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File: 268 KB, 1279x1920, 1564086461580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14973408 No.14973408 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so glad you bought Chainlink all those years ago and secured a future for our children.

>> No.14973531

now lets get going

>> No.14973547


>breeding with a woman with a bmi over 18

>> No.14973552
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Of course honey. Want me to roleplay as your big titty latina mommy again tonight?

>> No.14973560

low test

>> No.14973801

so glad i sold at the absolute top.

>> No.14973814
File: 46 KB, 800x533, Tiiu_Kuik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>settling down with a roastie
Seriously, is this woman 40 or something?

>> No.14973832

>caring about BMI
>nutting inside skinny narrow hipped femlets and expecting healthy babby in 9 months

I see you have selected the ‘Japanese Cartoon Girlfriend Fantasy package’.

>> No.14973901

Take the roastiepill. Literally every woman has casual sex these days so the smart choice would be to go for a confident, outgoing woman who's good at it.

>> No.14973907


yes, she is indeed a 40yo porn star (actual age 44)

>> No.14974210
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Cope harder

>> No.14974297


sorry anon but unless you live in a small farm town every girl has had around 10 guys before they're even old enough to marry, don't be so insecure about it as long as you're 4.5 inches or more you're good enough after that it's just diminishing returns unless you're dealing with a size queen but they want their cervix stabbed to recrate what their dad did to them when they were toddlers anyways so forget them

>> No.14974313

I'll take 3

>> No.14974323

Nothing attractive about a past her prime nut rag

>> No.14974375
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Kys kike

>> No.14974408

isnt that a male?

>> No.14974445
File: 59 KB, 404x506, 1557054842358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Normal people aren't fags

>> No.14974449

are you sure? she looks like one actor...

>> No.14974459

that is my wife, remind me of her name

>> No.14974460
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ONE needs no actors.

>> No.14974481

Halley is my waifu

>> No.14974553

>This is what white fever cucks actually believe

>> No.14974564

It sounds like hyperbole but the average woman who's gone to college recently has literally been with around 10 guys. I've just graduated and I know alot of "introverted" girls with a 10 count.

>> No.14974614

No, you were in an indoctrination centre and you believed degeneracy was the norm. Go out more.

>> No.14974658
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protip: stay away from white girls

I know this isn't watch the average /pol/ incel wants to hear, but white girls are fucking on average 10+ dudes before marriage while Catholic latinas are fucking 1-3 and Muslim girls are fucking 0-3 before marriage. Asian girls depends on if they're Americanized or not. If you want a more pure wife, you can't be marrying some white slut.

t. whiter than snow

>> No.14974688

Very true. Took the latinapill and never looked back once in the 3 years we've been married.

>> No.14974702

>t. Mutt
Leave the white women for us. You can stick to your golbinas

>> No.14974706

If everyone goes to these indoctrination centres and partakes in degeneracy, it becomes the norm. This has already been the norm for the past 30 years.

>> No.14974711

Haha yeah, it's not like I'll write a will to put all my funds on a sex robot startup when I die haha don't worry (((our))) children will be safe

>> No.14974736

Loli fetish is just closet gayness/pedophelia

>> No.14974739
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based and redpilled

yeah man enjoy your pure white girlfriend who had sex with 30 chads, 20 jamals and 10 changs before you ever even new she was alive. I'm sure you won't end up divorced like over 50% of white women do

>> No.14974743

The fact that she swallowed a 11 inch cock is incredible. Would enslave.

>> No.14974761

>tfw my gf had 4 partners before me and did a f/f/m 3some

What the fuck do I do bros she has a good job and a motherly nature and is fiscally responsible paid off all her student loans she was my first and only outside of a couple strippers that gave me bjs how do I get past her degenerate past i'm going on 30 i'll never find someone better

>> No.14974794
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honestly the 4 partners thing wouldn't bother me, because that can be done tastefully - a girl can easily have 4 long term relationships before she's even in her early 20's

the 3-some is extremely degenerate and might be a deal breaker for me. I'd get that sinking feeling every time imagining my wife in a 3-some, doesn't matter if it's ffm or mmf or even fff. It's disgusting.

>> No.14974813

Kikes and/or retards.

>> No.14974827

That first one is what's called a roastie

>> No.14974838

Just detach, get wealthy and clean up your act and then shop around

>> No.14974840

I'm not saying it's good you faggot I'm just saying this is reality. Nearly all the youth in our day and age will go to college and we all know what happens to college. Might as well go for the lesser of two evils.

>> No.14974842
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two were long term relationships one two years one seven years and then two one night stands in between

but she's 26 and everything else about her is pretty stable I don't think i'll be able to find anything better what do I do

>> No.14974847
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but honest advice: if you don't get that sinking stomach feeling when you think about her past, or if you can ignore it/you've moved past it, then by all means settle down with her.

I can tell you, I've personally never been able to move beyond that. As soon as I find out about a girl's degenerate past, all my emotional attachment to the girl goes out the window and I feign the rest of the relationship. I basically end up dumping the girl without telling her and move on in my mind. It's not even a conscious choice; I can't help it. It makes me sick to my stomach to think about someone I love doing that kind of shit and it ruins the relationship for me.

>> No.14974875

hey, i found my virgin gf. im 29 she is 22

been knowing her since she was 18.

i have 10k links

she has 10k links

>> No.14974904
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>Kikes and/or retards.

No, I'm catholic and I'm a realist. The majority of American white women are indoctrinated to the point where they see nothing wrong with sleeping with many many partners before they settle down. In fact, they often purposely won't settle down UNTIL they've experience 10+ partners solely for the reason that they don't want to miss out on "life experience" or however they want to excuse it.

This is being indoctrinated into white American culture in a large part of the country. Not saying I agree with it or encourage it, but it's the truth.

If you want to be some naive ostrich, or maybe you're actually a virgin/unexperienced with white American girls, you cant ignore this and cry "KIKE!!!! RETARD!" -- that's fine, but you may end up marrying some white girl who has tricked you into thinking she's not a total slut, then one day you'll find out the mother of your kids had sex with 4 dudes at once in college as "life experience".

I know this shit because I've slept with lots of girls. You need to be patient to find a pure wife, your cards need to line up right. But I can guarantee most American white girls have HIGH numbers.

>> No.14974948

I got a crazy good white girl after 10 years of depressed searching. She's an engineering student, 19, no social media, never dated. But I had to search long and hard. Gonna save the race desu