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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14996396 No.14996396 [Reply] [Original]

Was I wrong? this faggot is taxing people and thinking it’s ok. Should I say $1450 and rob him for it?

>> No.14996496

What's with all the mining lately?

>> No.14996776

Ahahahaha 10/10

Why're you buying a fagbook tho?

>> No.14996843

Yes, grow the fuck up.
>too expensive, not interested
Thats what you say in that situation and fuck off to buy from someone else. There is no reason to be mean to people and you are never going to make it with this mindset.
Being a dick only works after you make it, and even then is not logical. You gain nothing from it.

>> No.14996870

You're pathetic.

>> No.14996879

lmao at this moneylet getting angry because he's too poor to get what he wants

>> No.14996880

Was it autism?

>> No.14996887

what a little faggot you are

>> No.14996893

he's right tho

>> No.14996902

Imagine not knowing about the jews in 2019 hahaha

>> No.14996905

if you genuinely think someone stands to gain nothing from virtually gaslighting a supplier in order to lower the asking price
you should kill yourself

>> No.14996908

I'm sick of jews calling every little thing that points to their jewishness as anti-semitism. He was being a kike and you called him on it. Don't rob him, though. Based OP.

>> No.14996912

What’s the fair market value for this and what’s the price brand new? That should answer your question

>> No.14996917

Unironically kys OP

>> No.14996925

wrong? yes

funny? definitely.

selling shit online and especially locally, you must not have feelings. just like in markets. you set a price/goal and stick to it.

i bet you $1000 had you not responded after he said "sorry too low" he would have texted you anywhere from an hour to a day later asking you to buy it for $1000.

i always sell my old laptops when i buy new ones so i've done this MANY times.

>> No.14996935

Shit actually lasts, unlike whatever chink plastic laptop you use.

>> No.14996953
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Lmao OP comes off as a 85 IQ "muh joos" neo nazi poorfag.

>> No.14996955

yes because the other dude is clearly going to lower the price because some sperg called him shekelburg, fucking dumb cunt

>> No.14996958

I would have said yes to your $1000 offer at the police station and then don't show up. Then when you text "were r u faggot" say I'll be there in 15 minutes.

>> No.14996962


>> No.14996983
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>buying apple products
>buying USED apple products

>> No.14997008

Dell XPS 15 dipshit... 10x better than any fagbook out right now lmao

>> No.14997012

>There is no reason to be mean to people

Kill yourself cuck bitch

>> No.14997021

easy there tough guy

>> No.14997032

Lol you're too poor to buy a new MacBook no wonder you're a bitter racist

>> No.14997059 [DELETED] 
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I thought it was funny. Idk if these other faggots are beng ironic or not.

>> No.14997274

No, Im just not underage. Once mommy kicks you out for being eternal neetie loser you will understand why your idea of """alpha""" doesnt work in real life.

>> No.14997419

lol you sound like a faggot. i'd sooner destroy the product than sell to a dirty disgusting faggot like yourself anon.

>> No.14997473

Both of you are niggers

>> No.14997485

Both of you are complete fags

>> No.14997512

Like OP can rob anyone.Haha you crack me up bro.

>> No.14997523
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Based OP dabbing on the faggot jews

>> No.14997526

Based op, his jewdar was spot. 'I've been found out!'

>> No.14997551

Wahhhh anti-semitism wahhh. Try not pricing your piece of shit fagbook at new prices and you won’t get called a kike, simple as that.

>> No.14997614
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>> No.14997628

Why do you wish him best in life? Tell him to fuck off

>> No.14997645

I can picture that stupid fucking jew kvetching that one of the goyim found him out.

>> No.14997657

These faggots do not deserve access to the free movement and trade of goods.

>> No.14997669

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.14997679

Reminder that the Holocaust didn't happen

>> No.14997684

This isnt about tolerance you lukewarm iq moron. You literally waste your own time and energy (in your case worthless anyway) calling out someone who gives 0 fucks about your life just because you dont like something. If you dont like it, walk away, thats what emotionally mature people do.
By the way, new fagbooks cost significantly more than 1,4k in most configurations, so OP issue most likely comes from the fact that he is tech illiterate nigger rather than seller jacking prices.

>> No.14997700

there's a lot of try hard cucks in here who think they'd say half this shit in person. you're all dumb as fuck. I bet you all look like cat piss and do ghetto ass trailer park shit all day.

>> No.14997706

Yikes didn’t know people actually believed this

>> No.14997707

Faggots like >>14996887 should be physically removed from a free society, or so to speak.

>> No.14997732

very subtle

>> No.14997747


this dude is honestly so obsessed with fucking sheeple products he's trying to buy a used one and is mad at other people pricing THEIR OWN goods. LMAO imagine being this deluded. This dude is a follower among followers. Read some edgy jokes about making fun of jews and now he thinks he's cool.

4chan has the most narrow minded follower attitude I've ever seen, and I'm on reddit a lot.

>> No.14997764

>Shit actually lasts
>Oh fuck i gotta buy another one but it should also last as well.

>> No.14997769

Someone should sell me 1 BTC for 10 cents. That's what it's really worth, it's random digits on the computer lmao u fukken nerd, it's pretty jew-esque to charge more. That's also why I buy high and sell low because it's only fair and I don't want anyone to think I want to make profit or cut my losses reasonably.

>> No.14997780

quit projecting

>> No.14997799

>look up semetics
>anything that is dark-brown skinned but not yet considered heavily melanated ( kemites = noir-skinned )
>technically latinos and philipinos are semites
>encompasses anything with the term ''ites'' which denotes the hues of maximal potential for melanization of the dermal layer

When the A.I. starts really taking over, a side-effect will be absolute truth and properly arbitrated exchanges without falsified emotion-biased information.

>> No.14997801



Is he pointing a gun at you? Can you walk away? Sounds like you just want his property for nothing.

>> No.14997807

>modern gas furnaces take 2 hours to cremate someone
>germans magically did 15min with coal ovens, and that's spread over 6 years
>use delousing agent in an unsealed room

>> No.14997813

It's ok to be 'an alpha' with women though, right? I honestly can't stand some of them when they are constantly talking about themselves. If it's a woman I am very comfortable with I like to slap them and if it's a woman I don't know I either laugh in their faces or just insult them.

>> No.14997854


Mommy issues

>> No.14997896

Well it was a legit question tbf. I don't knock my Mother about but every time my sisters say a sentence with 'me' 'my' or 'I' they get one (it sounds bad but I am pig fucking sick of their narcissism) and the girls at work that are in my circle get lighter slaps too if we are out smoking and they are talking about banal shit.

>> No.14997900
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You need to go back
Also you get the gas chamber with goldberg on DOTR

>> No.14998005

Oy vey!

>> No.14998023

oy vey antisemitism
your holocaust fable has like 20 years max shelf life left kikes

>> No.14998054

Lot of easily offended little bitches here lately

>> No.14998065

OP, you were a little shit to insult him. Doesn't really matter what you called him though. The other dude did act like an emotional "get me the manager" type of diva

>> No.14998066


It's practically finished already, nobody cares and rightfully so

>> No.14998079

>actually calling someone shekelburg on normie facebook
what in the fucking world were you expecting? who /actually/ does this? fucking cringe, might as well put up your profile picture wearing a V for Vendetta mask you absolute spergfag

>> No.14998089

>nooooooo muh overton window

>> No.14998097


You're just a faggot. It was perfectly normal to call a tight fisted person Shylock during my boomer father's generation. Get with the times you little sissy

>> No.14998116


>> No.14998176


You were right for calling out shekelberg.

He feels entitled to get more than a reasonable price for a used product.

For any used product, asking more than 50% of the brand new price is not reasonable, and just a sense of entitlement.

>> No.14998189


>> No.14998207

You just described apathy, morom.

>> No.14998222
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>Get with the times
>no one else on the entire face of the earth uses that slang except for us

>> No.14998226

hope you hurled more slurs at him later in the conversation, kike clearly needs knocking off his pedestal.

>> No.14998232

> I have the right to tell others what to value their possessions
You're just a retarded retard. Don't like the price? Don't buy it. If his price is truly absurd for the market, he will inevitably not sell and waste his own time,effort, energy, and ultimately money. You wasting your own time and energy to try to correct what the free market will shows you should be on litterally any other board except /biz.

>> No.14998383


How slow do you type, grampa. That's like a 30 second conversation

>> No.14998393


You're just offended by the "ant semitism" and it's glaringly apparent. Utter nancy

>> No.14998408


Not to mention you are wasting more time than him over trying to correct him. You are an absolute mess

>> No.14998472

based and the only good post in this thread

>> No.14998669
File: 6 KB, 250x203, wtf is wrong with you cucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>revealing your power level
are you retarded?

>> No.14998802

Only a communist thinks a voluntary exchange of goods(or the lack of agreement to exchange such privately owned goods) is taxing.

>> No.14998871

You’re a fucking loser.

>> No.14998889

You are an incel faggot

>> No.14998915

nice larp basement dweller

>> No.14998928

Yikes on both sides

>> No.14998955

do this. Just catfish that jew. Say you will pay 2000. His jewish blood wont let him say know.

>> No.14998957
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Fucking based. Fuck that kike

>> No.14999253

A new shekleberg appears

>> No.14999289

no they don't... they melt after a few years of getting full of dust

>> No.14999292

>gimme for my price
Is this your first time haggling zoomer? Holy entitled cringe

>> No.14999303

Lay off the 4chan you social retard.