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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14988262 No.14988262 [Reply] [Original]

Or at least as a human being.

>24 year old
>Don't have a job
>No car
>No gf (don't need one desu)
>Investing with saved up money into crypto (around 5K).
>Living with parents
>Job-market feels like some 2008-tier shit
>Even if I had a job I wouldn't be able to buy a house/apply for mortgage.
>Rent is too high, even with a job I would pay 2/3 of my salary.

Is this intended to be like this?
Do the elites want to me to kill myself?
There is not even a chance to get started

I am surely not the only one here like this on /biz/.

>> No.14988490

>Do the elites want to me to kill myself?
No idiot they want you wageslave for 70 years and THEN kill yourself.
Get a job that pays above minimum wage, and start saving
Why even move out of your parents house? Help them a bit if but it'll still be a lot cheaper than renting yourself
consider roommates instead of renting alone

>> No.14988508

This picture is actually really deep. Is this from a novel?

>> No.14988517
File: 81 KB, 924x882, quantitativeeasingyouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this intended to be like this?
>Do the elites want to me to kill myself?

Quantitative easing and the post gold standard world order is based on stealing from the young to pay for the old.

The system is about to fall make no mistake , buy bitcoin and prepare to sail the coming storm.

Look at the suicide rates in pic related and think about why they are happening.

The answer is clear , if you are born after 1987 , you have massive bubbles in everything caused by money printing to pay pensions and gibs.

The youth is going to go full accelerationist real soon but probably in the worse way possible , normie youth is going to go full commie or full fascist.
Both are retarded and ignore the problem which is that the state can print itself out of promises by destroying the youth.

They could not do when the gold standard existed since it forced politicians to moderate and balance the budgets.

>> No.14988521

too obvious dude

>> No.14988549
File: 419 KB, 1536x817, 1501402599684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No , the elites don't want this , this is the long term result of democracy fucking up non stop since 1970.
You can´t have democracy without a strong currency otherwise politicians promise free shit and they can't pay it so they pay it by printing money.

And printing money destroys the youth and pumps the boomers invested in housing.

Very soon the car and construction industry are about to be rekt , no young people will be buying cars anytime soon nor they will be buying houses.
As things are i will not be suprised if young people move to alternative lifestyles like living in the countryside freelancing , living in boats or cars or simply moving to third world countries and freelancing.

Things are about to get bad real soon , most economies are not even growing with 0% interest rates.
Even if they go full cashless and negative interest this thing will continue to slow down because it's a generational problem , no matter how much the economy grows young people are going full neoserfs most will not even be spending money to go out with friends as they reach 30 and realize they achieved nothing.

>> No.14988567

Nice post. However, I feel that even the gold standard is problematic as long as fractional reserve banking exists. Even if the paper money is supposedly backed by gold most people are just going to transact with paper money and the banks will be free to lend more than they have in gold. Maybe it could be more strictly regulated though?
Crypto on other hand, is different.

>> No.14988594
File: 41 KB, 837x503, Y_EP7xeVgd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, but 30y.o
>neetbux giveaway ended
>small town with dying industry
only way is to move elsewhere, but too many white refugees from easternEU
let's see how it goes
it's from 'the witcher'

>> No.14988597

They do want you to kill yourself, yes. Just rise up to the challenge and play it better then them, do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law and all.

>> No.14988613

this game was fucking awesome
i only beat it once, fuck all that different ending weeb shit, faggot cock sucker

>> No.14988616

Yes you are correct , but the gold standard FORCED politicians to balance their budgets becasue the paper was convertible to gold in banks.

So they could have a bankrun from paper to gold and as a result they could not have massive budget deficits causing inflation and as a result wage growth was little but REAL relative to gold.

>Crypto on other hand, is different.

Yes crypto is way superior and achieves the same thing which is why politicians are getting worried.

>> No.14988650
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>i only beat it once
Oh yeah? Well, I beat Halo CE on LEGENDARY muhfugga.

>> No.14988712


>> No.14988966

OP go to /x/ and learn about the nobody. I know for a fact it is true, I have talked to him and the nobody is a profound individual. Their plans are already being disrupted, put your faith fully in the nobody.

>> No.14988983

>No car
Did you really have to say that? It's a bit redundant, considering most europoors can't afford to own and drive an automobile and are forced to crowd into public transportation like canned sardines.

>> No.14989695
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Yes, the car insurance is too high, let alone the older the car the more you pay.
Electric cars get some green-tier-shit bonus or something, but they're also expensive.
It is also illegal to drive old cars that are polluting too much in cities

For fucks sake I don't even have driving license because I don't have money for practice lessons and no one in my family owns a car.