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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9190 No.9190[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>compsci degree
>from a no name 5k school
>no internships yet, most likely none on the horizon

I'm not going to get a starting job, am I? Oh well, at least I went on a full ride so no debt. Maybe I'll just join the air force.

Pre-career worries general?

>> No.9268
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>mfw top cs school
>mfw can't get internships because everyone I'm competing against cured cancer or something with their programming skills while I did little outside of getting decent grades in my classes
>mfw summer school this year because chances of getting internships are slim

>> No.9282

is there a single degree that almost promises a job right out of college?

>> No.9305

not in 2014

>> No.9333

Petroleum Engineering I think.

Shit ton of demand around the world for the latest American techniques for shale gas extraction and such. Especially in Mexico.

>> No.9354

Cozy up to your professor(s), ask if you can help with a project of theirs or something.

Though this works better with other majors and at better university.

>> No.9355

electrical engineering

>> No.9361

accounting? i mean, if your school doesn't suck.

>> No.9376

accounting is the male version of nursing, it's our go-to degree. You may never make 6 figures, but you'll have an easy to find steady job for 40 years.

>> No.9395
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>> No.9409


are all movies going to be pixar

>> No.9424

Compsci? Dude your school hardly even matters. Just practice your ass off and beef up your portfolio. Do a few android apps and release them for free. Just make sure the employer knows that you're big shit and he doesn't care if you're form MIT or compton community college.

>> No.9435

Consider how much is being done with CGI and green screens.

Hell, Ian McKellen broke down while filming The Hobbit because he was so depressed about acting out a scene without having real, fellow actors next to him. He lamented how much the industry had changed.

>> No.9469

I don't know, my feeling is book-keeping type accounting doesn't really have a future - there's services like ufile that are growing in popularity and then there's the fact that today's gen y is very educated and less likely to trust experts, much more do it yourself when it comes to knoweldge based tasks

>> No.9487

I'm all for the free market and all, but this robot shit scares me. I kind of hope the government sticks their filthy hand in and stops it.

>> No.9494

I hope they stick their filthy hand up your ass until they can grab your stupid tongue

>> No.9519


Fuck you faggot.

I'm a devout Merito-Mercantilist and I want to see the Gov stay the fuck out of robotics and bionics.

I wanna be able to live forever fucker.

>> No.9530

>generation yolo


>> No.9548

>artificial immortality
>not fucking horrible

Fuck you man. The day humans can live 500+ years is the day that society truly becomes dystopian.

>> No.9566
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>believing anything singularity
>identifies as a "merito-mercantilist"

>> No.9570


>Not Utopian

Fuck off and die if you want to, I'm gonna fucking explore space.

>> No.9587

The only way artificial immortality can work is if we also sterilize everyone, which almost NO ONE would agree to

>> No.9589

>Dude your school hardly even matters. Just practice your ass off and beef up your portfolio.


>> No.9621


What? Worried about overpopulation?

It's called planetary colonization.

>> No.9697
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. . . or state encouraged homosexuality

>> No.9863
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>be invited to school's honors program
>freshman year
>had a dinner with all the honors students
>honors seniors came up to talk about their plans

out of ~15 people, 3 were going to work at starbucks, others volunteering, and one person straight up said she had no idea and was just going home

>> No.9922

>confusing Y with Z

>> No.10563

Petroleum Tech?

>> No.11232

Comp sci
at least in Canada.

I've gotten internships so easily including a 4month term with the government.

>> No.11303

That was a great book.

>> No.11368

You're not just saying that, are you? Don't get my hopes up. That would be mean.

>> No.11402

> CS degree
> from a top 10 program
> 2 internships, with six figure job offer at hand

>> No.11424

Doesn't this mean jobs in the computer science field should be growing? Who's going to maintain/design all the computer systems doing everyone's jobs?

>> No.11431

This. If you're Caucasian go to Dubai. Not only will you get a six figure starting salary, but you'll also be provided with free housing, transportation and your children's education all the way through college will be paid for.

>> No.11477


Where do you stand on the augmentation debate?

>> No.11495


That and Old Man's War.

>> No.11518

Nobody cares about your compsci degree. What matters is what software you've written.

Attend a game jam or a garage48 event. Write some open source software. Go help /g/ with Tox. Make a website.

>> No.11522

it's an undervalued field

we're still 30-40+ years off from self-generation/maintenance - it won't be a problem during our lifetime, and there will be a lot of money in bringing it about

>> No.11543

>outsourcing to India/China
>importing Indian/Chinese maintenance workers

>> No.11595

I hate how India and China are fucking providing cheap labor, they are fucking outsourcing the field.

>> No.11615

only low-level IT and enterprise code-monkeying get outsourced

nobody wants to collaborate on a large software project with people who work remotely and barely speak the language, it always ends up delayed and over-budget

>> No.11621


Maybe saying you'd be willing to work for less would help you in landing a position

So the only option is software engineering?

>> No.11630

>So the only option is software engineering?
the option is literally anything in the field, except for the shitty positions wouldn't want anyway

>> No.11643

Electrical, computer, chemical, or petroleum engineering

>> No.11653

My school is nowhere near the rank of of Ivy Leagues or the like, but I've had no trouble getting high paying internships at well known bay area companies for the past 2 summers with a well rounded Github account and personal site.

>> No.11650
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S-so my comp sci degree from College of Charleston might not be worthless?

>> No.11651


Wouldn't that create more jobs though? Not only do we have to have voice actors still, but we also have to hire plenty of people to create all the 3d models. Considering how time consuming that is, if companies want to churn out movies within a decent time frame, they're going to need to hire more graphic designers.


This and/or nepotism will get you a job. Most of what you learn in comp sci in any university will not be applicable to your job in the first place, but a degree does make you slightly more credible than someone without one. That said, if you can't get in through a friend or family member, your own personal work is your foot in the door. Make a github, and either contribute to someone else's projects or make your own.

>> No.11664

Well what else is there in the computer science field? All I can think of programming, system/network administration, and software/hardware engineering.

Programming is getting outsourced
It seems like hardware engineering is more a foreign industry
Administration is shitty pay

>> No.11667

Nigga, you have do write programs outside of class or take the hardest classes.

Recruiters want to know what programs you have written and your potential.

An easy program doesn't mean shit if anyone in a top 10 program can do what you did in four years in two years.

Also, learn to write code on the spot on a whiteboard.

>> No.11679

EE here. what the fuck kind of internships can I get? I don't think they'll let me mess with the hardware so what the fuck would ee interns do.

there is like a shit ton of comp sci internships for coding. I am jelly.

>> No.11685

>have dysgraphia
>people think it's made up
>had to turn out a job after the interviewer claimed I was bullshitting him about knowing java when I told him I would be happy to code in front of him, but I couldn't do it on a whiteboard

Man that shit fucking sucked.

>> No.11715


>Code on the spot on a whiteboard

So they're just testing your ability to work under pressure? Coding on a whiteboard isn't any different from coding on a computer

>> No.11719

the only programming getting outsourced are b-list large enterprise systems programming. there are plenty of smaller companies who can't outsource their developers because they have more exacting specifications on a tighter timeline

hardware engineering is electrical/computer engineering, different field (you could write drivers i guess if you hate yourself)

sysadmins make good pay if they work for large enough companies. start somewhere and be aggressive

you could also do research (most of it is corporate not academic, this is a larger field than is immediately obvious)

you could also branch out into advertising, analytics, finance, design...

>> No.11725



>> No.11738

they're seeing if you can do basic tasks without ripping code from stackoverflow

>> No.11762

Nigga, I did five internships as a compE with a focus on hardware.

Your options are power, circuit design, embedded systems, or others. I worked with circuit design my first internship for a Fortune 50 company.

Oddly enough, I do no design work in my current full-time role, but I am starting off with $65k. I started three weeks ago and do not live a large metro area.

>> No.11780

thank you for giving me much needed hope

>> No.11789

Thanks for this

Man, fuck those NEETs at /g/ saying you can't do shit with computer science

>> No.11807

So if I want to be a scientist (or at least as close to one as possible), but still make big bucks, what career should I choose? Something petroleum related? I live in South America, so it seems like a good idea.

>> No.11833

next time you try and get computer science advice from /g/ take a peek in one of their fizzbuzz threads, it's upsetting

>> No.11845


lol no one on /g/ every says you can't do shit w/ programming

>> No.11861

you can get a ph.d in sucking dick

>> No.11854

medical research maybe?

most chemists don't make a lot. biology is useless without further education. physics requires a phd to get a job.

if you're going to get a degree and half of your peers are planning on going to med school, you better be planning the same.

if your definition of "scientist" involves engineering/tech, then any of the vouched for options in this thread work

>> No.11873

If only.

>> No.11881

is a finance degree worth it? Or should I go the economics route instead?

>> No.11888

That's where I learned about all the outsourcing

>> No.11896

You can't outsource government programs, i.e. defense.

>> No.11909

oh no why are you bald
do you have cancer :(

>> No.11914

That's true, you can't. There's still some hope left

>> No.11916

don't take advice from people who are unemployed

or who watch anime

>> No.11930



It's not cute.

>> No.12188

company’s care about experience
>have you worked on any open source projects
>have you made any games (even simple ones)
>have you done any accomplishments

if you want to go into software engineering the big languages you NEED TO KNOW TO GET A GREAT JOB are java and python they have the highest employment rate

>> No.12208
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>mfw got a job offer in huge computer company
>they said they would train me in any field i wanted as long as i stayed with them,
>they would pay me enough for living wage plus if i did good frequent raises

>mfw i lost it all because family made me move to a slaughter town...

>> No.12245
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>CS in my final year part time looking for a internship or a part-time job to get into the industry
>Apply to a place
>They said they were going to contact me for a test this week
>They never did

>> No.12290

>tfw planning to work in public service
>tfw new gov announced future job cuts in that area

looks like im selling my ass in new york

>> No.12296
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>Commercial pilots
N-no thanks, i rather fly with somebody behind the controls thanks.

>> No.12302

>realized college is shit
>became a machist
>making union pay right now with glorious benefits and I get to make cool things I sell on esty to supplement my income

feels fucking great

>> No.12482


learn how to build shit

they can't replace tradesmen, though they tried their hardest in the 50s and 60s

>> No.14588

>History major Classics minor.
>get to work for a bank right out of college (dad was already a manager for IT so it was a given that he could get me an entry level position)
you just gotta balee anon

>> No.14603

>Man, fuck those NEETs at /g/ saying you can't do shit with computer science

/g/ says that because they are bitter for being too stupid to finish their CS degree and instead spending all their time on anime

>> No.14631

yeah well
we also thought we'd have flying cars by now
i think i'll be safe with my accounting and business degrees

>> No.14634

>first year in law
>pretty much everyone tells us that only marks matter
>good job is guaranteed if above a certain threshold
>if below, you're fucked
>all that pressure

>> No.14639

Where are you guys having trouble finding CS internships from?

Also what is the highest paying job I can expect if I choose to go down a software development path? What about web dev?

>> No.14670

A quick search says Web Dev is ~$88k. I'd say high paying jobs are either with the NSA in cryptography and what not, and in Wall Street with computational trading/finance.

However, as a Web Dev you can make good money if you stick to it and become Senior Web Dev.

>> No.14738

I know literally 3 people in their early/mid 20's making 75k+ salary, who do almost nothing but, ajax,js,html/css,nodejs, and a tiny pinch of php. None have anything more than a highschool degree, and a few credits of CC.

If you stick with a general role, in 10 years you can easily get a six figure salary, and that's a low estimate, and without a degree.

>> No.14769


I had the same shit happen, I was invited to join the honors college, and the people there were so retarted, and they make you do all of this sprit bonding crap. Left the next week.

>Nothing of Value was Lost

>> No.14770


Anything with autism.

>> No.14785

I'm a junior studying this, Placement is 94% fr my school. Lowest salary last year was $73k for some retard with a 2.9

>> No.14788


Not really. The company that made the CGI for Life of Pi immediately went out of business afterwards and the same thing happens everywhere, only it isn't publicised because they didn't win an Oscar. They're low paid, worked hard and then closed once the job is done to be re-hired somewhere else in the same fashion over and over.

>> No.14801

>sprit bonding crap
Luckily we did not have to do this. Leaving mine would be a bad idea because my college has an insanely long core curriculum (people don't finish it until junior year), but the Honors curriculum is basically nonexistent after first half of sophomore year.

>> No.14807

>post literal anecdotal evidence
>literally expects us to take him serious

Just because you literally know 3 guys who got literally lucky doesn't mean this literally happens to every second guy. So please don't talk out of your litteral ass.

>> No.14828


>second half of sophomore year

That seems long, I think the general program takes that long, but I just used AP credits, so I am nearly done with general credits, and its my second semester freshman year.

I do wonder if having the "honors" badging will make a difference down the line, but I figured that saying on the deans list would compensate.

>> No.14857

>but I just used AP credits,
We couldn't do that because private school. rules. Can't skip Honors requirements.

And yeah, it's still too long in my opinion. We took two required classes each semester for three semester. Still bad but way better than what normal students have to take. At least I go here for free.

I don't think the Honors thing matters at all for employment (otherwise the seniors wouldn't be working at Starbucks), but maybe for grad school. I am going to apply to grad school at this college too so maybe it will help.

Oh and my Honors classes were just "harder" versions of regular classes. Which were mostly great and the professors were good, but some things were just terrible. My very first college class turned out to have the same curriculum as a graduate level English class.

>> No.14884


>not allowed to use AP credits

Fuck that noise. Well at least there are some upside to going to a private school, not having to deal with the inbreads. I went pubic, because its close, and they are paying me because of scholarships.

If your going for the same college, it will defiantly help, as they will look at you and see you are from the Honor College, and think you are a symbol of the programs success.

>> No.14910


I'm a senior in EE and I don't have a job lined up yet...

>> No.14927

Well, time to kill yourself.

>> No.14932

I really wish that that Scotland's education system didn't mean that you went to university at 17, which means you make the decision of what to study at 16. You're just not old enough to understand that the degree you're taking is absolutely worthless and by the time you realise, it's too late.

What the fuck am I going to do with a general business degree from a shit university.

>> No.14945

You're suppose to start a business that was the whole point of learning how businesses work. You fuck up laddy guess you'll be toeing the sheep and cattle aye? Gettin in a fight and drinkin with all the leprechaun man you Irish have it lucky.

>> No.14952

>politics degree
>graduate in a few months
>little work experience to my name

I win.

>> No.14997


I'd like extra carmel in my coffee please.

>> No.15002


Even sending people to university at 18 is too early. The while system is broke.

>> No.15018

There was little throughout the course about how businesses actually work, it's shit like "Contemporary Issues in Business" which is essentially just dick waving about how future issues are going to be solved.

It's a useless degree for employability, so I'm going to need to work out something on my own. I'm going to make my money somehow, I just wish I had a better degree to back me up.

>> No.15040
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I dont know what i'm going to do. I have time on my side thanks to wealthy parents and rental income, but I need to fashion some sort of career, which begs the question.

Masters in something useful or get in early and low with what i've got.

>> No.15033

>You're just not old enough to understand that the degree you're taking is absolutely worthless

Hahaha, I love dumb people.

>> No.15052

What do you do

>> No.15047

had i gotten a full ride i would have made getting a high paying job my primary objective

but being that you dont need a degree to own a business and thusly you dont need a degree to become independently wealthy

>> No.15056

you sound like every other worthless scumbag politician

>> No.15062

At the age of 16 you had a complete understanding of what your degree would do for you in 5 years time, even with authority figures saying shit about how that course will get you into X, Y and Z?

>> No.15090


Just go and find some local representitve that has some chance, and offer to run his campaign for free. Politics is all about who you know. Get your foot in the door.

>> No.15121

I'm not going into politics though.

My work experience is in PR. I've applied for a few roles as a press officer for some places and I'm waiting to get an interview date for a JLR marketing gradate scheme, but these are things I really don't feel confident about netting.

Put simply, I did the wrong degree. I could get a job in admin/accounts in engineering tomorrow because of my dad but I want to do something other than engineering related stuff. My whole family has done that for generations.

>> No.15392
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>civil engineering degree
>tfw working by commission
>decent income but in retrospect not the degree i wanted

>> No.15700

any degree in the humanities will guarantee you a job as a janitor or waitress

>> No.15799
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>tfw Spaniard

>> No.15816

dios mios

good luck with that

>> No.15934

How often do school matters in Accounting?