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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14977940 No.14977940 [Reply] [Original]

You millenials should stop bitching about not being able to find a good paying job. When I was a teenager I walked into a construction site and firmly shook hands with the bossman there and he instantly gave me a job on the spot. I worked that job during the summers between my academic years and was able to completely pay off the cost of college AND even save enough money for a down payment on a house after I graduated.

You kids just need to pick yourselves up by the bootstraps and go to every business you can with your resume. Tell them you aren't leaving the building until they hire you. Maybe if you kids stopped sucking on your lattes and quit playing video games then you'd have more than $1000 in your bank account. Quit spending your money on frivolous things and invest in some good blue chips like Ford or GE and government bonds.
Fulton City Police Department 1983-2011
MAGA 2020
"I'll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands"

>> No.14978007

this is a larp. Idiots like this can't type.
Could you imagine if he were real though. His generation poisoned everything, destroyed the gold standard economy, inflated prices on everything except wages, consistently voted for lying politicians that created this mess and then blames everyone else for all the problems. Boomers will be remembered as the dumbest generation. They gave us Bush and Trump. Draft dodgers who can't read as presidents. Clinton and Trump rape kids and these are the best choices boomers give for president. You guys are fucked in the head

>> No.14978043

Hehe yeeeeup *ssssip* these young millenials dont know how good they have it

Marine Corps 1973 - 1973
Iran needs to go! The jews on TV told me so!

>> No.14978044

I know this a shitty copypasta, but if you're willing to work construction that's exactly how it works still. When I was desperate for a job I went down the street to a neighbor I barely knew, and just asked him. It turns out manual labor is filled with shitskins, retards, and drug addicts so he was desperate. Showing up on time was basically the only requirement for 15/hr. If you're worried that being a noodle armed NEET will get in the way, it will, and the first couple of weeks will be literal hell. After than you're going to be ripped and my coworkers stopped giving me shit.

Make sure you quit as soon as possible and transition to either a trade or white collar work. It will destroy your body in the long run.

>> No.14978071

>Trump raped kids
I'm observing the attempt to test this strategy now since November 2018, and all test groups have reacted the same, it didn't worked. You failed to kill Epstein in his cell, you lost the narrative hegemony, democrats will not get into the white house for the next 12 years and this means USSC will be filled with conservatives for the next 70 years. Funny to see how a plan that was made 50 years ago is crumbling down because literally new age Boomers driving SUVs and huffing their own farts have peaked in 2008.

btw, the test group leaders, the shell companies they operate under and the connections to the DNC have been comprehensively documented since November 2018, the bomb shell will be dropped in Q3 2020, right when your propaganda outlets will try to go all out with the Trump is a pedo narrative. The end result will be military execution commandos killing traitors from politics, economy and civil society. Leave the country now, you have been warned

>> No.14978073

>this is a larp.

>> No.14978082

> caring about a job when you can just stake UND

>> No.14978112

hhow much pusy have u slayed mistor bumer

>> No.14978150

You're a cultist, please seek mental help.

>> No.14978157

>thinking cults aren't real

Anonymous is every bit a secret society as Skull & Bones or the NXIVM cranks.

>> No.14978205

I'm fore and foremost a researcher, specialized in online anthropology, propaganda and memetics. Have been around now for nearly a decade and did field work in many online communities that would qualify as cults. Does that make me a cultist? Not really. Does it make me somebody that has insides into cults that have certain interests that diametrically oppose to my survival, certainly. Does this give me an interest in using my abilities to kill those cults, their memes, their institutions, wealth and agents, hell yes.

>> No.14978234

It's so interesting how Trump hires tons of illegals, gets rewarded for promise to build wall.
Trump rapes kids and gets sued by them but gets believers to buy into democrats pedophilia.
Trump never pays taxes, put in charge to collect them.
Calls America crap, America gives itself to him.
I need his job interview attitude, "this place and all here are trash" You're hired. He's a daddy made billionaire, afraid of military service and reading, who runs his companies into the ground. He thanks satan and Putin every night that Hilary was deep into nasty shit too. The people Boomers have elected have never been smart or tried to educate their population. They want us dumb, especially about money.

>> No.14978249


He is a kike puppet. He's certainly not alone in that regard, but still.

>> No.14978254

It is always the same script. Your cult is the least creative one I ever came across. Brappers have better memetic abilities. But well I guess that is the way of every institutional set as soon as it reached saturation. Interesting you didn't called Trump a kike

>> No.14978260
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Kek. Thanks for completing the script

>> No.14978306
File: 1.45 MB, 534x338, Tiresome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a millennial, I pity Gen Z. Globalization, automation, and wall street greed are going to reduce the quality of life of everyone.
This is the new normal. You are all here trying to make it with your shitcoins because you know it in your heart to be true.

>> No.14978326
File: 87 KB, 634x342, B7C391A7-B846-4DFE-BD36-314EFD2DE1BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The similarities between the never trumpers and anti creg cult is real

>> No.14978337

Checked and based

>> No.14978350

What's more interesting is how US election season ramps up and these posts start showing up every board I post on. Really strange. Really odd. Weird coincidence.

>> No.14978363

I wonder who it is... Good thing Americans aren't dumb enough to fall for that shit.

>> No.14978456

What plan that started 50 years ago and what do you mean by huffing their own farts

>> No.14978536

yep. BSV dudes voted Trump
Russia gonna russia
and now with every country knowing they can get away with it, they're coming harder this year. Russia, Saudi, Israel have the most to gain from putting Republicans back, which countries would pay for dems? Not many if Bernie takes the nomination. China better pay Bidens way to the top if it's tired of paying Trump.

>> No.14978537

Why would I get a job when I bought crypto in 2011? Nice try.
P.s. bsv is the only coin that matters now.

>> No.14978574

If you haven't already done it, watch Yuri Bezmenovs deception was my job. The plan was, and kind of still is, to force a centralized post Westphalian order under the reign of IOs. The myth behind it, is the imagination, that through nurture humanity can be coerced into one peaceful shalaladingdong race where everybody sings Kumbaya and grabs each others dick, happily working for the central planning committee. Boomers, do to not knowing better and being raised by a central propaganda apparatus bought into that shit and still believe it to this day, despite empirical evidence showing that culture and genes go hand in hand, and that the nurture and post westpahlian meme, driven forward through trillions of public debt has created more suffering and wars in 50 years, than the westphalian sovereignty meme was able to do in 500 years.

Fart huffing in that sense that the majority of Boomers are true believers in that shit and literally memoids that can realistically only be cured by removing their heads from their shoulders

>> No.14978593

Larper detected, no one bought crypto in 2011 and believes in BSV

>> No.14978632

Even creg first bought 10 BTC in 2013 kek.

>> No.14978666

Recommend the CultState guy if he's not already on your radar. He's got a board on 7+1chan, /gnosticwarfare/.

>> No.14978753
File: 21 KB, 460x276, yUqpfo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on a digital token trading forum
>complain about boomers with actual work ethic

>> No.14979327

Hey asshole, they dont just hire us on the spot anymore. first you have to go to the library and fill out an online application, then you have to complete an insane personality test which has no bearing on the work you have to do. Lastly, you have to be hopeful that your name pops out among a list of 1000 names, instead of being lucky like you, and getting to see the boss face to face. Kick rocks.

>> No.14979401

I only get jobs based of personal connections. It's who you know more than what

>> No.14979510

I've been through the same gauntlet of bullshit, but that fact that you're posting here is at least telling enough that unless you have a physical disability/drug problem, you're capable of manual labor. Also you'd more than likely succeed at it too because you're not a brain dead cunt. It's not a good paying job nor a viable long term career but compared to the gauntlet of bullshit you posted, literally just show up.

>> No.14979705


>> No.14979771


Bro... you just posted cringe, bro.