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14987136 No.14987136 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, frens. I've been working for like 5 months and managed to save $1,200 after spending monies on rent and bills.
What are some ways to cut back to increase my savings and at what point do I need to take some and invest it?

>> No.14987151

lots and lots of crates
spider flies

>> No.14987154

Live with your parents. I save over $2500 a month lmao. And i make about $3300 after tax. Feels good.

>> No.14987415
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It's a bitch saving money, frens

>> No.14987460

Only way.

>> No.14987471
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This. Every pay check goes straight into my bank account. Could put a down payment on a house right now if I wanted to but I want to stack more cash.

I don't why people try to shame this sort of thing. I also paid off my student loan in under a year this way.

>> No.14987509

>I don't why people try to shame this sort of thing.

Due to jealousy a lot of the time, not everyone is able to live with their parents or even has a good relationship with them so they get bitter and try to call you a virgin or manchild.

The real killer to your networth is living expenses, living on my own I would be living paycheck to paycheck, but living with my parents it costs them very little due to having a spare room for me anyway. Also you should invest if you're not already.

>> No.14987605
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Agreed, I guess not everyone has this 'privilege'. This sort of thing is the norm in much of Europe, Asia, and Latin America.
My job is high-paying and seasonal, I'm absolutely free to do whatever I want with my time and money. It's quite liberating.

>Also you should invest if you're not already.
I've got two 5-figure investment accounts and 10,000 link.

>> No.14987655

Nice, I've got $60k invested in etfs and about $38k cash sitting doing nothing. I might throw a small party at 100k in August

>> No.14987734

>Europe Asia

>Capable of social cohesion

Not exactly a 'privilege' more like a culture
A culture created by races with higher than average IQ

>> No.14988001

Sign up for AmazonMechanicalTurk and grind it for three hours after your normal job. You need to bring more money in, not save a twenty here and there.

>> No.14988144

I farted and accidentally myself

>> No.14988230

Good point about needing to increase income, but I kept records of my mturk experience. The best I managed was about $6/hr, less than minimum wage. All together I was closer to 3.5/hr. Only good jobs were translation and they were still shit pay. If you know a language and just want odd jobs you're better off doing small assignments on fiver or similar. Pay better and you can develop a relationship with the client for future jobs. Eventually I found a second job that allows me to pickup extra shifts as needed/daily basis and make about 40% more than my full time job. This has been what helped me the most. I set a budget off my full time job, all spending comes from that, leftover is put in boomer ETF funds. Zero sum budget means I have to pick up extra shifts to cover my shitcoin adventures and my fun budget. I invest 1500 each month it taxable accounts for slow stocks retirement. Shitcoins are treated like gambling, the I've long passed what I have there with my gambles.

>> No.14988385
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Wow that's actually pretty solid. Thanks, fren.

>> No.14988401
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How much does this amazon gig pay?