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14998242 No.14998242 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so few women become entrepreneurs?

>> No.14998253

simply because of their ''choices'' they make in life...

>> No.14998254

By nature, women are risk averse.

>> No.14998267

because they dont have to
pic is not a woman

>> No.14998292
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>> No.14998346

Because women or just females in general have wombs, they are the limiting factor when it comes to sexual reproduction. This means that if we have 5 women in a tribe, and 1 woman decides to do some risky thing and dies, you go from having 5 kids every 9 months to 4 kids every 9 months. Men are much more disposable. If a man does a risky thing, but dies. You can continue to have 5 kids every 9 months.

>> No.14998355

Which means that males are more likely to be risk takers, a trait that is required in order to be an entrepreneur.

>> No.14998362

Circular logic

>> No.14998385

Because most women are useless.

Have you ever spoken to one about politics? Business? Investment? Philosophy? Women have never told me anything I did not know. Women are for making babies and that's it.
They're herd animals and no more.
They don't need to "make it". They hunt down the men who have made it. You don't need brains when you got a vagina.

>> No.14999184

have sex incel

>> No.14999219

Ask your father about women

>> No.14999364

well she was just kind of crazy

>> No.14999387

why can't you fucking answer the question?

Women are LITERALLY more suited for raising kids than they are for using their brains for logic and business building.

Anyone with literally any basic awareness of the world can understand this naturally occurring sequence and direction of life.

Men dominate, women submit. That doesn't mean men are "better" than women, you fucking faggot. We're all equal by being different.

Faggots*, feminists, and victimhood whores are all generally women.

>> No.14999432

being born a woman is sort of like being born rich. you already have what most other people have to slave for so why bother trying to do literally anything but have fun?

>> No.14999458

Because of the way Venture Capital works. The old boy club nature means that you are 8x more likely to get capital if you have a warm referral, many women don't.

* Male associate at a VC firm

>> No.14999543


>> No.14999558

Don't you just love it how people just contradict what you say without even explaining why they disagree? This isn't twitter.

>> No.14999608
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because they all inevitably fail

pic rel8

>> No.14999646

Because they rely on their vaginas to get ahead. That stops working after a certain point.

Even if women raise a few million from seething cucks, they inevitably fail to grow into billion dollar companies.

It's actually harder for males to raise money, but they are just more persistent and have more valuable skillsets, so they easily overcome that.

>> No.14999668
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Too much effort when there are easier ways to acquire what you want. Also less % of autism.

>> No.14999700

Rollie pollie

>> No.14999754
File: 141 KB, 1300x976, Prostitute-strada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost all women are entrepreneurs

>> No.14999769

Women don't in to risk + creativity. The concept of taking a theory you have dreamed up and taking a risk to realize the goal of the theory is foreign to the majority of them.

>> No.14999777
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>> No.14999794

Being a whore is not entrepreneurial. Now, organize the local whores and run a brothel (unofficial if locally illegal), that's a business.

>> No.14999871

having started a company and having applied to many different VCs. I'm pretty sure they don't give a fuck about the idea. No matter how good the idea is. All about who you know.

Other than that they just hollow holding companies that move money to launder it around..

>> No.14999928

Ugly women have no access to successful men tho

>> No.14999962


>> No.14999974
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>> No.14999988

actually health fit women are pretty banging not rediculously ugly but most women just need to workout and stop eating shit and they become very fuckable. same for men..

>> No.15000059

They entrepreneur themselves a paypig, or, preferably, multiples thereof. One fucking job in life, done

>> No.15000080

I guess it depends on your definition of entrepreneur. When I first saw this thread I thought merely being self employed would count, therefore whores without male pimps would be entrepreneurs. If this is the case then prostitution and wimen who clean others houses, and other such under the table jobs would not be accounted for. In which case women would be just as entrepreneurial as men. And being a whore has risks so it's not like they're risk averse, they're just more ancap. Maybe?

>> No.15000099

I'm not trannypilled like alex jones but OPs pic is looking a lot better as a girl

>> No.15000387

>why can't you fucking answer the question?
Because they don't have a decent response. Claiming that they are undesirable to women is the ultimate critique.