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File: 155 KB, 875x584, smgclown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15056460 No.15056460 [Reply] [Original]

clown market edition
boohoohoo, he lost money :'-(
*audience laughs hysterically*

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Previously on /smg/:

>> No.15056492

Become snibbed


>> No.15056496

So what's so important about this supposed debate happening tonight?

>> No.15056498

Qcom and Zynga reporting

>> No.15056501 [DELETED] 

fuck niggers
fuck jannies
fuck powell

>> No.15056525
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rekt almost 7%

>> No.15056526
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I love you guys even if you do shit on AMDChads.

>> No.15056533

You're supposed to take off your trip when you start a new thread you big new dummy idiot

Good try though, being 10 posts early isn't THAT bad.

>> No.15056551


>> No.15056566
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Down 1.5% overall but buoyed up by DF and REKR.

DF is on the move for sure. They've gotten past adjusting to changing milk demand, and I'm expecting them to retake $10 within the next year.

>> No.15056583
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>crypto is too risky for me
>the stock market is much less manipulated

>> No.15056593
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Meanwhile, report out of China regarding negotiations was fairly positively worded.

>The two sides discussed topics such as forced technology transfer, intellectual property rights, services, non-tariff barriers, and agriculture. The Chinese side confirmed their commitment to increase purchases of United States agricultural exports. The meetings were constructive, and we expect negotiations on an enforceable trade deal to continue in Washington, D.C., in early September.


posting maido pic for the ror poster.

>> No.15056604

It's not even a debate. They're all going to stand around and scream medicare for all, there's no such thing as an illegal, we need to beat donald trump and give niggers reparation checks, we're going to pay for it by making the rich pay their fair share and our foreign policy is going to be softer than baggies dick after staring at naked pictures of hillary clinton.

>> No.15056610

Does that shot caller faggot still post here? Or did he get bullied out.

He's about to owe me money so

>> No.15056619

BAHAHHA Fitbit burning, I fucking called it last week. It's another gopro like stock that will fail over and over again because people can't care long enough for these products to stay profitable.
Might actually become one of my best shorts in the next few months.

>> No.15056628

Roy. Am long on this bitch and putting $1k in spy today. Wish me luck.

>> No.15056641
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yeah and further The Donald's winning ratio in next election in the process. Doubling down on commie shit is not going to win the election.

>> No.15056683

Baggie baggie baggie... The adult is in the room tonight, Biden is on stage.

Tonight is the night for seeing who can score the most points by pegging biden. Tulsi going to try to golden shower him while Harris dabs and yang stays quiet like the asian kid in class.

>> No.15056687
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Beautiful! Thanks fren!

>> No.15056699

Don't forget banning all guns and saving the world from climate change which will kill us all in 10 years.

>> No.15056705
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>> No.15056716
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should have went all in on dean foods

>> No.15056729

So they're going to reminisce about the good old days, where we called criminals what they were and when we got the drugs off the street?

>> No.15056754

I need an up to the moment feed of the latest SPY price to plug into a Python alert script. So far I've been using the free IEX feed but it only covers trades done on their exchange. This works reasonably well but I'd like something a little more comprehensive. Little help?

>> No.15056768

Oh fuck I forgot, they're going to take away our rights and secure a future for the mixed race children that are going to have to pay for the debt that was put on them before they were born.

>> No.15056787

rude, dess

>> No.15056795

sry... i delete

>> No.15056798
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Moved 5k from my Dow Jones Index to bonds a few days ago. I knew Powell wad going to rape us all. Still lost a shitload today but at least I can buy the real dip which I think will come in 2 weeks.

>> No.15056801

fucking spot on. fuck democrats, I used to be """moderate""" but today I'd rather have 10 trumps than any of those commie fucks.

>> No.15056803
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>banning guns
>saving world from climate change
They really believe they're the good guys huh?

>> No.15056818

vtgn mooning

>> No.15056822
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Wow, loooks like I'm going to be holding this Twilio bag for a few years.

Very curious about your setup, can I get some piccies?

No. Harris is going to see that biden wants to make being black illegal, and Booker is going to say the same thing, but louder.

And Biden's going to say that he and Barack actually did a legistlation, and that doing a law is more important than reparations.

Then Tulsi is going to sneak around behind him, pull down his pants, and blast the moderators with piss.

Are you even paying attention to the current Zeitgeist?

>> No.15056833
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>> No.15056838


>> No.15056839

As a non-american, it's pretty obvious that Trump will win. A majority of analysts said he will win with an average 42% approval rating, which he is clearly above now.
Not to mention that democrats lacks a platform. Hating on white people, hating on Trump with shit no one except the far-left cares about and calling for the american tax payers to pay for illegals mediacare is not a platform. It's just flat-out retarded. Good luck hyping up the centrist voters with that.

>> No.15056870
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Bros I keep waiting for WKHS to retrace to buy in but it keeps fucking going up.

>> No.15056871
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Ror! This is an accurate picture of postmodern leftism. Also, digits checked.

>> No.15056901

If the stock market tanks...
If we get a sharp economic downturn...
If people start having to worry about their jobs...
I don't know that people will vote for him.

If that happens, and it validates the hard push to the left and not the establishment candidate (Biden), then we're in REAL fucking trouble. If the dems get it into their head that AOC is the future of the party, and the repubs get the idea that Trump is the future of their party...

Fuck, Even moving to Japan or Canada won't keep us safe from that clowning.

>> No.15056928

Exactly. People vote with their wallets. Obama was a bit of an exception with being black and the healthcare thing but at the end of the day if I really want to effect change, I need my own money to do that regardless of my political stripes. Only dirt poor losers will vote for gibs.

>> No.15056942

I don't know how to break it to you, but Trump is the establishment now...

>> No.15056947

possibly, but Warren isn't YET

>> No.15056959
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>> No.15056960


The polls are partisan dog shit, we learned that in 2016. The indicator of whether Trump can win is the economic performance of the swing states that he won from Hilary in 2016.

Also, if the Democrats can activate the ethnic vote to 2008 levels.

>> No.15056973

Oh God if Warren democracts become the center.... The left hard left will just seize the means of production strait up. There will be nothing we can do at that point... We have to stop her.

>> No.15056974
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And this is why I'm not worried about AMD's drop today. Ryzen 3000 is currently killing it.

>> No.15056983
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I assure you Leafland is already firmly entrenched in honk territory.

>> No.15056989

>Also if the Democrats can activate the ethnic vote to 2008 levels.
They tried with the trail of tears shit this year at the boarder.

>> No.15056993

man metals got fuuuuuucked.

>> No.15056995

>If the stock market tanks...
>If we get a sharp economic downturn...
>If people start having to worry about their jobs...
did you read the thread about this yesterday?
It was good.

>> No.15056999

dont know who's gonna win. I'll vote T but do know that he comes as a package, and many of his supporters dont approve of his treaty breaking and anti-nato foreign policy. its just that the D's are much much worse.

>> No.15057001

currently is the key word. the market isn't pricing AMD shares based on what's happening this year.

>> No.15057003
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Also, I have a theory that the news organizations are artificially inflating Trump's poll numbers since he went full Zionist shill in recognizing Jerusalem and the Golan Heights to lull him into a false sense of security.

We already know that his reality consists of what his advisors tell him and the cable news shows.

>> No.15057012

I have just checked China's statement on the trade war.
http://world.people.com.cn/n1/2019/0731/c1002-31268118.html (Chinese link, press conference with China's Ministry of diplomacy, can be Google Translate.)

The spokesperson used the term "hehe" in Chinese to response to American accusation on their position on trade deal. Online Ch-Eng dictionary say "hehe" have the same function as "Sound interesting" but that not entirely correct. The meaning of "Hehe" is much, much, much more serious with quite a bit of insult in it. It's basically a slightly more polite/diplomatic way of saying "fuck you" in Chinese.

Usage example of the word "hehe" in Chinese:
Example 1:
Incel: I love you, Stacy, can you be my girlfriend?
Stacy: Hehe.
Example 2:
Ordinary /biz/ anon nowadays: Hey get some xxxcoins! It's going to skyrocket 100 times in a month!
Anon in /smg/: Hehe.

>> No.15057015

Been looking hard at amd, also nintendo took a dive today and has a slimmed down cheap switch in the pipline which could be a gamechanger. Also, why the fuck did EA moon this morning?

>> No.15057018
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Yup Ryzen is doing very well. They overtook a large marketshare % in Asia too. Epyc comes soon.

>> No.15057019

How deep is the dip gonna be?

>> No.15057048
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>> No.15057049

Bro the 1DS switch looks fucking terrible. It's going to sell like the Wii U.

>> No.15057053

Problem with AMD is still the enterprise and OEM market. They still haven't made much progresses in these area to overtook Intel

>> No.15057054

>currently is the key word. the market isn't pricing AMD shares based on what's happening this year.
> currently

Intel has no counter anytime soon. Even if they release their 10nm desktop parts somewhere late 2020 (maybe even 2021, who knows), AMD is already on Ryzen 4000 at that point.

>> No.15057057

>can confirm
Although I am pretty sure Trudeau will get turfed in Oct, only a Conservative majority can save us. The most likely scenario is a Conservative minority which will force the libs and ndp to form a coalition and draw us even further left. Fuck my life.

>> No.15057058
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>rate cuts

>> No.15057074

So what are the implications of this? By next year, are we expecting meteoric soaring in share price such that it's ok to buy even now @ ~$30? Are we talking double? Or just some decent gains, like up to ~$40?

>> No.15057086

Lol what the hell are you talking about? The media hates trump

>> No.15057087

What about the oil territories? Can I still find me a pretty little ice princess in frozen Alberta?

Another thread by that same kid who uses financial crisis as a synonym for recession? Seems pretty retarded, care to select some of the good parts of the thread?

Nah, $100 is $100, people see that as much more affordable and they're gonna buy it.

>> No.15057098

I don't get why people are saying Switch Lite being a gimmicky product like 2DS would have any problem as it's essentially designed to be a trivial product like the 2DS. I believe they're making a Switch Pro which will probably come out later this year or next year or so

>> No.15057104

Isn't AWS going epyc?

>> No.15057117


>> No.15057132

Oof, TWLO EPS in line. This could get ugly for a while. Still waiting on KTOS...

>> No.15057133
File: 1.07 MB, 2990x2067, 1552615939794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do most of my trading in crypto since it moves so much faster and I have a pretty effective bot. I have been dipping my toes in stocks lately though and hooked the IEX feed to my crypto stuff. You can see the larger terminal on the left scraping IEX prices and the box on the right with the yellow writing is the current price of SPXL on IEX. I have a fairly standard mean reversion strat but I've been refining it since 2017 and it's pretty effective and hands off. Ready to make some stock and forex monies now so I want the best feed I can get.
Pic related just shows some of the scrapers and bots running. I have charts that pop up in matplotlib for anything that's bought or sold and I have some other bots running on different strategies in other windows. It's a pretty comprehensive setup.

>> No.15057156

Who here SPWR?

Completely saved my day.

>> No.15057159

Didn't saw the news
But that seems like they are mainly for small personal/SME usages and not something like large scale data center

>> No.15057202

I didn't pick up any share but I have a couple call spreads - things are looking good for tomorrow's open. Great job rng

>> No.15057205

AMD should just shut down until they stsrt valuing them

>> No.15057211

>Can I still find me a pretty little ice princess in frozen Alberta?

I live in Alberta and I'm thinking about maybe moving to Alaska at some point in future, job depending. Fortunately I'm dual US/Leaf citizen so there is no immigration red tape consideration for that.

>> No.15057214


I'm saying they are manipulating reality by artificially increasing polling numbers.

We saw it in 2016: Clinton's supporters got complacent because by every metric she had won the election before it had even began.

Ethnic tension was one of the huge propellants of the Trump campaign in 2016 and he is denouncing his supporter's chants at rallies now.

>> No.15057238

I want to move to Alaska
Canaduans stay out
We don't have time to build another wall right now
Alaskan ice princesses belong to me

>> No.15057245

What should we expect for tomorrow with these cuts?

Glad to help fren

>> No.15057272

more justing, dollar falls, gold moons, more rate cuts, more justing, return of QE, fed forced to raise rates during recession, and then cheapies.

>> No.15057280

>That girl in the drawing
Would Fuck/10

>> No.15057292

>tfw unironically considering roping myself tonight
anyone else

>> No.15057298

sorry fren

>> No.15057306
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down 2% overall now. spy and amd killing me....

>> No.15057332
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For erotic asphyxiation?

>> No.15057339


>> No.15057340

Lisa Su is still confident to hit 2.2 billion $ in revenue in Q4. And they still hit earnings despite Trump's technology China fuckery and chip orders for consoles tanking earlier than expected.

I don't expected meteoric rises, but an overall steady increase over time. Their Rome server chips release on August 7th and that's where the real money lies. Desktop chips are literally the garbage that aren't server chips. There are currently rumors floating around that Google might ditch Intel's Xeons due to
a) being security swiss cheese and
b) AMD offering a way better bang for the bucket.
Getting Google in the server market would be huge, and other big players might follow.

Next year has PS5, Xbox Scorpio and Google Stadia (lol) in production. I'm rather sceptical how the Zen 2-based laptop chips are going to turn out (would be the 4000 generation for them). Their GPUs are a mixed bag - they were shit in general the past few years, but the 5700 series turned out better than expected, with potential high cards on the way next year. But then again, Nvidia also releases 7nm cards next year.

>> No.15057351


Probably a new low and fresh bull dip buying interest. If bulls cannot shrug off this hissy fit selloff immediately, S&P may work its way down to the 50 day SMA at 2923.

I tend to think overall bullish considering many of the blue chips that beat earnings this season still did a 1%+ sympathy dip this afternoon. I'm looking at entries for KO, PEP, and SBUX if they go any cheaper tomorrow. Dr. Pepper held up really well today and it's also in buy range for long term trend.

>> No.15057365

The only thing I made money on today were bond indexes and xeg.to, a canadian energy index I picked up 2 days ago at the 52 week bottom. I moved money into bonds on the 26th so I feel ok. Portfolio is down about 0.8% which I consider a push because of the upcoming buy opportunities I created by moving out of equities at a good time. Now I need this mess to find a bottom. I think the next 2 weeks are going to get ugly. The market fundamentals are not great. P/E ratios suck right now.

>> No.15057366

So in your personal opinion, do you think it would be prudent for me to pick up a few extra shares of AMD right now with the practical guarantee that it's going to go up (even if we don't know by how much exactly)? Cause I'm tempted to do that now

>> No.15057367
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>> No.15057377
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Leather man or Drill man, which was the hardest


>> No.15057400
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>SO saving me again

>> No.15057404
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*Rambles on

>> No.15057411

I always get back interested in the market at the wrong times

>> No.15057435

If I had spare cash right now, I would first wait and see where AMD bottoms out and then buy the dip. The giant 10% drop was unwarranted for slightly adjusted earnings, but we live in a clown market right now, so it might go a bit deeper. It also depends on how long you want to hold. Long-term, it should definitely increase further.

Even JP Morgan has risen their target from 25$ to 33$.

>> No.15057441

Depends on your timeframe. If you are actively trading daily there are probably better dips to buy. If you want to lock some money in for 6 months and wait for it to plateau, then it's not a bad chip to be holding.

>> No.15057460

It's definitely long term. Guy who bought in 2017 here. I don't know about selling off my current holdings, but if it bottoms out, I may see what I can add into the pile instead, since, as you said, long term is nearly guaranteed gains.

>> No.15057478

>currently reading Boglehead's guide to investing. I plan on reading a bunch of books this August and learn everything I can to make smart decisions for future stock investments. Any other books out there that Anons would suggest?

>> No.15057489


His 2nd quarter earnings were very good with all things pointing up for the foreseeable future so there is just 1 hurtle left. The FDA. Sept 28th is it. However right now it's all looking like a "rubber stamp" affair. Big meeting, lots of wink wink jolly good atmosphere is my guess.

So if there will be a buyout big Pharma better act quick. They just got under 2 months left before AMRN stock shoots up and never looks back. 50 per share is the high point. 30 is mid. A buyout would be I'd guess 40 per (pre 28th), after 28th I'd guess it'd be 100 per.

Pray for the Holy Buyout!

Aside note: T babies is your friend for life don't you know, his Fat Divvy will keep you warm at night as you go through this shit we call modern life. He'll be there for you as both your marriages turn to dust. He'll be there as wife no 3 and your grown kids all fight over your wealth once your gone from this earth. Personally I'd screw them all outta inheriting a dime or make it hard as fuck to get anything outta my estate. I made it all the hard way, so should they.

>> No.15057510

Yeah definitely dont sell if you are already holding. I would cost average my loss down a bit personally if it's not more than 15% of your portfolio, otherwise just stay patient and set a modest sell price if you just want to dump bags.

>> No.15057516

What're we thinking of Twitter? I feel like I should hold through the elections since Dems are going to be buying ad space as much as they can.

>> No.15057570

P.S; I'm up over 6%. Go me.

>> No.15057576


>> No.15057592
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Crash Man

>> No.15057596
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I don't think this is necessarily a bad time at all. Market sold off on emotion today, then algos tripped to sell mode, then a little panic, then dip buying, then a little more panic as short term traders closed out positions prior to close. A lot of noise there but not much substance.

Barron's posted a pretty good article earlier on the long view of the markets in light of today's 25 point cut. It's a decent read:


>> No.15057626

I hope things are going well with your wife, you are just joking about 2 marriages turning to dust

>> No.15057655
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>cut man

>> No.15057661

Silver better fucking rally back to $40 tomorrow. Or I'm going to be pissed off.

>> No.15057693


>I may see what I can add into the pile instead, since, as you said, long term is nearly guaranteed gains.

There are periods of time when being in the market as a whole is objectively the wrong decision though.

1929 (if you bought in '29 you'd have to wait until the early 1950s to make your money back)

1965 (if you bought in '65 you'd have to wait until 1982 to go meaningfully higher)

2000 (had to wait until 2007 to break even)

2007 (had to wait until 2013 to break even)

So yeah, if you're fully invested at these peaks your oppurtunity cost is huge. The corrections from peak to trough are 40%+ events.


>> No.15057700

For me, it's Tomahawk man.

>> No.15057747

>inplying you want book recommendations
>implying there's a link in the OP with some recommendations
>implying I think the Intelligent Investor is a good read, although some, especially the portions discussing bond investment may be somewhat dated

>> No.15057752

It's only been a short time since I've started lurking this general and yet... Why do I like you guys so much already?

>> No.15057761
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Good news is bad news

>> No.15057775


Does heat man just get really sweaty?

>> No.15057787
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Come on, guys. I'm in need here. Surely there is a free feed for a single stock ticker I can pull from. Just a url to an api is all I'm looking for

>> No.15057790

prob because it's shitposting with good (decent) intent, at least compared to the rest of /biz/

>> No.15057802
File: 707 KB, 1121x2236, PSX_20190729_212805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gays get out

The thread is lively now because Jerome has spoken
If you can stick with us for a year, especially the late night and weekend threads, you will be ready to lose some serious money on the stock market
But it will turn you gay, if you aren't already

>> No.15057837

decent feeds usually cost money. you can try nanex or unibit or intrinio

>> No.15057866
File: 95 KB, 1080x1364, Screenshot_2019-07-31-17-46-52-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, what's wrong with this stock and how much should I buy?

>> No.15057870

I've been here on and off for about 2 and a half years and I love you guys :)

>> No.15057895

/smg/ is unironically less gay than most of 4chan

>> No.15057915
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>> No.15057918
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>LCI lost momentum
>Galt not doing anything yet
Boring crab nonsense.

>> No.15057919

Alright, thanks for the suggestions. I'm glad IEX exists though. It might be the one single exchange but it works pretty good for high volume stuff like SPY since a market move is reflected pretty much instantly on IEX. Made me some money today. Maybe I'll just stick to that for now.

>> No.15057964

stop setting completely ridiculous goals

>> No.15057969
File: 8 KB, 224x225, throwing-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys, what's wrong with this stock and how much should I buy?
look at the shitty chart
look at the shitty fundamentals
Maybe rethink your assumptions on this?

>> No.15058008

Not when Pendulum is on.

>> No.15058013

Wow! The Morningstar analyst has a fair value price of $73! I'm starting to think that TEN stands for ten-bagger.

>muh fundamentals

I invest primarily on the thesis "it surely can't go any lower than this" (ISCGALTTDMM for short), and I'm doing just fine, thanks.

>> No.15058041

They bit off more than they could chew trying to leverage cheap interest and have an ugly balance sheet. The interest rate drop will help them a bit but there is no cure for poor decision making. They took on too much risk and got fucked. They still hold a lot of debt and the interest is eating their profit and now powell signalled he may not be dropping rates again. Take a risk if you want but I would have them at a hold/don't buy right now
>Tenneco completed its acquisition of Federal Mogul in late 2018. The goal was to gain scale in key markets and better position itself for the future. However, the move required a material increase in the company's leverage. Financial debt to equity skyrocketed from around 0.8 times before the deal to over 2.8 times as of the first quarter of 2019. Trailing-12-month interest coverage, meanwhile, declined to less than one time -- that's a troubling sign.

>> No.15058069

I have just received 500USD from Hong Kong government and the government is proposing another 1000USD for every citizens next year... Other than fund those gear that will be useful by protestors in protests what are some other meaningful ways to use those bribes? Is there any realistic and safe way that could enable civilian smuggling of nonlethal (or maybe lethal) weapons into the territory without through official custom and border check?

>> No.15058087

That's what you think, but like 50% of our posters are on the low at least bi

That's a nice sounding method

>> No.15058102

Does Splash Woman douse you with her pussy juice?

>> No.15058105

Don't worry HK anon, if anything happens there we will send in our top navy SEAL teams to extract you

>> No.15058106
File: 401 KB, 2048x949, false_breakdowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't rely too much on this sort of TA with the indexes. Using exactly the same style of trend line, you would have received several false sell signals on smaller dips mid way up those rising wedges.

I added green lines to pic related where false or weak signals would have occurred based on the trend lines.

>> No.15058122

Lel, you are getting liberated by the Chinese soon

I’d use it to gtfo

>> No.15058135
File: 134 KB, 213x254, idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Morningstar analyst has a fair value price of $73!
CFRA 12-Mo. Target Price
USD 14.00

hurr durr they must both be right.

>I invest primarily on the thesis "it surely can't go any lower than this"

good luck retard

>> No.15058147
File: 56 KB, 788x374, Screen Shot 2019-07-31 at 3.00.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Post your allocations.
>tfw bought too much, too fast, and losing money

28.57% cash if I combine my Robinhood and Schwab accounts.


>> No.15058188


If you're a HKer and you're going up against the police you're going to want to take care of respiration and your head first and foremost. I'd be buying a shitload of gas masks, sporting helmets with a strap, long sleeves and pants and decent steel toe boots.

That eliminates most injuries that the police can inflict on you without resorting to lethal force.

After that I would be emulating the tactics of the police. Notice the shields that they use in en masse during riot situations? The equipment that they have is a way of controlling space.

Buy perspex shields and have a team of 20 men stand in formation based on Roman tactics and the only thing that could stop them is an opposing team of 20 or more men.

>> No.15058216
File: 159 KB, 780x438, 170626112847-hong-kong-umbrella-movement-protest-phones-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The protestors in HK don't need shields to control space when the streets are literally filled with tens of thousands of protestors.

>> No.15058235 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15058243


It's the snap downwards in a very quick fashion that signals the possibility of a meaningful correction.

When the market is where it is now after that quick snap it's vulnerable to bad news. Earnings, tariffs/trade, international developments, etc etc.

If no such bad news comes then it grinds higher.

>> No.15058254
File: 41 KB, 763x1014, dael9yq-4f739673-d4ad-408d-bbb0-446f451e1744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15058276

Futures bros will save us call fags at the open tomorrow with a final chance to sell before it all burns into cinders

>> No.15058283


They do when they are up against riot police that can disperse them with tactics.

It just depends on what the HKers want to do. If they want to do a coup, they are going to have to have the HK police join them or they are going to have to make the HK police submit to them.

Otherwise the protests are just a shit fit for legislative change.

desu the Hong Kongers have no hope of escaping a mainland future no matter what they do.

>> No.15058292

It looks interesting to me. Apparently after the acquisition, they are planning to split into two companies with their own tickers.

Oh no! So if the CFRA analyst is right I only stand to make a 1.5x return instead of an 8x return! What a letdown!

Yeah, of course analysts will give different estimates about the future. Aside from that, CFRA's 12-month target price is not even an estimate of the same thing as the Morningstar fair value figure. The 12MTP is what the analyst projects the price will be in 12 months. The fact of primary importantance to consider is that it surely can't go any lower than this. I haven't established that to my satisfaction yet, but will do further research.

>> No.15058294
File: 240 KB, 536x887, Protoss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Common Stock Being Offered by the Selling Stockholder
> 5,587,461 shares of common stock
>Common Stock Outstanding Before the Offering
> 24,038,799 shares (as of July 25, 2019)
>Common Stock Outstanding After the Offering
> 29,296,260 shares (assuming the issuance after the date of this prospectus by us to the selling stockholder pursuant to the purchase agreement described below of all of the shares that are being offered by this prospectus)


>> No.15058324

hoosy wooply woo haha lmao

>> No.15058357
File: 150 KB, 1200x800, 1561485905292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>desu the Hong Kongers have no hope of escaping a mainland future no matter what they do.
This, and the reason is water. Hong Kong submitted to Chinese rule because China subtly threatened to cut its supply of water if HK did not join China.

To avoid this British HK attempted to build multiple desalination plants and massive reservoirs built in the middle of the ocean but they were not enough. That is why Hong Kong was given to China.

>> No.15058366

Repost from >>15057492
Really newfag to this shit, I'm itt cause I want to join in2 something like op posted in his pic rel, what soft/site is that? You buy and sell bitcoins/etc. crypto untill you have mone for tendies yes?

>> No.15058384
File: 101 KB, 1016x897, 8123b602f6a291b0350a1d5a1e71d91e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god..... today was so good
whana go eat whole cheesecake now

>> No.15058406

>Surely there is a free feed for a single stock ticker
nope kek
you need build own web scraper for that if you want free

>> No.15058420

We gonna get some big bad tariffs.
Too bad the market just pulled its support for agent orange

Get fukt CAKEbears

>> No.15058471


Even if Britain deployed all of it's resources in the 1980s to Hong Kong they couldn't have defended it. That's why they gave it back. Britain was barely able to project force to the Falklands in the early 80s.

Also during that time the sentiment in the West as to use the Chinese as a wedge in the Communist powers, and in exchange for containing the USSR the Chinese would have access to our markets. Britain, being an extension of the USA and no longer an independent power, was in no position to torpedo this initiative.

Hong Kong is vastly less important now than it was in the 1970s/1980s for the world economy too. The coastal cities in mainland China have about equaled it.

>> No.15058484
File: 935 KB, 1539x1652, Screenshot_20190731-183934_Remotix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Surely there is a free feed for a single stock ticker
>nope kek
>you need build own web scraper for that if you want free
My body is ready. Any suggested site for an easy reliable scrape or just go with pic related?

>> No.15058489


Gas mask and helmet are standard. But people are still getting burnt or bleed because they're using those supposedly nonlethal weapons in ways that are against the manual.
We don't have shields but materials on the street like road signage or traffic barrier are used to construct barrier. And then other materials like metallic road signage are also used as shield. A problem with buying proper shield is that if they intercepted you on the street and carrying them after protest then they will prosecute you even if that's just a defensive shield which make it difficult to reuse them more than once.
There are large protests but there are many smaller protests, especially those less peaceful ones tend to scare away participants
>It just depends on what the HKers want to do. If they want to do a coup, they are going to have to have the HK police join them or they are going to have to make the HK police submit to them.
Some want to do a coup but they are still a minority. Most still hope that those actions would lead to the government accepting their demands but my understanding is that it is not possible for the government to do so.
As for police, I think they are beyond saving. They even dared to challenge the government ministers who're trying to say something nice to the citizens few days ago.

>> No.15058494

selenium is an important nutrient, I think you can find a good amount in nuts.

>> No.15058510

>It looks interesting to me. Apparently after the acquisition, they are planning to split into two companies with their own tickers
Look it could be anon. I am not an expert I only wanted to explain what I researched in the short time. If I had already purchased it, I certainly wouldn't be selling it right now. I can tell you that I work for a subsidiary of aap and the company they purchased, federal mogal, is a supplier of ours and we do very well with their autoparts(Moog line control arms and steering components). I would say however that this is a buy that would require constant attention because having 2.8 times as much debt as profit keeps you in risk of insolvency. Of course it could pay off but just bear in mind that if profits tank, even over a short period of time, this company could be in risk of not maintaining their operating costs.
Again, just so you know why they tumbled the way they did.

>> No.15058536
File: 23 KB, 286x383, 406house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he did an episode on the dangers with overconsumption of, erm, Brazil nuts. Now, about them free ticker feeds

>> No.15058537

All of your points I agree with. Although I doubt there would've been a military fight over Hong Kong. It would've been a massive foreign relation blunder for China and the West would've been forced to economically sanction China. For these reasons China would not dare imagine invading Hong Kong.

>> No.15058545

Boomers are going to see what happened on the market and sell off tomorrow.

>> No.15058557

*debt to equity, not debt to profit

>> No.15058563

I already offered that you could live on my second floor to get out of HK for a couple months and you turned me down

So now you will have to hold out against Xi until we can get an extraction team to your location

The "good news" is that Beijing is pretty shrewd. They know how optics and the internet and unrest work. So they will only get really brutal if they absolutely have to. And they will be certain to have as much of the cell network and Ethernet landlines cut off to HK if that occurs, the goal will be no communication in or out until the damage is done and cleaned up

>> No.15058578


>As for police, I think they are beyond saving. They even dared to challenge the government ministers who're trying to say something nice to the citizens few days ago.

Police are attack dogs for the people that pay them, nothing more.

If the police joined in or refused to enforce the will of the Chinese though, that PLA garrison would be utilized instead and the gloves would be off Tiamamen Square style

The Chinese aren't going to relinquish sovereignty over Hong Kong, not without an actual war.

>> No.15058590

Also, update about the China-Taiwan cross-strait relation I mentioned a few threads back. It seems like the restriction it imposed against Taiwan could also be due to the current situation at Hong Kong, and other than the United States they also accuse Taiwan for motivating and funding those protests (as you can also see in that Chinese article I linked above from another IP/ID).

>> No.15058619
File: 16 KB, 633x758, 318271da980706f7a18a811c3456a77d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tell me what to do tomorrow? Buy or wait?

>> No.15058638


It would be a last resort but it would be a resort. It wouldn't be off the table.

Mainland China is keenly aware of the optics of Hong Kong being ripped away from mainland China again. They are obsessed with not repeating the mistakes of their predecessors.

>> No.15058678

76% cash monies. I need to be so hard in cash due to poverty.

>> No.15058690

I've decided I'm setting some ETF limit buys for the March lows. I already bought too much, and had my limit buys set waaaaayyyyy too high.

Looking at SCHX and SCHG right now. Oh I forgot about SCHK... that looks like smarter than SCHX or SCHB.


>> No.15058695

Wait, this is a problem. Rate cut means there are underlying problems in the economy and we are going to start to feel it. This isn't going up till September the earliest. August is going to be sqqq time to shine.

>> No.15058703

Earning season ends Aug.14. Safe money waits.

>> No.15058759
File: 364 KB, 960x1440, p27576_v_v8_aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selenium, you say...?

>> No.15058766

There a bunch on github but financial data scraping much more competitive than most, you'll get black listed from websites in no time if you use a standard scraper

Best to build your own

>> No.15058775

>All of your points I agree with. Although I doubt there would've been a military fight over Hong Kong. It would've been a massive foreign relation blunder for China and the West would've been forced to economically sanction China. For these reasons China would not dare imagine invading Hong Kong.
China is not afraid of that. Their own power as the ruling class of China is more important than trading with everyone else. And that "Belt and road" thing they're building now is essentially to create its own camp if they're sanctioned by the west so there will be more countries behind the new bamboo curtain instead of just themselves.
Something to the scale of Sarajevo? Doesn't really seems likely
>If the police joined in or refused to enforce the will of the Chinese though, that PLA garrison would be utilized instead and the gloves would be off Tiamamen Square style
I am not seeing any indication of them going to do this.
>The Chinese aren't going to relinquish sovereignty over Hong Kong, not without an actual war.
True. But then the question I have been thinking for quite some time is how will the situation evolve from.now to this.

>> No.15058776


The industrial measures are all shitting the bed in foreign markets. With these figures 20 years ago, we'd be in a recession already.

The problem is the market isn't industry: it's tech and services now.

>> No.15058797

Was selenium a part of that movie? I only saw it once...

>> No.15058811
File: 120 KB, 281x296, basic-education.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETF limit buys for the March lows
How do you manage your positions / risk for setting buy orders? Do you go with a certain % of the total portfolio value or available cash?
What if we enter a bear market, do you plan to continually buy the whole way down?

>> No.15058817

It was in shampoo products that they use to kill the aliens.

>> No.15058819

Here is something: the market dipped nine months ago this September. Family planning was put on hold, vacations we're skipped or delayed, orders were paused, and people were hoarding cash if they were smart. This whole year has had lower volume trading. The true ramifications of the dip last year are still waiting to be seen, and it will probably show up in the next 3 months if my speculations are right.

>> No.15058841


>> No.15058845

Oh god I remember that now... good memory anon.

I am a retarde and should not be looked to for advice.


>> No.15058880

That site is called trading view, it's just for charts. If you want to buy bitcoins you need to find an exchange, we trade other shit using our brokers itt.

>> No.15058881

Wtf are you even saying? Your grammar is incomprehensible. I know it's the internet but get a fucking clue.

>> No.15058888

>You buy and sell bitcoins/etc. crypto untill you have mone for tendies yes?
Most here are trading stocks.
Some are trading options.
That Bitcorn chart looks like it was from Tradingview.

>> No.15058893


>True. But then the question I have been thinking for quite some time is how will the situation evolve from.now to this.

Same as it always is: reduction in trade between countries and a cooling in relations. Boycotts and sanctions. Military posturing and guarantees.

I don't think either the USA or Great Britain would declare war over Hong Kong though. It would significantly sour relations however, more-so than even Tiananmen square.

At this point there would be an extreme correction in financial markets.

The geo-political situation would be very tense and America's one China policy might change in regards to Taiwan, which could force a war.

>> No.15058901
File: 42 KB, 512x512, comfy portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mercury just left retrograde though, coinciding with a New Moon in Leo. All of this points towards a good August

>> No.15058911

I keep ttadingview open and logged on chrome pretty much all the time. I think I'll just write a greasemonkey script and a use a localhost web server to receive the data with. Logged into my account with a legit browser on the desktop pretty much guarantees I won't get banned. The current price is the title of the page so I don't even need to parse anything else. Piece of cake.

>> No.15058926

Honestly and I am not joking
Best movie David Duchovny has been in.

>> No.15058939

If you want to buy crypto or buy stocks, you need to get a brokerage account. There is a pastebin at the top of the thread with numerous suggestions for you to use.

>> No.15058959

yeah it's a black moon though, total fucking reset.

>> No.15058964
File: 79 KB, 1440x810, 1kok90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Post your hodl face.

>> No.15058975

Thanks guys, appreciate much! would post loli or something but blueboard, you know...

>> No.15058979
File: 138 KB, 850x607, 228267d1401e29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futures casually drifting upwards.

>> No.15058993
File: 230 KB, 791x691, RED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this buying, Fear and Greed Index showing fucking 47
47. Fucking 47.
>Maybe I should sell where I still have profits?
(fleeting thought, not going to happen)


I liked Zoolander

>> No.15059009
File: 3 KB, 193x66, puts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 80 contracts of these, I'm ITM if FIT goes below 3.40. How retarded am I?

>> No.15059012

in which country do you live?

>> No.15059018
File: 89 KB, 805x513, 1559673500213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CONFESS to me, my sons.

>> No.15059038

I'm so bad at this.
It isn't even funny.
My life really not going well for this stage.

>> No.15059049

well there are better ways to blow 800, you could have got cocaine instead.

>> No.15059062
File: 127 KB, 1100x619, 171010195807-weinstein-chapman-super-tease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everything gets better with wealth, anon.

>> No.15059078

I was in VXX calls when that volatility spike happened and profited off of people's fear.

>> No.15059087

But my steps towards getting wealth are backfiring or not panning out.

>> No.15059093

fed cut rates, gold dumps.

>> No.15059095

It ain't easy bruh just try and learn from your mistakes.

>> No.15059112


>> No.15059125


Gold already priced in the assumed market instability last month. It isn't a safe haven at current price.

>> No.15059153

w-what about SLV?

>> No.15059183

I put in an order for 12 shares this morning and I got it at the perfect time, bought them at 4.65

>> No.15059190


Change your tactic then.

I've been in positions where you're 20% down and then an explosion happens and you're up 50%.

You only need a couple of these types of investments if you're 100% in to become wealthy. Statistically even retards get wealthy because they happen to be in the right spot at the right time and they buy something and hold until they are rich.

The more percentage points you need to /makeit/ the less likely it is going to happen though.

>> No.15059198

Long SLV is even worse because that's where I am.

>> No.15059206

GLD over SLV
SLV is still way easier and cheaper to mine. And the paper silver market constrains prices.
Heaviest I would go is 10% NW in gold, 4% in silver.
But buy good mining companies or a miners ETF is better
All the rest in KNG

>> No.15059211

>if you're 100% in
If you're 100% in and you lose, the game is over.
I don't want the game to be over.

I know... but realizing losses is just silly, right?

>> No.15059234

just register at coinbase or kraken to buy/sell bitcoin in EUR. Do not send them dirty money or they will block your funds.

>> No.15059246

Clown man

>> No.15059291

How many of you here on /smg/ buy etfs? I can't be the only one here.

>> No.15059298


People don't get rich by distributing their investments. They might preserve wealth that way, but they don't get rich. Look at professional fund managers, they can't beat the market.

People get rich by investing in themselves and their career or they put a significant amount of money into one investment vehicle and they hope like hell it pays off for them.

Of course you try to reduce risk by not over-leveraging and averaging-in, but my point stands.

Case in point: if you purchased a x3 long ETF for the SP 500, NASDAQ or DOW back in 2011 you'd be a rich man now. No fucking around with price discovery, just holding and averaging in.

>> No.15059393

Don't worry too much about beating the market
Just ride her when she's willing and give her space when she gets a little too crazy

I have like 20 different ETFs. Sectors, foreign markets, alternative strategies, etc. KNG is the strongest of all ETFs.

>> No.15059412


>> No.15059435

Does anyone here use m1 finance?

>> No.15059437

Debates soon.
Please stabalize the markets by bringing hope for a sensible path, Biden.

>> No.15059455

Biden is going to be called racist, and my man Corey Booker aka Angry Eye'd Mr. Potato Head is coming out #1

>> No.15059460
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>> No.15059468

this sounds like a reasonable prediction...

>> No.15059493
File: 94 KB, 500x451, mr-potato-head-cory-booker-mr-potato-head-aka-cory-48419308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15059507
File: 646 KB, 529x779, NYSEmarine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.15059536

>Biden: If elected I will pump the fuck out of your bags anon.

>> No.15059551
File: 3 KB, 709x33, cytube room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debate stream debate stream!
Get in here!
Come watch the democratic debates with all your pals from /smgee/!

>> No.15059555
File: 81 KB, 720x720, 1528760962980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's still too high for me but at this rate I'm going to be left behind.

>> No.15059572
File: 584 KB, 1200x1440, 06983f8aed9f24ca6fb6976852488c4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 cheesecake down

>> No.15059576


https://cytu DOT be/r/Malthus_Mithraeum

>> No.15059627
File: 94 KB, 267x200, here+_f2af4f27d8d2cd6e448755fcc8130ca6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15059647

Why aren't they kneeling for the anthem?

>> No.15059660


>> No.15059661

If I wanted to start investing, would investing in bonds or stocks be the better choice?
I wouldn't want to constantly be keeping track of my investments, but I'm also willing to do more than just buy an investment and wait for the payoff.

I just started my first real job and I'm already sick of working a 9-5, so I'm hoping to open up some passive revenue streams to facilitate working less hours down the line.

>> No.15059662
File: 52 KB, 1077x559, ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not having shares of the casino itself in your long term hodl portfolio

>> No.15059694

I choose to invest in ICE by investing in GEO and CXW

>> No.15059719

Bill de Blackedsio

>> No.15059741

This Bennet dude has lower energy than Jeb abush

>> No.15059751

>investing in for-profit prisons.... absolutely disgusting

>> No.15059756

longed SPX 2970 because they're bound to bring in the plunge protection team overnight. pump it

>> No.15059760

Yeah fucking pathetic. Inslee sounds like an autist too.

>> No.15059791

Tulsi Gabbard can fucking get it though.

>> No.15059794

Disgustingly profitable. Just think of those divvies

>> No.15059807

Woooohoooo free shit Yang Gang!!!!!!

>> No.15059812

Inslee is right though. And we ought to care because climate change will fuck the economy harder than anything else; our tendies need seawalls and geoengineering.

>> No.15059826

An easy formula is to have 1% of your portfolio in bonds according to your exact age. Rebalance annually. Most advisors will suggest 70% at retirement( average age 67%) and 20% when you are in your 20's and can afford risk. This is a very basic investment strategy for hands-free investing.

>> No.15059829

Please elect one of those people promising to cancel student loans I have enough money to pay off my student loan but I want to keep it and use it to make money

>> No.15059830

Dude nigga said Asians are good at math. What the fuck was that? Booker got a protester.

>> No.15059849

there are many other profitable companies. i will never invest in those pieces of shit companies unless it's for shorting.
CXW looks like a good pump and dump stock. Good opportunities to short. I would have shorted the 18th of june and made bank, too late now

>> No.15059853
File: 171 KB, 1508x892, 1508231329524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their is going to be a massive drop at the start of Q4.

Sell everything and buy Silver.

>> No.15059868

One step ahead of you.

>> No.15059869
File: 132 KB, 244x227, draintheswamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gold already priced in the assumed market instability
>>investing in for-profit prisons.... absolutely disgusting
starts at the top

>> No.15059877

>Not investing in something that always has a guaranteed market
As long as criminals, illegals, and criminal illegals exist it's great.

>> No.15059878

Agreed 20% correction IMMINENT. But i say mid-sept

>> No.15059882

This stupid bitch has two mics some one cut one please.

>> No.15059896

Nah dude buy iridium

>> No.15059897

Wait what kind of rigged CNN debate is this... how did carmela get two mics

>> No.15059920

silver is for brainlets unless you're a trader and can time the market perfectly

>> No.15059930

Repeal and replace. Let's do it!

>> No.15059943

Cant we just kill the poor and automate their jobs?

>> No.15059953

I mean like if they get sick.

>> No.15059954
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>> No.15060004

So how often do you guys watch the stock market? Are you day traders? I imagine there are lots of folks here with a decent amount of experience. I was talking with this one guy that I give rides to around town and he was telling me about how he’s got a few million in stocks just from buying penny stocks. Anyone have any luck with them? Lost a lot?

>> No.15060013


He was blowing smoke up your ass.

>> No.15060019

I've lost about 18 grand since January

>> No.15060037
File: 114 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190731-204136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my bond Chads at?

>> No.15060045

No he wasn’t. He explained to me how he managed his money, why he purchased the stocks he did...it was all quite reasonable.

How? Is that a large sum for you?

>> No.15060046

ummm who are you quotie?

I've been watching it almost every day. And the more moves I make the more money I lose.

Stick with buying an index fund.

>> No.15060048
File: 29 KB, 741x568, proxy.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does is find stock patterns for trade day?
Most penny stock i see, but how find with scanner and even better pattern? red green long? how to find good pennies to long?

>> No.15060050

most people are up atleast 10%

>> No.15060058

I don't trade and only buy dividend blue chips

>> No.15060074

Wow this sounds a lot like you can keep your plan and keep your doctor shit head nigger was saying to pass his fucking failed system

>> No.15060077

I also would like to add that I tried my hand at the stock market for the first time this winter. Put 10000 into AMRN and left with 10036 after about 5-6 months. I’d consider it a success since I made a small sum and didn’t lose anything. Learnt a decent amount too.

>> No.15060084

What’re those?

>> No.15060090

Shut up you will take your government mandated healthcare and you will fucking like it

>> No.15060109

You can try the investopedia game if you want to see how yoy would do without any risk. It is an easy way to learn and I think the trades are realtime.

>> No.15060111

Look up mega-cap. Most penny stocks are like sub small cap.

>> No.15060113

Blue chips are basically stocks from companies that are already well established like Microsoft, Amazon, Google and the like.
Dividend stocks are stocks from companies that have a history of paying well and constantly.

>> No.15060116


>> No.15060118

>weaboos have to go back soon

>> No.15060133

Trying to learn good patterns to trade, as well as find good scanners, I want to find the one pattern. I am invested through a specific company, but i'd like to retire before 50, so I am looking at penny stocks due to the volatility. Only looking at longs for now, but maybe later I will look into shorts.

>> No.15060143
File: 89 KB, 400x400, 1549507619375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twitter has become so predictable I've made a small fortune consecutively shorting them
At some point SEC is going to have to intervene on the level of manipulation going on.

>> No.15060145

people usually choose these to invest, so they are usually a lot more stable due to that and the high float too.

>> No.15060148

I’ll take a peak. Any suggestions on what I should look for in a business?
And why do you only purchase those?
I don’t understand esoteric acronymic stock speak.

>> No.15060157

They don't all pay dividends.

Make sure your getting a company that pays you to hold their stock. Tbqh I wouldn't be buying equities right now they're overvalued in my own opinion.

>> No.15060158

viable strategy. appeal to a core group of people who are more inclined to vote then moderates. doesn't matter how many people you appeal to if they don't have the drive to show up to the polls.

>> No.15060166


>> No.15060183

Since you got those digits I guess I’ll have to.

>> No.15060189


>> No.15060200

Those acronyms are ticker symbols. He was literally telling you what to buy newfag.

>> No.15060205

Because I like to buy "low-risk" comfy stocks that don't keep me up at night and I like to get free money to fund my neet lifestyle

>> No.15060212
File: 833 KB, 1079x2400, 1564599097985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who told you you could post here?
You have to go back

>> No.15060217

Anon. Why’d you recommend >>15060116

>> No.15060221

I know but I try to overlap as much as I can. I'm also fine with some blue chips that don't pay much

>> No.15060222

Was it your set stop? if so, then it is good you adhered to it. Did you "feel" bad and that is why you sold? then you should feel bad,

>> No.15060226

That picture is in Uruguay

>> No.15060228

Flood the zone? Is Biden advocating for a moat? That's way cooler than a stupid wall.

>> No.15060243

Ur a gay

>> No.15060256

I'd say that we should flood death valley to recreate that shitty resort in the desert.

>> No.15060258

How quickly would you say your investments pay for themselves? How often have you invested?

>> No.15060264

thread theme

>> No.15060283

Hey >:(

>> No.15060286

They don't, living off low-risk investing requires you to already have a shitton of money, you collect derivatives as a form of passive income until you bail out and hopefully collect more than you put in.

>> No.15060294

>I’ll take a peak. Any suggestions on what I should look for in a business?
Yes, don't start with businesses. Start from macro to micro. You should begin by understanding indexes, these will help you understand the trends the market is taking on specific regions and industries based on economic and geopolitic factors. You will see entire ranges of companies in the same field dip and moon simultaneously for specific reasons, then you can begin to understand why certain ones outperform others.

>> No.15060302

How do I invest in that

>> No.15060313

gimme ur monay

>> No.15060348

Why isn't anyone on stage saying that they will send them back?

>> No.15060350

ETFs? That’s what those are called right?

>> No.15060360

Please expand, anon

Did you come up w something
Pls share something

>> No.15060369

maybe in 12 years if only seeing the dividends and assuming the company keeps paying for all 12 years the same amount.
less if they more up the amount payed or if the stock goes up

Everytime I get any money. I live with my parents and spend next to nothing.

>> No.15060370

Yes. That is where you should start.

>> No.15060377
File: 41 KB, 354x490, 1564533969795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corey Booker just unironically used the phrase "shit hole countries" in the dem debate.

>> No.15060383

What do you want to do? invest? Swing trade? Day trade? once you find that you can find which businesses or funds to purchase.

>> No.15060397


>> No.15060416

I’m not quite certain. Im considering taking this anons advice >>15060370
And going into etfs.

>> No.15060420

Instead of aging, it's like her face just grew wider and sacrificed her eyebrows...

Because I like alliteration, and I REALLY like MRK, MCD, MO, and MA.

MSFT is undeniably good, and cloud is taking over, so no need to analyze as just a computer and xbone business.

There are certain... nuances to terminology that you gotta do some reading to learn. Please do check out Investopedia, and just watch some Mad Money reruns from when he goes on vacatiuon, he addresses some of the basics in those.

>> No.15060444

If you have large capital when starting, honestly just invest and live off dividends. If you want to make the most money but also have the highest probability to lose money, look at penny stocks to day trade.

>> No.15060455

Noted anon. Thanks.

>> No.15060470

Thanks for the info anon.

>> No.15060859

The key with Divvys is Drip and Time. The sooner you start (18-20) the less seed capital you need to get the ball rolling and thus have a nice fat pile of money waiting after 30 yrs. The upshot is that this requires low seed money upfront. You just buy your shares and let it work. The only downside is that 30 years is a long time; shit happens. But this is true with really anything.

The older you get; the more seed money you need to really make anything worth it down the road. Depending on financial situation this may not be a doable thing. Penny stocks, startups, or companies with a buyout target on there heads may be better for you.

>> No.15061119

>muh ethics take priority over my gains
Then you will have more ethics then gains