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15005766 No.15005766 [Reply] [Original]

How much action is there honestly in this job? So sick of being a cubiclecuck, can if there are any plods how many car and foot chases do you get in a month?

>> No.15005799

UK police are a joke
they are unarmed and cant really do shit

>> No.15005815

Why the fuck would they need guns?

It isn't mad max world here where shootouts are a daily occurrence

>> No.15005825

Police are scum. Don't be scum.

>> No.15005834

>being a slave to a state which hates its own citizens
>spending your time arresting people for wrong think or lads who have been falsely accused of abuse from their slags
>supporting the oppression of your friends and family for £25k a year

>> No.15005835
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To shoot niggers and criminals

>> No.15005842

i wouldn't, my brother was a pcso and he spent most of his time visiting and dealing with the lowest level of human scum
going inside their horrendous houses, dealing with domestics, druggies shoplifting etc
he quit after two years and became an bt engineer
there are armed units their guns are in the car

>> No.15005847
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90% paperwork, 5% pretending not to see, 5% trying not to be provoked into something that will get you fired. You won't get accepted anyway.

>> No.15005849

Have a look at Black Mirror episode 2 of season 5 and you know what you will deal with.

>> No.15005859

Can't speak for the UK but I'm a PO in a major american city. How much "action" you see completely depends on your area. In the rich area, you're dealing with petty bullshit all day. In the hood/projects, you'll be involved in foot chases and making arrests daily. There are shootings, stabbings, robberies, burglaries every day in most bad areas of my city. It's not for everyone. At least we make around $120k here. Good benefits. Good pension.

>> No.15005888

I legit don't know what else I want to do.... got like 10btc so money isn't a concern I just want something I'll enjoy

I've saw that lol, think I'd love shit like that each day but I expect it's mostly what the guy above described


>> No.15005924

UK police is the laughing stock of the world

>> No.15005935
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>Cuck Island Hall Monitors

>> No.15006040
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>> No.15006064

The UK police basically dont do anything other than pretend not to be scared and accompany bailiffs to take peoples things

If you want action youd get more working at mcdonalds

>> No.15006094

i can actualyl remember being in london and police litearlly sat on their fshitty fucking blueberry phones scrolling on facebook and having a couble of cheeseburgers, the fat cunt, sets theprime example for theall people - he wasnt on break btw, trust me, we were nearby for like 5 hours

>> No.15006117 [DELETED] 

Ask me anything

>> No.15006233 [DELETED] 

Depends where you work, if you work in a high crime area you will see action whether you like it or not.
Also depends how proactive you are, if you are the sort of person to shy away from conflict or would rather not confront suspicious people in the street then you won't see much action or chases

Only specialist trained police can get into car chases, they usually have at least 9+ years of service minimum. Car chases are very rare.

It's not like in the movies, having to wrestle with dirty people who haven't changed their clothes in three weeks isn't fun

The public don't respect you because you haven't got a gun, if theres a major incident involving multiple armed attackers you're pretty much fucked until armed officers arrive

If you want to genuinely help people with their personal problems, enjoy real life interaction, and can talk to people/diffuse situations/ be a leader it's an ideal job

Its 80% headache, 19% laughter and 1% pure adrenaline you won't get anywhere else

Some specialist units have an easy life and the pay is good once you get a few years in

Also bonus points if you lift weights and look strong and fit

>> No.15006255


Youre a fat faggot mate, if i saw you in plain clothes id knock you right out

>> No.15006265

Fat pussy copper deletes his posts, sais it all

>> No.15006267

People I've arrested have seen me outside of work and never done anything. Lol u mad

>> No.15006274


Trust you only arresting old age pensioners. Fuck off you lump of jelly

>> No.15006277

So basically the bailiffs came and took your stuff..

>> No.15006281


You dont even know the law do you? Pathetic

>> No.15006286


>> No.15006288


rofl there's no way you can command authority over anyone, cuck boy

>> No.15006297


This guy >>15006288 claims he's a copper and neither can he

>> No.15006308

>t. ill mannered person

>> No.15006313


> t. bullied as a child so became a police officer

>> No.15006319

> t. boring parrot NPC

>> No.15006323


Is that the best you can do?

What's your name and badge number

>> No.15006328

PC umadlol 6969

>> No.15006332

Enjoy getting stubbed by some mudslime while unarmed for few pennies a month

>> No.15006334


Scared huh. Is that why youve been deleting your posts?

>> No.15006346

I-im n-not s-scared ;_;

>> No.15006375
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Better get back in your car and go home then

>> No.15006384

t. Jelly

>> No.15007381

>Why the fuck would they need guns?

Hah, you've never been to London have you?

>> No.15007404

I live in sheffield and we have weekly shootings.

>> No.15007433

I would imagine 75% of a Bong cops day is arresting white people for Islamophobia.

>> No.15007443

No you don't you cuck.

>> No.15007738

Yeah, we literally do. Even had 2 on my street.

>> No.15007801

Lol so easy dark skinned children. Why are you so jealous of the police?

>> No.15008257


how many of your colleagues are on the square?