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15046040 No.15046040 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to eth? It was nearly $2000 not long ago.

>> No.15046053

the ICO bubble fueled its massive rise. Now that ICO's are basically dead, what reason does it have to go up?

inb4 a bunch of retards run and say it will be 10k some day. ETH is literally dead because the ICO bubble is dead, which was its main purpose. Sure it has other uses, but none that anyone gives a fuck about. Keep a suicide stack around for the hell of it though (rising tide will lift all boats regardless)

>> No.15046062

only link will save this shitcoin factory. ETH should fuck off to China

>> No.15046072

>inflationary coin loses value

>> No.15046073
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>nobody cares about smart contracts

>> No.15046117

ETH needs chainlink, Chainlink doesn't need ETH. ETH will one day be 10,000 but not until smart contracts get integrated with society which could be 2025+.

>> No.15046122

Chainlink niggers fuck OFF REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.15046131

Nice try whale, not selling

>> No.15046149

signs that you should buy ETH/LINK

>> No.15046168

Accumulate ETH now until the transition to Ethereum 2.0. It's going to fork into PoS ETH and PoW ETH (ETC 2.0 lol) then sell both at the top.

>> No.15046177

yes because in 6 years there wont come along a massive rich corporation who can do it faster and better than sir gay and his team of autistic faggots

>> No.15046198
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>90 of top 100 projects built on eth
>eth is dead

>> No.15046241

yeah and all of those projects are -99% and most still don't even have a working product lmfao. good job. take a lap kid

>> No.15046256

What is kyber network

>> No.15046268
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You can't be this dumb...

>> No.15046283

2 years after the ICO bubble and still no adoption. All blockchain adoption is happening on Hyperledger, Corda, or private ethereum chains. Public ethereum is only for creating ponzi tokens and scamming neets and that bubble popped long ago. Enjoy your bags faggots.
>t bought ETH at $40 and dumped it all on normie retards at $800+

>> No.15046286

>t. no name alt bag holder
>b-b-but all the projects
let me guess your holding the next ETH killer? yawn...

>> No.15046288

oh wooow dude another project where you can swap 1 useless shitcoin tokens for another useless shitcoin with the token being used for fees. very original and truly unique. lmfao. please have sex, nerd

>> No.15046296

>being this braindead
Accumulate while you can if you have more than an 80 iq

>> No.15046297

imagine over looking the next financial revolution because your brain is literally too small

>> No.15046317
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>> No.15046322

>what is network effect
Yeah I'm sure google or Microsoft or Oracle will just create their own decentralized oracle network and do it faster and better than Sergey oh wait that's right they are all integrated with chainlink already because creating a whole new oracle network from scratch is fucking retarded. Kys clueless normie faggot.

>> No.15046330


show me one other chain thats completed atom swaps you mongol
pooled liquidity that pays interest rate
decentralized lending
pro tip: you cant

>> No.15046333
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>> No.15046344
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This is the greatest

>> No.15046352

The FUD is real, BUY

>> No.15046385

>durr ETH is financial revolution
Swift is using Corda, not ethereum. This is the case with nearly any large company because ETH is slow, expensive, and clogged with crypto kitties and other bullshit. Enterprise will never use the public ethereum chain or any of these other memechains. This is coming from someone who made six figures off ETH in 2017. Sorry kiddo, you showed up 2 fucking years too late for party.

>> No.15046400

What does this reply have to do with my post? Are you ok?

>> No.15046418

Where the fuck have you been

>> No.15046436

Hahahahahahahshshaha. Just bought 10 more. Seeing comments like this makes me realize how early we still are. This feels fucking good kek

>> No.15046474

Whoa a whole 10 more. You sure showed me big guy. Must be neato being an early adopter. Btw all my most normie friends (club promoters, sales people, etc) are still bag holding ETH from 2017 when all the other normies bought. You're 2 full years behind the peak of the bell curve.

>> No.15046610
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>> No.15046855
File: 81 KB, 645x729, 42A61723-5D55-4C24-B6C2-F243F9FF2436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a normie faggot. Proceed to kys.

>> No.15046990

ETH should be $1000 from DeFi alone right now.
Look up dydx and compound.finance.
All I'm gonna spoon-feed you.

>> No.15047012

>ETH needs chainlink, Chainlink doesn't need ETH
Literally the only thing Chainlink is good for is getting data onto and off of the Ethereum network.
Without Ethereum, what the fuck is Chainlink's purpose?

>> No.15047034
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serve data to other blockchains. it's blockchain agnostic idiot. do your research

>> No.15047044

let me guess: you're literally gay in real life.

>> No.15047052
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>blockchain agnostic
>must pay oracles in link token
>link token is on ethereum

>> No.15047071

>degentralized oragles

>> No.15047251

Can you, fool, not see that you wreak of bias with this statement? You're saying Ethereum is a platform with no value outside ICO offerings. That's silly.