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15026600 No.15026600[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

basically we can all agree 99.9% of the shit NPCs do or advocate is wrong
the notion among NPCs is that >masturbation is GREAT AND HEALTHY
I recently broke up with my GF of 2 years and immediately stopped masturbating (10 days ago) and I already feel I have much more energy, more focused when reading articles and just feel better in general
does /biz/ want to tell me they agree with what NPCs say?

>> No.15026633

Look forward to randomly jizzing your pants in public you fapless weirdo cunt

>> No.15026634

if you take enough magnesium and stuff you will be able to fat 10 times a day and work out twice

>> No.15026660

Also dubz checked and faggot confirmed

>> No.15026667

I jerk off frequently and I feel and behave just the same as you because I'm not a lazy fatbody.

Protip: Working out regularly and having a healthy diet and sleep schedule go far further for you than not jerkin your gerkin.

>> No.15026670

said the man who can't control himself

>> No.15026706

im on day 85, its unbelievable how much my life improves in every way. More productive, clearer thoughts, better interactions with people ect... fapping is not natural at all, only kikes want you to think its good for you.

>> No.15026711

Carnivore diet and u can jerk off and have energy

>> No.15026716
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Just BEE yourself, bro.

>> No.15026769

Fapping is a scapegoat for beta incels that need something to blame their sad lives on. You don't drink or do drugs because you have no friends so what else is there? Oh it must be because I touch my pee pee! Idiots

>> No.15026818

The only people that EVER criticize it are brainwashed NPCs that literally aren't capable of even trying it.

>> No.15026850

weak beta has to get his dopamine from pixels on his screen, pathetic

>> No.15026852

Enjoy your prostate cancer

>> No.15026879

Your digits confirm that fapping is cringe and npcpilled

>> No.15026948

>muh prostate cancer

name one legitamate study that confirms this myth. Pro tip: you can't

stop spouting jewish propaganda as facts.

>> No.15026977

Based. Imagine being so gay that you give yourself a handjob.

>> No.15026996

Notice how butthurt pathetic wankers get when nofao is being discussed?
Literally no arguments, and they've never even tried it (they even lack the willpower to do so).
People hate being exposed for being weak, and every mention of nofap does so for subhuman trash. But yeah it works.

Nofap > Cold showers > fasting > keto > magnesium and theanine at night. Do all 5 and you'll be VERY productive.

>> No.15027008

Where the fuck did you get educated? Your uncle's basement? If this happens to you seek medical attention. It's not normal

>> No.15027036

tell me more about fasting. for how long? do you drink much?

>> No.15027038

In my opinion as long as you quit the porn nofap is not necessary. Once you quit porn jerking off becomes a healthy once a week kind of thing. The benefits are amazing.

>> No.15027135

Nofap is the single best selfimprovement tool I ever tried.

>> No.15027176

Cut out porn, not masturbation. Watching porn and not jerking off (essentially edging) doesn't help you. For you to cut out porn however, you'd need to stop browsing this website.

>> No.15027183

I drink a lot of water (probably too much).
Go jogging while fasted every morning and don't eat for the first 8 hours you're awake.
That's all.

>> No.15027192

This is the centrist / cuckservative way.
No porn w light 3 day nofaps is enough for me. Clears the brain perfectly.
Noporn is the bare minimum to break from Jewish chains.

>> No.15027196

watching porn is literally being a cuck

>> No.15027216

>and don't eat for the first 8 hours you're awake.
How does this work if you have to go to work? Let's say you do construction, Amazon warehouse worker, are police man, firefighter, or generally have any career/job that doesn't involve sitting. I can't go without eating in the morning and I'm on the computer all day.

>> No.15027250

Nofap 2 years here.
It doesn't gives you superpowers. But you'll have more energy and more focus.
The 4 first days are the worst, then the first two week, then 2 months, then you are good.

Honestly it's no as hard as it seems.

>> No.15027252

Lmao betas btfo us alphas cum to atoms on a grid

>> No.15027270


I guess for you it would just take some time to get used to that regimen. Also the last guy said 8 hours but 6 is fine too. I usually wake up at 6 so I'm eating by lunch at 12 and feeling great.

>> No.15027274

Imagine what you could do if you didn't jerk off everyday.

>> No.15027296

I don't know much about this, but what do you think about meat only? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tw8Rf9h0-Sk

>> No.15027304

You are onto something with no fap. It's intro level rookie shit though. Come back when you make it to day 210 of FAP NO CUM. 1-2x per day fap to near orgasm then spill no seed and retain your cum. Maddening difficulty. Trust me when I say you emanate enough static power to dominate rooms of people upon your arrival.

>> No.15027329

Intermittent fasting. Its ok tier but more so just a thing for weightloss. It makes cutting fat bearable but i wouldnt make it my lifestyle forever.

>> No.15027357

Uhhh, the same stuff I do already? Look, I understand why a generation of men with no discipline would turn to the nofap movement to get that installment of discipline, but it's really unnecessary. I don't look down on anybody who does do it, but it's not the actually nofap itself that's causing the noticeable life changes in most people, it's the new *mindset* of discipline instilled into their lives.

You can (and I have) get the same mindset by simply disciplining yourself in anything. Going to the gym is one but a very tried and truly tested way for doing that. But beyond that, I'm really trying to tell you the only three things you need to focus on if you want to feel better and perform better is this (in order of importance)

>Proper and correct sleep schedule - not too much, not too little
>Proper and healthy diet, stop eating cheap trash food, eat foods high in proteins and healthy fats, low carbs
>Regular exercise, lifting weights is the best as it turns you solid and boosts your internal health enormously

Nofap is fine and all, but it's nothing compared to the above.

>> No.15027435

Not gonna watch the vid but here's what you need to know:
1. No more than 35% of your calorie intake should be protein. The meats sold in the West are way too lean, You're risking getting kidney stones if you don't add butter (or lard if you insist on only eating meat).
2. Meat is the least nutrient-dense animal food. Offal (organ meat) is better. As a matter of fact liver has the most vitamins and minerals out of any food out there, and the heart has the most antioxidants. That said, when it comes to liver, ORGANIC IS NOT A MEME. It's the only food that you need to buy organic (and thankfully it's still cheap).
3. I'm not sure why people on the carnivore diet don't eat eggs but they're great too. Free range is better although they are noticeably harder to peel.
4. Aged cheese is usually ok unless you have high sports goals. I don't and even though I'm lactose intolerant I still eat cheese because I love it too much.
5. Since I mentioned liver, keep in mind you shouldn't eat it every day because overdosing on vitamins is actually a thing and it can hurt you. It's also bad for pregnant women (too much vitamin A can hurt the fetus).

>> No.15027474

no fap helps if you want to get girls, i nofap and talking to girls is much easier, when fapping i really dont care much, im going to try this with trading, i just setup a pornblock host file and on day 4

>> No.15027492

I'd say try it for 2 weeks - the first one will be really hard. If the second week is also hard for you, then it's probably not good for a physical job.
For a codemonkey like me, it gives me the brain boost of a cup of coffee without actually having to drink one.
And I only do it for the mental energy, I'm probably way too skinny anyway. It's not just for weight loss but I do admit it's not for everyone.

>> No.15027560

It doesn't feel different to normies because they have sex regularly, you seething incel.

>> No.15027644

Fasting > carnivore > x > x > no fap

>> No.15027842

I get up and have coffee, water and cardio + reading. Anything more than 1-2 fasted hours upon waking kills my little transcendent starvation buzz but you are correct in that it exist.

>> No.15027881

Disagree, I have lifted for 8 years (heavy compounds, did starting strength esque routines the whole time). I feel good when I am lifting regularly, I feel better when I am not watching porn consistently, I feel best when I am doing both.

>> No.15027941

You're the weirdo

>> No.15027946

I went no fap for 90 days. Never felt better, I was high energy and high confidence. Then I started jerking off again and I feel like shit. It's real. It's hard. It gives you emotional mood swings. The highs are high and lows are low. Your eyes glow. People will feel your aura of confidence. But it's fucking hard. Everything in today's society is sexual. Once you get back into the fapping habit, it's hard to break. But if you can get through those first few weeks, it's an amazing feeling.

>> No.15027964

Fapping accelerates aging, robs the body of vital nutrient (and lots of it)
Is definitely bad for you

>> No.15027965

K this thread got me interested.
Why don't carnivores eat eggs? I get dairy, but why not eggs?
Any good reason for me to stop eating them?

>> No.15027986

Carvinore stomach biomes are literally fucked to the point of not being able to process anything but dead flesh without extreme pain

>> No.15028015

I don't know, man. Perhaps it's different for everyone with different life experiences then. I will just remark that Since losing weight and continuing to maintain gains, My erections are extremely strong, dick is very turgid. Compared to a few years ago when I was still a slovenly fatbody who made excuses and I would forcefully get off.

I suppose it may also have to do with the fact that I use a pocket pussy as well far more than my hands these days. That may also make the difference.

>> No.15028019
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forget this after waking up bullshit. have at least 16 hours between your meals
but 16 is for pussies
i eat everyother day
today i eat a bunch of fucking food in a 4 hour window
tomorow i will not eat at all just water with some salt in it
search snake diet on youtube

>> No.15028040

also keto is retarded

>> No.15028057
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checked and keked

>> No.15028067
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almost a month in, its so fucking easy, never gonna fap again

>> No.15028087

this actually got to me

>> No.15028116

No fap is as undisciplined as pro fap. All that you are doing is attempting to rehabilitate your dead imagination and inner voice. Years of instant gratification, searching the internet for what you want to see, and having content creators deliver things that blow your mind. This is what has caused your problem.
It turns out that no fap just stresses men out enough that they will start to use their imaginations again and find their monologue because a base enough need is desperately floundering around for something. Anything.
No fap is lazy and pretty faggy, anon. If you understood how your own mind worked you wouldn't have to do some infantile, cross-fit, mantra bullshit. You'd be enough in control of yourself to understand the problem and be able to wake up your mind, understand how and why you are doing it, and not have to give up the simple joy of an occasional fap.
You're weak. You're lazy.
Do right by yourself and wake yourself up in a more comprehensive way.

>> No.15028138

I've gone 2 weeks without cumming. its fucking retarded. I couldn't think about anything but pussy from morning until night.
I earn at least 5x what you earn, I have a hot gf I fuck 7-8 times per week, and yes, I beat off nearly every day that I don't get laid, because I'm not a low test little cuck like you.

>> No.15028141

ever notice how much fapping is promoted in movies?
like on "something about mary" where the retard says to fap before a date, lmfao

yeah, nofap for me

>> No.15028169
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>Hello my fellow free thinkers

>> No.15028192

Fapping was literally ruining my life. I’ve been at no fap for 7+ years, always relapse but nothing like it was in my hey day. I went from almost losing my mind to actually appreciating life itself. If you need a figure to believe in when it comes to you thinking things will ever get better, take my word for it. Fapping excessively to porn will ruin your life and everything around it. That joyless feeling was the fucking worst thing. Only thing I changed was not fapping. My head changed so much. I still have a lil work to do but I’m almost out. I enjoy boring things now. Feels good. when you quit, it will get worse before it gets better. Stay off for atleast 6 months. Godspeed.

>> No.15028247

I was hanging out with my brother yesterday, he sometimes throws on some songs we would listen to when we were younger. He puts on an Aaliyah song and the autoplay goes for a few songs. The song "Rock the boat" comes on and I notice the lyrics are straight up telling guys to jack of in a sensual woman's voice
>Rock the boat, jerk it baby stroke it baby
Fucking kike psyop guaranteed. These people want you dead, want your family and your race wiped out. Fucking evil shit. Stop jacking off anons! Gaining control of your impulses is the biggest benefit of nofap IMO because you realize you can do the same with the other impulses as well.

>> No.15028280

Cope harder. There is nothing wrong with no fap. Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean those that do are faggots.

>> No.15028718
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>no fap

>> No.15028724
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>order pic related for $100+$75s/h
>...but package gets held up by customs, sent back to china, have to talk to company to get order resent
>do not care much cuz have short-term gf and smashing random thots
>decide to change things up
>decide to go across the country for a job opportunity and take nofap challenge
>been on nofap since getting handjob from jewish chick the day we met exiting the subway on my way to a different date which cancelled before moving across the country
>mini sex doll finally arrived at old apartment
>old roommate ships unopened box across country to me
>leave box unopened
>le schroedinger's sex doll meme
>time goes on
>feeling great
>meet girls but don't try to fuck them
>balls ache thinking about one of them
>getting boners and dripping pre-cum
>day one hundred of nofap
>go to bed
>decide to finally open unopened box containing pic related
>squeeze milkers & brapper
>cum in condom before even trying to put it inside her
>pass out
>wake up next morning
>play with her for hours
>hang her upside down from her ankles with her wrists tied behind her back
>jerk off into ziplock bag containing leftover movie theater popcorn from godzilla kotm
>still have not taken her virginity
>her pseudovagina isn't even open yet
>keep thinking about gynoid
>just want to play with her more
>have other work to do
>no negative symptoms from nofap then fapping other than slight itch inside eurethra while ejaculating due to months of not cumming
>plan to play with her again tonight

>> No.15028752

>this is the best retort cumbrains can come up with

>> No.15028771

Nigga actually bought a fucking sex doll!! HAHAHA fucking incel, have sex

>> No.15029044

Can cofirm that fasting is fucking great been doing it without wanting to because of work and I feel like 150% with more energy, the carb jew is your enemy biz.

>> No.15029092

youre 42 arent you

>> No.15029157

how did you know?

>> No.15029210

based and alphapilled

>> No.15029243

Watch this and thank me later

>> No.15029379

Dude controlling your sex drive 100% has amazing benefits equal to all points on you list. Stop trying to act all high and mighty like you are above all other men. No it’s not a magic cure all to life but it is another game changer of a tool to have in your life.

>> No.15029454

Oh aren’t you so superior haha. Here to criticize but offers no actual alternatives to “wake yourself up”. Why don’t you actually try and help? Would you call a blind man faggy because he can’t see as well as you? Not everyone has a 150 iq like you bud. Help

>> No.15029522

nofap is bullshit.

use it or lose it, chump. Nofap only applies to utter freaks who are fapping 5 times per day.

Ideal frequency of busting a nut is like every other day or every day if you're healthy (hint: you're not)

>> No.15029604

>Ideal frequency of busting a nut is like every other day or every day if you're healthy
No it isn't.

>> No.15029621
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This guy gets it. You gotta FAP NO CUM until those nuts are nuclear. Until you start seeing stars and grunting involuntarily when you stroke. Take lecithin and pygeum supplements, bring yourself to the brink multiple times, until every fiber of your id tells you to erupt like the Yellowstone caldera... Then don't. Put it away. Feed the beast but keep it chained.

NO FAP is just a training wheel bunny slope for people whose will isn't strong enough yet for full FAP NO CUM. But once you've tasted the power of edging a single load for months, you never go back.