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15000924 No.15000924 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15000941

Unironically yes, if you can afford them and are mature enough to take care of them.

>> No.15000977
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no bunnies are cuter and cheaper

>> No.15000991


>> No.15001013

Dogs die bro. You get attached to them and they die. When they get old it's sad and you have to put them down. Very rarely will a dog just pass peacefully. If it's not old age then it will be some horrible shit like cancer or god forbid they get hit by a car or something.

>> No.15001029
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Literally this post

>> No.15001041
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what's the ROI?

what about kittens?

>> No.15001054

I want a puppy. I'm gonna get either Rottweiler, a Boxer or a Newfoundland. Probably will go for the Rottie.

>> No.15001143


>> No.15001220

Worth it dogs always make life better if you raise them well

>> No.15001256

Dogs are expensive, dirty, pathetic wastes of time, they afe dangerous and kill people all the time and shit eveywhere. And lets not forget the fucking barking at everything at 3 am.

I personally would kill all dogs if i could.

>> No.15001433

maybe train it you utter moron

>> No.15001481

Idk. I mean dachshunds are ok, they are probably the best tasting imo. Great Danes are horrible. The meat is waaaaay too tough. Border collies taste more like pork than any others.

>> No.15001515
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>> No.15001537

building a postive healthy relaionship with a smart dog is one of the greatest things a human can cherish in this world

i didnt get my first puppy till i was 27.

im 29 now. he is my frein

he even protects my gf when i raise my arm at her. (trained him to do it)

>> No.15001656

dog breeders can sell puppies for loads, some of these shitty little rat things can go for upwards of 1k
my brothers gf made him buy two dashunds for £1200 or something stupid

>> No.15001665


>> No.15001683
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>> No.15001713

Bunnies won't snuggle, awful ROI
ROI on a dog (or some cats) is phenomenal, esp if from a SPCA or rescue. You feel phenomenal and get the purest form of love in the world. If you believe yourself to be the best thing to invest in, get a dog.

>> No.15001721

I want 2 more dogs, they are good company.

>> No.15001843

puppies are pretty cool, they grow up into dogs tho. And dogs are pretty fucking stupid. Cats are fucking great, esp if you had since kitten. BUNNIES are a shitting (literally) waste of fuck. People who keep 'bunnies; indoors deserve to be forcefully grass fed and used as dogfood, piece by piece. Stupid cunts

>> No.15001851
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wrong. bunnies are very cuddly

>> No.15001877

If that's your bun (doubtful), congrats, but I've known a lot of bunnies and literally none snuggled.

>> No.15001881

Nah, but they cute asf. You do it because it makes you happy.

>> No.15001916
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they are very shy and get scared easily so it takes some time to feel comfortable around you

>> No.15001943

>carefully placed towel to stop it shitting ALL OVER YOU
they shouldn't be indoors ffs. They want to run about the hills, dig holes and sheeeit. That is just cruel stupidity, and the poor fuckers try and make the best of it

>> No.15001965

bunnies can be litter trained like a cat so they dont shit all over you. its cruel only if you leave them in a cage

>> No.15002256

they are mans best friend, while you are a faggot

>> No.15002303

I have a 11 week old. It's a massive pain in the ass.

>> No.15002310

>to take care of them
That's not an investment, that's a liability.

>> No.15002345

Someday I will have an Old English Sheepdog, a Maine Coon and some Angora rabbits. I will have all the fluff.

>> No.15002391

buying a dog/puppy is a direct money to happiness pairing
buy a good breed from someone who knows what they're doing
good starting dogs: golden, labs, poodles (normal medium sized ones)

>> No.15002472

There are few things that in life thst are worth doing despite knowing well beforehand you will lose money, owning a dog is one of the best of them.

>> No.15002607

They eat their babies when stressed and are very dumb. Get a puppy instead