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1503618 No.1503618 [Reply] [Original]

>not renting until you can buy a place with cash

don't be stupid now...

>> No.1503619

>Not renting forever

>> No.1503708


>> No.1503755

How is this in any way better than buying with a mortgage?
Money you spend on rent is gone forever.

>> No.1503872

>living in a flyover state

>> No.1504577

>not buying or creating assets that make payments on your house.

>not keeping you house leveraged by borrowing against it all that you can while simultaniously using said mortgage as a deterant for lawsuits.

Gtfo newfag.

>> No.1504582

>Money you spend on rent is gone forever.

What's your point?

Interest on your mortgage is gone forever too.

Time + money you spent on maintenance of your home is gone forever too.

The downpayment on your mortgage could have been making you money in an index fund.

Oh and you're under 30, want to move for work or for something else? (As young people often do?)

Uh oh, need to wait for an ideal time to sell your home and deal with all that shit of selling it!

>> No.1504597

>pay rent, money is gone forever
>pay mortgage, some % becomes equity
If the end goal is to own a house either way, I don't see how renting is better.
I'm also not sure why you'd pay in cash in full when you could invest that money and pay off your mortgage with the returns.

>> No.1504605

>>pay rent, money is gone forever
>>pay mortgage, some % becomes equity

A very negligible amount for like the first 10 years.

And all the other downsides don't make up for it.

>If the end goal is to own a house either way

Why? Why would you ever want a house? Just rent wherever you want, if you get bored, finish your lease, pack your shit and leave. Houses are for boomers and retards

>> No.1504624


Buy a cheap house, maybe an apartment, pay it off in 10 years, get low interest and kill the debt quickly.

You are now the proud hoomeowner of your own place and don't have to worry about mortgage

Buying a house that requires 1/3-1/2 of your disposable income just tp pay loans and taxes is inane, it's like the meme you just have to own a brand new car, especially with these low interest rates! It's practically free!
And in the meantime you are barely holding your finances together and are one job firing or illness or accident or divorce away from being totally ruined.

> guess who bought the third cheapest apartment for sale within 40 kilometers of his job

>> No.1504633

OK I'll bite this sounds like sane advice.

Please go into further detail regarding assets making payments on your house... Are you talking about fucking vending machines, work trucks for a company you own, what?

Not understanding the benefit of the borrowing against the house at 3% interest or how the deterrent against lawsuits works.

What lawsuits are you trying to avoid?

Are you just suggesting in general that if you ever end up in a lawsuit you have a large pool of loan money to pay attorneys with?

>> No.1504634

>Why? Why would you ever want a house?
That's the premise of this thread, that renting until you can pay in cash is better than buying with a mortgage.

>> No.1504639

I don't see why you would ever want to own a home at all, mortgage or no mortgage.

Why not just live minimalisticly, in a nice area?

>> No.1504696

lets run some numbers shall we.

median adjusted income is about ~52k

median rent ~1100

Lets say you're a really frugal guy with expenses down to 30k per year. thanks obama.

median price home price 190k avg mortgage at 3.5%
Say with regular fees of 10% to get it to 209k.

typical 20% down. 38k

I ran the numbers its really neglible the difference. at roughly 50 years.
15k in favor of the apt.
what really swung me though is the opportunity cost.

Even if you never buy the house and keep renting the numbers don't really change much

and given the average person moves approximately every 7 years. I cannot believe it but apartments are actually the cheaper less risky option right now for most people.

These are straight purchase numbers though. individual situations are going to matter a great deal.

There is no great incentive here beyond time.
With a house you get decay even with the generous maintenance pool I put on the house.

frankly time is the most important factor here. Houses come with a host of headaches.

a stoic would argue you learn and grow from these things while an epicure would argue why not just hand those problems to the people who want to deal with them.

So if you want to buy a home you need a really good reason or an edge.

>> No.1504717

Buy house
>finally free

Play loud music
>cops at my door

Put up shed
>fined for violation of ordinance and not paying shed tax

Put up cloths line
>neighbors complain to housing association that I'm decreasing their property value

Work in my garage at night
>Too loud and outside of allowed noise hours

Cut grass
>Fined, because I have to use a 4 cylinder and not my old 2 cylinder motor that has worked for 25 years. New one breaks in 2yrs.

Try to repair a leak in my roof
>Sent a letter because I didn't use an approved contractor

Buying a house
>E V E R

>> No.1504721

real estate as an investment and equity are an asset class separate and non correlated from other investments however, and if you've got the money therefore are likely going to find a home in your portfolio.

200k house

estimated 60k in interest on a 10 year loan.

Est payments 1500 for 10yr loan.

Say 4 years in paying the thing I buy another house and rent in the area is around 1200 a month for a similar house.

Now I've paid 72,000 so far.

My renter leaves me with 6 years of covering 300 a month in payments.

That's another 21,000.

Say I have 50 grand in improvements over 10 years.

House is paid off in 10 years, I'm 140,000 in the hole with a monthly income stream of 1100 a month, and I have 200,000 in equity. At the 10 year mark, this is a shitty investment. However, that 200,000 in equity allows me to repeat the process.

So in essence I should be able to spend within 20 years 280,000 and have 400,000 in equity, 190,000 in passive revenue, and have potentially some scapegoat from poorly performing markets.

Granted it's not a 14% per annum, but it's still a relatively safe, semi liquid reliable return. Could easily fund your retirement and give you something to pass along to the kids. If you were aggressive with this strategy you could easily quadruple the numbers.

>> No.1504725

I come to /biz/ for laughs. Was not disappointed. Thanks OP

>> No.1504726


Fuck man, interest rates are killer. If you can pay 200k cash for the home and rent it straight out you're a lot better off in the long run on this investment. Interest rates are only going up as well.

>> No.1504730

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.1504732

That's what you get for living in the shitty crowded suburbs anon.

>> No.1504735

>Interest rates are only going up as well.
^This, plus there are already signs of a peaked housing market in the US and Canada. Just read a story that basically said Vancouver has peaked and Toronto is close behind.

>> No.1504742

Thats a great argument against moving to that specific neighborhood

>> No.1504746

I actually used various examples of people I know.

>> No.1504751


>> No.1504790


>> No.1504830

agreed as an investment, for mid term real estate is god tier in its risk:return.

I only ran the numbers as a purchase.

there are some qualitative differences in the numbers that ought to be pointed out

median apt is a 2/2 while median house is a 3/2.

but according to these numbers it be might in your best interest to own a portfolio of RE and rent an apt for yourself.

this assumption doesn't hold too well in real world b/c of crossover domain expertise allowing the house to edge over the apt. b/c fee reduction and market awareness.

But that's the limitations of statistics and averages. you exclude these outliers or run them in a separate category.

Frankly residential is a shitty game. If you saved 200k to buy a house. First thing I'd do would be get an SBA loan and buy something commercial. b/c $200k becomes $1M and a 10% cap rate on a 1M is $100k per year, Sure its not pure yield but it is cashflow and you can stack it

buying into an HOA you idiot. You buy a house for rights and you signed them away.
wtf is that about lawnmowers who the fuck signed away their rights to use specific lawnmowers

>> No.1504896

How do I convince my fiancé that we don't need to rush to buy a home?

>> No.1504918

tell her to chill the fuck out

>> No.1504922

give her the dick.

>> No.1504929

Dump her.

>> No.1504934


>> No.1505302

Show her the numbers. Explain in depth when and why buying a home will work out and why it won't right now. Then go buy a home because she doesn't give a shit and will leave you if you don't fulfill her fairytale marriage and happily ever after in the right span of time.

inb4 projecting
(i am though)

>> No.1505311

>not living with parents til they pass down the house

Idk what rent feel is
Idk what a mortgage feel is

>giving a shit about what people think about me

This is the life gentlemen

>> No.1505349

I wonder what it feels like to leech off your parents...

>> No.1505356

How's that 800 a month payment going

>> No.1505359

>>not living with parents til they pass down the house

Kind of sucks though in most cases.

It's a pain in the ass to bring friend or girls over and parents can be assholes to their kids a lot of the time, plus it really sucks if you live in an area that presents little opportunity to further your career.

>> No.1505361

1200 actually. Im building equity and live in a beautiful home i worked my ass off for. I have the satisfaction of knowing i did this on my own. Im very content reaping the fruits of my labor and it gives me a sense of accomplishment. Something i pity you for missing out on

>> No.1505378

>paying someone elses mortgage
>not investing your money in an asset than you can always flip and historically has always grown

>> No.1505381

Good for you man. Don't forget property taxes, maintenance, utility, and insurance.

My money isn't sitting in a bank btw. Imagine if you had 1200 a month returns instead, that's me lovin at home. Now imagine those 1200 going into a well balanced portfolio. That's me right now

>> No.1505389


Imagine me buying a home at 3.25% interest and property values in Austin tx are increasing at 10-15% a year. Imagine that I airbnb a room for $1400 a month.

That's me right now while you're home with mommy

>> No.1505395

lel you're really mad right now

That dude has beat the system, he didn't fall for the same bullshit everyone else did. He is in a generational household so he can finally be free. Take all the money you make and now remove every single one of your expenses, that's him

>> No.1505398

>not living with family member for free, living /out/, or renting a room for very cheap

I laugh at people who pay $900 a month to be a rent cuck and boast about how much money they are saving not owning a house.

>> No.1505410

Ya its not free. Nor would I want it to be. I believe a strong work ethic is one of the best traits anyone could have. Im certainly not gonna raise my children to be like you

>> No.1505415

>That dude has beat the system, he didn't fall for the same bullshit everyone else did. He is in a generational household so he can finally be free

That fucking sucks though. I hated living with my parents, I moved out at 20. it was a pain in the ass

How do you guys do it? Don't you ever have conflicts from not agreeing or find it kind of awkward to bring girls over?

>family member for free

Not many people have family members who let you live with them without paying your share of rent.

That's a part of the house they could either be using, or could be renting out to someone. That's lost income to them.

>living /out/

Living outside and dumpster diving? Uhh it's not for everyone but I could see how it could be fun to eat half-eaten slices of pizza for dinner

>or renting a room for very cheap

Very little room, kind of sucks

>> No.1505420

>Take all the money you make and now remove every single one of your expenses, that's him

Also wouldn't the only expense you're saving on be rent?

It's not that tremendous, plus what if your parents live in an undesirable place for your field of work? Like let's say you're a finance major but your parents live in the middle of some hick town?

>> No.1505424

>That fucking sucks though. I hated living with my parents, I moved out at 20. it was a pain in the ass
>How do you guys do it? Don't you ever have conflicts from not agreeing or find it kind of awkward to bring girls over?

Your parents fucking suck then, I get along fine with my parents and they realize life is bullshit and the only way to get ahead for most people is to save money and not waste 60% of my income on just living in an apartment. Also why would my parents care if I brought a girl over, we live in a fucking 3 story house, some days I don't even seem them and I have a separate door and key for the basement suite I live in right now, the house is still connected but it's not like they are barging into my fucking room and shit.

>parents dont live in shitty hick town because they arent retarded

You know you can move somewhere with your family, americans seem to love the idea of moving out and starting your own way for no reason

>> No.1505435

>america loves moving away from your parents
>america loves independence
Thats right bitch. I can blare freebird as loud as i want anytime i want cuz im a free american. Move to england George

>> No.1505437

Balding baby boomer detected

>> No.1505439


Your parents don't make you pay your portion of the food and utilities that you use?

That's great for you but it's highly uncommon for the average person to have parents who don't see an issue with providing for a fully capable adult.

>>>You know you can move somewhere with your family

>Hey mom and dad I know you're happy here but let's move closer to the city so i can further my career and continue to eat your food and use your electricity and water without paying for it even though I'll earn a lot more money

l o l.

>Your parents fucking suck then, I get along fine with my parents and they realize life is bullshit and the only way to get ahead for most people is to save money and not waste 60% of my income on just living in an apartment

Yes they do suck but it's the norm - it's been the case with nearly everyone I've ever known, they've never really gotten along with their parents, whereas you're either coping with it, or very lucky.

There's a big generational gap, and given that you're their "child", there is a big divide on seeing things.

Look man I'd love to not pay for anything but it's not an option for me, nor the vast majority of people.

>> No.1505441

I have a strong work ethic at my job. Having traits are great, but if you don't give a shit about what others think, it's just a meh.

>> No.1505443

>actually falling for this propaganda

This is what companies want from you. They want you to buy more food, more appliances, more everything.

I live at home but if the dishwasher breaks guess what, I split the costs with a few people and it turns out to not even be an issue, that's one dishwasher for 4 people and not 4 dishwashers for 4 people which is what companies want.

Just take this and split costs for literally everything and then take shit like family plans for phones, being able to buy bulk food and actually use it and it's astounding how much money I save. I'd say I save about 95% of the money I make, I could literally stop working now and not do anything for the next 8-10 years if I budgeted properly. It's funny how people actually believe they are free when they are wage cucks and will always have bills to pay. I have true freedom, my family has true freedom and we beat the system, you're just mad you can't beat it like my family and I did.

>> No.1505446

This anon is me. We must be clones or something. Have a basement to myself Senpai, get along with parents just fine.

I live close to the public train so I just commute to work, I don't even own a car. I drive my dads and pay for the insurance and gas

>> No.1505450

>This is what companies want from you. They want you to buy more food, more appliances, more everything.
>It's funny how people actually believe they are free when they are wage cucks and will always have bills to pay.

>The jooos want you to be happy and enjoy yourself!

Nah man it's great if it works out for you but it's not an option for most people, as i said.

I've lived with my parents and it fucking sucked and I hated it. That's been the case with many people I've known too. It's not worth it

>> No.1505452

>Hey mom and dad I know you're happy here but let's move closer to the city so i can further my career and continue to eat your food and use your electricity and water without paying for it even though I'll earn a lot more money

Your parents have to retire eventually dumbass, if they sell their house and help you establish some ties in a bigger city and you both help each other. They will get old and instead of dropping them in a fucking home like an asshole you could support them and always be close to them. Also with more people everything is cheaper so you can afford a bigger house and with a bigger house comes the chance for more income in the form of Airbnb and even renting rooms to students. Your parents could quit their job and take care of the house while renting rooms to students and you could start your career and as they age you'd be their as a security net for them.

>> No.1505453

That's your problem man, you let your emotions dictate your rational decision making
Your ego is in the way

>> No.1505456

24. And im sickened that hard work is mocked by you and your ilk

>> No.1505457

That's pretty depressing, america has such an awful anti family culture. Family is truly one of the only ways to get ahead in this world. I had a similar attitude towards you in wanting to move out till I started seeing all this european families and east indian families that lived together and the kids would be driving brand new top of the line audis and shit and they paid for them upfront in cash. My parents also looked at housing prices and realized how fucked I am so we just agreed fuck this system lets just pool all our money together and live like kings in one house instead of barely getting by on our own.

>> No.1505460

>independence is corporate greed
Wow. Ive truly entered a new realm of autism

>> No.1505462

>save for house at the same time
>paying for something twice

This is how people stay poor.

>> No.1505463

>That's your problem man, you let your emotions dictate your rational decision making
>Your ego is in the way

Constantly having arguments about shit was driving me nuts. I had little privacy and no respect, everytime I'd complain they'd say "You're free to move out", so I did.

What are you talking about 'ego'?

>They will get old and instead of dropping them in a fucking home like an asshole you could support them and always be close to them

They've never done that for me, I've had to pay for almost all my own things since about 15-16 years old. I had a break on the food and rent until 18.

Constant arguments about meaningless things, having to listen to their annoying, pessimistic rants. Constant fights.

Wasn't worth it anymore.

Good for you, it's not the same for many people though

>> No.1505464

>im unhappy with my life and want to change
>dont let your emotions get in the way bro
Wew lad

>> No.1505465

Think about it like this. 4 people, they can live together or separately. If they all live separately that's

>4x as much for utilities
>4x as much rent money
>4x as much money for appliances
>4x as much for entertainment
>4x as much for literally every single fixed cost ever, this means companies make up to 4x as much if these people are independent over the entire lifespan of these 4 people

Now imagine when everyone wants to move out, take every family and separate them, that's trillions of dollars for companies. The only way to save and enjoy economic freedom is to stick together.

>> No.1505469

You're a little bitch for complaining about things. You might have a work ethic but you're still an emotional pussy

What you need privacy to jerk off to some Hentai. Kek

>> No.1505471

You can apply the same logic to the negatives of sharing a room tho. Only the weak and lazy need to ride their parents coattails after graduation

>> No.1505472

>>4x as much for utilities

????? You pay for as much utilities as you use. You're literally paying the same price for your utilities as if you've lived alone. The only variance is if you use more but pay less and someone you live with covers it.

>>4x as much rent money

You're sharing area...

>>4x as much money for appliances

Appliances break less when they're being used 1/4th as much.

>>4x as much for entertainment

Like what? Sharing an xbox and taking turns playing it?

>> No.1505473

>You're a little bitch for complaining about things. You might have a work ethic but you're still an emotional pussy

Good argument dude, i'm really starting to see from your side of things

>"I don't really like something for these reasons..."

>> No.1505474

>saving money is lazy and weak

lel, like I said before I could literally just fuck off from work for a decade with how much i've saved and my parents are pretty much all but retired and they just travel and enjoy life now. We won and you can't accept that.

>> No.1505476

>We won and you can't accept that.

Okay good for you. Some people are born children of billionaires. Should we be mad about that too?

>> No.1505478

Not everyone can be a billionaire. Everyone can form a strong relationship with their family and gain economic freedom though.

>> No.1505479

How fucking butt hurt are you? You're on the reply button like no tomorrow. You're going to wake up tomorrow and cut your small dick off after you realize how much you're dropping down the drain living independent with your strong big man work ethic

>> No.1505487

>Everyone can form a strong relationship with their family and gain economic freedom though.

What if it just doesn't work? Should I keep trying even though I hate it?

Give me some advice please. Here's the facts:
>My parents live in a crappy area which presents little opportunity for jobs, I would have to commute a substantial amount if I lived with them

>My parents constantly fight and have been abusive, it is stressful to live with them

>My parents force(d) me to pay rent, a share of the utilities and food or any other expenses I have since 18 years old.

Should I move back in with them and keep living there? Is it a good option for me

Aren't you replying just as much? not really seeing your point

This whole discussion is ridiculous. I told you that's not an option for some people but you keep thinking everyone is the same

>> No.1505491

Then don't look towards your parents, look towards cousins, siblings, friends you trust over everyone else. Your end goal should be getting as big a house as possible and as many people as you trust as possible in it

>> No.1505495

Saving money at the expense of your parents who probably worked very hard is objectively lazy and weak yes

>> No.1505500

>Your end goal should be getting as big a house as possible

Why do I need a large house?

I live in a nice area in a bachelor apartment living very minimalistically.

Also who are you to say what my end goal should be? Have you considered that maybe people have different goals and different paths in life?

>> No.1505501

But it isn't, you parents dont just bleed money when you stay there, they save money as well. They ensure that they have a future and won't just be dumped in a retirement home. Family should care for one another. My parents can now retire earlier without worrying about bills as they have another person working full time contributing to bills

>> No.1505503

But i dont want to live like a can of sardines. I want to live with my wife my dog and one day our children. Why should i want to sacrifice any of my comforts or that of my family for a few hundred bucks a month? I didnt work this hard to move back into a dormitory

>> No.1505504

Because one house that costs 800k and has 6 bedrooms is way cheaper than per person than a single shitty bachelor pad for 350k

>Also who are you to say what my end goal should be? Have you considered that maybe people have different goals and different paths in life?

And I guess yours is to be poor

>> No.1505507

Then get a house with enough floors a big enough yard that you don't have to worry about that. There is an east indian family in my neighborhood who own a house with an elevator because it's so big, each family member has pretty much their own floor and they only see each other when they eat big dinners or leave for work in the morning

>> No.1505508

renting.. is like... pressing the snooze button on being homeless.

>> No.1505510

If your ultimate goal is to save money you should move. 350k for a bachelor pad is ridiculous in most of america. Kinda contradicting yourself

>> No.1505511

>falling for the marriage meme
>falling for the house and dog meme from 1970s

Damn /biz/ just likes being poor

>> No.1505512

>Because one house that costs 800k and has 6 bedrooms is way cheaper than per person than a single shitty bachelor pad for 350k

I rent for $1300/month in a nice area.

>And I guess yours is to be poor

I'm enjoying my life so far and I have a fair amount in my portfolio.

You seem to be having difficulty understanding that families are different and sometimes they don't get along

>renting.. is like... pressing the snooze button on being homeless.

In what way? if you don't make property tax or mortgage payments you become homeless too.

>> No.1505513

All the best jobs are here, why move when I can just live with my parents and make 10x as much while still having less expenses than anywhere else

>> No.1505516

How does marriage in any way make me poorer? Quite the opposite. This aint the 50s m8 get back to reality

>> No.1505517

how is buying a mansion with an elevator cost effective by any metric? Dude your arguments are weak as fuck.

>> No.1505518
File: 22 KB, 489x323, will drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not buying a rental while you still live at home
>Not using other peoples rent money to fund your investments and the purchase of your own home
>paying rent until you die instead of paying off a mortgage


>> No.1505519

i dont know dude i saw some Sri Lankan family with a medieval castle with their own butlers, see it's a good idea to live with your parents into your 30's. Why aren't you doing it yet?

>> No.1505520

This, marriage is a great way to get a head, kids are fucking expensive but marriage is amazing because if you're both young professionals you can get way ahead of your peers.

Because the cost is split among like 12 people, the house may be nearly 2 million dollars but when you split that into 12 chunks it's hardly anything and all the costs associated with a house are shared so nothing ever costs that much as it's 12 people paying for one or two repairs.

>> No.1505521

You're signing your independence away for a woman.

How much do you spend on dates? Women are the biggest sunk cost a man will ever have

>> No.1505523

>10x as much
Cmon man. We both know thats a lie

>> No.1505525

>You're signing your independence away for a woman.
>How much do you spend on dates? Women are the biggest sunk cost a man will ever have

Not everything is about making money?

This is like making the argument you should only be doing 100% productive things at all times with a high ROI. Yet we're here on 4chan

>> No.1505528

Not literally but it's either I make 80k a year here or I move to a rural shitty hick town and make half of what I do now if I can even get the same job. Not to mention all the opportunities I give up and how much networking I lose by being in a shitty small town.

>> No.1505533

>live with 12 people
I dont want to live in a dorm. Privacy peace and quiet have value whether you want to admit that or not

>> No.1505534

>we're here on 4chan

Finally some common ground

>> No.1505535

Einstein is a meme.

He was a goddamn socialist

completely ignorant in anything other than physics and math

should not interfere with daily life or take any advice seriously other than physics & math

>> No.1505536

Fedora tier post. Even by 4chan standards

>> No.1505538

But they do have privacy. Get a 4/5 story house with lots of square footage and subdivide it or build a carriage house on a big property and you can live with 12 people and hardly see them.

>> No.1505539

Yes not everything is about money

Ever heard of enjoyment?

>> No.1505541

Money allows people to enjoy things

>> No.1505544

Good one

>> No.1505545

Also, his Jewish buddies gave him a preference whille contemporary gentile scientists of that age were often smarter / more groundbreaking but they got shuffled away on the side lines

>> No.1505554

Ok? And when one of those people wants to move out? Or wants to throw a party? Or has loud sex at 4am? Or when they raid my fridge at 3am and eat my last reeses cup? What youre proposing i give up is worth way more to me than a few hundred a month

>> No.1505555

To an extent

>> No.1505556

Yeah what you spend on rent I spend on experiences (a fraction of your rent)

>> No.1505558

What is so amazing you can do for $500 a month?

>> No.1505563

>throwing parties
You get over that phase after college

>loud sex
I have a basement and parents always away

>raiding a fridge
Now you're showing how broke you are if your complaining about your food

>> No.1505564

And? What is your point

I told you already, not everyone has the same opportunities.

I can't live with my parents we've been over this. Why do you keep bringing this up?

>> No.1505565

>move out
They dont because they believe in their family but if they want to move out they can and then that room can get rented out to a rich student or used as an airbnb room.

Are you a fucking child? Also who the fuck has parties at their house, you probably have no respect for your own space and you cant even have a party in a bachelor pad anyways.

>loud sex at 4am
Sound proof rooms, wow so hard

>raid my fridge at 3am
They aren't even on the same floor of the house as you and in some cases not even in the same building if you get a carriage house.

>What youre proposing i give up is worth way more to me than a few hundred a month
I'm proposing absolute economic freedom, never again will bills be a worry of yours, you just get to live and be free

>> No.1505567

Let's just say I can afford to do more things than you since I'm not financially constraint

>> No.1505568

>never again will bills be a worry of yours, you just get to live and be free

>>Dude just get parents that you can stand living with, who don't charge you a similar amount to what you'd spend if you lived alone, also make sure they live in an ideal area for you

thanks for the tip

What kind of things do you do? let's see what you do more than us

>> No.1505569

>hes never been to a party as an adult
Doesnt surprise me
>my parents are away
I was responding to a post that suggest i live with 12 people. If i have to make my sex life revolve around 12 other peoples schedule ill pass
>how broke you are
Wow this coming from someone advocating living with other people to save a few hundo. Holy shit. Its more about the annoyance of having to replace things. But i guess your mom does your grocery shopping for you too

>> No.1505571

Give me a specific example. What life altering experiences am i missing out on

>> No.1505573

>I was responding to a post that suggest i live with 12 people. If i have to make my sex life revolve around 12 other peoples schedule ill pass

If you literally dont see these people all day then who gives a shit? Like does being in an area with that amount of people make you that angry? How the fuck does that bother you but then you'll turn around and go live in an apartment

>> No.1505574

Parties? My alma mater is a top 5 party school, your awesome once a year party was my Monday pregame

>> No.1505575

>Living with 12 people

How the fuck do you even collaborate with so many people? Where do you find these people

I'm genuinely curious know to hear what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.1505577

>nobody will ever die or move away. Ill have the same 12 roommates for eternity
>soundproof every room
Super practical
>partying is for children
Ya fun is awful
>have separate fridges for every person
So everyone has a separate floor separate utilities and separate living quarters? Congrats you just invented a condo. Not actually much cheaper than a house

>> No.1505579
File: 903 KB, 300x200, 1412784973049.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living with 12 people

holy fuck, who the hell would want to live with that many people,

>> No.1505580

>retire early
>can work part time
>eat healthier and cleaner
>social interaction and having family dinners is natural and healthy
>more vacations
>can afford more entertainment
>can afford to try new things more often
>can always have a nice new car and no payments
>spend more time on hobbies

Not my family, it's the east indian family in my neighborhood. They have a huge 4 story house and a carriage house in their backyard. Pretty much a big family and each couple has a floor or the carriage house, the grandmother tracks all the money and the women that dont work get the kids ready and take them to school. The rest of them just work and make pretty good money and they all pool it together and pay for shit without taking loans. They always go on vacations and have brand new luxury cars and shit. I asked them how they do it and they said some days they dont even seen one another because the house is so big.

>> No.1505581

Better question is how do you even find 12, reliable, consistent people to live with?

Like on craigslist? What if one doesn't cover his share, or you guys get into fights, or any other number of other unfortunate scenarios that commonly occur with roommates, let alone 12 ofthem?

>> No.1505583

Literally family, brothers, sisters, parents, close cousins and aunts/uncles.

>> No.1505584

Thank you for all those super specific examples. "More hobbies" sounds like a cool experience. Too bad ill miss out on that

>> No.1505587

Hobbies is anything, do you like working out, do you enjoy woodworking, maybe you want to paint or write all day or maybe you enjoy programming challenges or fuck it since you have so much extra money go buy an older car and work on it and fix it up all while learning about cars. You can even save more if you start a garden and enjoy growing new plants. You don't seem to understand that you're literally saying fuck conventional life i'm going to stay with my family and we're going to work together to ensure we don't have to work the next 50 years and pay bills for the rest of our life and we rather go on vacations all the time or just do whatever the fuck we want.

>> No.1505588

>hey man why dont you try "new hobbies"
Aww man i cant i have to pay my mortgage
>aw too bad i really love "new hobbies"
If only i would have found 12 people to buy a mansion the size of a school with

>> No.1505591

>the grandmother tracks all the money and the women that dont work get the kids ready and take them to school

Aren't families like that fucked up and the men end up becoming manchildren with like weird fetishes and shit?

Haven't really met a well-adjusted member of society who still lives with his parents/grandparents well into 20+ years of age.

>Literally family, brothers, sisters, parents, close cousins and aunts/uncles.

I don't have 5 family members in the same country let alone 12 in total I don't think

>>retire early

I like my job
>>can work part time
I will have less money, I can work part-time now too I guess
>>eat healthier and cleaner
I already have a perfect diet
>>social interaction and having family dinners is natural and healthy
Not if your family doesn't get along
>>more vacations
I don't need to escape from my life, I'm pretty content when I do occassionally get to visit other countries, don't really need more than that.
>>can afford more entertainment
Like what? I'm pretty entertained, what kind of entertainment?
>>can afford to try new things more often
I can already afford that
>>can always have a nice new car and no payments
I don't need to drive
>>spend more time on hobbies

In what way? What inherently makes it so I can spend more time on hobbies by saving a few hundred (if that) a month?

>> No.1505592

Doesnt even have to be that extreme, literally just living in an average house with your immediate family and you can escape your shitty life

>> No.1505595

>literally just living in an average house with your immediate family and you can escape your shitty life

How the fuck is it that much cheaper?

it's like $500/month savings compared to living alone. What the hell are you talking about

>> No.1505596

You are genuinely one of the dumbest people i have had the pleasure of being trolled by. Thank you for your time. When i say you are the reason i come to /biz/ i want you to know i mean that sincerely

>> No.1505597

Hes talking about the fact all the Coastal states "the ones full of people" tend to be expensive as fuck.

>> No.1505598

>few hundred a month

lel, you're literally saving thousands a month, take all your expenses now and erase them, you have now have no expenses at all, no mortgage to worry about, utilities are negligible, food is cheaper because you buy bulk. You don't have to work as much because you have no expenses and anything you want to do you can do.

>Aren't families like that fucked up and the men end up becoming manchildren with like weird fetishes and shit?

People everywhere in the world except america do it and they are just fine

>> No.1505600

>paid off house in 10 years
>average rent here is now $300pw

I can afford to have a seasonal job, would be a struggle if I was renting.

>> No.1505601

>no rent
You just saved 1000+ a month

>cut every other fixed cost in half
At least 400 more a month

>cheaper food costs
Another 100-200 a month

>> No.1505603

How does living with your mom let you eat cleaner?

>> No.1505605

Ignoring that the first two are huge exaggerations, how will your food costs go down? Youll need the same amount of calories to live

>> No.1505606

>more home cooked meals and less eating out
>can buy more and cheaper ingredients in bulk and not waste them

>> No.1505610

>wanting specific examples
Are you autistic?

The point is having a mortgage/rent limits what you can do for entertainment (if you choose to spend on entertainment)

I can go to Vegas 3 out of 4 weekends in a month for what you spend a month in rent/mortgage (1200)

I don't but since you're sperging for examples enjoy

>> No.1505613

>>no rent
>You just saved 1000+ a month

how is there no rent?

Where am I living then? Hypothetically would my "parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, whateverthefuck" be letting me live for free and not charge me rent even though I'm an adult with a job?

>>cut every other fixed cost in half
>At least 400 more a month

Which costs?

Utilities? you pay for the utilities you use, I would use the same amount of water and electricity regardless of where I live. Unless you're somehow implicitly suggesting my parents would just pay for it

>>cheaper food costs
>Another 100-200 a month
Food isn't any cheaper, I shop at costco mostly. Which store makes it so much cheaper to buy food for multiple people?

Which costs???

>> No.1505614

Living on your own doesnt mean you have to eat take out every night. Learn to cook a few simple meals. Not difficult at all. Your moms stupid enough to let you mooch off her at 30 and even she can boil an egg

>> No.1505616

It's cheaper to buy food in bulk but one person cant always eat that much. Say you spend 100$ on food yourself but you then have 2 more people you need to buy food more, it's never going to be 300$ for all those 3 people it always ends up being about 200$ as the cost of food goes down on a per person basis as you increase the people you buy for.

>> No.1505618

>>more home cooked meals and less eating out
>>can buy more and cheaper ingredients in bulk and not waste them

You can already do that

I eat around 3500 calories a day and I prepare meals for an entire week in a few hours. It's not that hard

>Greek yogourt
pretty much my whole diet

>> No.1505620

Living with other people doesnt make rent free dude

>> No.1505621

There is no rent, there is no mortgage as it's paid off. You literally only have property tax and utilities which is next to nothing when split among several people.

>> No.1505625

>There is no rent

How is there no rent?

Where am I living?

>when split among several people

how did we get the home to live in?

Are we squatting in an abandoned nightclub? what the fuck are you even saying

>> No.1505627

>its cheaper to buy in bulk
Ya ive heard of costco. Ive also heard of a freezer

>> No.1505631

oh and eggs, olive oil and some other shit i can't think of

>> No.1505632

Scroll up and read my first two or three posts

>> No.1505633

You're living in a house, with your family, nobody pays rent, why the fuck dont you understand this, if you all contribute to the mortgage and eventually have no mortgage the house is owned and there is no rent to pay. A 500k mortgage can be paid off in less than 10 years when 4 people are paying it.

>> No.1505636

Whos letting me into this paid off house to live for free?

>> No.1505638

Your family dumbass, you never left, you just live there and split the costs with your parents which makes you all richer.

>> No.1505641


amazing advice, thank you so much.

How do I respond to my parents when they say "But you have a well-paying job, why can't you pay your share?"

You're still paying money

You're basically saying to pay "rent" (or your share of the mortgage) for 10 years before you all live tehre together for (almost) free?

>> No.1505644

But my parents moved when my dad was offered a better position and bought a new house and now have a mortgage bigger than mine

>> No.1505645

>what are roommates
>oh wait you have no friends LMAO

>> No.1505647

>Money you spend on rent is gone forever.
So is interest you have to calculate what your actually paying in interest on the loan for the first few years. You could be better of saving money for a few years first.

In my personal case i'm better of renting a room for about $100-150 a weekunit/aparment/house.

But lets compare a 300-350$ rental to a loan.

If I was to buy a shitty unit in the outter suburbs of my city I would need about a $285,000 loan.(assuming cheap because we looking more like 300-350 for a nicer one).

My Payments per month would be $1365 over 30 years of which $900+ is going to interest until we are 38 months into the loan in which case renting is dumb.

Obviously we haven't calculated the capital gain on the house in this senaroi which would bring that time frame closer for when it makes sense to buy. But currently in Australia our household debt is like american 2008 housing in terms of debt to household income.

The Majority of young Australians cannot afford to buy a house without being a two income household. But what happens if a recession hits which very may well happen from our resources boom ending.

In my city we have already seen a 2%+ drop in housing prices.

>> No.1505652

And in 10 years you dont pay "rent", nobody pays anything but utilities and property tax and food, how is that so fucking hard to understand. The biggest costs for everyone in the world is now gone

>living with shitty people who can lie and cheat you at any moment

>> No.1505653

What if I don't want to live with my parents?

>> No.1505655

Then enjoy your 50 years of working just to live

>> No.1505656

>>living with shitty people who can lie and cheat you at any moment

>Implying your parents cannot do this

>> No.1505660

You guys realize if you're clearing 200k none of this shit matters, but let's be real no one here clears 200k

When you're sub 100k salary, 14600-30000 a year to live somewhere is a lot of money gone to the shitter.

You guys can argue all this food, entertainment, etc bullshit when in reality what you faggots are paying in rent I'm putting into use to as some side income through investments and setting myself up for an early retirement

>> No.1505662

So you have shit parents, good job

>> No.1505663

>Then enjoy your 50 years of working just to live

But I am currently living

What are you talking about?

>when in reality what you faggots are paying in rent I'm putting into use to as some side income through investments and setting myself up for an early retirement

You're a fucking neet who shitposts all day on 4chan

you aren't making any "investments" or working to an 'early retirement'

>> No.1505665

And if you stopped working today you'd be fucked, you'll never retire, you'll never enjoy the freedom I have

>> No.1505666

what should I do about it?

>> No.1505670

Nothing you can do, you're an american and you should blame the fact your country has the worst family values in the world

>> No.1505671

>And if you stopped working today you'd be fucked, you'll never retire, you'll never enjoy the freedom I have

I'm 23 years old with $35k in my portfolio

>> No.1505672

Cool. Enjoy retirement with no equity and 12 roommates

>> No.1505673

friends, girls and colleagues secretly look down on you for living with your parents. It isn't feasible long term and you will never advance because you have no drive to. You are content with being comfortable and this kills any chance you have at being great at something

>> No.1505675

So you are fucked if you stop working

>> No.1505677
File: 95 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I graduated school last year

Here's my robinhood I have for lulz. I max out my 401k at work.

I'd post my chase statements but your just being a butt hurt little bitch

Have 25k cash

>> No.1505679

Like I give a shit, they will end up working the rest of their lives and i'll retire by the time i'm in my early 30's and i'll go travel the world and then come home and do whatever the fuck I want because I won't have to work ever again

>> No.1505680

>So you are fucked if you stop working

Yes I definitely would be.

Would you be fucked if your parents died and you stopped working?

whoa dude that's really impressive

tell me more.

What does your girlfriend look like?

>> No.1505681

And you have enough to live 80 years on?

>> No.1505684

>Would you be fucked if your parents died and you stopped working?

No, I would have a house with no mortgage and I have enough money to support myself for about a decade

>> No.1505685

You want tittie pics or ass?

>> No.1505686

>This is what 19 year old virgins actually believe

>i'll retire by the time i'm in my early 30's

How much are you making a year net and what's your networth right now?

>> No.1505687

Youre fucking delusional if you thing 10 years of rent is equal to 30 years of work. You couldnt retire now even at your pathetic neet lifestyle

>> No.1505688

For a year and 3 months after college it is impressive

>> No.1505689

>No, I would have a house with no mortgage and I have enough money to support myself for about a decade

How much is that? How old are you and what's your networth

>> No.1505690

If you only have enough to survive for a decade now how are you retiring in your early thirties?

>> No.1505691

I only have about 1000 a month in expenses. I dont need a lot of money to live as my major expenses are now gone

>> No.1505696

By the time i'm in my early thirties my income and net worth will be high enough that I could retire if I wanted to

>> No.1505697

How much is it right now

What is your age, job and networth?

>> No.1505698
File: 37 KB, 161x200, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bald desk jockey is extremely butt hurt kek

>> No.1505700

What? I'm just curious how good his networth and income is if he's already planning retirement in his early 30's

>> No.1505702

Kek I bet after you subtract your liabilities my robinhood is worth more than your net worth

>> No.1505704

>86k as of today
>sys admin making just under 80k a year

I have about 30k in assets not including the house that is 100% paid off that I live in with my parents and brother who works and makes 60k a year right now. Like I said, hardly any expenses and nearly all my money is saved, by the time im in my early 30's assuming I can continue to save about 60-70k a year i'll be able to retire as my expenses are only about 12-14k a year while also renting out a room to cover most living costs.

>> No.1505707

Post a picture of your hair Senpai

>> No.1505708

I have a full head of hair and perfect hairline

Post a picture of your skinnyfat body

>> No.1505710

>thinking your expenses are fixed for eternity
>not budgeting for emergencies
>living like a monk just to get out of working
Even assuming those three retarded factors were even slightly feasible youd still need minimum half a million to retire on

>> No.1505718

And i'll have that in literally 10 years. I can comfortably live off 500-600k while only working part time jobs when I get really bored and need to keep busy

>> No.1505719

Come on post it

>This faggot wants to see my nude body

>> No.1505721

Well congrats man. You really showed us. Enjoy living on 1000 a month. Truly sounds like the dream

>> No.1505722

I offered to show you nude of my girl and you rather see my body


>> No.1505723

Well i'd be paying triple that but I dont pay rent or a mortgage, it's not even that fruggle of a life, it's literally just getting rid of the main big costs

>> No.1505725

There's literally nothing wrong with being gay

>> No.1505727

Lol. 12,000 is below the fucking poverty line. I made more than that in high school. How is that not the "frugal life"? Id much rather work at a job i enjoy during my 30s than live like a fucking monk my entire life on rice and beans just to end up shitposting on 4chan til im 75 because i cant afford anything else

>> No.1505728

>A faggot that won't stop arguing

This all makes sense now, you're worse than my girl man, go suck a big black one in your private apartment.

Now I know why you live on your own

>> No.1505730

You did not make $12000 a year in HS

>> No.1505735

Thats literally a minimum wage part time job. And considering i earned more than minimum 12,000 is conservative

>> No.1505737

But... i'm the one with the big black one

>> No.1505738

>part time
>in high school

You are lying or you never got laid in HS

>> No.1505740

I literally don't understand leverage, the thread

Buying a house with cash is fucking idiotic.

>> No.1505742

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even know the definition of part time?

>> No.1505747

Well damn explains the whole family part

Well good luck man, being a bald nigger faggot sucks more dick than you

>> No.1505750

enjoy your life neet

>> No.1505786

Aww is the shitshow over? Too bad my sides were just about to reenter orbit

>> No.1505859

>Not living with your parents while pulling in a decent starting salary and throwing everything into savings or investments.

Literally the best way to get ahead in this economy.

>> No.1505993

Itt people with shit parents falling for the independence meme.

>> No.1506636

iTT: pathetic neets desperately try to justify their existence

>> No.1507459

Yes, because 10-15% yield on housing is very sustainable. Whos going to buy this junk estate when the asians pull their money and the sinking economy finally disintegrates

>> No.1507762

Enjoy paying interest on loans and credit cards cuck