Israel and supporters thereof are literally paid to create FUD and divide & conquer this and other websites.

>> No.15057771

>t. butthurt burger slaving away to fund another country's existence
pathetic cuck

>> No.15057829

If there is a recession can Europe recover? ECB rates remains stuck at zero per cent

>> No.15057887

Stop recessioning. We all good.

>> No.15057957


"This engine is doing great! Quick, lets remove all the oil and fuel!"

"Wtf, why does the engine need fuel and oil to perform well.. "

>> No.15057991

It's all rate cuts from here on out until the economy implodes.

>> No.15057996

Europes economy consisted 13% of Zombie firms in 2013, has likely worsened since then, shits about to hit the fan.


Theres a good scientific paper from the ecb itsself but cant find it right now, its nr2200+, 2018 or 2019.

>> No.15058007

sry Germany has had 13%, czech was very low, greece had 30%+

>> No.15058119
File: 55 KB, 600x481, 1112159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only thing that keeps the engine running is artificially low interest rates
ok buddy you just acknowledged it is a zombie economy

>> No.15058163

Daily reminder that nothing will happen.

>> No.15058252


Just because an engine performs better on higher grade fuel, doesn't mean that the engine isn't a good one.

Also Implying that literally all other economies in the world aren't doing this, so we should just shoot ourselves in the head for the sake of others? If there is a race, and everyone is doing it, you are foolish not to do it. The gains outweigh the loses because present value is always more valuable than long term.

>> No.15058267

Also, a zombie economy can last a lot longer than you can stay solvent. Ride the wave or crash on the rocks, but to you anon.

>> No.15058289
File: 45 KB, 634x650, c0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel is a sovereign nation and has the right to defend itself against threats.

Palestine doesn't exist and never has and never will.

>> No.15058325

the media matter shills are SEETHING
can't wait for Trump to send you all to gitmo
after he secures 2020.

>> No.15058338

You and your kind will be fucking wiped out by one Nuke from Iran fucking kike.

There is no such thing as Israel and it doesn't exist.

>> No.15058353

G-d protects Israel..

>> No.15058400


No they IMPLIED that there MIGHT be lowered rates at sometime in the future
They shouldn't be doing this if the economy is as strong as it looks on paper
But everybody knows we're in a bubble and have thoroughly been since 2018 and is just waiting to get out at the top

>> No.15058473

They're only cutting rates once for now, which means that the economy isn't that bad.

>> No.15058553

historically in monetary processes of the lifecycle of a fiat currency we see a deflationary phase always right before a hyperinflationary phase.

>> No.15058737

what mean? my savings account is useless now?

>> No.15058879
File: 65 KB, 250x236, 1491532458857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No they IMPLIED that there MIGHT be lowered rates at sometime in the future

This the implied that and that they may remain stuck at the previous level not that they would lower them.

This is good for bitcoin.

No , there are so many zombie corporations now that we are starting to create a massive bubble.

>> No.15059252

>This is good for bitcoin.

It unironically is. It means that there's more money sloshing around to use for speculative investment.

>> No.15059281

>Also, a zombie economy can last a lot longer than you can stay solvent. Ride the wave or crash on the rocks, but to you anon.
fair point, but to say this is to acknowledge that it WILL happen.
a better question is, how do you prepare yourself that when/if it happens, your wealth remains relatively unaffected? is it possible?

>> No.15059304

Why is this bad? This only harms Jews that live off of usury

>> No.15059315

Yes and if they finally lower rates after the elections it will happen during the halving pump meaning that btc will be unaffected.

Hell things are aligning so well for btc that it's scary.

>> No.15059348

Thought trump was fighting with the fed to keep/lower interest rates.

>> No.15059354

>and if they finally lower rates after the elections


>> No.15059362

Yes friend, give us errr, um I mean yes cut your losses while you can

>> No.15059385

USD is ridiculously overvalued

>> No.15059402

Economic cycles are naturally boom/bust. Seriously, what isn't boom/bust? There's no such thing as constant organic growth.

So we're headed for an imminent recession at some point soon enough, the only question is how severe. It could also just be a lagging/flatlining economy for 5 years like in the 70's, which isn't as bad as 2008.

>> No.15059989
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>since 2018

>Economic cycles are naturally boom/bust.
not when the economy is based on real money (not funny money)

>> No.15060122
File: 80 KB, 640x640, Ddg2uay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expected some discussion about the economy. Another thread devolved to retard level name calling. Forgot I was dealing with autistic retarded incels, but aren't autists supposed to be intelligent? I get more reasonable discussion at r/libertarian because you guys have gone so far robot that you come full circle to become unironic normies, only more retarded. Don't forget pic related

>> No.15060147
File: 102 KB, 1600x900, 7527274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15060452

It's going to be less of a recession and more of a mass restructuring of the economy, for example online shopping is utterly cucking the retail sector and it's only going to get worse once high-speed drone delivery of products becomes common, therefore a lot of prime commercial real estate is also going to get cucked due to retail going to shit, but warehouse, meanwhile the companies selling the delivery drones are going to absolutely dab all over the stock market.

>> No.15060473

>JIDF is deploying on /biz/
getting salty about our sentiment that you have no right to exist, eh?

>> No.15060480

Diversify, which is to say divide your wealth into as many uncorrelated assets as you can. Own stocks, bonds, real estate, gold and crypto, in no particular order.

>> No.15060613

>He didn't buy 6 months ago
>All his gains are fresh and 1% put him in the red
Jesus dude

>> No.15060624

>the board devoted to making as many shekels as possible is also full of Jews
What a surprise lol

>> No.15060652

spoken like a drug addict

>> No.15060703
File: 58 KB, 679x769, 1529284434459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice how there is no picture attached because memes are banned in EU

>> No.15061783

dollar general

>> No.15061826

I hope Iran nukes your rat infested desert shithole back to the stone ages.

Praise Hezbollah. Praise Khameni.

>> No.15061851


Past few threads on economic collapse for whatever reason has been flooded with pro-Israel posters. Idk why. It's like they make an explicit point to tout Israel. They don't even make it a point to attack anti-semetism. It's all about shilling for Israel.

JIDF and AIPAC must have biz posting in the budget this month.

>> No.15061875

The trick is to make good posts yourself and only respond to other posters who make good posts.

>> No.15061911

I think there needs to be classes taught about this kind of stuff in business colleges, desu. Real life case studies and a look and analysis at real time events shaping the economy such as this. I think it's important to have current knowledge, not lagging knowledge.

>> No.15061936

Naw the high speed drones thing will go the way of 3d printing. The next big thing will be delivering for Amazon whenever you want. You sign up to be a delivery driver and then drive your car around and drop off packages. Like Uber. They're already doing this. Drones won't happen.

>> No.15061947

>Drones won't happen.
Disagree. They absolutely will, just not when they say they will or when we think they will. But eventually yes they will. I will say by the 2030's it will be commonplace.

>> No.15061980

Automated vans delivering packages sound much more efficient and realistic than millions of drones struggling around the air holding heavy boxes making noise pollution

>> No.15061998

It will obviously be very localized. I don't think it's going to be deployed in every single location including suburbia. I would reckon it would be something for enterprise solutions where companies make orders and drones deliver it same hour or something like that. Consumer applications almost always follow enterprise solutions.

>> No.15062071

>muh shiny rocks!

>> No.15062162

its more like you have to pump nitro into it to even get the engine starting

>> No.15062307

>this is the correction before lift off.
Dubs of truth. Damn, wish I could have bought more.

>> No.15062360

rolling for a global depression

>> No.15062562
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Let's see

>> No.15062658

that’s not his perfect form

>> No.15063544

check these

>> No.15063554

nice dubs. The guy was rolling for Quints though

>> No.15063574

Cutting interest rates means the economy isn’t really improving fucking retards.

>> No.15063583

Is it really sustainable to keep it perma low like that?

>> No.15063597

Bad analogy
A rate cut implies the economy is not performing well at the moment, not that it's performing as expected

>> No.15064586

Will house prices be lowered at least?

>> No.15064691
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>> No.15064742

Only retards actually think Israel needs America's assistance (under 3% GDP) to survive. Israel fought multiple existential wars & can do it again. White people are so self-centred