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File: 84 KB, 1600x900, PewDiePie-DLive-Announcement-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14978903 No.14978903 [Reply] [Original]

what do you guys think of dlive?

For those who don't know: DLive It is a streaming platform for games. Pretty much exactly like twitch. Pewdiepie promoted it and is also streaming there which gives the whole thing more weight in terms of influence and users.
However, it does not take money from the streamers when they get tips from the viewers. The Dlive token is called Lino. Every day a 9,9% from these tips is however distributed to the people who hold/locked Linos in their account.
Using this formula:

(Your Locked Points) / (Total Locked Points) x 9.9% of all gift & subscriptions transactions for the previous day.

If you have an account you can lock you Lino tokens and get a monthly(!) interest rate of about 6%. That is 72% a year.
The minimum ammount you have to lock is 1000Lino which is about 15$

similarweb shows that dlive traffic is going up.

>> No.14978941
File: 176 KB, 1378x1238, acc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got an interest of about 12% as you can see here. So if the 6% a month hold up in the future and the website gains more users it is a pretty nice and stable investment I think.
The only downside is that you have to lock your points up manually. Which would be every time you gain 1000Lino in interest. Which could be every day depending on how much you locked in the first place. Which is a bit bothersome

>> No.14979858
File: 92 KB, 604x604, 1563636657866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are millions of videos talking how dlive is probably going to fail. The idea is nice - fuck twitch pussy loving SJW, but you cannot do it with a crypto scam, lol. In terms of investment, yea maybe invest in short term gains of lino, but long turn it is going to fail.