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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 81 KB, 640x853, stbutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14960982 No.14960982 [Reply] [Original]

Brapper is a scam:
>Drug addicted main dev who holds most of the supply.
>Team hyped up token burn saying it was a random amount of great significance but it was only 6969 tokens( less than $1)
>Main "dev" claimed he was struggling to feed himself
>Main dev"claimed he gave 6 million brap to a homeless guy with no smartphone (and then everyone clapped)
>talking about "not fucking selling" and only selling small amounts but then goes on and says he only has 22m left (less than 1% supply) because he had to pay for food and shelter (in brap lmao)

Then some more backtracking and excuses by other members.

If you ask him to address your question seriously he will just tell you some bs about overtaking bitcoin.

Buy orders are empty and the sell wall are formed at min. price. The only volume is from people dumping and the main dev wash trading.

Volume is .22 eth at the time of this post (down from 80 eth), they keep adding shit exchanges with 0 volume.

>> No.14960995
File: 270 KB, 558x656, mcx12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MCx= main dev who controls most of the supply.

Snorts drugs that cause memory loss and are highly addictive.

>> No.14961007
File: 302 KB, 498x814, 1563396584860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He got kicked out of his apartment a month ago because he tried to trap his roommate in with chicken wire, police were involved.

>> No.14961021
File: 92 KB, 550x210, 1563395826651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He claims he gave a homeless guy(with no computer or phone) brap tokens lmao

>> No.14961040

wtf did you expect?

>> No.14961055

>"i can't believe a drug addict scammed me": the thread

>> No.14961062
File: 187 KB, 925x772, a0722ba9b6d8484f3e824899a9d2b1d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is getting pathetic

>> No.14961065

I'm just tired of the constant biz shilling.
The volume is fucking dead ffs and these pajeets are talking like it's doing great.

I'm too lazy to post more evidence of their fuckups, main dev just said the didn't need a github lmao.

>> No.14961079

what a fuckin guy, where do i buy brapper?

>> No.14961083

>He claims he gave a homeless guy(with no computer or phone) brap tokens lmao
This might be the dumbest shit anyone has ever done on biz

>> No.14961090

This is being fudded as much as LINK was in ‘18. Thanks anon just dropped $100 on this shitcoin

>> No.14961106

biz shilling homebrew shitcoins it developed is a bullish flag

>> No.14961107
File: 71 KB, 540x1110, totallyhappened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He follows the same pattern of making up a retarded story. He also claimed he only had 22m brapper left because he spent all his brap on food (yeah right).

>> No.14961113
File: 194 KB, 750x541, 1534517629154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pajeet sees a project succeeding
>Anons not buying his pump n dump scheme
>pajeet deep in the red
>poojeet spends all day autistically fudding a competing project

Sclomo does the dev has all the tokens or 22 million? Get your story straight brainlet.

>> No.14961133

What do you expect from an stpeach incel viewer?

>> No.14961142

>dude its like internet money trust me female women are going to want this
>let us trust some estranged man from an anonymous imageboard, with no credentials, and not sell when its revealed he is feeding bums and abusing drugs
You deserve everything. I have no sympathy for you.

>> No.14961145


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor...

>> No.14961148
File: 488 KB, 1998x918, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at 21.37.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.22 eth volume
>90% of the time there is 0 volume orders

He claimed he had 22m only of personal funds (unlikely), he obviously accepted that he still owns 40% of supply.
Get some reading comprehension and learn to spell Pajeet.

>> No.14961157

because its more guaranteed than gambling shit coin that the IRS will tax you for

>> No.14961165
File: 81 KB, 540x1110, ba27258a-ffd0-4946-84d5-77d0438e8bd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's think this through. Some guy wants to pay her $30 to quief out a bubble. So he buys $30 worth of brapper @ 0.00000001 ETH. She gets the brapper and now has to sell it on the market behind everyone elses sale @ 0.00000001 ETH. And the only way that brapper will get sold is if someone else comes along wanting to buy brapper for XXX.

You guys are basically asking thots to baghold your sell walls until the coin magically makes it.

I guarantee xander or whatever his name is now has a shit ton of your guy's eth he just doesn't want to risk it because he doesn't actually believe in this mess. If he does not have eth and held while everyone else dumped then he is a cuck of the highest order.

>> No.14961173

It's not gambling. Its easy money. Most people are lazy or don't know how to use dex so they dont bother. You can make serious profit

>> No.14961190

dropped a hard BRAP thanks

>> No.14961211

>Let's think this through. Some guy wants to pay her $30 to quief out a bubble. So he buys $30 worth of brapper @ 0.00000001 ETH. She gets the brapper and now has to sell it on the market behind everyone elses sale @ 0.00000001 ETH. And the only way that brapper will get sold is if someone else comes along wanting to buy brapper for XXX.
yup, needs more volume for it to go anywhere

>> No.14961241

Thanks anon

>> No.14961263

who the fuck thinks this isnt a scam

its called fucking brapper and it came from biz tranny discords

everyone killyourselfs

>> No.14961302

Damn. Wish I knew about this a week ago.
Still, nice arb

>> No.14961491


>> No.14961544

>Brapper is a scam
Wasn't the name BRAP enough of a clue?

>> No.14961559

Yeah but you know how some scams are run by non retarded people and gain traction?

This is not the case of Brap.

>> No.14961602
File: 310 KB, 900x996, animebrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks buying 69M.

>> No.14961611
File: 973 KB, 320x240, ezgif-2-c68287f324a9gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14961615

Even with volume why the fuck would she take that over the more stable coins?

>> No.14961622

Because if she managed to hold a large amount before a pump I gues she could shill it to her followers

>> No.14961652

People go to jail over that shit, not going to risk it when the main dev is a drug addict working a mcjob,

Actual ponzi schemes are run by people who "appear" to know what they are doing.

>> No.14961702

Good point
Maybe biz can meme it a little but not enough that anyone will get rich

>> No.14961825


>> No.14961873
File: 15 KB, 263x258, IMG_20190712_072227_711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, the OP discord tranny is samefagging and fudding again. Stay poor Brad.

>> No.14961979

Howcome her Google Pixel has a black top?

>> No.14962289

You have the same response to your non-related shilling every time you post it in threads. Kys

>> No.14962327

How autistic are you that you regularly fud this shitcoin? Nobody cares. Let them do their thing and you do yours. Is your life so fucking miserable and pathetic that you spend your freetime fudding a coin designed to tip camgirls for fucking dildos with their assholes?

You're at the bottom of your life, anon. This is it. You are useless
Get off the internet, go outside and have sex.

>> No.14962337

This is the 3rd time I have done it, I would stop if you shills stopped with your pathetic posts.

>> No.14962366

You could just hide or filter out brapper threads. But we all know you just like the attention and wouldn't dare filter yourself from these discussions.

>> No.14962373

This will never have volume. Buy Zuckbucks instead.

>> No.14962388

HA! you are pathetic!

>> No.14962414

I had over a million brapper. Sold right before the dump right at the fucking top. I’m going to buy back dirt cheap with my gains. If it does nothing so what I’m still up. You fudders can suck my dick because I made gains off my free airdrops. Lolol

>> No.14962424

Why are people so retarded that they don’t see the money making opportunity in this. Who gives a fuck if the dude who started it is a retard, he has actual smart people doing all the work. Get in now and once they start releasing shit and getting more ethots onboard, it’s an easy 10x your money. Why are fudders such fucking sad cunts who hold everything so personal? Faggot.

>> No.14962473

flipped 3 eth. thanks desu

>> No.14962532

>Why are people so retarded that they don’t see the money making opportunity in this. Who gives a fuck if the dude who started it is a retard, he has actual smart people doing all the work.
what work

>> No.14962907

It wont moon

>> No.14962977
File: 157 KB, 825x529, editblingee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been seeing this scam being posted here for a month now, are there really people falling for this shit?
Dosen't everybody check the contract address before buying on a DEX like forkdelta?
Good idea for a scam though, you fucking lowlife.

>> No.14963001

its legit i thought that at first too

>> No.14963143

what work lmao

>> No.14963276

PD: Fucking scam tokens get out

>> No.14963307

thx desu
unironically based
nice toilet though heheh

>> No.14963347

Give us the names of the developers so we can talk to them on Telegraph or you're LARPing.

>> No.14963378

>tried to trap his roommate in with chicken wire

OP is just a fag
guaranteed BRAP 10k eoy with this CEO at the helm

>> No.14963387

just buy Zuckbucks.

>> No.14963390

>>Main dev"claimed he gave 6 million brap to a homeless guy with no smartphone (and then everyone clapped)

literally laughed
this is why I choose projects with legit teams with actual real world non-drug related experience like Refereum. Biz, never change.

>> No.14963396

you are autistic lol

>> No.14963531
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, doomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the absolute state

calling someone autistic in a BRAPPER thread

>> No.14963871
File: 75 KB, 2333x1200, 43022CAA-1227-4DDC-AEDE-F1D473CEB212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14963891

Then they make posts about which amphetamines are best to trade on. Fuck off.

>> No.14963921

imagine not understanding what is going on here.
>muh use cases

dipshit, hop on the right and push it
Literally FREE money

>> No.14963990

> he had to pay for food and shelter (in brap

>> No.14964069

Dogecoin dark was the most gigantic moonshot in crypto ever. If you didn't care about BRSP you wouldn't comment.
Foh w your FUD. You sold low, deal with it.

>> No.14964103

Zuckbucks or Milkies? What is your bag anon?

>> No.14964175

Imagine not understanding that a 5 minute ECR-20 token will be ignored by everyone without any developement.

>> No.14964262


>> No.14964905

OP, trannies can be validated for tips at brap.me. it's not too late for you to jump in. Do the needful.

>> No.14964953

What is even the purpose of this post? Even the most degenerate faggot mongoloid could see this was a meme token from the very beginning

>> No.14964969

lmao Ive never seen a worse shitcoin like this. dropped $200 in it for fun

>> No.14965013

Honestly at the current price if it moves at all it’s a moon. Also that brap.me site seems like a good way to launder funds from nefarious sources. Not that I would partake in such activity, just seems that way.

>> No.14965405


>> No.14965784

>laundering through brapper

>> No.14965921

I can tip them in doge and ltc why extra token are u stupid

>> No.14966388


OP is dead, haha

>> No.14966470

>seems like a good way to launder funds from nefarious sources

literally how

checked, and yeah. posts his outdated screenshots and fucks off, repeat ad infinitum instead of just filtering brap threads

>> No.14966626

I would like some more transparency in the telegram. They don't even need to tell us details about tech or tokenomics, but I want to know why they feel the need to be secretive. They can just say that they're doing it for security purposes or something, but they're just not saying anything, or are giving cryptic answers.

You reading this devs/admins? I'm not asking for a whole lot here.

>> No.14966689

Sort of hard when they don't actually have any devolopment happeneing. They just shill and hope others will bring a solution.

>> No.14966697

If you want true development you've gotta go to PNK.

>> No.14966731

nah there's definitely a dev team for both website and product that're doing work, but they're quiet about it

most I can guess is that they're afraid of being copycatted if they post it in the main chat, which still has blatant spies and scammers on the prowl

but they can just say "there are blatant spies and scammers on the prowl, so we won't post specific details here"

>> No.14966742


>> No.14966787

Maybe if they werent a generic token and had anything special about it at all, they wouldn't have to worry about people being able to copy their work. Literally anything they build can just be transferred over to eth and you would actually have the volume to sell your tokens.

>> No.14966916

I would think that, unless the code and other work done is completely solidified and functioning, it wouldnt be smart to post it because then someone could just take it and fix it up or give it to someone who could fix it up, and now they've got the tech instead

>> No.14966998

brappper is a shitcoin

>> No.14967633

Bella delphine will shill it

>> No.14967669

Bullshit I've seen you posting similar shit for weeks now. You're an autistic crusader.

>> No.14967985
File: 237 KB, 364x473, 1563590026663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thing is bit secretive probably just because situation that is currently happening when you bring great idea to table one day and the other day some nigger is doxxing you and scamming disoriented anons developing MILKER token for 1000 bucks.

Same nigger is probably starting all these hate threads just because he missed airdrop, is jealous that anons are actually onto something big in here and project eventually has big chances to blow up.

I'm sorry that seething hate combined with below average intelligence and lack of self awareness are blocking from him realisation of being utterly pathetic entity and it cannot be cured him because of constant coping. I would advise visiting endocrinologist because his estrogen levels must be somewhere near SJW feminist.

>> No.14968120


>> No.14968140

"Her inbox is full" - Xander
They have less contact with her than her own bathwater or piss

>> No.14968219

Probably from the massive amount of pajeets and angry thirsty betas sending her death threats and asking for pussy and boob pics

>> No.14968272


>> No.14968708

Are you an admin in the telegram?

>> No.14968775

Same but 75

>> No.14968813

Did he fuck ur girl or something?Jesus get a life dude

>> No.14968847

Seriously fuck off brad

>> No.14968917

Yeah the more this is fudded...well we all know what happened to ETH and is happening with LINK.

>> No.14968935
File: 791 KB, 1156x1084, 1564027374924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you little brappies are so immature and stupid. Your simple minded naivety almost makes me laugh. whores arnt going to want to use a coin that is the equivalent of "farters" . It's not sexy. Farty coins don't buld on the sexy image for adult professionals. Why would they want to use "fart butt" coin. Think about it you pathetic brappies.

>> No.14968938

They had competent developers and became something?

>> No.14968987


>> No.14968994

those drugs sound good

>> No.14969003
File: 88 KB, 2333x1200, 2BD660C3-7990-4868-9F01-B9C23E563231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks just bought 100M

>> No.14969006

From what I can see:
12 exchanges.
Two professional websites.
Verified tipping system.

Yep this looks very good.

>> No.14969021
File: 254 KB, 594x681, B554700C-E39E-4843-98B2-35C6DB3744B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got you BASED anon.

>> No.14969061
File: 125 KB, 1280x675, 626C0908-14D2-4AF6-BF11-D50A8DA5E51B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14969070
File: 18 KB, 399x474, 081464F5-465D-4C05-9841-071145F683FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this. Hahaha

>> No.14969135


Hi Xander.

>> No.14969200

12 exchanges with 0 volume.
Two wordpress sites that pajeets spit out in the thousands.
A mysql database that just references addresses and isn't web3.js so it can't do transactions natively.

I hope you go broke from this because your family traded a gene pool for a gene swamp

>> No.14969266

>A mysql database that just references addresses and isn't web3.js so it can't do transactions natively.

Any proof that this is what they're doing?

>> No.14969329
File: 139 KB, 1080x341, Screenshot_2019-07-25-11-49-23-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and the whole web3 thing is pretty self explanatory.

>> No.14969356

Her self created lordosis will make her crippled within 10 years. Same goes for all ethots doing this.

>> No.14969376

This screenshot looks like it's missing a lot of context

>> No.14969399


>> No.14969429

Verified profiles will include a tip button that uses web3.js. Verification will be done by EOM

>> No.14969446
File: 251 KB, 1080x649, Screenshot_2019-07-25-11-59-30-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The context is available for anyone on their main telegram that they advertise openly. The same one with these neets

>> No.14969481

He was also a former Bitcoin developer.

>> No.14969508

give memore

>> No.14969515
File: 7 KB, 146x68, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at 13.05.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the power of brapper...

12 exchanges!

>> No.14969526

What does this screenshot have to do with what you posted before. Post the full context of the mysql comment

>> No.14969542

Your admins banned half the people in there so the context is gone. 10/10

>> No.14969554
File: 686 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190725-130631_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dev's response when asked about development.

>> No.14969582

Being banned from a chat still lets you look back in the history of the chat so try again

>> No.14969598

You are a retard if you can't tell main telegram is censored as shit, most disagreements end up with deleted messages.

>> No.14969639
File: 124 KB, 1080x426, Screenshot_2019-07-25-12-12-08-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wouldn't ban and purge. Wait, yes they would. Cope harder faggot.

>> No.14969666

Blatant FUD gets deleted. One guy was just asking questions and it didn't get deleted, though he didn't like answers he received

Still doesnt excuse the fact this evidence lacks full context and is just cherrypicked to create more FUD

>> No.14969678

Hi Satan

>> No.14969681

>crypto is a scam

>> No.14969704

Post more context from that Bob Saget message or else you're just another fudding faggot

>> No.14969712

Then you might want to get your admins checked into a ward because they are talking to themselves. July 7th on your main brapper chat. He just starts talking to himself about how it works I guess.

>> No.14969719

hehe got al my brappers for free babes

>> No.14969739

He was probably responding to someone who later on got banned for some reason, which made his messages get deleted

>> No.14969779

Which means I posted the full context and it isn't fud.

>> No.14969788
File: 133 KB, 396x385, 1559762654021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-am I boomer-tier if I'm not on Telegram

>> No.14969827

The message was explaining how brap.me works as it is now (which is not a wordpress site btw). Once verification is done, it will include web3.js and some other features.

>> No.14969861

Except you didn't.

Post the full context of that Bob Saget message you leaked.

>> No.14969924
File: 544 KB, 1080x1513, Screenshot_2019-07-25-12-29-53-1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look. So either your mods are corrupt shills who ban and purge at will or they are mentally deranged and talk to themselves.

>> No.14969937


so please go to LINK channel or any other crypto channel start spamming FUD shit and see what gonna happen nigga, good luck wit that motherfucker - come back and tell us how scammy they are because you got banned lol

>> No.14969958

>>>14969639 (You)
>so please go to LINK channel or any other crypto channel start spamming FUD shit and see what gonna happen nigga, good luck wit that motherfucker - come back and tell us how scammy they are because you got banned lol

- a internet tough guy

>> No.14969974


The guy who was kicked out for trying to scam BRAP devs/community and created Milkers out of spite to scam other people? You're also not posting dates, since Samon did this shit at least a month ago.

Very nice out of context screenshots. Keep it up.

>> No.14969985

Wow so bitter kek. You do this repeatedly with coins that are stealing attention from your pump and dump scams and/or are jealous biz hates milkers your shite and poorly executed token.

>> No.14970070
File: 238 KB, 1080x667, Screenshot_2019-07-25-12-41-48-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand. Biz bans scammers too so it's fair

>> No.14970092

Ive been banned from biz because I posted a girl in a bikini

>> No.14970131
File: 434 KB, 1080x1333, Screenshot_2019-07-25-12-46-55-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird coincidence then that they ban anyone who makes a brap thread to shill.

>> No.14970169

>not allowed to post a thread about a token in biz

Except when every other coin does it, and BRAP has only ever had at most 4 threads up out of 152 on this board ever

I'm done replying to you, this is getting genuinely sad

>> No.14970171

>brapper is dead
>implying that it was ever alive
$200 of volume with no usecase but to make the dev rich. Kek congrats faggots

>> No.14970179

Good. Fuck you thotposter

>> No.14970204

Except your shill threads are 90% people pretending they are not shilling making questions and responding to yourselves.

>> No.14970206

But anon, if you're gone who will protect your shitcoin from the truth?

>> No.14970217

this. /thread.

>> No.14970311
File: 1.14 MB, 1000x1014, f0e42e8e6496de17feeb1ed31fa5c0e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds Brad.

>> No.14970426
File: 82 KB, 220x205, literally-me-atm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


people like you will never gonna make it

>> No.14970804


>> No.14970888

Oh sweet vishnu the cows are on fire. Go save them pajeet.

>> No.14971333


>> No.14971651

all of the replies are fake, and he's been doing it for months actually I think I've been seeing it as far as half a year back.
Also he takes time to reply with a different IP to each post saying it's a scam. This anon is a piece of shit

>> No.14971659

I was just banned from the telegram altogether. Both trading and general.

For saying that it's up to the devs for the most part to produce things so that the price can rise. And for asking questions, even though they were politely worded.

>> No.14972242
File: 16 KB, 305x300, 12075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you did your best. Good luck on your next FUD'ed project.

>> No.14972291

omfg please make this happen
we need verified big brapper bitches

>> No.14972345

No, I'm not the one fudding. I was Jackal in the telegram. I voiced some doubts and I was banned from both chats? If you give me no medium to communicate I'm going to come here, but I'm not fudding, I'm stating what just happened

>> No.14972367

kys faggot

>> No.14972446

You want a play by play on every project like you're a part of making that shit happen gtfoh. It's lurkers that hear about things coming up and run right to biz and FUD. And dummies like you believe it and start "asking honest questions" I don't blame them for keeping things secret or banning you and I hope you never make it back in. Sell your stack. Join milk.

>> No.14972454
File: 43 KB, 374x600, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try OP.

>> No.14972514


nothing to join milk.. that project is dead already.

good decision by the team to re-organize and only selected people will announce so info is not all over the place

>> No.14972547

The fact that you can't muster up a few sentences explaining why you dont want even a little information getting out or the fact that you cant answer some questions that won't hurt the progress or the project is tremendously sketchy. Learn to be more transparent. Learn how to communicate to people who want to know a bit more about the project and are genuinely interested instead of saying "Just wait." If you cant find the words to say in the general chat, or are afraid that what you might say is being used to fud, that alone is a red flag. You need someone on the team that can actually communicate effectively with the community you've built.

And what fucking reason do I have to FUD this project. I posted stickers around my campus of Brapper.

>> No.14972591
File: 262 KB, 2048x2048, BABF6675-5320-4D17-BC46-A68349F4BCCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name another project with 12+ exchanges in 1.5 months, twitch streamers about to go live wearing our apparel. BTFO and stay poor.

>> No.14972606
File: 10 KB, 158x64, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at 16.42.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 exchanges with 0 volume
>paying $50 to an ethot to wear something does not equal partnership

>> No.14972636
File: 141 KB, 800x864, photos.medleyphoto.207459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get you. Did you miss the airdrop? Are you a Catholic? Are you allergic to ass memes?

>> No.14972664
File: 24 KB, 1348x268, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at 16.47.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the amount traded of your shitcoin in a day.

>> No.14972687

Stay salty discord tranny.

>> No.14972717

Salty over dumping my bags at 5 gwei and realizing you guys were so dumb you couldn't keep the pump going? kek

>> No.14972761

I have a top 50 wallet. Either I'm right and i get to laugh at you for being poor forever or I'm wrong and get even more rich.

>> No.14972764
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, 1555696359991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck pnd groups. Scammers like you are what's wrong with crypto.

>> No.14973234


It's actually unfathomably difficult to be any more pathetic than people like you

>> No.14973251

Meant to tag

>> No.14974103

Not letting this die just yet.

>> No.14974149

Sir very good sir and organic and very real replies to your post sir, just bought 100k sir

>> No.14975010

wow thanks OP! you are a real life saver for educating the masses and saving them from big bad cryptocurrency scams. where can i sign up to fellate you for all of the great things you are doing for the world?

>> No.14975337

Not OP. More just irritated that I was banned from both telegrams for asking questions. Couldn't even be bothered to just give me even a half-assed answer, couldn't even muster up enough energy to send me a single PM. If this is how they treat members, then this project won't last long, and FUD is unnecessary.

Get your shit together. Seriously.

>> No.14975368
File: 156 KB, 720x900, 2D89BF7F-DDDD-4BB8-B4FB-47ADD48631BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your support marine.

>> No.14975407

Brap with four white thick booty women by my side

>> No.14976037

I would've agreed but I gave up on that shit and cashed out my two airdrops when they stopped being fun and started being all This is a serious business no joking about farts etc

Fuck that bruce Wayne fag

>> No.14976077

the drops were 69m at first and a lot of people on tg have multiple accounts

>> No.14976131

wish is cia/dod shit why do druggies always shill their app

>> No.14976158

U really need to get rid of that Bruce Wayne guy trying to take all the fun out of the project, Xander. It was fun before those guys showed up inviting half of the Philippines

>> No.14976179

They delete anything that isn't brainless shilling or positive. Get rid of that Bruce wayne zoomer nigger wannabe

>> No.14976320


What the hell did Bruce do to you

>> No.14976726
File: 1.18 MB, 3264x2448, B3026DDC-4837-4DAC-A8ED-F6C2D446C6DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14976798

yeah i agree, tg chat has been dead and boring af since that bruce faggot got a power trip. use to be a place to have good discussions about the project. now it's like brapper, dead....

>> No.14976816

he killed any good vibes coming from that tg. now its a shit bot fest that is as lifeless as the project.

>> No.14977012


OP is a loser faggot confirmed.

>> No.14977151

Actually no you havent faggot the oldest trade is from 58 days ago

>> No.14977168

And the only pieces of shit are people retarded enough to buy. Fuck your mother you stupid faggot

>> No.14977236


Project is less than 2 months old and already being fudded this hard? Why dont u buy retard...its obvious this thing will moon like crazy eventually. Stay poor brainlet.

>> No.14977252

Absolutely based lol

>> No.14978436


>> No.14978597

Are you actually retarded? You bought a coin LITERALLY called brapper. Anon. Look yourself in the fucking mirror and ask if this is the person you wanted to be. Is this really the best you, Anon?

>> No.14978658
File: 75 KB, 628x534, aquawojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait you thought a coin named "Brap" was anything but a scam?

>> No.14979003
File: 230 KB, 1200x1200, 1563789311348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kind thanks for letting other anons win and staying poor, somebody has to do this hard job. Please cope harder, we feed with your hate and most importantly - we laugh hard as hell while reading all this.

>> No.14979586

Imagine being OP with such high IQ to buy this gem

>> No.14979654

A scribble made by a drug addict and a post from an ugly pajeet girl with 7k followers. I take it all back!

>> No.14979673

Look at pajeet, look at him go. Go on ,litlle monkey, go on buddy, keep shilling. Earning literal crumbs per post, yet keep on throwing shit at the wall, gotta stick to protocol otherwise big boss Ramenajsh gonna kick you out and send you back to scraping cow dong off the pavement
>Don'd vorget sirs, every bost comez with a beautivul lady attached okay? do the needful gentleman

>> No.14980554

Why even confirm that you're a loser on an anonymous board, are you retarded?

>> No.14980807

amazing that some random faggot creates a template ERC20 coin and because he gave out a bunch to /biz/ it creates this 200 post thread of shit slinging. you are all retarded, and i'm glad you'll always be poor