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14986195 No.14986195 [Reply] [Original]

Bears try to dump the market, but the constant upward pressure wont go away. Bobo is finished.

>> No.14986213

Imagine believing this

>> No.14986216

yeah yeah retard alert right here, if you think this pump will go anyway you are an idiot

>> No.14986227

bears are super diluted atm

>> No.14986228
File: 188 KB, 619x594, 1564098204948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is what you consider upward pressure, this is very fucking bearish
bulls are fighting hard to keep it near 10k but we will bart tonight

>> No.14986244

Without new tether printed bears just needs wait

>> No.14986255
File: 192 KB, 1440x1569, Screenshot_2019-07-26-13-59-46-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh consistent upwards pressure

>> No.14986261

just building up liquidity before the next dump

>> No.14986269

The bear will hit one more time and then will die in august

>> No.14986270
File: 110 KB, 600x446, 1407138143065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delusional bobo's, you'll never make it.
Pic related, that's you always.

When everyone fuds I buy, when everyone shills I sell. Fuck this has worked so well for me.

>> No.14986280

when everyone is like you i fuck ur mum asshole

>> No.14986291
File: 202 KB, 1000x1199, 1564103964384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you keep buying on the way down to 1k
the tether ponzi is over

>> No.14986358

5 years of stock broking and a pair of titanium balls as low as my kneecaps.
Fomo bears will buy at 20k and get wrecked in another bear trap.
Also >Bitcoin

>> No.14986372

what are you holding anon

>> No.14986411

where the fuck do you fucking imbecile nocoiner faggots who never traded in their lives get this retarded shit?
bulls want to buy as low as possible bears want to sell as high as possible nobody is fighting against his interest.

>> No.14986439

Sold all stocks, did AMD before Ryzen because that seemd like a go bankrupt or go big one.
Nintendo did good with Pokémon go and switch.
Tempted Nvidia, but it was absurdly high.
Had some shell too just to stimulate my own country, usually never touch dutch market.

Put everything in crypto now since this is the bottom of the bullrun for most coins.
Mainly hold XRP, Link, and a little eth.

>> No.14986504

srsly op, what upwards pressure? There's literally no downward pressure right now as bears chilling, but the floating up movement is almost entirely small time retailers who are about to get butt fucked.

>> No.14986516
File: 53 KB, 1079x1116, 1558815336018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you're the nocoiner who doesn't understand what's going on
the correction is already priced in, problem is, bulls ran out of tether so the pump isn't going to continue. now they and the exchanges are doing everything they can to keep the price up in the delusional hope the finex hearing is positive and more magic tether can be printed out of thin air.
they know that when we start to crash, we are going straight to below 3k. nothing can keep this market afloat in the short term.

>> No.14986585

omfg you retarded cunt where do you get this amazingly idiotic bullshit?
>bulls ran out of tether
>exchanges are doing everything they can to keep the price up
>nothing can keep this market afloat in the short term
or you are just pulling this shit out of your ass?
tehter will get printed when money flows into the market
exchanges don't try to keep the price up or down all they care about is volume
the rice is stuck at $9800 not because of some weird struggle simply because the market is undecided no magical unicorn and talking animal shit is behind it grow the fuck up!

>> No.14986586

You keep on that Tether fud bud waiting for your magical "true" bottom that will never exist. Sorry you wont take your last chance to get on the rocket before our moon mission.

>> No.14986639
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>> No.14986665
File: 298 KB, 750x767, 1531944943354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tehter will get printed when money flows into the market
i hope this is bait

let's talk again after the hearing. why do you choose to ignore facts? it's confirmed tether barely has 50% cash to cover all the tether in circulation. the mcap of tether is bigger now than at the peak of 2017. do you REALLY believe there's more money in crypto now than back then? the sooner the tether ponzi collapses, the better for everyone in the long run. it will just be painful for bulls in the short term.

>> No.14986715

Yes, no, but yes, no but I want to believe


>> No.14986801

People come in and tether gets printed. You fudruckers have no idea how many people from just China alone is flooding into bitcoin. Face it, you faggots have obsessed about tether so much that you became unironic nocoiners.

>> No.14986815
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Bobo hasnt even fucking begun to get started
Bulls and altcoins are about to get wrecked

>> No.14986854
File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, 1521422910592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's buying at these prices?

>> No.14986928

>Mainly hold XRP, Link, and a little eth.
So you sold all your stocks, went in on the wrong things you knew virtually nothing about, lost a fuck ton and are now posting a copethread.
You're never, ever, ever going to make it.

>> No.14986982
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1563300699327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That, but exactly the oposite :D

>> No.14987504

It's bearish af dude. It won't see 10k ever again.

>> No.14987520
File: 27 KB, 737x325, SOON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this 100%. you have to be a retard to think we aren't going down from here.

>> No.14988294

Thats why they throw the constant FUD in the news to keep bears as degenerate gamblers that have no actual sentiment towards the value of what crypto is. They will sell and sell until they are eventuallypriced out and cannot buy back. It's happened before and it's going to happen again.

>> No.14988326

Imagine being this new

>> No.14988498

imagine still watching my little pony as an adult

>> No.14989297
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 1559520555884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprise motherfucker

>> No.14989365

Hes probably not surprised.. like most of the faggot scum sucking trolls here trying to steal your money.

>> No.14989422
