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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15015394 No.15015394 [Reply] [Original]

I can’t think of a better business than being a general contractor. You can have limited knowledge in an array of skills, sub out all of the work, and take home most of the money. What are your small business ideas?

>> No.15015446

I am one this is far less easy than you think

>> No.15015850

What are some of your challenges?
How do you advertise?
What percentage of your clients are gained through word of mouth vs online or advertisement?
Do you do any of the work?

>> No.15016433
File: 52 KB, 554x400, F904AD82-908A-41D9-86F3-B7CFE7FE4160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a web design agency and outsource my work to Pajeets and pay them pennies

>> No.15016453

Yeah being a GC contractor is piss easy. I was one before I opened a cabinet shop.

The only problem with being a GC is getting the right customer. Some customers will Jew your time and haggle until you make $30/hr. Some customers, it will be $120/hr and they'll even refer you to their friends.

Only way I'd go back to being a GC is if I wanted to become a custom homebuilder. You can make $200-300K+ in less than a year if you can find the right customer, and thats if you're doing one house at a time.

>> No.15016476

this is why i will GC for my own home
>paying someone $50k to call subcontractors
although maybe after I build my own home I'll use that to GC myself? if the markets stupid take advantage of it I guess

>> No.15016791

How did you get your initial costumers?

>> No.15016807

Nearly every contractor has been a middle aged white jackass with a crude sense of humor and a drinking problem.

>> No.15016908

Muh marketing

>> No.15016921

How did you get started?

>> No.15016950

I do YCH work for furry porn I can bring in 3k USD a month sitting at home working 5 hours a day. Basically this is all it is a pre planned YCH I just add some character features and I can rake in 30-100 bucks per YCH with about 30 minutes to 2 hours of work.

>> No.15017149

Details pls. Really would appreciate it.