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15005570 No.15005570 [Reply] [Original]

Or are the days of “mooning” over? I stepped away from crypto for over a year but I’d like to get back into it.

>> No.15005573

10k from 1k?

Bitch you wait ten years and you can make a couple million from 1k if you choose wisely.

>> No.15005597

Ok. So what are the best to hodl. I don’t know what has changed in the year I was gone...

>> No.15005600

Ofc it is you low expectation having motherfucker.
LINK is currently $2.xx, and will soon be $100. That's an easy 50x right there.
RSR hasn't pumped yet and will easily do x100 from the current price.
Put $500 in each then forget about crypto for another year. When you come back you will have a lot more than $10k.

>> No.15005605

I made 10 from 0

>> No.15005610

only if gay stops selling 700k blocks

RSR for that kike type wealth

>> No.15005640


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

>> No.15005680

FUD. The 700k dumps have barely even been affecting the price, the BTC dumps have.

>> No.15005730

Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you suggest?

>> No.15005739

This is absolute bullshit
Don't fall for this scam

>> No.15005751

retarded pajeet stay poor. its a solid arb

>> No.15005756

grab a fat stack of RSR you only need 500k-1mil and iron hands to hold for 3-5 years to make it. VIDT if you want quick and easy gains this quarter, but you should sell after the exchange listing. LINK has bottomed out and is at a good price to buy, I expect it will 5x from here by eoy minimum but it's not going to moon to crazy proportions like too many deluded linkies believe it will. REN is a good buy, but I think it's due to correct a bit more and wouldn't recommend buying today. These are all good holds for 2019 but honestly the only 3000x is RSR. You'll need some high time preference for it though, expect to hold for 3 years at the minimum, do some research, read the whitepaper. Peter Thiel invested, he has invested in two projects in this space prior, ETH & EOS. That track record should say enough.

>> No.15005781

hahaah he is still holding link after his master sergey dumps...atleast you loyal i guess

>> No.15005782

The Smart contract address is not the actual truechain token, it's the old one before the mainnet swap

Also the order book is nothing but sells. This should tell you everything you need to know.

If you fall for this it's your own fault.

>> No.15005800

No it isn't
google it yourself
Price on okex is way higher and there arent many working bots on ed. I arbed it earlier
Stay poor desu

>> No.15005812

Are those the bogdonettes?

>> No.15005852

dropped a hard eth thanks

>> No.15005903

Yeah, this is the contract address
>Only 42 addresses
How do you expect me to believe you?

This is the real true address

>> No.15005908

Wish I knew about this a week ago. Still good arbtriage though.

>> No.15005909

Lots of shitcoins have done 10 times gains since December of 2018. It’s not impossible it’s just pretty much gambling if you are looking for a quick buck.

As for top coins I wouldn’t put it out of the realm of possibility, lots of the top coins are more then 10 times there all time high still. If we ever get another bullrun then we could reach a new floor with past ath’s becoming the new floor. That being said it could all go down to zero if all the fud is true about the (((government))) cracking down on crypto. It’s still a gamble in the end. I am a boomer and believe in diversification. Always make sure you have a little bit of other shit just in case if it crashes to nothing so you don’t get absolutely justed. Silver seems like good insurance policy.

>> No.15005951

Thanks anon

>> No.15005963

Kek - it never gets old.

>> No.15005973

Based and honkpilled

>> No.15005985

Loyal to making money. Anyone who thought price would grow that fast without some pullback is as deluded as someone who thinks LINK will never make a new ATH.
This. Fuck off scammers.
Tx hashes or GTFO. But you can't provide the tx hashes because you're a lying scammer.

>> No.15006003


>> No.15006021
File: 17 KB, 1339x172, cunt 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this ever fucking stop? Same replies to the same fucking shit tier Pajeet

At least make an effort Anon

>> No.15006027 [DELETED] 

Cope more bitter newfag pajeet
How mad does it make you? Be honest

>> No.15006029



>> No.15006032

its legit desu i thought that at first

>> No.15006043

I'm already doing this for 45+ large scale exchanges + smaller unheard ones too. Both CEX and DEX. It's surprisingly saturated still, and there are not good arbs unless you're watching it & stressing 24/7. Using automated trading is always NO for arbing, because of symbol mismatches (& other reasons), but still, it's not a long-term solution to riches. Currently, you can find ONE good arb per day if you're hustling. You're honestly better off buying whatever the current shitcoin is on /biz/ and selling it next week, and hopping to the next.

>> No.15007169

Some stuff 100x and 1000X this year alone lmao

>> No.15007278

Who are they watching and what are they thinking, biz?

>> No.15007638

Lol go away for 1 year, more like 5 minimum

>> No.15007679

ZentaChain, but they somehow dont want to Make an IEO before >muh finished mvp
>muh fully signed contracts

>> No.15007790
File: 104 KB, 720x960, 1564271845510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into BRAP, only 22 sats on Altmarkets.

>> No.15007983

It is: REN