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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15005645 No.15005645 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15005655

you mean sergey?

>> No.15005659

Welcome back Satoshi. We have missed you. The world needs you right now.

>> No.15005665

Wow I was actually thinking about buying into your pajeet scam but this shill post made it obvious that it's only a scam

>> No.15005669

Is this the sorta shit people are using to shill their shitcoins now
>Guys I think Satoshi is back and is the guy behind this coin I found, buy now!
Sentinel is going up way too fast, expect some sort of correction as +110% in 24 hours isn't sustainable.

>> No.15005672

jesus these shills are embarrassing
>dvpn with chat and fire storage
unironically kys

>> No.15005679


You forget where you are? Have you lost your sense of humor in the bear market?

>> No.15005688

Thanks Satoshi for minting this token on Skeletors chain. Even Satoshi himself realised technology behind it is way superior to Bitcoin.

>> No.15005707

Cringe. Get this shit off my board.

>> No.15005718

No wonder /biz/ hates themselves so much. Relax anon and learn to laugh again.

>> No.15005728

Satoshi is doing BSV.

nice riding on his name.
Pls fuck off with your 3rd grade shitcoin and shill it somewhere else.

>> No.15005740
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>> No.15005757

I keked

>> No.15006216

>Posts on biz indicates if a project is scam, not the technology
No wonder bizlets always are so angry, they are retarded

>> No.15006251

Insufferable RSR / SENT paid discord shills. Get off our board and go back to your $1 / hour indian jobs.

Buy UND if you want money. No better options.

>> No.15006324

No one wants to buy your Undies dude

>> No.15006337

The real question: Is Satoshi black?

>> No.15006970
File: 1.08 MB, 1191x670, Join_Serve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Satoshi ever comes back he would be into projects like Nerva.

>> No.15007046
File: 56 KB, 680x813, 21-47-49-1563461784955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he's dead. Please do the needful and join him.

>> No.15007281


1/10, terribly unpersuasive. This FUD actually gives more of an insight into it's creator than it does Sentinel: I would guess early 20s, male (bien sur), and possibly 'on the spectrum.' This person is not exactly dumb, but is utterly lacking in the ability to imagine others people's response- that's why I suspect autism. He is also completely without self consciousness, and it has apparently not even crossed his mind that we might see through his rather obvious ruse.

I used to have a cat. He's dead now, but when he was alive he used to like to play the common cat game of hunkering down hiding in a cardboard box, and then springing out to attack my feet when I walked past. Only cats dont have a theory of mind- meaning he was incapable of seeing things from my perspective, and it did not occur to him that no matter how low he lurked in the box, and no matter how much he flattened his ears- I could see him. That cat and OP have much in common.