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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 696x449, FANTOM-FTX-696x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15058256 No.15058256 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when raiblocks mooned 1000X because the BTC network was clogged?

Imagine the next bull run with ETH getting clogged and normies finding out about FTM....

>> No.15058286

Why use a gook vaporware platform when Zilliqa already works: https://www.coindesk.com/pepsico-blockchain-trial-brings-28-boost-in-supply-chain-efficiency

>> No.15058350

This is crypto, nobody cares about working platforms because nobody uses it.

People only care about making money fast.

ZIL already mooned and now has an army of bagholders looking to dump on the next pump.

>> No.15058450
File: 156 KB, 507x546, 1562180862702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual non-larper who knew XRB would be huge and bought a fat bag around $2 then sold between $25 and $35, I have never purchased a crypto other than BTC, ETH, XRB, and LINK... until two months ago when discovering Fantom. Every /biz/ OG who got in early on XRB and LINK is getting in early on FTM. Don't be a redditor and miss out on this moon mission while buying memecoins, join the next generation of wealth and buy a bag (which we will sell to plebbit after we 100x)

>> No.15059410

100% this

>> No.15060108

honestly if you are on Biz and haven't already loaded up on Fantom you unironicaly deserve to be poor. Its just not in your genetic makeup to make good logical decisions. I hope you don't therefore buy cause you will only do something retarded with the money like give it to your new mexican girlfriend or give it to some nigger charity.

>> No.15060626
File: 378 KB, 2456x1242, 1559139882758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is gonna go dummy mode not to mention staking... plebbit will go nuts they weren't in on this

>> No.15060644
File: 18 KB, 472x565, 1564605893806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this stupid

>> No.15060669

unironically this. Prices are being way surpressed now as you can see from the TA pov

>> No.15060693

this bullshit scam coin is literally dumping right now. while all you cuckboi's talk about the moon.


>> No.15060725

Am telling u guys....buy up all the Fantom, DAG Constellation and VIDT that you can. These are the big 3 to be holdling by 2020.

>> No.15060759

>These are the big 3 im holding so everyone should buy it

>> No.15060765

Nice comeback. But what I said is fact. There are already too many of these meme platform coins and none of them are being used. That will be the case with fantom as well. OPs post is nothing but delusional hopium smoking.

>> No.15060782

this. Fantom does literally nothing except feed into the dreams of poor fags who missed out on ETH

>> No.15061474

When will people realize XRB only pumped because it was on two exchanges, one of which was fucking INSOLVENT AND PUMPED NANO TO TRY AND PAY OFF THEIR DEBT.

>> No.15061564

you can't even compare buying raiblocks under a dollar to buying fantom right now lmfao. fantom is an erc-20 token... how many times do you guys have to get burned before you learn your lesson?

yet there are coins going 5x and 10x in the past month that NO ONE is talking about. this is nothing more than a shill thread in a sea of shill threads.

>> No.15061688
File: 243 KB, 638x480, PhotoEditor_20190718_224518397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was an easy 5x

>> No.15061782

nice. I 5x'd on a tradeogre coin. there were some going 10x too. biz just shills whatever has already pumped so they can get something for their bags. if I'm going to buy an erc20 token then I'm sure as hell going to be one of the first and try to accumulate as much % share as I can. not buy it at $41mil market cap when a few thousand bucks will get you less than 0.1% of the total supply.

>> No.15062111

FTM isn’t some pump and dump scam like your other tokens. Do some research and realize why this is a comfy hold.

>> No.15062437

Fantom token distribution:
15% to the Fantom team and founder
30% to market development
15% to Advisors / Contributors

>> No.15062696

Are you retarded? What you are saying makes zero sense. Where did they get all the BTC to pump XRB to billions market cap if they were insolvent?