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File: 27 KB, 418x423, D4EF844F-10AD-4F0A-B9D4-6C4699AAC536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15001335 No.15001335 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone redpill me on this? Is this worth buying? How much to make it? Why is there so little supply circulating?

>> No.15001359

its prelaunch

you still have the chance to get in early, this is like 2010 bitcoin right here

>> No.15001363
File: 124 KB, 755x1131, Sophie RSR 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500K isn't bad. 1m+ to make it.

Supple is not really an issue. Most of it will be burned over the years.

>> No.15001377

Another of the thousands of Shitcoins

>> No.15001381

he key benefit to holding RSR is that it enables participants to profit through arbitrage opportunities whenever the value of RSV is trading above $1.00 on exchanges. When RSV is trading above $1.00 on exchanges, any excess RSV tokens in this pool can be purchased from the Reserve smart contract by RSR holders exclusively for $1.00 worth of RSR. Once the purchase is made, RSR tokens are burned.

For example, say RSV was trading at $1.02. In this scenario, participants could buy $1.00 worth of RSR on an exchange. If there is excess RSV in the Reserve vault, RSR holders could then use the $1.00 worth of RSR to purchase the stablecoin through Reserve’s smart contract. Once in possession of RSV, these token holders could go back to an exchange and sell the RSV at market price, making a profit of two cents per token.

It follows that Prime participants, who acquire the RSR token at the offering price, will be able to maximize the value-capture of these arbitrage opportunities, assuming the price of RSR increases. As RSR is burned the circulating supply of RSR decreases, which would be expected to lead to an increase in the price of RSR, assuming demand for RSR did not also decrease.

>> No.15001402

ZERO development

>> No.15001409

Are there any other shitcoins that both peter theil and coinbase ventures invested in??

>> No.15001419
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Green ID's ITT.

Yup, which is why everyone in pic related invested into RSR kek

>> No.15001436

decentralized central bank

>> No.15001486

Except for the fact that there are 100.billion tokens the project is good is they pull it off.

>> No.15001517

>Except for the fact that there are 100.billion tokens the project is good is they pull it off.
they get burned retard

>> No.15001527


>> No.15001536

So who holds the uncirculating supply? Is the team going to dump on us like link?

>> No.15001544

>Yup, which is why everyone in pic related invested into RSR kek
Means jack shit. Did you see how many prominent VCs invested in Mainframe? Where is it at now? Dead.
Crypto VCs are some of the biggest flippers.

>> No.15001564

It's not stable, it's DEAD. This is what a dead coin looks like.

>> No.15001604

Fair point, and Peter thiel invested into only one other crypto (EOS) and where is it now? #4 on CMC. And it was competing with ethereum. I'll be shilling this but at the end of the day time will tell.

>> No.15001743

I can name more failed Thiel investments than successes.

>> No.15001778

Umm BAT? Do some basic research for your money jesus.

>> No.15001905

Buy 2k now. Have 2MM in 3 years. It’s that simple.

>> No.15002026

If RSR is bought for $.001, and RSV is temporarily at $1.01... how long am I able to sell for? Seems like a headache and something that would be dominated by groups with the architecture to build superfast trading bots

>> No.15002042

Is there any actual statement from Peter Thiel on this? I only see one line in some article from a crypto news website. Is there a Thiel ally who backs that up?

>> No.15002045

Name em

>> No.15002059

They have a whole section on it on the reserve site. You'd think an American Corp would blatantly lie about that? All eyes are on Reserve. They were invited to fucking Davos

>> No.15002095

What estimated dollar value are you basing that on?

>> No.15002369
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>muh investors

>> No.15002605

Fud anons are clearly smarter than Peter Thiel

>> No.15002840


I think it has a good chance of getting to 100 million MC by eoy

>> No.15003710


>> No.15003730

Guys I've literally never been this excited about a crypto before
This is actually it, this is the one, this is the crypto that's going to make a difference. We're literally getting in on the ground floor of a top 5 crypto, this shit is going to flip tether, it's going to flip XRP, it's going to flip the fucking bolivare and the lira
Someone fud me hard on this pls, I'm getting way too excited about this and I'm genuinely thinking of putting all my savings + taking loans to buy as much of this shit right as I possibly can

>> No.15003750
File: 171 KB, 960x1280, photo_2019-07-27_23-29-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone fud me hard on this pls
Young Nevin

>> No.15003762

Anything can fail. Their are definitely roadblocls

>> No.15003881

>Guys I've literally never been this excited about a crypto before
>This is actually it, this is the one, this is the crypto that's going to make a difference. We're literally getting in on the ground floor of a top 5 crypto, this shit is going to flip tether, it's going to flip XRP, it's going to flip the fucking bolivare and the lira
>Someone fud me hard on this pls, I'm getting way too excited about this and I'm genuinely thinking of putting all my savings + taking loans to buy as much of this shit right as I possibly can
it's true bro. i got into btc 2011 and i feel the same way about rsr.. but rsr will get mass adopted.. btc is going to take much much longer to get adopted

>> No.15004309

Bruh RSR is the paradigm shift. Buy in now faggies or live a life of bitch nigga regret

>> No.15004372

>Anything can fail

very wise advice for any project

>> No.15004385

>t. 9M holder

>> No.15004417
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sucks being a poorfag that can only afford 50k

someone reassure me that i can make it

>> No.15004430
File: 248 KB, 680x763, reservechad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you make it with $500,000? The devs have indicated that they will start dumping to suppress the price at $10

>> No.15004440

You will have time. Remover link was under the radar for 2 years, this shit hasn’t even hit reddit.

>> No.15004441

where can i grab some rsr besides idex? not seeing any on uniswap or kyber

>> No.15004458

im hoping i can accumulate another 50-100k before the end of next week but how soon can we expect this to start pumping? i would imagine once the app is released they will start the promotional cycle and that's going to fuck me.

i can get by with $500k, the $10 mark might take a bit to achieve unless we see some crazy adoption rates.

>> No.15004465

Idex or huobi global

>> No.15004470

It's gonna be a long hold. Adamantium hands required. It will absolutely be worth it.

>> No.15004499

>check em 'btc'

im a jew so i dont buy until a new low. im gonna buy 1 million+ RSRs for a grand

>> No.15004526

i hope im ready to do what's necessary anon. we will all be tested.

>> No.15004545

I’m about to drop $10k more. Reserve Ranger reporting in

>> No.15004718


where is this $10 coming from? ive read the whitepaper and have watched a bunch of interviews etc. and never heard this

>> No.15004781
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>it's like early Bitcoin

>> No.15004796

News of Tether imminently imploding and the market looking for another stable coin will explode the price. Very soon.

A double or a triple in price in a single day is very possible considering the target is 50c to $1+

>> No.15004828

There's documentation where they describe the stabilization process, and $10 RSR is the hypothetical price point in their example.

>> No.15004840

>i hope im ready to do what's necessary anon. we will all be tested.
Why are there such low IQ idiots on biz? This SCAMCOIN is DEAD. In one to two years no one will even remember it while you'll still be holding your worthless bags of shit.

Nevin is not the dev. What is he doing that he doesn't have time to check in once in a while and update the community on their progress?

>> No.15005171

Why does he has to keep us informed? We are not investors, we are speculators.

>> No.15005271

How long have you been in crypto? No community= dead coin.

>> No.15005297

They just cancelled an interview because they are currently finishing RSV. They've been working around the clock brainlet.

RSV could come out this week. Who knows.

>> No.15005381

>They just cancelled an interview because they are currently finishing RSV

Doesn't sound right. It's not a one-man show, is it? Nevin couldn't spare a few minutes for an interview that he said yes to WEEKS ago? He's supposed to have a "team" to delegate work to.

Rsv isn't coming out anytime soon. It's not even launching this quarter. The fact that one person cannot spare a few minutes for a brief interview (he was already given the questions in advance) tells me they are nowhere near finished on the app/rsv. If anything, now is the time he should have put himself out there promoting the heck out of it. All these empty talks and AMAs he did last year and in Q1 and Q2 this year were a waste. The bulk of the work and development should have been started last year, now is the time for amas and interviews.

>> No.15005426

>Rsv isn't coming out anytime soon. It's not even launching this quarter.
Damn anon opinions are one thing, lies are another.

You seem to be complaining a lot. Don't invest if you cant take silence. Every signal they've sent in the last week says they are busy AF and near completion.

>> No.15005436 [DELETED] 

Rsv isn't coming out anytime soon. It's not even launching this quarter.

>> No.15005460

>Damn anon opinions are one thing, lies are another.
You are just an idiot noob who believes everything he's told. Wait till they tell you they can't launch this quarter and it's postponed again.

>> No.15005894

RSV is the stablecoin. RSR is not. You obviously don't understand the project enough.
Two things: first, all those trading bots will need to source their RSR from the market, so you will benefit from upwards price pressure.
Second, I'm looking into building a staking service for RSR (something like LinkPool) that will handle all the arb opportunities on your behalf, and effectively pay interest on your deposited RSR.
>Someone fud me hard on this pls, I'm getting way too excited about this and I'm genuinely thinking of putting all my savings + taking loans to buy as much of this shit right as I possibly can
Don't take out loans reservebro. No matter how good the opportunity, the risk is too high. DCA is the way to go.
The only valid "fud" I've heard is the execution risk. If they can't make this work the token will be worthless... but that is true of every project, and at a price of $0.003 that risk is priced in.
It's literally in the whitepaper, search for "$10".
$10 is the price point at which new RSR can be minted to fund new reserve baskets. $10 seems insane now but is inevitable if they manage to make this scale.
Back again, are you? I told you yesterday, calling a coin dead before they launch just makes you look desperate.
You are the only person who fuds this, and your arguments are always weak. Every time I slap down another one of your attempts I become more bullish. I'm going to end up doubling my RSR stack because of you.

>> No.15006149

Saving world economies or doing an interview w/ a shit tuber. I believe this is called priorities.

>> No.15006167

ive got an investor willing to back us on a project like this anon; hit me up alt.c3-bood4ifn@yopmail.com

>> No.15006198
File: 146 KB, 2509x1089, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captain reporting in. Only rush would be to get it before idex goes KYC if that is important to you.

Roadmap is attached

>> No.15006208

Probably longer than you. All shitcoins have had a community, basically pajeets asking wen moon why dump. Legit projects dont give a fuck about them, they care about themselves and their goal, as they should. Now fuck off already.

>> No.15006272

Wow, what an organic thread, definitely not the work of paid Discord shills.

Any non-brainlets reading this : Buy RFR instead.

>> No.15006304

OP here. Did you actually just suggest people buy a shitcoin meant to be used withe a zoomer game? In a reserve thread?

>> No.15006314

Is this the new shilling technique? Interrupt an actual organic thread with a "buy my shitcoin" one-liner? Go away, we're having a discussion about something of value here.

>> No.15006567

RSR it is not intended to moon, price will definetivey go up but not that much.

>> No.15006655

Already pumped on initial listing and that was courtesy of huobi. It's been a deadcoin since and will dump to $0.0001 to never recover again when they delay the app/rsv launch.

>> No.15006829

Checked, but you're still lying/wrong as usual: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/reserve-rights/
Price has hovered between $0.002 and $0.004 since launch.
>to never recover again when they delay the app/rsv launch.
Baseless prediction from your crystal ball. You think it will fail. Others think it will succeed. Let's set our positions in the market accordingly we'll find out who is right over the next two years.
Thanks anon. I don't need much funding for this. I'm a dev so the main cost will be smart contract audits. I could follow LinkPool's model and sell a token which grants access to the staking pool to raise funds for audits.

>> No.15006846

Isn't the fullybdiluted market cap for this like half a billion? I'd stay away from this desu

>> No.15006849

read the whitepaper and you will realise that its just a tokenized basket of assets and the fact that they expect to have it 100% backed by assets is stupid
why would anyone buy this coin?

>> No.15006912

>the fact that they expect to have it 100% backed by assets is stupid
If you want a stablecoin which is not fully collateralized feel free to use Tether. Why do you think 100% backed is stupid?
>why would anyone buy this coin?
It should be obvious after reading the white paper.
>does the world need a decentralized, scalable, reliable stablecoin?
>does Reserve have the best stablecoin model?
>if Reserve is adopted, will RSR gain significant value?
The answer to all of those questions is yes. The only question that remains is can the team successfully execute on their plan. Based on their investors we can be relatively confident it is not a straight-up scam. We also know that Peter Thiel is not looking for a 10x, so some investors clearly think that >1000x are possible. The team have locked >50% of tokens in the slow wallet so they can't dump on us.
So the question becomes, why would anyone not buy this coin? I've yet to see a single good answer in this thread.

>> No.15006996

Holy mother of baste! Will be keeping an eye for your arb pool anon.

>> No.15007113

Where do you guys buy RSV? IDEX?

>> No.15007142

$10 EOY!! We all in this together and we all will make it.

>> No.15007159

Fucking idiot and low IQ. Go buy USDT and hold it for your life.

>> No.15007808

They are recently listed in exchange. People started noticing it and started investing it. Only smart money until it goes to mainstream. Link Marines are the one early investors in this and you should know Marines are best and smart community in this crypto space.

>> No.15007886

Why does the world need RSR?
Libra will swallow it.

>> No.15008421

Congress will swallow Libra before Libra can swallow a dick.

>> No.15008466

> make a faceberg account
> verify your phone with SMS
> please wait 14 days for us to verify your account
> fees for every transaction
> the recipent must have a verified facebook account and Libra wallet to receive funds. please send them this link.
> you have attempted to buy something that we don't like, or send payment to someone we don't like, your account and funds are frozen for review.

The entire point of crypto currency is to avoid this jewery.

>> No.15008482
File: 45 KB, 383x421, 1564130685318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically this

>> No.15008817

So basically they back their stable coin with collateral tokens which value is equal or greater then the stable coins there are.

But when those depreciate too much they just fucking mint RSR to buy up their stable coin or collateral tokens to move the peg up? But only if it is over 10$ (at 5.3.4 and 4.5 of the whitpaper )

Why only at 10$ and why would you hold RSR?

I couldn't find any way of earning anything from holding from their paper. But maybe im dyslexic.

>> No.15008940

>Whenever the market price of Reserve is above its target price plus a stability spread, the Reserve Manager will auction Reserve tokens to lower the token supply and thereby lower the price. The auctions work differently depending on whether or not there is an excess pool of Reserve tokens. If this excess pool exists, then the Reserve Manager will sell Reserve tokens from that pool for $1 worth of Reserve Rights tokens each, allowing Rights holders to perform an arbitrage loop that brings the price back down to $1.
You earn by burning RSR to buy RSV for use in arbitrage.

>> No.15009138


>> No.15009335
File: 87 KB, 320x415, PhotoEditor_20190728_032004430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 posts by this ID

Why another stablecoin?


>> No.15009348

Okay that makes more sense but it doesn't explicitly say it burns it. But i guess that doesn't matter if they can mint RSR anyway.

So basically RSR goes up as long as the entity managing the reserves maintains the peg but as soon as they fuck up all RSR holders are fucked too.

But they plan on creating a mechanism for governance of RSR holders later im guessing some dao and that would be a lot less trusted.

But then it is pretty much tether with a dao which actually kinda works and could result in stable coin with a bigger mcap then dai. But of course dai is less dependable of its dao.

Also why not take a more pragmatic route in using eth or other decentralised currencies instead of tokenized real-world assets at launch.

And why does the RSR price needs to be $10?

Probably too small brained but i dont get why the protocol is set up they way it is described in the paper.

>> No.15009557

>But then it is pretty much tether with a dao
Not really. The issue with tether is that its reserves can not be verified. Everyone will be able to see that Reserve is solvent without having to trust anyone
>of course dai is less dependable of its dao.
Multi-collateral dai will the same governance issues wrt basket selection/stability
>Also why not take a more pragmatic route in using eth or other decentralised currencies instead of tokenized real-world assets at launch.
They are starting with a basket of other USD-pegged stablecoins for this reason. Tokenized assets come later.
>And why does the RSR price needs to be $10?
That is the point at which new RSR will be minted to increase the assets held by the Vault, allowing it to mint more RSV.
The tokenomics are really interesting. Assuming RSV is used, RSR supply will contract as it is burned, increasing the price. Once it hits $10 the supply of both RSR and RSV will be increased, organically scaling up the system to meet demand. The price of RSR will be pushed below $10 and the cycle will repeat.
>Probably too small brained but i dont get why the protocol is set up they way it is described in the paper.
It's a complex system, there's a lot to take in. This made it all click for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75Lr9lFEooM&t=1330s

>> No.15009608

They say “Um” so much it’s so fucking annoying to listen to these faggots.

>> No.15009630

why tf at 10 bucks tho

>> No.15009681

I don't know. I think it's an arbitrary point that is far enough away it won't be hit without significant usage.

>> No.15009779

To give a little context how many different types of currencies do we have in the world. Only USD?
Plus the ethos of decentralized currency is any day better than a centralized consortium of companies that have a proven record of being profit hungry, selling your data, getting hacked and so damn unethical.
I know what currency I'd support and thank god if we have the freedom to choose.

>> No.15010347

I guess ill take a deeper dive with vid.

But what i remain sceptical about is the level of centralization at launch and in its assets. As of now i don't think its worth it.

>Multi-collateral dai will the same governance issues wrt basket selection/stability

Yes they also have to select their assets but they dont have to manage a portfolio. But they do have to manage the dai savings rate and collaterall ratio.
The dai savings rate will be used to remain stable on the short term price swings. But the backing is automatically being taken care of by the collateral.

From what i read (at 5.3.3 ) the future dao would need to rebalance and maintain a portfolio of the backing asset.

>> No.15010395

It's fucking dead you cunts. Team fucking exit scammed

>> No.15010502

Yup, Peter Thiel, Coinbase and the sec commission got fooled - but not 10-post anon!