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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1503519 No.1503519 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Show Gen Xers my Polo account
>$10k, about a quarter of my savings
>Make about $1k a month average from it for fun
>Every. Single. Time. They scream at me telling me it's a gambling scam
>Go through a whole diatribe on day traders who make no money
>hear this a thousand times even 10 years ago
>Tell me to go back to school and learn a real trade
>Already run a profitable business at home
>$30k annually for only a few hours a day is failing to them, yet 90% of kids my age make less than that

Why are you Gen Xers still buthurt over 2000 and 2008? I get it, OK, you got suckered in and lost big fat money because your AOL and Yahoo stocks got rekt. Blockchain technology is the future. Our economy will run on them in due time. The industry is less than $25 billion. It's fucking tiny and still in its infancy and we get to be a part of it. Meanwhile the Credit Card industry is $1 trillion++. Banking and Derivatives many times more. This is the future. Yes most of these shitcoins are retarded pump and dumps so there's that, but the risk is small (never lost over 30%), the gains and potential are just too high to skip out on.

>> No.1503548

Are you making a case for crypto? Because everyone on this board loves crypto and owns some. Even the people talking about how bad it is own some bitcoin.

>> No.1503552
File: 35 KB, 480x360, 1468058799318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blockchain technology is the future. Our economy will run on them in due time.

lmao why are shitcoiners so ignorant

>> No.1503582

No, I'm making the case against Gen Xers. They're stuck between the prosperous boomers and the peasant status millennials.

Dear nocoiner, it's 2016

>> No.1503586
File: 161 KB, 1520x896, 1468067038928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blockchain technology
>useful outside of shitcoins

>> No.1503592

I feel the same way. I make 65k a year from rentals and live a NEET life but somehow i'm a failure because I don't slave away at a desk for 40 hours a week

>> No.1503595

lol bitcoin was invented and coded by gen xers mostly

>> No.1503605

I'm a gen xer and I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Don't you know that we are the slacker generation? Go back to nit picking on your grandparents the boomers, ya little shit.

>> No.1503616
File: 442 KB, 2560x1800, minecraft-logo-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to successfully double your money every morning and night?
Pot, Pink, LTBC, FLDC and other pump & dump coins constantly see 100-900% gains. But you have to either keep a look out on their charts at the precise second or try to guess when they will pump.

>> No.1503621

Why are you showing people your polo account? What do you hope to gain from that?

>> No.1503633

Because in the year 2016 he still seeks validation from others. He hopes to silence the voice of insecurity and doubt in his head.

>> No.1504234

Worse for them. They were probably looked down upon as well. Spending hundreds of hours coding on imaginary currency in their basements.


Because it's up when I'm working, or having lunch and I quickly look at it.

>> No.1505515

>Blockchain technology is the future. Our economy will run on them in due time
You haven't made any money, why do you think you know how the economy works?

>> No.1505524

>Blockchain is the future
>Coders of bitcoin were looked down upon for making bitcoin

which is it bruh?

>> No.1505562

how the fuck do i into this? I've been cucked into part time hours and cant wageslave away anymore

>> No.1505622

He's roleplaying.
You probably can make $1k a month on Polo if you have insider info though.

>> No.1505629

No, you can't. What can you pay for with Bitcoin? Can you pay your rent?
Pay for beer? It's not real money. Why are autists so up the ass about crypto.

>> No.1505637

You can pay for USD and video games, retard.
BTC is a liquid asset that can be exchanged for fiat.

>> No.1505642

Nice bait fag

>> No.1506092

Xrp&ftc would like to have a word with you

>> No.1506109 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure if this is a stelthbrag or not OP.

But what I am sure of is you're just not a salesman.

>> No.1506112

I'm not sure if this is a stealthbrag thread or not OP.

But what I am sure of is you're just not a good salesman.

>> No.1506114

Why the fuck are you showing people your investments.

Get some fucking modesty, you gloaty cunt.

>> No.1506128

What's your strat pro dude? Teach me how good you are.

>> No.1506145

How exactly do you anticipate a pump and dump anyway?

What do you need to look for in regards to order book activity?

>> No.1506164

I show them my polo account to share with them the opportunity that it can give them. But I'm NEVER doing it again. Everyone reacts negatively. I think they're jealous + stupid + who knows what

>> No.1506195

You can share that opportunity in this thread, anon:


>> No.1507448
File: 213 KB, 1600x1564, 1421238053_1293970760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your tag is aesthetically pleasing so i just wanted to say that