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15003055 No.15003055 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ Why does anime, video games and overall NEETlikeness no longer satisfy me. It's like every time I find a new hobby my interest just dies down in it. How can I fix this?

>> No.15003064

have sex

>> No.15003066

thats called depression

>> No.15003077

sounds like you took normalfagpill, short attention span and shit, you're fucked fren
buy /biz/ shitcoin of the month

>> No.15003114

your inner child is finally dying

you realize highest scores on a vidya game and 2d animation can't save you from the real world where you lack meaning

better now than being a 40yo gamer/streamer/grifter and having orgasms over the latest star wars trailer

>> No.15003121

Does it get better?

>> No.15003132

pick up playing a sport

or an e-sport

id recommend tennis, soccer, or world of warcraft arena

>> No.15003143

This. I grew tired of it all and started working out and dressing well. Had sex and then my interest is back.

>> No.15003149

the human soul cannot sustain itself on your pathetic NEET lifestyle. it just can't. you will always feel unsatisfied. when you were a kid / teenager it was ok but it's all worn off now because your brain is trying to tell you it's time to actually do something with your life

>> No.15003161

>falling for the neet meme
kek. Enjoy the slow, miserable mental decay. Reminder to all underage zoomers who hope to become parasitic NEETs after they leave high school to develop enriching, useful skills or else you will end up a rotten worthless husk echoing phrases you've heard in 4chan endlessly because you can't come up with anything on your own with what few brain cells you have left that haven't been fried by your degenerate lifestyle.

>> No.15003167

The truth is you suck
Go play a game with a competitive player base and be the best.
You're just lazy and to be honest, shit at vidya.

On the anime front, yeah no good anime has been made in many years.

>> No.15003174

Most channers will outgrow this site and become adults. Playing video games for 20 plus years eventually becomes old and you're going to want more meaningful human connections otherwise you will just become depressed and suicidal more and more. From my experience...becoming an adult isn't easy but if you put in the work you will get rewarded eventually. I know the stereotype is being a wage slave but there are many things you can do out there. No one said you have to be an office drone.

>> No.15003182

Autism is an ever changing state of obsession
Im not trying to be a dick its something Im bad with anon

>> No.15003199

hobbies like video games should be around 50% of your life for it to have meaning, allowing you to have the required strength to do something with it; without fine hobbies your life is meaningless because you don't have anything to aspire to, preserve and transmit, the only things that can empower us to do the best contributions during our lifetime

>> No.15003535

> Brough Xbox one over a year ago because had origin Xbox when I was 13
>wanted something to do for fun
> used it a few times since
> just don’t get the same joy out of it
> plus every time I want to use the fucking thing you have to do downloads and updates, what the fuck
> I’m getting old
What the fuck is wrong with me, I literally can’t get enjoyment out of anything useless money is involved now, like gambling and making/losing making is the only thing that gives me enjoyment.
Help me please, I don’t like this

>> No.15003558

I still enjoyed fapping to the most degenerate hentai I could find but the normies took that from me too.

>> No.15003583

*making/losing money

>> No.15003605
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I've always wanted to be that 40 year old fag but now nothing seems to satisfy me.

Its not even that its like everytime I want to be competitive the interest dies down and I no longer want to be. And the more I try to get into Vidya the worse my interest dies down.

I hope not anon I hope not.
I'm 22 years old and currently working a dead end warehouse job
Not only that I find that I am gaining more interest in learning a musical instrument, and writing what the fuck is wrong with me. But every time I try interest dies down again.

>> No.15003619
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i fap to the most degenerate hentai and porn too sometimes anon. My 10 year old horniness never went away and for that I am glad