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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 141 KB, 1000x1000, chainlink-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15000242 No.15000242 [Reply] [Original]

how much passive income will my 1,000,000 link pay? trying to decide what my selling schedule should be if at all.

>> No.15000335


-t. sub-1k LINKlet

>> No.15000360


>> No.15000388

4k linklet here, you really dont have much time left anon

>> No.15000913

I myself, am NEVER FUCKING SELLING! I already tossed the recovery phrase for the ledger, I had my kid push random buttons on it too set the pin so no one would ever know, and then put the fucking thing in the microwave (the ledger, not the kid).
No one will EVER get their hands on my link!!

>> No.15000950

I made a paper wallet, loaded it with my link, poured a tall glass of King Cobra and sat on the stoop. I then used the wallet the to light my black and mild.
Bix nood mafa!
Who else /neversell/?

>> No.15001316


>> No.15001384

tell me about it.
I am doing my best, anon!

>> No.15001408


another paid shill thread by the chainlink team

t. courteous of sirgay and his infinite genius to market to dumbass bizraeli neets

>> No.15001413


can we get some fucking jannies on this board to clean up at least one of the fifteen fucking threads on this canadian scam?

or were they bribed too?

>> No.15001420

How do I get recruited for this? Ive been doing it for free

>> No.15001424
File: 51 KB, 1158x649, ccccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15001438

Hes just protecting , he probably shills some shitcoins for 1 rupee per post

>> No.15001461
File: 152 KB, 1365x2048, 1558711325431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies please, we need to enforce a Chainlink General around here.

>> No.15001469

FUck off ranjeesh

>> No.15001528

dis nigga bought at 4.50 lol

>> No.15001548


Please, seriously jannies. Clean this mess up.


fuck off and die with your canadian scam faggots

>> No.15001565


Give me an email. We'll talk.


I do it for free because we hate what you faggots have done to this board.

You've successfully participated in an exit scam to make some fat russian low-life cut-throat wealthy at the cost of dignity and money of many NEETs. Burn in hell.

>> No.15001566

Thatd do

>jannies please help, my shitcoin scam threads keep dying

>> No.15001631

oh, can you do that with my link?

>> No.15001658


>> No.15001710

Ive been wondering about the same thing for my 5 million links

>> No.15001739

But how would we decide who chainlink general is? Would it mean a thing if there's no lesser officers? Don't bring jannys in for this, their incompetent and will only ruin a solid idea.

>> No.15001823
File: 46 KB, 1128x620, 898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure fren

>> No.15001833

/biz/ is a Chainlink board don't let the name business and finance fool you, it should be Bigmacs and Oracles (jannies please change it).

>> No.15001850

ok, I'll bite

>> No.15001859

Thank you, fellow linkmarine!

>> No.15002173

Literally nothing. Link will be worth 1 satoshi by the end of the year. You are all falling for a literal meme pushed by nobodies and backed by absolute horseshit. There is absolutely no way in a million years that chainlink has any form of long term real world use potential. It's literally the worst of the worst. Enjoy your bags anon

>> No.15002820

why are nolinkers always so angry

>> No.15002864

Yet everyone is partnering with them and even Google tweeted about them and made an article about them. Is this the biggest scam of the decade?