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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15027541 No.15027541 [Reply] [Original]

I recently joined this company, and they are offering stock options at a discount.

Salary is $425k, but I can convert it into stock options at a 40% premium (i.e. I can get 1800 call options instead of dollars a year). Does /biz/ think this company can keep going up? Lot's of people I talked to said they don't really like netflix any more. Wondering if I should bet big on them, given the risk.

>> No.15027571

You work for Niggers?
I'd get out if I were you, unless you're a nigger too.

>> No.15027572

They are due for a drastic pullback and their material is turning to shit, so no I do not think it will continue to go up.

>> No.15027593

Just put some in options, what do you at Netflix ?

>> No.15027600

everyone and their mother is starting a streaming service. unless netflix comes up with some crazy innovation to put them apart from the rest its fucked.

>> No.15027608

>Salary is $425k
as someone who actually works for netflix I can confirm you are a liar

>> No.15027609

The 1% niggers, yes.

material may be shit now, but do you think it will be shit in 3 years? They have been dumping money into content like crazy.

>> No.15027626
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Depends on how early you can sell.

>> No.15027638

3 years experience, seems like 425k is reasonable. What you at?

Right, but netflix has been around for like 20 years. They are way ahead of everyone else.

>> No.15027652

Can you get put options :)

>> No.15027662

The options are 10 years, ATM call options. They can't be sold. Black scholes puts them at about $180, but company is offering them at $130. One of them is wrong.

>> No.15027680

Yes, I checked with the recruiter. They can only be bought or exercised during the trading window, tho.

>> No.15027700
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10 years before you can get shares from them? Lmao don't do it.

>> No.15027714

Take the stock. with the premium you basically have a 40% moat if shtf plus its fang so boomers love it

>> No.15027737

Don’t they owe a literal shitload in royalties in the next few years, bound to have an affect on profit? Also explains why they’re pushing so much netflix-own trash, as the content 90% of npcs use Netflix for is being moved to Disney’s or another streaming service

>> No.15027750

you shouldn't be asking us what to do with netflix stock. We should be asking you.
You'll know when the ship is either sinking or launching to pluto.

>> No.15027751

No, they can be exercised at any time between now and 2029.

You bring up a good point. Boomers are going to retire and need shit to watch. Can't see them cancelling.

>> No.15027774

/biz/bro don't take the stock option, Netflix decline in audience has been due to the 'get woke, go broke' phenom... their material has been trash as of late, and we are seeing a mass move onto platforms like amazon prime and now TV. Netflix is still very highly used due to the stamp they have made on the market. But currently i wouldn't bet on them for the future. The time to get in to Netflix was 3 years ago.

>> No.15027791

take the money you would have put on the netflix stock and put it into LINK, when PSD2 comes we are looking at $10 - $20 per coin

>> No.15027794
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Can't you sell the shares then or what's the problem here?

>> No.15027795

they had first mover advantage, but basically paved the way for disney/cbs/etc to create their own streaming platforms cheaper with content people already watched/liked

i know a couple of lawyers that worked with netflix (not for netflix, but represent talent) and they all said they would short netflix if they could - too much debt and content is going to shit

>> No.15027821
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nobody with a 400k salary will go on an esoteric taiwanese halloween mask manufacturing board and ask other neckbearded incels if netflix will “keep going up”.
2/10 Larp kid, try again in 43 minutes nigger.

>> No.15027827

what a fucking larping nigger. you got nothing.

>> No.15027853
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Ah you get a set amount per year so you're fucked when the crash starts within a year.

>> No.15027860

Point taken. 3 years would have been a dream come true, but that's hindsight for you. What I'm really curious about is how Netflix will do in international markets, since I think Prime and Disney will likely eat their lunch.

Netflix has intrinsic value, why would I give that away?

Debt is high ans subscriber count is going down, I agree. But, it's worth considering that the CEO probably knows that and is trying to fix it. Producing their own content would keep their royalties down.

>> No.15027868

Don't do it anon have you seen their numbers?
Netflix is being outcompeted by all these other companies and people are unsubscribing

>> No.15027869
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Double top - also due to public sentiment that its going to shit its likely to go down over next few years

>> No.15027875

if the CEO is just figuring that out, then netflix is fucked for sure

has a point - they're giving a 40% moat for a reason

>> No.15027882
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>> No.15027887
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Don't do it.

>> No.15027915

425k a year? What the fuck? This world is so fucking unJUST. Why are you even asking this meaningless question? You can work for 5 years and fucking retire. Put one paycheck into VIDT or LINK and thank me in a year

>> No.15027921

Salary is $425k, what the fuck do you do for them anon?!

>> No.15027923
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i'm enjoying this thread, almost feels like oldschool biz again.

when you say Netflix has Intrinsic value, you are very correct... when i say take 5% of your wage and invest it in a very likely 100x i am also correct.

Its better to risk less on highly volatile assets that seem like a sure thing, but by all means... please DYOR

>> No.15027925
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>current year
Top fucking kek. Are you really betting your financial well being in a company that literally removed MOVIE RATINGS because people hurt their feefees?

They also openly push satanic pedo shit so at the very least consider this as well. We all answer for our deeds at the end of the tunnel anon.

>> No.15027967
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strongly agree, after watching Big Mouth i cancelled my sub straight away.

>> No.15027971

Every once in a while, something good comes along. Either ignore it or not. I want to know what some non-programmers think.


>> No.15027972

Idk.. $425k is already so low... I'd just take the cash and work on finding a new job. Unless you life in NYC or san fran, then I'd just quit immediately and apply to the nearest mcdonalds and make $500k/year. Take a look at tech company salaries, if you're not making $800k straight out of college you are getting robbed.

>> No.15027984

If you want to have a good time and rip your dick off out of anger, watch behind the curve (flat earth documentary).

>> No.15027990

I dont know but Netflix doesn't make a profit. It exists solely as a tool used by rich kikes (the founder is a nephew of Edward Bernays who was the founder of "public relations", who in turn was the nephew of the famous Jew psychiatrist Sigmund Freud) to destroy western civilization and twist the average normietard's brain into an absolutely degenerate cesspit. There's a war on for your mind.

>> No.15028026

Literally the dumbest kids in my class landed better jobs than OP.
Sure, Netflix is great for your CV (they basically made microservice architectures popular) but I'm not sure I'd settle for peanuts however beneficial it is for my career.
$1.2MM per year straight out of college should be your minimum threshold.

>> No.15028034

You missed a G

>> No.15028055

Why not straight out of high school you cheap pajeet. And make it $2,5MM p/year

>> No.15028075


>> No.15028079
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look again

>> No.15028112

no, I can't See: taxes. They fuck you hard if you make any decent money.

Like anyone else, I want more.

> Top fucking kek. Are you really betting your financial well being in a company that literally removed MOVIE RATINGS because people hurt their feefees?

Are you kidding? They are offering a ~40% higher salary. If you aren't a slave to money, why are you even here?

>> No.15028125

Damn you autistic faggots are always so accurate, never letting me down. Sorry anon for being a retard there.

>> No.15028140

Pepe dabs on the competition!

>> No.15028148

What, being financial programmers? Startups? There aren't so many 1.2mm / year jobs around.

Also, I'm pretty sure Uber jerks microservices harder. They have more git repos than employees.

>> No.15028167

Well, if want random opinions, I'm with the prevailing sentiment. Netflix is going down...but I don't think they'll be out of the game completely. I think they'll be able to survive with their own content for awhile. Producing content isn't that expensive...but marketing it is, and it won't be that much cheaper than royalties. Subscriber count is already down OP...and Disney hasn't even started waving it's dick yet. Expenses remain steady and income diminishing, plus they weren't profitable to begin with... not looking too good, bruh. Still, I think they'll limp on for awhile. That 40% buffer may be eaten up by decreased valuation, and at that point, you may as well have just take the money (in Patrick's voice) "and pushed it somewhere else!" Just a plebian neet's 0.02.

>> No.15028195

Do you seriously make $425k USD a year? That's fucking crazy.

>> No.15028230


Everyone on 4chan makes at least $400k/year. Even fucking math PhDs. $425k is actually poor as fuck unless you're talking about $425k NET, per MONTH.

>> No.15028248

Long term, I agree with you, it's the 3-5 year range that I think is where they will do okay. Building a streaming service is not easy, and the companies that can do it excel (e.g. Google and Amazon). Netflix has been around since before Google, and only recently has Disney realized their behind.

I guess what I'm saying is, medium term I think netflix could be a winner, but long term no.

>> No.15028263

Takes Cash, the only reason they would offer stock is if they view it as the more cost effective option. Get your cashflow baby

>> No.15028267

>Do you seriously make $425k USD a year? That's fucking crazy.
No, It's about half that. Take out federal taxes, state taxes, and CA rent. Throw that in the garbage. The little that remains I get to keep. Enjoy your neetbucks, losers. I'm paying for it.

>> No.15028314

everyone has been saying nflx stock (and pretty much every other stock) is too expensive for years. if those people put their money where there mouth was they'd be underwater big time. stocks will keep going up until they don't. in other words, no one can tell you one way or another

>> No.15028341

Don't take the stock option. they're losing subscribers right now. bad news for the stock price.

>> No.15028343

>Salary is $425k
>stock options at a 40% premium

>> No.15028360

>40% discount
lmfao just lmfao

do you really need to ask if you should buy calls with a 40% discount

>> No.15028377

ok say it again but less plebbit and autism this time

not even sure about the medium term T-B-H, disney and google have billions to blow on this while netflix's borrowing is getting more expensive

>> No.15028396

yes. Deals that seem too good to be true usually are.

The really puzzling thing: The options they offer me are 10years ATM.

If you look on Robinhood, the 2 year ATM calls are $90, and the 2 year puts are $30, which means people are super bullish on Netflix. Why the fuck is Netflix offering them so low? Something is wrong.

I'm tempted (as an employee) to think this is temporary. I'm guess this is the US market dipping, while other countries are increasing subscribers.

>> No.15028398

Netflix is notorious for having high turnover rate as well.

Take the cash and invest in other tech platforms thats doing well/IPO (Google, Amazon, Slack)

>> No.15028418

>why is Neflix offering so low
Let me tell you: too keep you well paid and happy. Netflix can generate shares for free. They want to give you the highest TC they can, but they understand people don't have the risk appetite so they give you the option.

It's an employee benfit program. Take it. Dump the options as soon as they vest. Profit.

>> No.15028428

I unsubbed when I noticed a large amount of shows having pro-pedo narratives and pro-trans anti-male propaganda

>> No.15028458

Well, the issue is what Anon said here. >>15027990

I think he's right; the company hasn't turned a profit, and subscriber counts are down now. Like, right now. They have a fight on their hands for the next year or two. Now, you said they will do okay. That much they will do. And they will always have their mailing thing for more esoteric movies, though I'm not sure how much revenue that brings in. But I don't think they'll be a winner for the next few years if you were just a guy on the street, looking at stock. There's a lot we don't know about your situation too - like, can you just get some of your salary in stock? If they can be exercised anytime until 2029, and you get that extra 40%, why don't you just take them and sell them asap? It's hard to recommend without a full picture.

>> No.15028475

Why not just vote them down? If you unsub, Netflix won't really know why.

As a serious course of action: I can Sell call options publicly, collect the premium and cover them with the private options. It still makes sense to take the options, even If I flip them, it seems like.

Working here is tough, but I keep my equity regardless if I quit or get fired. The company work culture is a separate discussion.

>> No.15028507


If you work for Netflix and make significantly less than 425k I'm sorry but you got played. Everyone in FAANG's knows 400k is the floor at Netflix. Brutal place to work though and getting in is hard

>> No.15028520


>> No.15028534


you overestimate the maturity levels of the typical brogrammer who knows how to grind leetcode. this is a site for immature people but there's a lot of them who make bank in tech

>> No.15028540

Can't you sell your calls on the market?

The fundamental thing here is you seem to be thinking Neflix is trying to screw you by giving you this employee stock purchase program. Probably because they sold them to your hard during the orientation and you picked that up. Let me tell you: Netflix does NOT retain the most talented engineers in the country by trying to scam their top talent. The purchase program is put in place as part of your compensation package. Take advantage of it.

>> No.15028608

Just Googled this, and holy shit, you're right. Compensation reaches 600k/yr.

>> No.15028633


they're known for firing people at the drop of a hat though while other places tend to give you a couple months warning. work environment is more stressful than amazon by far

>> No.15028755

NFLX is going to go up simple because the nasdaq in general is going up

People are all like "oh but they are SJWs" no shit literally every company is now you may as well short the SP500

>> No.15028770

I haven't had a Cuckflix account since they gave Obama a show.

>> No.15028808

40% discount, why not. The streaming services will undercut Netflix though, so get ready for a bumpy ride.

>> No.15028876

fuck off, queer

>> No.15029101

Disney+ will destroy netflix. Take the salary, then see if you can still get the options after the correction. lots of bad news headed for netflix, not bad news for the company just from a market perspective

>losing the office
>even further, Disney IPs outweigh Netflix's IPs 10-to-1
>subscription price is surging
>first report of subscription loss will most likely lead into more with everything above listed

Disney is a massive threat to your job. They've already started their anti-netflix marketing campaign

>> No.15029206

If they ditch the SJW bullshit, bring on anime, and bring on decent films from the 90s i can see this stock roaring. instead they waste money on identity politics and push out boring propaganda.

>> No.15029252
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There are probably only about 25 people who make 300k or more at Netflix....

>> No.15029332

what qualifies as a talented engineer? Pedigree? Netflix isn't exactly innovating

>> No.15029467


What the fuck are you talking about and why is anyone falling for this boring LARP:


>> No.15029478

I make 450k a year 4 days of work a week I’m a specialist physician. The thing is I don’t get stock options so I’m jealous of this. Take stock, that’s how you’ll really kill it. High salary is a meme, I get taxed like a mother fucker. Living in an expensive area you gotta kill it to make it. Despite making 450 a year and having no debt I still struggle to buy a place bc anything good even 2 bedrooms are > 1M

>> No.15029481


In case you’re too retarded to click the link top salary is around 190k you fucking idiots

>> No.15029490

Idiot Netflix employees aren’t making 190k, everyone knows 400 is Netflix

>> No.15029526
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this thread is bait, but in reality why the fuck would you not take stock?

we had a family friend who worked at Disney back in 19fucking whenever and took the stock option, did extremely well for themselves, meanwhile my grandpa who "was his own boss" is dying in poverty and it's sad as hell. Always take the stock option. It's literally the only good thing about being a wage-slave

>> No.15029831

WOW. Too stupid to use Google. Jesus.

>> No.15029952

have you seen their newest shows, dear god they are honestly crap.
amazon UI sucks but netflix programming sucks.
honestly id take the netflix job but use it move into another company when netflix ultimately folds.

>> No.15029977

Do not take the stocks. Netflix is going to tank more than most of the market.
>source: dude trust me

>> No.15029991

God, I can't imagine looking at my paycheck every few weeks with that amount. I do dev but it's on the other coast.

I mean, how long do people need to work before they can retire at that salary?

>> No.15030014
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In Cali, 40 years just like everyone else

>> No.15030016
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>3 years exp
>only $425k

>> No.15030035

this is so mind-boggling if you aren't kidding. If a state is that expensive, in a huge country, something is off. Like aren't companies naturally supposed to seek cheaper arrangements, all else equal?

>> No.15030054
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>> No.15030062

Fuck no. My god how can you even ask this? They are valued at 130x their earnings, and are going to slowly but surely lose all of their top content over the next few months, while simultaneously seeing entrances from some of the biggest and most popular content owners in the world. Someone please convince me this stock is not overpriced at $80 a share.

>> No.15030063

LOL what scumbags. NFLX just massively under-performed expectations and it looks like its going to get worse
the calls will expire worthless and they're hoping you take the bait

>> No.15030064

I would take the money instead of the options at this point, but you should do your own DD, OP.

>> No.15030073


>> No.15030111

short netflix as a hedge.
they are not doing great and you may lose your job.

>> No.15030126

you neglect the posibility that two of them are wrong.

>> No.15030127

take the money and do a Bitcoin Roth IRA, since it is already taxed as income.

I unironically think Bitcoin will be here longer than netflix.

>> No.15030131

Im guessing he can sell the shares, but not the option.

>> No.15030161

OP does not make this

I had 2 friends at my last job (ADOBE) go there and they were making 200K + benefits

this was with 5 years exp and graduating from Berkeley

gay larp thread

>> No.15030208

Berkeley is gay larp thread

>> No.15030231

How immediately can you liquidate your holdings.

If you can buy at 40% premium and dump next day you're stupid not to take it, if you're obligated to respect a holding period longer than 3 months I'd be hesitant.

>> No.15030474

See up higher in the thread: the options can't be sold, only exercised. If' I could sell them I would.

http://levels.fyi and Blind both confirm that 425k is easily within range. As other posters have mocking put 425 is kind of low.

The options defer income taxes. In effect, they allow me to avoid paying income tax for about 10 years.

>> No.15030534

There is no other way to measure their value. There isn't a public market for this these. There is only one seller: Netflix. There is only one options pricing formula: BS. There is no other way to measure their value, so it means one of them is right.

This is my current plan, but shorting them is expensive. 2 year ATM Put is $30, which means they got to drop a lot before I make my money back.

Amazon had a P/E ratio over 300 for years and they are growing insanely. P/E is not a good measure for tech companies.

>> No.15030572

How long do you have to work? Maybe 10 years. It's called Geographical arbitrage.

What state?

>> No.15030597

amazon has had 1000% growth every year for 20 years, the best performing stock in all history.
stupid to compare that to a random shitstock, where the only thing in common is a high PE.
its like comparing gold to sunflowers because they're both yellow

>> No.15030675
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I'll admit that Amazon is further ahead, but they are both on the same exponential curve. It does make sense to compare them.

>> No.15030775

I didn't read most of the thread, but don't take their stocks

Their biggest problem right now is that everyone who has wanted a Netflix account already has one; they had some prognosis about their growth where their expected number of subscribers in the US was a number that was around half of the US's total population. They're gonna lose a lot of their catalog in the next few years since distributors are all trying to make their own Netflixes like what Disney is doing now. People will eventually get sick of having to have seven different subscriptions to watch the films they want and will go back to piracy en masse (this is already happening). The few that are satisfied with just one service are probably the types to only watch capeshit so they'll jump ship to Disney's thing once it's off the ground.

Also it's a FAANG, so you'll probably quit in a couple of years and settle for a comfy job in the Midwest with a similar salary at a place with much lower living expenses.

>> No.15030858

>implying one stays on the same job for more than 2 years before bouncing
are you saying that even after you leave you keep the stock?

>> No.15031636
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They won't be around in a few years publishers are all being eaten up by large corporations who then own the rights to entire franchises, they cannot be hosted on other sites, at the moment it's a free for all of who can get the most. The industry will revert back to tv streaming just online this time, when netflix appeared there were no other competitors but now there are several large corporations much larger who are beating the fuck out of netflix. The industry is unsastaibale.

>> No.15031762

>3 years experience,
Confirmed larp holy shit

>> No.15031774
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>Shilling a company that hires traitors

>> No.15031789
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OP is leftist scum

>> No.15032527

Honestly netflix is going to stay around for a while, but betting we still use a centralized subscription based streaming service in 10 years is not a good idea. Not being able to withdraw for those 10 years is shit

>> No.15032691


>> No.15032712


Extremely underrated post. Disney have decades of experience shaping the media.

OP, what are you going to work on at Netflix? Fellow dev here so don't be afraid to get technical.

>> No.15032729

oi a private company doesnt agree with me

>> No.15032738
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Shaky waters for netflix. A ton of shows are moving out and tv companies are starting to open their own streaming sites.

>> No.15032832


Netflix is one of the most overvalued companies in the world, and the next 12 months are going to be an nightmare for them. Disney is a behemoth which is about to enter the market and pull all their content from every other service.

Whether they succeed is a crap shoot, if they get it right, they're going to dominate world entertainment. If they get it wrong, Netflix still has to deal with having lost all of its content to Disney.

At the end of the day all investing has an element of luck to it, but the risk in taking netflix stock is simply too high. Take the money and investing it in an index tracking SP500 instead.

>> No.15032909

They are unironically market leaders in IT innovation. Netflix will be just fine.

>> No.15032965

>3 years experience

At what? Making tranny documentaries?

>> No.15033420

Do you like watching netflix lately? No, cuz the content is going to shit and competition is popping up left and right. There is a reason they are giving such high premiums on their own shares, in an attempt to spend less of that valuable usd.

>> No.15033433


My thinking is Netflix currently has both content and IT expertise. The content industry has been around, but IT is fairly new. Disney and everyone else does not have IT expertise, nor do they value them. Over the next few years, it will be a race: Can Netflix start pumping out better content faster than Disney can build technical infrastructure? My bet is that Netflix has the advantage here.

How do the videos on the Internet get to your home? Companies like Netflix have to make TONS of deals with ISPs and make hundreds of peering agreements to get the content physically close to you. Otherwise the quality will be bad, or Comcast will rate limit or block the content, or the streaming company would have to pay obscene upload rates. Since Netflix already has been doing this for 20 years, I don't think the other companies can catch up.

The only serious competitor I see is YouTube, which does have the same advantage, but pays squat for content.

>> No.15033478

> Their biggest problem right now is that everyone who has wanted a Netflix account already has one;

Only in the US, not in the rest of the world.

> types to only watch capeshit so they'll jump ship to Disney's thing once it's off the ground.

Sure, but how long before that happens? 3 years? Might as well squeeze them for all they're worth now, and then jump ship to Disney.

> Also it's a FAANG, so you'll probably quit in a couple of years and settle for a comfy job in the Midwest

I plan on retiring by 35. This is how.

>> No.15033509

> OP, what are you going to work on at Netflix? Fellow dev here so don't be afraid to get technical.

Sorry, the job is narrow enough that it would be easy to identify me if I told you. If it matters, most of my team are former Apple employees.

>> No.15033547

>See up higher in the thread: the options can't be sold, only exercised. If' I could sell them I would.
Why can they not be immediately exercised and then sold? American call options can be exercised at any time up to and including expiration, correct?

t. clueless zoomer

>> No.15033603

>They have been dumping money into content like crazy.
I remember thinking this in 2012 back when Netflix lost a lot of their movies and made the decision to create their own content. If they can come out with good memes (Netflix and Chill) then the quality of their product doesn't matter. Three years from now though I predict more bleeding out to other subscriber services. It's not really rocket science - there's going to be far too many sub services for the average pleb to keep up with

>> No.15033646

The Option itself cannot be sold. An option just a contract saying the employee can buy a single stock of netflix for a price. The difference here is that the options granted have no public market.

> Why can they not be immediately exercised and then sold?
The options cost about 40% of the stock price when granted, so it would immediately lose money. Currently that price is $132 for the option to buy NFLX at $330. The option only has value if the price of NFLX goes above $462. My question is does /biz/ think Netflix will go above $462 within the next 10 years?

>> No.15033717
File: 77 KB, 384x384, 1486435839342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My question is does /biz/ think Netflix will go above $462 within the next 10 years?
It absolutely won't. The yield curve inverted a few months ago and Trump's begging the Fed to lower the interest rates so that the music won't stop during his reelection campaign. Recession is coming within the next two years.

>> No.15033725

bear in mind I'm a clueless zoomer so treat my 2 cents as 1 cent

>> No.15033767


>Sending video over the internet

Enough Netflix talent have defected and other companies have practiced this for there to no longer be a technical advantage.

>> No.15033848


Do NOT give away information for free!

Tell them to fuck off back to plebbit/twitter/facebook

I repeat, do NOT give away your data for free!

It goes in all fields.


>> No.15033856

> Enough Netflix talent have defected
To where? As far as I can see, not many other companies pay better.

In 2018 they massively ramped up content production, and the stock price nearly doubled that year. Trumps situation probably means a decent 1 year outlook for all american companies, after which it will crash. If nflx gets up to 462 before the music stops, I can cash out and watch the world burn. I'm hoping the content production pushes it there.

>> No.15033870

>copy paste salary data from other websites findable on google
>record those duplicate data for data mining project

so this is how all the bs figures on the internet are skewed isnt it