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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 293 KB, 1080x1287, Elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14988265 No.14988265 [Reply] [Original]

What's your excuse?

>> No.14988278

wow that coincidence, he doubled his net worth at the same rate he doubled in age

>> No.14988285

i bought LINK

>> No.14988286


>> No.14988302

I'm 19 , but with my 20k LINK stack I'll have more than Elon had at 28.

>> No.14988303
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>> No.14988316

I wasn't born into a rich south african mining family that could fund my financial endeavors, what about you?

>> No.14988318

Bch dumping on me, selling all my link for req, req dumping on me, bat dumping on me, bitcoin dumping on me, nuo liquidating me

>> No.14988321

My dad is not a rich engineer with good connections.

>> No.14988331

no you wont kek

>> No.14988340

My parents were lower to middle class assholes with better than average work ethic which isn't saying much compared to boomers, not millionaire true European South Africans, which means I received much shittier genes than him.

I got sent to a public school full of kids who didn't want to learn instead of the best private educational centers in the world.

I wasn't of working age during the birth of the internet, in fact I was born only a few years before the internet would become a huge revolution of interaction with other human beings.

I most likely drank water with lead in it growing up, as well as massive amounts of flouride to calcify parts of my brain and corn syrup to destroy my insides instead of the best and healthiest meals money can buy.

There was no guarantee I would be able to rely on my family's wealth to survive so I had to plan my life somewhat safely to insure my survival. I couldn't just up and leave my family to try to start my own business knowing full well if I fucked up I could always beg until I would be let back into the South African castle.

>> No.14988347

What's your excuse faggot.

>> No.14988350

Yes I will kek.

>> No.14988357
File: 73 KB, 889x889, 1563727176528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some slight sense of morality, where I refuse to be a scamming gibsnigger off the government.

Just like M. Shekel-ri or anyone else that "makes it" in "business". Just scamming and ponzi'ing your way to the local top.

Just like my fatass sister who made something like half a mil + bribing cancer patients to endorse her MLM energy drink. I have some decency in my life, and have accepted the fact I'm never going to be "successful" on that leel or scale.

Or Sergey could actually pull it off, and something in my life would actually work out as it should...for once, instead of getting JUST'D constantly.

>> No.14988362

Lol this

>> No.14988404

I challenge you to:
1) not sell all of it before $1000
2) assuming you don't sell before $1000, bag $20 million before tax
3) take this already unlikely $20mil and NOT spend it on stupid shit such that you make it unlikely to grow it into $35 million (equivalent of $22 million at the time of Elon earning his fortune) by the time you are 28

I say this because I love you. If you do it, then you are worthy

>> No.14988412

Im not a genius lol

>> No.14988413

I don't have one.
I'm lazy

>> No.14988437

I turned 500 into 50k in one year, so I'm technically better.

>> No.14988447

>28 to 48
>doubled in age

>> No.14988467

I'm not worried, I still have 9 months to make the last 21.9m

>> No.14988474
File: 224 KB, 1080x1350, 919c593b53d2ff2c391a1fe91a67015b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well not just age also doubled his money from $22 million to $22 billion, i just thought it was a weird coincidence

>> No.14988496

Holy fucking shit at this cope. Neither was he.

>> No.14988509

my excuse is that i didnt buy btc for 10k for 50 dollars because i was 9 years old my boomer dad should have bought it since he is a software engineer but somehow never found out about bitcoin and still doesnt know what it is

>> No.14988511

Yes he will tho

>> No.14988515
File: 63 KB, 778x512, gib2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many Elon Musk networths for a chocolate mommy?

>> No.14988534
File: 166 KB, 853x672, 1558117073141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7/10 b8 almost got me

>> No.14988543

>doubled his net worth
>doubled his age
wow, I know you fuckers are retarded, but this a new low

>> No.14988557

Shit you are right, massive respect for Elon. In this case I guess I wasn't born with the gift of high functioning autism.

>> No.14988570
File: 1.83 MB, 294x300, 1563946688021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14988582

u faggot

>> No.14988583

i'm dying
i fucking love u man

>> No.14988601
File: 10 KB, 251x242, jhgkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well here's why you're not as rich

>> No.14988631

Excellent first post bait

>> No.14988646

that would be a leaf flag for sure

>> No.14988649

Fitty six
Btw whats zuckbucks creator s net worth?

>> No.14988654

Not that hard desu, unless you're a nog

>> No.14988673

Just low functioning autism

>> No.14988831

Shut up faggot

>> No.14988841

>absolute zowad

>> No.14988855


>> No.14988883

im dumb and lazy

>> No.14988889


In that order

>> No.14988892


>> No.14989173

Based Zowad

>> No.14989304
File: 59 KB, 246x304, zap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14989514

im not 28 yet

>> No.14989853


>> No.14989854

I am functionally retarded

>> No.14989855

>I wasn't of working age during the birth of the internet, in fact I was born only a few years before the internet would become a huge revolution of interaction with other human beings.

This one hurts. My dad owned computers and connected to the internet very early on, I definitely could have made some moves with my youthful ambition. At least I would have secured a decent domain name or two.

>> No.14990069


>> No.14990076
File: 106 KB, 267x338, 1542841360303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>local zowad pushes the boundaries of math

>> No.14990209

>I wasn't of working age during the birth of the internet
in 10-15 years time there will be people saying this about decentralisation/crypto, lamenting not being old enough to learn all of the tech before mass adoption and riding the waves like elon did with the internet.
truth is all of those people in 15 years time would probably be doing what 99% of us on biz do, that is spending endless hours of energy researching and memeing about different shitcoins for speculation instead of spending all of that time learning to use and build with it.

im 36 now and was 17 in 2000, by which point i already had a computer for 2 years, had i learned to code and build things back then at the very least id have had a 15+year career of earning big money with early movers advantage in the marketplace. instead i just spent all my time masturbating on chatrooms and posting on forums.
youre right to say that outlook and what you can potentially conceive as even being possible are related to environment, there was no family safteynet for me to dream about building my own platforms, there was no fallback if i took a chance on a career learning how to build internet services/applications early and failing.

>> No.14990217

Yeah, just like 10 times 2 is 100. It's basic math friendo

>> No.14990576

+1 Nigger for you comment. Fpbp.
Henceforth whenever an anon makes a dumb mathematical error he will be called Zowad instead of Nigger.
You became a meme.
Congrats on this seriously

>> No.14990595

not socially good enough to make contacts and find associates

>> No.14990647

Being rich doesnt make you happy, being happy makes you rich.

>> No.14990871
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>> No.14990891

>no working product

were gonna make it link marines

>> No.14990921


No dirty apartheid startup money from rich South African dad